After Wang Yulunleaves, Xu Fanfeels the chin, fell intoduring the thinking.王羽伦离开之后,徐凡摸着下巴,陷入到了思索之中。
" 360topprimordial chaosmost precious objects, majors in the body refiningenlightened rulerrankcorpse, cansuppress the wickedsourceenlightened ruler. "
After deducingone, Xu Fanfelt that casualcansuppress the enlightened rulerthesethingsetson a fool. " Refines the topprimordial chaosmost precious object saying that is not goodsuch360apexesto the highdivine object. " At this point, Xu Fananticipatessuddenly.
推演了一番之后,徐凡感觉随便把这些东西套在一个傻子身上都可以镇压圣主。「炼制顶尖鸿蒙至宝好说,就是这样360件顶尖至高神物不好有。」说到这里,徐凡突然期待起来。Anticipated that hisgoodbrothers to fish360apexesto the highdivine object, falls the enlightened rulerbodywhile convenientagain.
期待他的好兄弟能钓上360件顶尖至高神物,顺便再掉个圣主尸体。When the time comesjoins up, can looksuppress the enlightened ruler. At this time the fight in light screenhas continued for 100,000years. Is being foughtwickedsourceenlightened rulerobvioussome is not impatient, juststartedto have the interestvery much, maybe getting more and more longwith the time of fight, moreoverthesepeople who fightwithhimare getting more and more tenacious.
到时候联合起来,看看能不能镇压圣主。此时光幕中的战斗已经持续了十万年。正在战斗中的恶源圣主明显有些不耐烦,刚开始还是很有兴致,可随着战斗的时间越来越长,而且与他战斗的这些人越来越顽强。Whatis main wasbackpresented a chaosGreat Sageperson who wore108primordial chaosmost precious objects, caninjureandhissourceunexpectedly.
最主要的是后边出现了一位身穿108件鸿蒙至宝的混沌大圣人,竟然可以伤及他本源。Althoughwas rubbedis very likely, but the wickedsourceenlightened rulerdecidesto evadeitsraytemporarily, whenthere is a moodto accompanythemto playagain.
The place of thatsidechaos, is preparingto enter the wickedsourceenlightened rulertochaossavagenessareasuddenlyto discover.
那方混沌之地,正准备进入到混沌未开化区的恶源圣主突然发现。Theregion that hemustflee fromunexpectedlybyseveral hundredtypestohighprincipleunionseal, even if using the full power, is unable to break through.
他所要逃离的这片区域竟然被数百种至高法则联合封印,哪怕是用出全力,也无法突破。At this moment, the wickedsourceenlightened rulerlookedto the Xiong Liperson, the lookstartsbecomesdifferent.
此刻,恶源圣主看向熊力的人,眼神开始变得不一样了。Although the fightissorelaxed, butintendedto be obviously more discrete, moreoverfound the opportunityto restoreduring the fight. Saw that thisXu Fansaidwith a smile: " Fightjuststarted.
虽然战斗还是如此轻松,但出手明显谨慎了很多,而且还找机会在战斗之中恢复。看到这一幕的徐凡笑着说道:「战斗才刚刚开始。At this time, Zhang Weiyunhefted a gift boxto arrive in the yard.
此时,张微云掂着一个食盒来到了小院中。Suspendedseveralside disheson the table, pouredtwoglasses of liquor, looked atthisfightwithXu Fantogether.
" Thiswarhitnearly for 100,000years, howoppositealien raceenlightened rulerseems likewithnotinjuredas. " Zhang Weiyunsaid.
" Hehas not been injured, the Wang Yulunstrengthfullgives his injury, a whilethencanrestoreslightly.
「他就是没受伤,王羽伦战力全开给他的那点伤势,稍微一会儿便能恢复。At this moment , three chaosmahatmas who went out of the samsarapondarrived at the Xu Fanyard.
就在这时,又有三位从轮回池中走出的混沌大圣来到了徐凡小院。Onewill look forthreetypesdifferently-coloredto fallthreepeopleto the highprincipleray, laterenteredin the battlefield.
" Felt that Xu GangXiong Litheycannot win, whyhusbandalsoletsonthem. " Zhang Weiyunaskedcuriously.
