, renewsmy familyMastermostquicklyultraominousdá!
笔趣阁,最快更新我家师父超凶哒!Supermundane Boundaryinitial stage losses in a row threetopSupermundane Boundarycompletion, recallnow, the peoplehold breathcold air, does not thinknot to know,onewantsto have a scare.超凡境初期三位顶尖的超凡境圆满,现在回想过来,众人倒吸一口凉气,不想不知道,一想吓一跳。At this moment, Supermundanemartial artiston the scene, no onehas daredto intendto challengeLu Chen, theyhave toacknowledge,entireHoly CityallSupermundane Boundarymartial artist, no oneishisopponent.
此刻,在场的超凡武者,已经没有人敢出手挑战陆尘了,他们不得不承认,整个圣城的所有超凡境武者,没有一个人是他的对手。At this moment, the distant placebeautiful figureappearstogether, shewears a sky bluewomen's clothing, the figureis slender, blackbeautiful hairpretty, the appearanceis beautiful, sameflewjust like the fairy maiden, withherarrival, attractseveryoneattentionto shifttoherbody.
就在这时,远处一道倩影出现,她身穿一丝天蓝色的衣裙,身段修长,一头黑色的秀发靓丽,容颜绝美,宛若仙子一样飞了过来,随着她的到来,吸所有人注意力转移到她的身上。„Liu Qingcheng”
“柳倾城”„, Mygoddess”
“啊,我的女神”Liu Qingchengarrives, is sparklingjust like a pearl, beautifulfacial features, playing musical instruments the flesh that maybreak, the intoxicanteyepupil, makingsomefull of vigoryoung fellowswail, shrieks and howls wildlyat the scene.柳倾城降临,宛若一颗明珠闪闪发光,美丽的五官,吹弹可破的肌肤,醉人的眼眸,让一些血气方刚的小伙子哀嚎起来,在现场鬼哭狼嚎的。Has saying that the Liu Qingchengfameis very big, whereregardless ofarrives, will cause the stirlike the star.
不得不说,柳倾城的名气很大,无论走到哪里,都会像明星一样造成轰动。Lu Chenhears the surroundingwolfto be howling, turns the headto look,wears the bluewomen's clothing, the stanceis beautiful, very youngyoung girl, hervisionis pure, does not containimpurity, just like in worldmost beautifulpupil.陆尘听到周围的狼嚎,转头一看,一个身穿蓝色衣裙,姿态婀娜,非常年轻的少女,她的目光纯净,不含一丝杂质,宛若世间最美丽的瞳孔。„ThisisJunior SisterLiu Qingcheng”Lu Chensizes upcarefully.
“这就是师妹柳倾城”陆尘细细打量。Has saying that thisfirstmeetingJunior Sisteralsovery welllooks, un, the clearperson, the fleshwins the snow, spotless, compared withotherfemales, was short ofonepoint of charming.
不得不说,这个第一次见面的师妹还挺好看的,嗯,非常的清纯可人,肌肤胜雪,一尘不染,与其他女子相比,少了一分妩媚。For examplebeforehehas suppressed the demonteaches the class/flow of Holy Daughter, lends the seductionaurafrom top to bottom, the bigeyeis charming.
比如以前他镇压过的魔教圣女之流,就浑身上下散发诱惑气息,大眼妩媚。Regarding the firstimpression of thisJunior Sister, Lu Chenisverysatisfied.
对于这个师妹的第一印象,陆尘还是很满意的。„YoucalledLu Chen”
“你叫陆尘”Liu Qingchenglooks atLu Chenwith the attractivebigeye, opens the mouthto ask, the soundis delightful, a comfort.柳倾城拿漂亮的大眼睛看着陆尘,开口问道,声音悦耳,给人一种舒适感。„Your HighnessHoly Daughter, thispersondisrespectstoyourspoken language”
“圣女殿下,此人对你口语不敬”„Hiscontinuous fightingthreepeople, this momentconsumptionis enormous, hurriesto suppresshim”
“他连战三人,此刻消耗极大,赶紧镇压他”Nearbyyouthoutstandingurgesto say.
旁边的青年俊杰撺掇道。Becausetheyseethisavid follower, althoughsuccessive defeatsthreetopSupermundane, butalsoconsumed the mostphysical strength, moreoverLiu QingchengisJade Lake Holy LandHoly Daughter, Wilderness Territoryto the stronglist'sfirstyoungdisciple, the strengthandLong Chen, Zi Mingand the otherswere similar, belongs topeakpinch of Supermundane.
