, renewsmy familyMastermostquicklyultraominousdá!
The Long Chencomplexionchanges, feelsthisfinger/refers of terrifying, smelled the aura of death, the figurerocks, changes to the afterimageavoidance.龙辰脸色一变,感受到这一指的恐怖,嗅到了死亡的气息,身形晃动,化作残影躲避。Pū!
噗!But, the Star Smashing Fingerspeedis too fast, pierces an arm of Long Chendirectly.
The arm of Long Chenpresents a bloodhole, the bloodflows, incarnadinesleeves, simultaneously the qi energyis eruptedby the arm that inStar Smashing Fingerpierced, broke the flesh, making the Long Chencomplexiontwist, the pain of ten points.龙辰的手臂出现一个血洞,鲜血流淌出来,染红了衣袖,同时被碎星指洞穿的手臂里面气劲爆发,震碎了血肉,让龙辰脸色都扭曲起来,十分的痛苦。Is injuredwhileLong Chen, Lu Chenfinds timeto attackLi Hei, liftsin the handsto condenseis in charge, is passing the terrifyinggreatstrength, has the enormous and powerfulprestigeenergy, the horizontal position.
The Li Heicomplexionchanges, mustretreat, butwas hitas before, spits bloodagainflying upside down.李黑脸色一变,就要退走,可是依旧被击中,再次吐血倒飞。this timefliesis quite far, at least700-800metersdistances, basicallyare damagedseriously, strength that has not foughtagain.这一次飞的比较远,起码有700-800米的距离,基本上受创严重,没有再战的实力了。
After striking to flyLi Hei, vitality that the Lu Chendeep breath, the revolutionwithin the bodysuppressionboils.
打飞李黑之后,陆尘深呼吸,运转体内镇压沸腾的气血。Whenherelaxes, the extremelydangerousauraspreads over the whole body.
A purplelong swordtoweringemergence, does not know where braves, the purple lightis graceful, shines uponall around.
The surroundingstopSupermundane, sawLi HeiandLong Chentwo peoplefall into the leewardtimejointly, could not bearmake a move.
A purpleswordbodyacross the sky, purple qifills the air, the speed that itpresents was really quick, probablywisp of purpledenseair/Qi, toward the Lu Chenlasingin the past, mustpierce the body of Lu Chenprobably, merelyonebreath, drew close toLu Chen.
一柄紫色的剑体横空,紫气弥漫,它出现的速度实在是太快了,像是一缕紫色的氤氲之气,朝陆尘激射过去,像是要洞穿陆尘的身体,仅仅一个呼吸,就贴近了陆尘。As if the nextsecond, will pierce the body of Lu Chen.
仿佛下一秒,就会洞穿陆尘的身体。Is excitedin the people, thisavid followerinjured, mattertoherealmostconclusiontime.
A silverlong sword, just like a bright moon, emerges out of thin airin the Lu Chenback.
The purpleswordbodyis mixing with the astonishingmight and silverlong swordclashes, gold/metalironhands over the whining noiseto spread, sparks/Marsscatters, the swordprestigeshakesheaven and earth.
紫色剑体夹杂着惊人威力与银色长剑发生碰撞,金铁交鸣声传出,火星四溅,剑威震荡天地。Lu Chensimplydoes not have the attack after pipe shaft, the mind and silver mooncommunicates, blockeddirectlyattackedhispurplelong sword.陆尘根本没有管身后的攻击,心神与银月沟通,直接挡住了袭击他的紫色长剑。
The silver moonishemagical treasure that raisesfromyoungaccumulated, has the astonishingorigin.
银月是他从小蕴养的法宝,有着惊人的来历。Lu Chenjumpsto leap, just likegold/metalwingGreat Pengacross the sky, towardLong Chenkillingin the past, the Long Chencomplexionbig change, hisbodychanged totogetherazureafterimage, rapidavoided the attack of Lu Chen.陆尘纵身一跃,宛若金翅大鹏横空,朝龙辰扑杀过去,龙辰脸色大变,他的身体化作一道青色的残影,迅速的避开陆尘的攻击。
The Long Chenspeedis quick, leaves behindoneskewer of afterimage.龙辰速度很快,留下一串残影。„Dragon Shuttle Step”
“龙梭步”On the scenehasKingto call out in alarm, is narrowing the eye.