" Exercise, looks for a matterto dotothemwhile convenient, makingthemclearly recognize the disparity. " Xu Fansaidwith a smile.
" These days, insecthasmany people promotedforchaos5
「这段时间,宗门中有很多人晋级为混沌五Great Sageperson.
" But after theyare promoted, is completely a relaxingcondition, felt, did not needto cultivate. "
" Thereforemustlook for a matterto dotothem, justbecame the chaosGreat Sagepersonto think that the levelis not good. " Xu Fandrinks the young wineto eat the side dishto say.
The Zhang Weiyunlooklookshusbandeyes that with no traceoneselfmostworship.张微云眼神不留痕迹地看着自己最崇拜的夫君一眼。Feltownhusbandimageis opening an umbrella, making the disciple who theseotherwantto open an umbrellatry hardto runin the rain.
" Mainlyisexercisesthemto resist the ability of enlightened ruler, ifwhen the time comesIgo to the places of otherchaosto play, what to dohas the enlightened rulerto invadeourHuman Clan. " Xu Fanclamped a crispmeatto put in the mouth, slowlytasted, laterdrankoneglass of young wines, the feelinglifewas satisfied.
「主要是锻炼他们对抗圣主的能力,到时候我要是去其他混沌之地游玩,有圣主入侵咱们人族怎么办。」徐凡夹了一块酥肉放入嘴中,慢慢品尝的,随后又喝了一杯小酒,感觉生活惬意自在。Zhang Weiyunison the Xu Fanfullliquor, saidwith a smile: " Youcome upto makethemchallenge the enlightened ruler, the feelingdifficultywas too big. " " It is not big, casualdyingcasualresurrecting, makingthemrubthatwickedsourceenlightened ruler is also an experience.张微云为徐凡满上酒,笑着说道:「你一上来就让他们挑战圣主,感觉难度太大了。」「不大,随便死随便复活,让他们把那恶源圣主磨死也是一种历练。
" Is the consumptionsomewhatis big, but are not related, backtheymustcoming backalsodoubled and re-doubled. " Xu Fansaidwith a laugh. The fightis continuing, 200,000yearslater, Xu GangandXiong Liand the othersallkillto get angry.
「就是消耗有些大,不过没关系,后边他们都得成倍的还回来。」徐凡笑呵呵说道。战斗在继续,一直到20万年后,徐刚和熊力等人全都杀红了眼。200,000yearshad passed by, thatindicatesinbilltheymustpresentto the highprinciplecrystal.
20万年时间已经过去了,那就预示着账单上的至高法则水晶他们要如数奉还。Hitsuch a long time, if not cutto kill the presentwickedsourceenlightened ruler, underpants that theycanowedoes not remain.
都打了这么长时间了,如果不把眼前的恶源圣主斩杀的话,他们会亏的连裤衩子都不剩。Thereforeat this time, in the peopleheartonly had a faith, thatwas
The presentwickedsourceenlightened rulercutsto kill.
眼前的恶源圣主斩杀。This timewickedsourceenlightened rulerlookedto understand, somepeoplewantto discipline the presentgroup of peopletaking advantage ofhim.
此时的恶源圣主看明白了,有人是想借他磨练眼前的这群人。Inthese200,000years, except foroppositeenlightened ruler, otherthesechaosGreat Sagepersonants, everyone at leastkilledseveral thousandtimes.
在这20万年中,除了对面的圣主,其他的那些混沌大圣人蝼蚁,每人至少杀了数千次。Buteachtime, how longis uselessthento be able the total stateto resurrect , to continue to participate in the fight.
但每一次,没用多长时间便能全状态复活,继续参加战斗。Inthese200,000years, herelaxeddealing that fromjuststarted, tobehindstartslowlyattiecondition.
在这20万年中,他从刚开始的轻松应对,到后面慢慢的开始处在平局状态。Arrived the present, hehas startedto fallinleewardslowly. Thesewoundedsource, startsto deepenslowly, replieswithout enough time.
一直到现在,他开始慢慢地落于下风。那些被击伤的本源,也开始慢慢加深,来不及回复。At this time, the wickedsourceenlightened rulerhad a desperatemood.
