, renewsmy familyMastermostquicklyultraominousdá!
笔趣阁,最快更新我家师父超凶哒!A halfhour, Lu Chenwithstood300-400thunder, thesethunderare very tiny, roughlypoints atthick or thin, the might that buteruptsendurescompared with the Primordial Spirit Boundaryattack, divideddozensSupermundane Boundarymartial artistsufficiently.
半个小时的时间里,陆尘足足承受了300-400道雷霆,这些雷霆很细小,约莫手指粗细,但是爆发出来的威力堪比元神境攻击,足以劈死几十个超凡境武者了。GoodLu Chenis the Supermundanelife, the bodyis more powerful than ordinarySupermundane, can therefore shoulder.
还好陆尘是超凡生命,躯体比普通超凡强大,所以才能扛过来。Lu Chenfelt that now the bodysplits, thatfeeling of being split up, whole bodycrispsunumbnumb, byheavy of electricity.陆尘感觉现在身体都裂开了,四分五裂的那种感觉,浑身酥su麻麻的,被电的不轻。Chen Yustandsoutsidearray, unemotionalsay/way: „The firstthunderquenches the body, onehourenough.”陈雨站在阵法外,面无表情道:“第一次雷霆淬体,一个小时就够了。”„How longnowpasses”Lu Chento ask.
“现在过去多久了”陆尘问道。„A halfhour”
“才半个小时”Lu Chenonehear, almostfromin the airplantsto fall, but must insist for a halfhour, it is estimated thatresults inhalflife.陆尘一听,差点从空中栽落下来,还要坚持半个小时,估计得掉半条命。Chen Yusaid: „Enters the flash of bodyat the thunder, yourevolve the mnemonics, absorbs the thundergranule, nourishes the mortal body, this not only can quenching the body and spirit, the timewas long, but can also makeyouhave the immunityto the thunder, increases the thunderto enter the adaptation of body.”陈雨道:“在雷霆入体的一瞬间,你运转口诀,吸收雷性粒子,滋养肉身,这样不仅能淬炼到体魄,时间久了,还能够让你对雷霆产生免疫力,增加雷霆入体的适应。”Lu Chenwantsto shout 'fuck your mom', heknew certainly, but this is the first time that dividedoneselfto be goodwith the thunder, no mattercompletelyotherscan bear unable to bear.陆尘想骂娘,他当然知道了,但这是第一次用雷霆劈自己好吧,完全不管人家受得了受不了。Othera halfhoursquickon the past, howeverlooks likeinLu Chen is completely the secondsuch as the year, every secondsis the suffering.
余下半个小时很快就过去了,但是在陆尘看来完全就是度秒如年,每一秒都是煎熬。AfterChen Yusaidfinished, Lu Chenis tying tight the bodyrelaxesfinally, assumes the bigfontto lie downin the ground, an expression of facesuspicionlife, hisbodyjumpsonce for a whiletogethertinythunderHu, hiselectricity.
在陈雨说结束之后,陆尘紧绷着的身体终于放松下来,呈大字型躺在地面上,一脸怀疑人生的表情,他的身上时不时跳跃出一道细小的雷弧,把他电一下。Lu Chenlies downin the placestraightening upcorpse, the mnemonics of revolutionheavenly thunderBody Refiningsecret art, the thundergranule in absorber, quenchings the cellsilently.陆尘躺在地上挺尸,默默运转天雷炼体诀的口诀,吸收体内的雷性粒子,淬炼细胞。
The thunderquenches the bodynext day, thirdday, has passed byfivedays of time.
雷霆淬体第二天,第三天,一直过去了五天时间。Fivedays of time, Lu Chenadapted toby the feeling of being struck by lightning, when the thunderenters the body, the revolutionmnemonics, absorb the remainingthundergranule, onlythose whomakehimnot be feeling well, the oneselfheadis an explosive warhead, the roots of the hairrootraises up, seems a little ‚rampant’.
五天时间,陆尘适应了被雷劈的感觉,在雷霆入体的时候,运转口诀,吸收残余的雷性粒子,唯一让他不爽的是,自己的头型是爆炸头,头发根根竖起,看起来有点‘嚣张’。Thishead, does not know how longmustmaintain.
这个头型,也不知道要保持多久。Half a month later, the Lu Chenbody and spiritobtained the enormousenhancement, has been ableto standinarray the immunitythunder, the fourth levelThunder Controlling Arraymight, was insufficient the woundtoLu Chen, thereforeChen Yuchanged intofifth levelThunder Controlling Arraydirectly, whatcorrespondencewasPrimordial Spirit Boundarymartial artist.