在场有王者惊呼,眯着眼睛。Dragon Shuttle StepisAzure Dragon Templeonespeedmovement, the figurelike the dragon, afterimageis intermittent, thismovementpracticesgreat accomplishment, the average personis hardto catch the motion trajectoryradically, can only seeoneskewer of light smokes, oroneskewer of azureafterimage.龙梭步是青龙圣殿的一种速度身法,身形如龙,残影阵阵,这种身法练到大成,一般人根本难以捕捉运行轨迹,只能看见一串青烟,或者一串青色残影。
The Lu Chenspeedalsorises suddenlysuddenly, changes toafterimage, in the airhas the lightthunderoussound.陆尘的速度也陡然暴涨,化作残影,空气中有淡淡的雷鸣声。AlthoughDragon Shuttle Stepspeedpinnacle, butcomparesLu ChenThunderous Thousand Jun, slightlyweakplanned, the twobreath, Lu Chenkept up with the Long Chenfootstepsmerely, raised the fistto pounddirectly, veryneat.龙梭步虽然速度极致,但是相比较陆尘的雷鸣千钧,稍微弱了一筹,仅仅两个呼吸,陆尘就跟上了龙辰的脚步,扬起拳头直接砸了过去,非常的干脆利落。In the Long Chenheartwith amazement, heis skilled inDragon Shuttle Step, bragged that can followinspeedfewpeople, thisyouthanythingspeed, caught upunexpectedlyhe who displaysDragon Shuttle Step, without the means that Long Chenhasto knock out the fist, collideswith the Lu Chenfistsealtogether.龙辰心中骇然,他精通龙梭步,自诩在速度方面没几人能跟得上,这个青年什么速度,居然追上了施展龙梭步的他,没办法,龙辰只好出拳,与陆尘的拳印碰撞在一起。Bang!
The strength of powerfulcounter-shakingtransmits, the Long Chenvitalityupwells.
强大的反震之力传来,龙辰气血上涌。Lu Chenstrikesto have the advantage, knocks out the fistlike the shadow, the continualbombardment, to the meat, the terrifyinggreatstrength that the fistcarriesfalls in torrents the body of Long Chensincerelycompletely.陆尘一击占据优势,出拳如影,连续轰击,拳拳到肉,拳头携带的恐怖巨力全部倾泻到龙辰的身上。Titter!
The Long Chenstraightconnectionspits the blood, sprinkles the land, looks deathly palepalely, if the air/Qi the gossamer, is unable at the war.龙辰直接口吐鲜血,洒落大地,脸色惨白惨白的,气若游丝,无法在战了。
The surroundingperson of complexionis wooden, evenLong Chendoes not have the meansto take the opposite party.
周围人脸色木然,连龙辰也没有办法拿下对方吗。Because the speed was too just fast, probablytwoshadowsare pursuing, theycannot see clearly the aspect, whomdoes not knowto be in the upper hand, whodrops the wind, nowstops, the Long Chencomplexionis pale, explanationLong Chen losses.
由于两人刚刚速度太快了,像是两道影子在追逐,他们看不清局面,不知谁占上风,谁落下风,如今停下,龙辰面色惨白,说明龙辰了。King of surroundinglight and shadeexists, evenAzure Dragon TempleHoly Sondefeated, is all silent.
周围明暗的王者存在,连青龙圣殿的圣子都败了,皆沉默不语。„Long Chen losses”
“龙辰了”„Long Chendefeatedunexpectedly”
“龙辰竟然败了”Somesurroundingspeoplehave not been ableto believethisresult.
周围还有人不敢相信这个结果。ThisisAzure Dragon TempleHoly Son, thisavid followeriswhatorigin, whycanmeetsuccessive defeatsLi Hei, Long Chenthisdominationin the influencesuccessor of dynasty.
The Jade Lake Holy Landdisciple, is numb, thisavid followerwas too strong.瑶池圣地的弟子,早已经麻木了,这个狂徒太强了。ThreeKing, as well as have Kingto narrow the eyein secret, stares atLu Chento act, is pondering overmartial art that displayscarefully, fromWilderness Territorywhichtopsacred place, becauseonly has the sage levelinfluence, cantrainthisabnormalevildoer/monstrous talent.
只有三个王者,以及暗中还有王者眯着眼睛,盯着陆尘出手,在仔细琢磨施展的武学,到底来自荒域哪个顶级圣地,因为只有圣级势力,才能够培养出这种变态的妖孽。Howwhat a pityno mattertheyrack brains, isnothing'sclue.
可惜不管他们怎么苦思冥想,就是没有任何的头绪。„Your excellencystrengthstrong, Iwas not the opponent, receivingmake”Long Chenhold the fist in the other handto saytoLu Chen,later the figurein a flash, therapy.
“阁下实力超强,我不是对手,承让了”龙辰对着陆尘抱拳说道,随后身形一晃,下去疗伤去了。Not far away, twolong swords, althoughunmannedcontrol, butsomeprobablypeoplegripto be the same, collidesunceasinglyintogether, sends outdingdong, the purplegas and silvergasinterwine, thisistwosword cultivatorcontrolsmagical treasure that accumulatedraisesto encounterwith the mind, refuses to compromise.
The surroundingpersonwith amazement, thisavid followermustgo against heaven's will.
周围人骇然,这个狂徒要逆天了。Merelyonelong sword, preventedin secret the attack of sometopSupermundane.