因为他们看出这个狂徒虽然连败三名顶尖超凡,但是也耗了大半的体力,而且柳倾城是瑶池圣地的圣女,荒域至强榜第一的幼徒,实力与龙辰,紫冥等人差不多,属于最顶尖的一撮超凡。Even still has hadit.
甚至犹有过之。TheirunusualhopeLiu Qingchengmake a move, suppressesthisavid follower.
他们非常的希望柳倾城出手,镇压这个狂徒。„Imperial Younger Sistermakes a moveto suppresshim, do not fear,Imperial Brotherbrings up the rearincrowdforyou”, Liu QingchengImperial BrotherLiu Chengis pinching the fist there, called outsecretly.
“皇妹出手镇压他,别怕,皇兄为你压阵”人群中,柳倾城的皇兄柳成在那里捏着拳头,暗暗叫道。But, whatmadetheirdisappointedwas, Liu Qingchenghas not been angry, a beautifulbigeye, sweptto sweep offon the body of Lu Chenas before.
可是,令他们失望的是,柳倾城并没有生气,一双美丽的大眼睛,依旧在陆尘的身上扫来扫去。„Hehe, it seems likeyouhave recognizedmeto come”Lu Chento see the Liu Qingchengappearance, knows that the opposite partyshouldguess correctlyanything, arrives at the Liu Qingchengfront, put out a hand, pinched the white and tendercheeks, smilinglysaid: „Un, is very creamy, has not comewhite/in vain.”
The surroundingpersonwas ignorant, was silly.
周围人懵了,傻了。Was madeto stare dumbfoundedby the Lu Chensuddenmovement.
都被陆尘突如其来的动作弄得瞠目结舌。Thisavid follower, howdaresto begindirectly.
这个狂徒,怎么敢直接上手。EvenLiu Qingchengoneself, somewhatam still dumbstruck, the nextsecond, as pretty as a flowercheekleapsred, the redsoondropbleeds, the tender and beautifuldesiredrops, draws backhastilyseveralsteps, bigeyeangrilyis staringLu Chen.
就算是柳倾城本人,也有些发懵,下一秒,如花似玉的脸蛋腾的红了起来,红的快要滴出血来,娇艳欲滴,连忙退开几步,大眼睛气鼓鼓的瞪着陆尘。„Damn, howhedaresto raise a rumpusto the goddess”
“该死,他怎么敢对女神动手动脚”„Igood to killhim”
“我好想杀了他”Aftershortsilence, a piececomplainsto resound, innumerabledouble belting the angryeyeis staring atLu Chen, wishes one couldto giveto dismember a bodyLu Chen, thisdamn**... touches the elegantface of Liu Qingchengunderbig crowd of peopleunexpectedly.
An eye of spit fire, is both staring atLu Chen, might givecombustionLu Chen.
一双双喷火的眼睛,盯着陆尘,像是要把陆尘给燃烧似的。EvennearbythreeKing BoundaryElder, one after anotherfaceblackwithcoal, Holy Daughter of solemnsacred place, was touched the faceunderbig crowd of peopleby the manunexpectedly, theirlungsexploded with rage, the lookis swift and fierce, aurastock.
就算是一旁的三位王者境长老,一个个脸黑的跟煤炭似的,堂堂圣地的圣女,竟然在大庭广众之下被男子摸脸,他们肺都气炸了,眼神凌厉起来,气息股荡。They decided that ifHoly Daughtergets angry, theywill actwithout hesitation, captureboldthis**.
他们决定了,要是圣女发怒,他们会毫不犹豫出手,擒拿这胆大包天的**。„Be not blockingme, Imustkillhim, mother, dares**younger sister'sface”
“别拦着我,我要杀了他,尼玛的,敢**妹妹的脸”In the crowd, Liu QingchengImperial Brothergets angryagain, hisface is also very black, just that stimulatedhimsimply, the aurarebellion, Wu Jungraspshimstubbornly, hehas flushed.
人群中,柳倾城的皇兄再度发怒,他的脸也很黑,刚刚那一幕,简直刺激到了他,气息暴动,要不是吴俊死死的抱住他,他已经冲出去了。Lu Chencontacts to pairs an angryeye, has not been afraid, insteadrighteoussaying: „Do not be angry, Ihelpyoutryin the heart the goddesscheekfeel, ispurenatural, has processed.”陆尘接触到一双双愤怒的眼睛,并没有害怕,反而理直气壮的说道:“别生气,我只是帮你们试试心中女神的脸蛋手感,是不是纯天然的,有没有加工过。”People: „.....”