The might that fifth levelThunder Controlling Arrayerupts, easilychopsdeadPrimordial Spirit Boundarymartial artistsufficiently.五级御雷阵爆发的威力,足以轻易劈死元神境武者。Lu Chenstandsinarray, conscientious: „Elder Sister Yu, thisisfifth levelarray, youmustrelax.”陆尘站在阵法内,兢兢业业:“雨姐,这可是五级阵法,你得悠着点。”„You only need insist that a halfhouronwas good”Chen Yuto say.
“你只需坚持半个小时就行了”陈雨说道。Lu Chenclenches teeth, preparesto insist for a halfhour.陆尘咬了咬牙,准备坚持半个小时。AsChen Yuwithcontrollingjade talismanstarts the arrayattack, babyarmthickthunderbaselessobviously, all over the bodydeep blue, the surfacehasthunderHuto escape, has the overbearingdestructionstrength, submerges the body of Lu Chen.
随着陈雨用控制玉符开启阵法攻击,婴儿手臂粗大的雷霆凭空显化,通体湛蓝,表面有雷弧流走,带着霸道的毁灭力量,没入陆尘的身体。Withstandsseveralthickthunder, Lu Chencoughs up bloodimmediately, transmissionparalysisbeyond descriptionspreads the whole body, movescannotmove.
承受数股粗大雷霆,陆尘当即咳血,难以形容的麻痹感传遍全身,一动也不能动。Did not haveslow the godto come, the newround of thunderattacked, Lu Chenwas givento submergebypiece of thunderHudirectly, inarraysent out the dazzlingblue light, the silver mooncansee a skeletonin the blue light.
“嗷嗷嗷”Lu Chenpain said.陆尘痛的嗷嗷叫。Has not recovered consciousness, is a piece of thunderappears, submergeshisbodycompletely.
还没缓过来,又是一片雷霆出现,全部没入他的身体。Alsowave after wave, has not knownhow long, Lu Chenloudly called out: „Iam not good.”
一波接着一波,也不知道过了多久,陆尘大叫一声:“我不行了。”Lu ChenAngMiantangon the ground, suffocates, hissurroundingshave a beachbloodstain, lifts a hand, in the handfullis the fissure, the dark redbloodfills the air, probablyis withered the slit that for a long timelandsplits.陆尘昂面躺在地上,奄奄一息,他的周围出现一滩血迹,抬起一只手,手上满是裂痕,殷红的鲜血弥漫出来,就好像干枯许久的大地裂开的缝隙。fifth levelThunder Controlling Arraymightbig, Primordial Spirit Boundarycannot withstand, let aloneisLu Chen.五级御雷阵威力非常之大,元神境都承受不住,更何况是陆尘。Lu Chenis tolerating the severe pain on body, pulls outonebottle of True Dragonfluids, drinks up1/3, the True Dragonfluidviscoushas the divinityenergy, after entering the throat, flows toall the limbs and bones, nourishesbody that andrestoresto be damaged, sees only the Lu Chenbody surface, sends outgentlewhite light.陆尘强忍着身体上的剧痛,掏出一瓶真龙液,喝掉三分之一,真龙液粘稠带着神性的能量,入喉之后,流向四肢百骸,滋养和修复受损的身体,只见陆尘的身体表面,散发出柔和的白光。But the True Dragonfluid the unsurpassedvaluablefluid, hedoes not hateto use, only if seriously injured, nowheis atexperiences personally the severely woundedcondition, drankTrue Dragonfluidwithout hesitation.真龙液可是无上宝液,他都不舍得用,除非身受重伤,如今他就处于身受重伤的状态,毫不犹豫的喝了一口真龙液。
After drinking the True Dragonfluid, is remarkably effective, the achereduces, the whole bodyis warm.
喝下真龙液之后,效果显著,疼痛减轻,浑身暖洋洋的。Outside, Chen Yusees the Lu Chenpitifulappearance, knits the brows, closedarraydirectly.
外面,陈雨看到陆尘凄惨的样子,皱了皱眉,直接关闭了阵法。„TodayChen Yusaystohere”.
“今天就到这里吧”陈雨说道。Then, Chen Yuleftdirectly.
说完,陈雨直接离开了。„Mother, isThunderbolt Body Refining Art that whocreates, is so abnormal” the Lu Chenwhole body unable to mention a strength, AngMiantangon the ground, cannot help butcomplainedone.
“妈的,到底是谁创造的雷霆炼体诀,这么变态”陆尘全身提不起一丝力道,昂面躺在地上,不由得吐槽一句。Has saying that thesea halfmonth, heexperiences one day like a yearsimply, livingto might as welldie, as iflivesin the hell is the same.