“嗡”Shiversvoid, round of purpleis in chargeobviously, is several hundred meters, is condensedbyspirit strength, the prestigecanbe terrorist, whipsto gotowardLu Chen.
虚空颤抖,一轮紫色掌印显化,长达上百米,由灵力凝聚,威能恐怖,朝陆尘拍打而去。„ThisisPurple Luminary Palm”
“这是紫耀掌”„Purple Sageabsolute art”
The surroundingpersonsees the in the airgiantpurplepalm, is passing the terrifyingaura, allwith amazementincomparable, becausetheyrecognize the origin that the purplewas in charge, the one whoalsoknewmaking a moveis, is relatedwithPurple Sage.
周围人看到空中的巨大紫色手掌,透着恐怖的气息,全都骇然无比,因为他们认出了紫色掌印的来历,同时也知晓了出手的是何人,与紫圣有关。BecausePurple Luminary PalmisPurple Sagepowerfulabsolute art, mightterrifyingunparalleled, the aurafluctuation that this momentPurple Luminary Palmerupts, makingPrimordial Spirit Boundarymartial artiston the scenefearful and apprehensive.
因为紫耀掌乃是紫圣的一门强大绝学,威力恐怖无双,此刻紫耀掌爆发出来的气息波动,令在场元神境武者们心惊胆颤。Lu Chenturns around, the eyepupilsuch as the electricityglow, the chill in the aircirculation, liftshandonemove, withsilver moon that the purpleswordbodyconfronts, probablyinducesto the summon of Lu Chen, is not collidingwith the purpleswordbody, fliesto shoottowardhim.陆尘转身,眼眸如电芒,寒意流转,抬手一招,与紫色剑体对峙的银月,像是感应到陆尘的召唤,不在与紫色剑体碰撞,朝他飞射过来。Lu Chengrips the sword hilt, from the skydelimitstworadiantsilversword qi, the sword qiwave lightis clear, like the ocean waves, shakes, withhugepurplepalmcontact, likecuttingtofu, cutto break to piecesthispurpleto be in chargedirectly, the purplewas in charge the dissipationinheaven and earth.陆尘握住剑柄,在空中划出两道璀璨的银色剑气,剑气波光粼粼,如同海浪,震荡出去,与巨大的紫色手掌接触,如同切豆腐一样,直接斩碎了这道紫色掌印,紫色掌印消散于天地间。At this time, an abundantgodlike the jade, wore the youth of silverrobeto soar, summoned the purplelong sword, looks atLu Chenopened the mouth and said: „Iacknowledged that youare very strong, successive defeatsLi Hei, Long Chen, makesmyZi Mingtryyou, meetsto incur.”
这个时候,一个丰神如玉,身穿银袍的青年腾空,把紫色长剑召唤到手中,看着陆尘开口道:“我承认你很强,连败李黑,龙辰,就让我紫冥来试试你,接招吧。”Zi Mingpreviouslysaw the provocation of Lu Chen, defeated the twocannon foddertime, the corners of the mouthbring backdisdain, butevenLi HeiandLong ChentwoHeaven's Chosendefeatedinhishand, the hand that Zi Minglooked was itchy, cannot bearmake a moveto sneak attackonewave.紫冥先前看到陆尘的挑衅,败了两个炮灰的时候,嘴角勾起不屑,但是连李黑和龙辰两个天骄都败在了他的手中,紫冥看的手痒痒,忍不住出手偷袭一波。„Zi Ming”
“紫冥”„Purple Sageheir”
The surroundingpersonnoticed that onZi Mingfills the purpleray, seems the deityto descend to earth, honoredunparalleled, calls out in alarmone.
周围人看到紫冥身上弥漫紫色光芒,好似天神下凡,尊贵无双,惊呼一声。Zi MingistopSupermundane, the strengthis also extraordinary, nowsaw that thisavid followerfirstdefeatsLi Hei, thenLong Chen, could not bearmake a movefinally.紫冥也是一尊顶尖的超凡,战力非凡,如今看到这个狂徒先败李黑,然后龙辰,终于忍不住出手了。Zi Minggrasps the purpleswordbody, the strengthincreasesunceasingly, the imposing mannersuch asdragonSihu, bellows: „Kills.”紫冥手握紫色剑体,战力不断地攀升,气势如龙似虎,大吼一声:“杀。”Zi Mingis static, if the virgin, movesiffast, during the divegoes forwardcutstogether the purpleswordlight, the swordillustriouseyedazzling, has the sharpunparalleledaura, Lu Chenholds the swordto welcome, twoswordscollideintogether, makes the sound of Zhengcalling.紫冥静若处子,动若脱兔,在俯冲前进的同时斩出一道紫色的剑光,剑光耀眼刺目,带着锐利无双的气息,陆尘持剑相迎,两把剑碰撞在一起,发出铮鸣之音。
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