这时候,恶源圣主产生了一种绝望的情绪。Afterthismoodproduces, the wickedsourceenlightened rulerlooks at the edgeblockade the chaossavagenessarea, in the lookpresentscolordecidedly.
就在这种情绪产生之后,恶源圣主看着边缘封锁的混沌未开化区,眼神之中出现决然之色。At this time, inXu GangXiong Liand the othersoutside the battlefields, there is a Human Clanenlightened rulerto wait.
此时,在徐刚熊力等人的战场之外,有人族圣主守候。Whentheyjuststartedto fight, Xu FantheninformedallHuman Clanenlightened rulers, makingthemdivert the otherenlightened rulers of place of thissidechaos, created the fighttoXiong Liand the others the space. Afterward the enlightened ruler in said/tunnel of chaos, heardthismatter, allobserved and emulatedin the past, althoughmajorityclone. At this timetheirsensationarrived, the collapse of oppositewickedsourceenlightened ruler, thereforekeeps each other informed, neatallarrived. " Fellow Daoist Xusaida moment ago, diedin the place of thischaosishis, is our who in the chaossavagenessregiondied. " The dark cloudsenlightened rulerlooks at the wickedsourceenlightened ruler in battlefield, the saliva that the corners of the mouthflow off.
在他们刚开始战斗的时候,徐凡便通知了所有的人族圣主,让他们牵制这方混沌之地的其他圣主,给熊力等人创造战斗的空间。后来混沌之地道中的圣主,听说了这件事,全都过去观摩,虽然大部分都是分身。此时他们感知到了,对面恶源圣主的崩溃,于是相互通知,齐刷刷的全都到位了。「刚才徐道友说了,在这混沌之地死了算是他的,在混沌未开化区域中死的就是咱们的了。」阴云圣主看着战场中的恶源圣主,嘴角流下的口水。Hecultivatesto the highprinciple, reallyneeds the enlightened rulerrank the corpse.
他所修至高法则,很是需要圣主级别的尸体。Beforealthoughgot so far asseveralin the strength of thatnamelesschaos, looked at the strengthtostronglylimited.
以前虽然在那无名混沌之力中弄到了几具,看实力都强到有限。Wherelooks like the presentwickedsourceenlightened ruler, the strength placed the place of thissidechaosfirst5, the corpseis the goodmaterial.
" Whichis so easy, the oppositewickedsourceenlightened ruleralsoknows that outside the battlefieldourexistence, easilywill definitely not erupt the source, the breakthroughblockade, heresaw a playhonestly. " Burns a day of enlightened rulerto say.
「哪这么容易,对面恶源圣主也知道战场外咱们的存在,肯定不会轻易爆发自身本源,突破封锁,在这里就老老实实看戏得了。」焚天圣主说道。At this timewickedsourceenlightened rulerinbattlefieldfaced withtwo difficult choices, ifcontinuesto fight, several hundred thousandyearslaterhewill definitely be rubbed.
此时在战场中的恶源圣主面临两难选择,如果继续战斗,几十万年后他肯定会被磨死。Ifheerupted the sourceto break through the blockadeto enter the chaossavagenessarea, thatgroup of Human Clanenlightened rulers who thatobservedoutsidewill definitely tag along after that aspect that must die.
如果他爆发本源突破封锁进入到了混沌未开化区,那在外观战的那群人族圣主肯定会尾随其后,也是必死的局面。Thereupon, helooked that saystoXiong Li: " IfIapologizeto submit tonow, youcanforgiveme. "
" Juststartedalsogood, noweven. " A Xiong Lieye of belt/bringkillsintentto say.
「刚开始还行,现在就算了。」熊力目带杀意说道。Theyput insuchbigenergy, the bill of thatsuchbig, does not cutto kill the wickedsourceenlightened ruler, thegroup of people of fightalsoincludehim, must go bankrupt.
" Thatmustcontinueto fight, looked that whofirstcollapses. " The wickedsourceenlightened rulerlookmakes a determined effort.
" Twochoices, acceptmysubmitting, otherwiseIbreak throughenterto the chaossavagenessarea, Human Clanenlightened ruler who cheaptheseobserveoutside. " The wickedsourceenlightened rulerthreatensto say.
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