不得不说,这半个多月的时间,他简直就是度日如年,生不如死,仿佛活在地狱一样。However, althoughprocessdifficult a point, buthealsoobtained the hugeadvantage, hispresentbody and spiritcompared withwas strengthenedhalf a month ago, the fleshbecomesreallyconcentratesincomparable, hisbody and spiritintensitypromoted a scaleat least.
不过,虽然过程艰辛了一点,但是他也得到了巨大的好处,他现在的体魄比半个月前增强了许多,血肉变得凝实无比,他的体魄强度起码提升了一个档次。In the following 45 days, Lu Chenbyradiant45times, althougheach timeonly then about a halfhour, but, hebecomessuffocatesafter half an hour, mustdrinkTrue Dragonfluid to recover consciousness.
接下来的45天时间里,陆尘又被璀璨了四五次,虽然每次只有半个小时左右,但是半个小时过后,他变得奄奄一息,要喝一口真龙液才能够缓过来。Lu Chena littlewantsto cry, the True Dragonfluidis the unsurpassedvaluablefluid, healtogetheronly has12bottles, nowused uponebottle, madehisgrievedis unable to breathe.陆尘有点想哭,真龙液是无上宝液,他总共只有十二瓶,现在用掉了一瓶,令他心痛的无法呼吸。Those whomadehimonlygratifiedwas, heobtained the freedom.
令他唯一欣慰的是,他得到自由了。According to the Chen Yuwords, hispresentbodybody and spirithas achievedto withstand the limit, only ifboundarypromotestoSupermundane Boundarymiddle stage, orlate stage , to continue to quench the bodywith the thunder, thereforegaveto puthim.
按照陈雨的话来说,他现在的身体体魄已经达到承受极限,除非境界提升到超凡境中期,或者后期,才继续用雷霆淬体,于是就把他给放了出来。ObtainsfreeLu Chen, is wild with joy.
得到自由的陆尘,欣喜若狂。Hepreparesto strollJade Lake Holy Landwell, after allcamealmostnearly for a month, dailywas struck by lightning, has not strolledsacred placewell, whatis main isnever forgetstoDragon Scaled FishandRouge Rabbit, Lu Chenis deliberately considering, doesto eat.
他准备好好逛逛瑶池圣地,毕竟来了差不多快一个月了,天天被雷劈,还没有好好逛逛圣地呢,最主要的是对龙鳞鱼与胭脂兔念念不忘,陆尘寻思着,是不是搞点来吃吃。However, such importantplacedefinitelyhasSovereignto protectin secret, wantssuch asto ascend to heavendepending onhisabilitydifficultly.
不过,这么重要的地方肯定有皇者在暗中守护,凭他的能力想要得到难如登天。Naturally, the meanshave.
当然,办法还是有的。HowevensomeSovereignprotectin secret, in the pasthewas relaxedlooted a Monster Sovereigncave mansion.
就算有皇者暗中守护又如何,当年他可是轻松就洗劫了一个妖皇洞府呢。Lu Chengot downDivine Peak, goes to a giantsquare, squareabovehasmanyJade Lakedisciples, malehandsome, femalepretty, someare discussingsword technique, someare walkingshoulder to shoulder, spoke freelyat will,seems a pair of deityfamilycompanion.陆尘一路下了神峰,来到一个巨大的广场,广场上面有很多的瑶池弟子,男得英俊,女的靓丽,有的在讨论剑法,有的在并肩走着,随意畅谈,好似一对神仙眷侣。
The arrival of Lu Chen, attractedeveryone'sattentionimmediately.陆尘的到来,顿时吸引了所有人的注意力。Almostis the flash, in the squareseveral hundredeyesfellon the body of Lu Chen.
几乎是一瞬间,广场上几百双眼睛都落在了陆尘的身上。Lu Chenlooksseems likePan Anactually not, is mainly hisexplosive warheadlike a crane among chickenswith the surroundingdisciple.
倒不是陆尘长得貌似潘安,主要是他的爆炸头与周围弟子鹤立鸡群。Thesediscipleone after anotherwhite clothingbeams, have an elegantlong hair, the looksabundantgodis handsome, Yushufaces the wind, in addition, popularwas the boardinch head, basically the maledisciplewas the long hair and short hair, butLu Chenthisexplosive warheadledcoquettishalone.
这些弟子一个个白衣束腰,留着一头飘逸长发,长得丰神俊朗,玉树临风,除此之外,流行的就是板寸头了,基本上男弟子就是长发和短发,但是陆尘这个爆炸头独领风sao。Incoquettishhasone‚rampantly’.风sao中带着一丝‘嚣张’。Regardless ofwherethisexplosionheadarrives, isin the crowd the prettiestchild, like a crane among chickens.
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