众人:“....。”Regardingthispowerfulreason, the peopleare speechless.
对于这个强大的理由,众人无语。Simultaneouslyin the heartcriticizedtoo the evillivestock, obviouslyoneselfcolormustdie, frivolousHoly DaughterLiu Qingcheng, mother, but alsoflung the pottothem, has not seensuchdomestic animal.
“手感怎么样”Althoughundermanypeoplewish one couldto giveto swallow wholeLu Chen, butsomebusybodiesasked.
A Lu Chenfacerepliedearnestly: „Un, does not have the processingpurelynaturally, is broadwith the twocharacter: Exquisite.”陆尘一脸认真地回答:“嗯,纯天然无加工,用两个字概括:细腻。”Then, evenLiu Qingchengcould not bear, curveexquisitetenderbodyonevolt, in the beautifulpupilhas a faint traceto shametogetherangry, was touchedunderbig crowd of peoplebythissmellySenior Brotherdid not say, but alsomade remarks, feltnot to be victorious, shewantsto hit the person.
这下,连柳倾城的受不了了,曲线玲珑的娇躯一起一伏,美眸中带着一丝丝羞恼,被这个臭师兄在大庭广众之下摸了不说,还评头论足,要不是感觉打不过,她都想打人了。Is goodbecause, Lu Chenthendoes not haveto handletoomatterout of the ordinary, looked that smilesto saytoLiu Qingcheng: „Firstmeeting, Iaskedyouto eat meal, does not know that youcanaccept this invite.”
The surroundingpeoplesneer.
周围众人冷笑。YoufrivolousHoly Daughter, but must askHoly Daughterto eat meal, Holy Daughteris certainly impossibleto comply, accepting this invite, Holy Daughterhas not givenyou a slap in the faceto be good.
你轻薄了圣女,还要请圣女吃饭,圣女当然不可能答应,赏脸,圣女没给你一耳刮子就不错了。Theysurroundboth hands, the corners of the mouthbringsneering, anticipated that Liu Qingchengsaidoneto make the opposite partyshamefulrejectionwords, for exampleIdid not accept this invite, youdid not matchand so on words, theyhopein any caseLiu Qingchengsaidcoarsebetter.
After thisavid followerwas rejected, thentheywere ridiculing that a wave of toadwantsto eat a day of goosemeat, it is estimated thatthisavid followerashamedshameful.
这个狂徒被拒绝之后,然后他们在嘲笑一波癞蛤蟆想吃天鹅肉,估计这狂徒会羞愧的无地自容。Un, veryperfectscript.
The Liu Qingchenglip angleraises a curvedelightfully, the soundas beforeinteresting to listen, makingoneimmerse.柳倾城唇角扬起一丝弧度,声音依旧悦耳动听,令人沉醉。„Haha, the avid followeryouwere resisted...”
“哈哈,狂徒你被拒...”WhenLiu Qingchengopens the mouth, already some people of impatienthitting a person when he is down, but the wordshave not said, the directpetrification, the surroundingspeopleincludingsacred placethreeKing, as well asLiu QingchengImperial Brotherwait/etc, the collectivebrainwork as the machine.
当柳倾城开口的时候,就已经有人迫不及待的落井下石,可是话还没有说完,直接石化,周围众人包括圣地的三位王者,以及柳倾城的皇兄等等,集体大脑当机。Theyfelt that the earpresented the illusion, can it be thatto misunderstand.
他们感觉耳朵出现了幻觉,莫不是听错了。WhyLiu Qingchengwill comply withthisinvitation, was just angryobviouslyvery much.
为何柳倾城会答应这种邀请,明明刚刚很生气的。Lu Chensaid: „Iam newly-arrived, does not know that Holy Cityhasanythingto be delicious, youguide.”陆尘说道:“我初来乍到,不知道圣城有什么好吃的,你带路吧。”„Line”Liu Qingchengnods.
“行”柳倾城点点头。„Itreat, youpay a bill” the Lu Chensmileto say.
“我请客,你付账”陆尘微笑道。Liu Qingchengwas speechlessimmediately, butsmilesdoes not reveal the tooth, the nod, isrepliesgently.柳倾城顿时无语了,不过笑不露齿,轻轻点头,算是应答下来。Two peoplesaidwhilewalks, quicklefthere.
两人边说边走,很快就离开了这里。Leaves behindonegroup of dumbfoundedpeople.
留下一群傻眼的人。„Holy Daughterdegenerated” some people of cryingfathersto shout mother, a feelinglifedarkness.
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