" Youare only, the luckis not good. " Nearbysmalllightlightsaying. Hebecomes the inadequateenlightened rulertooin a big waynot to expectregardinghishusband.
" Threeinsectfellow apprentices, thisquotaIfirsttook, latermyalsoyourquota. " Zhang Xuelingsaidwith a smile. In the yard, Xiang YunandZhang Xuelingpay a visitXu Fantogether.
" Good, never expected thatoursectwill have the 2ndenlightened rulerpowerhousequickly, currentlyimmediatelyhas3rd. " Xu Fanwith a laughlooks atZhang Xueling.
" Great Elder. " Zhang Xuelingscratches the head, is somewhat embarrassed.
" You are also reallyenough, comprehended more than 40typesto the highprinciple, sincecanstand firmdoes not askme, howyouthink. " Xu Fanwas interestedto say.
「你也是真够可以,领悟了40多种至高法则,既然能稳住不问我,你是怎么想的。」徐凡感兴趣说吧。Duringthatexplains religious doctrinetwice, Zhang Xueliangcomprehended more than 40typesto the highprinciple, laterXu Fanthinksthisboywill always ask himself. Buthas not thought, his personhidesin the cave mansionunexpectedly, closing up of doomcomprehends.
" Is rareto the opportunity that Great Elderasks for advice, therefore the disciplewantsto savesomedoubts, when the time comesaskedtogether. "
" Is onlyhas not thought,tohighprinciplesinterlinked, after comprehendingseveraltypes, remaining was also understands. " Zhang Xuelingsaid. " Next timesomedoubtswill ask, the words that is not willingto trouble, cango tosourceto askdirectlymyGrand Daoclone. " Xu Fansaidleisurely.
" Goes backto consolidate itselfwell, back the Human Clanalliance could encounter a wave of bigopportunityorperishesgreatly. " " Butwhatever, needsyourstrengthto be strongenoughcanbenefitorwithstands the danger. "
" Compliant, Great Elder. " Two peoplesaid that thendrew backrespectfully.
After the yard is only left overXu Fanoneperson, hefeltsuddenlyseems likequick that the timepasses.
" , Hidden Spirit Gatestartedto have the enlightened rulerpowerhouse. " Xu Fanlooks at the Hidden Spirit Gatesky, in the mind, recalledsectnewly-builttime.
The said/tunnel of chaos, place of secret, the hugemainland, stand erectin the place of chaos. Wang Yulunthenfishesin a goldengreatlakeside.
The Xu Fanformappears, arrives atWang Yulunnot far away, built the fishing pole, startsto fish. " Heard that recentlysecthad/left an enlightened ruler . Moreover the quota of 3rdenlightened ruleralsohad the whereabouts. " 徐凡的身影出现,走到王羽伦不远处,也架起了鱼竿,开始钓起了鱼。「听说最近宗门出了一位圣主,而且第三位圣主的名额也有着落了。」
" Does not wantfortunately, to thinksuddenly,ourHidden Spirit Gate, unexpectedlybecamesopowerful. " The Wang Yulunfeelingsaid. " On the opportunity, the Human Clanalliancedoes the matter, sectwill not developsuchquickly. " Xu Fanflings the bamboo poleto saywith a smile.
" Alsoyes, whenBrother Xuplans, seeksyoursource. " Wang Yulunasked.
" Was quick, whenIbecome the enlightened ruler, afterHuman Clanalliancelayout, Iwill leadyouto leave. " " Not onlyseeks for the source, isappreciatesthischaosnot to develop the regionplaces of chaos. "
" Somethingsmustbe done, mytheseapprentices, you, but alsohas not become the enlightened ruler, theseare the things that on the roadmustsolve. " Xu Fansaidleisurely.
" Is counted all your apprenticesto add onmeagain, can so manypeoplebecome the enlightened ruler? " Wang Yulunsaid. Heknows that the sourcecauses and effectsfellinthatspacecreviceworld.
「算上你所有的徒弟再加上我,这么多人能都成为圣主吗?」王羽伦说道。他知道本源因果落在了那空间夹缝中的世界。Wantsto become the enlightened ruler;first, byworldselfgrowth, twoisto integratehighest leveltohighdivine object. As for the quotas of otherworldenlightened rulers, is not interlinked unable to meltwiththatcreviceworld.
" Gives a try, musthave a goal. " Xu Fansaidwith a smile.
「试试看,总要有个目标。」徐凡笑着说道。At this moment, underWang Yulun the fishline of baittightenssuddenly, after a strength of legs, a body of chaosGreat Sagepersonfell. The corpsewhole bodyis dark, the longsixarmsare the legs, headless, on the belly a bigmouth, the eye and toothgathered together.
" Beforehad also fished the corpse, has not fishedis so ugly. " Wang Yulunsaid,thenwantsto putdirectly the corpse. Butwas blockedbyXu Fanpromptly.
" It is not right, onthiscorpsegatheredseveral hundredtypesto fluctuateto the highprinciple. "
" Moreoverhiswithin the body, hasexistence of quota, how dead like this. " Xu Fansaidcuriously. Lastgroup of light shadowwrappedthatcorpse, the light shadowstartedto revolveslowly, the whole bodypresentedmanyrune. Sees onlyto pull a fine lacefromthatlight shadow, during digging to be void.
「而且他体内,已经有名额的存在,怎么就这样死了。」徐凡好奇说道。最后一团光影包裹住了那具尸体,光影开始慢慢旋转,周身出现诸多符文。只见从那光影之上牵出一条细线,扎入到了虚空之中。Passed the little while
The bell, a coordinatesappearsin the Xu Fanmind.
" Puts, Iknewwhat's the matter, mustwatch the funwithmetogether. " Xu Fansaidwith a smile. " Livelywhathasattractive? " Wang Yuluncame the interest.
The transmissiongateappearsbeforetwo peopletogether.
" Cameto knowwithme, makingyoulook atanythingto be called the enlightened rulertangled warfare. " Xu FanbroughtWang Yulunto step into the spacegate.
「跟我来就知道了,让你看一看什么叫做圣主混战。」徐凡带着王羽伦踏进了空间门之中。Onlyininstantaneous, two peopletheninfluctuationsea that initiallyinclashedto the highprinciple.
只在瞬间,两人便初在了至高法则对撞的波动海洋之中。Innumerablecoversthisregionto the highprinciple, attemptsto controlto define the ownership of thisregion. A piecehad been shaken the voidregion, more than 70enlightened rulertangled warfare.
" My God, thisregion!! " The Wang Yulunshocksaid.
「我的天,这片区域!!」王羽伦震惊说道。Xu FanbroughtWang Yulunto arrive, the edgehad the region that the chaossavagenessmaterialfilled. " Observesfromthisregion, safe. " 徐凡带着王羽伦来到了,边缘有混沌未开化物质弥漫的区域。「从这片区域观战,安全。」
" The fights of theseenlightened rulersfluctuatedput downonejust born directly the shortly afterchaosplace. " " Thatcorpse that youfish, maybe the place of thatchaos. " Xu Fansaid.
" Brother Xu, youwill not say that the place of thatchaosdidn't havebythiscrowd of Saintsprincipal? " Wang Yulunshockssaid. " Thissceneyou have to see, shockanythingvigor. "
" Mentioning the place of thissidechaosis also pitiful, is away fromthemless than the places of 1 millionlightarmor, immaturetopstohighdivine objectbreeding. "
" Thiscauses the life of place of thischaos, allenslaving in theseenlightened rulers. "
" Arrived the present, the place of entirechaoshas been extinguished, was the extrication. " Xu Fanlooks atthatbattlefieldcenterthatto the highdivine object.
" Brother Xu, youmustsnatchthatto the highdivine object. " Wang Yuluninstantaneoussaidexcitedly.
" More than 70enlightened rulertangled warfare, majorityis the enlightened rulerpeakboundary, the riskis too big, isok. " Xu Fanshakes the headto say. " Ileadyouto cometo see a play, has a look to fishotheradvantagewhile convenient. "
「70多位圣主混战,其中大部分都是圣主巅峰境界,风险太大,还是算了。」徐凡摇头说道。「我带你过来只是看戏,顺便看看能不能捞点其他好处。」Xu Fanwaves, a tableappears, abovehas the teaanddessertmelon seed. Thereupon, two peopleare cracking with the teeth the melon seed, watches the frontthatwar.徐凡挥手之间,一张桌子出现,上面有茶和点心瓜子儿。于是乎,两人嗑着瓜子,看着前方的那一场大战。
" Brother Xu, yousaidintheseenlightened rulers, whocanobtainthatfinallyto the highdivine object. " Wang Yuaskedcuriously. " Thisfightdoes not have the winnerfinally. " Xu Fanknocks, ifmelon seedshakes the headto say.
" Doesn't have the winner? "
" Right, infightinggroup of enlightened rulers, withoutwinner. " The Xu Fanlookis very profound, as ifcontained the endlessabyssto be the same. " Leadsyouto lookthislively, is to make youlook, the destinyis sometimes variable. "
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