, renewsmy familyMastermostquicklyultraominousdá!
笔趣阁,最快更新我家师父超凶哒!Kingcharactercoldsnort/hum of hidden, in the Jade Lake Holy Landunder foot, hewill certainly not bully the weakin secret, moreoversacred placetalentlikeclouds, could not have suppressed an outcomer.
暗中隐藏的王者人物冷哼一声,在瑶池圣地脚下,他当然不会以大欺小,而且圣地天才如云,难道还镇压不了一个外来者。Especiallythese dayswasto recruit the sensitive period of disciple, the groups of heroesgathered.
尤其这几天是招收弟子的敏感时期,群英汇聚。Sovereignheir, majordynastyprincesses, Your highness, and aloofSagedescendantshave, ifsacred placeexternalSupermundanecannotsuppress, will pass onto fall the sacred placeprestige.皇者子嗣,各大皇朝公主,殿下,以及超然的圣者后代都有,如果圣地连一个外来超凡都不能镇压,传出去会落圣地威名。„Goesto callKingto pass on the sound saidWu Xie”.
“去把吴邪叫来”一尊王者传音道。„Right, invitedSenior Brother Wu Xie”Jade Lake Holy Landnumerousdiscipleeyesonebright, departedfast.
“对,请吴邪师兄”瑶池圣地众弟子眼睛一亮,其中一个飞快的离去了。Keeps the restaurantto stare atLu Chenas for others.
至于其他人则留在酒楼盯着陆尘。„Youare waiting, Senior Brother Wu Xiearrives, musthitsurelyeverywhereyoulooks fortooth” a white clothingdiscipleto look that Lu Chensneers saying that clearlyinSenior Brother Wu Xietohismouthis very confident.
“你等着,吴邪师兄到来,定要把你打得满地找牙”一名白衣弟子看着陆尘冷笑道,很显然对他口中的吴邪师兄有信心。Wu XiealsohascertainfameinJade Lake Holy Land, the Supermundanecompletionlevel, strengthfarultraboundary, inPrimordial Spirit Boundarydoes not usein the mental strengthsituation, caneasilydefeatPrimordial Spirit Boundaryinitial stage.吴邪在瑶池圣地也拥有一定的名气,超凡圆满层次,战力远超境界,在元神境不动用精神力的情况下,能够轻松击败元神境初期。Thisis the crossboundaryfight.
这是跨境界战斗。„Iam waiting for”Lu Chenlanguidsaying: „Hopedo not disappointme.”
The surroundingpeopleare also waiting forpeacefully, waits for the Jade Lake Holy Landtalentto act, suppressesthisavid follower.
周围众人也安静的等待着,等待瑶池圣地天才出面,镇压这个狂徒。„Senior Brother Wu Xiecame”
“吴邪师兄来了”At this time, does not know that whoroared.
这个时候,不知道谁吼了一句。Out of the door, staturetall and straightyouthstepscome, the blackbecoming darkpupil, the looklike the electricity, the releaseSupermundane Boundarycompletionauraentered the restaurant, coldsay/way: „Whosaid that makesHoly Daughterpour out wine.”
门外,一名身材挺拔的青年踏步而来,黑发黑眸,眼神如电,释放超凡境圆满的气息走进了酒楼,冷然道:“谁说让圣女斟酒。”„Good, Senior Brother Wu Xieyoucame, hurriesto suppressthisavid follower”
The surroundingJade Lake Holy Landdiscipleis pointing atLu Chen, veryexcitedsaying.
周围瑶池圣地弟子指着陆尘,十分激动的说道。„Courts death”
“找死”Wu Xiecoldsnort/hum, proceedsto tread, having the fullconstrictionto approach, the invisiblepressurefills the entireroom, thentargetedwas pressingtoLu Chen.吴邪冷哼一声,往前一踏,带着十足的压迫感临近,无形的威压弥漫整个房间,然后有针对性的对着陆尘压了过去。„”
“啪”Lu Chenputs out a hand, a palmlays out, has a greatstrength, rapiddrawing close toWu Xie, hits the chest.陆尘伸出手,一掌拍出,带着一股巨力,迅速的贴近吴邪,击中胸口。
The Wu Xiecomplexionbig change, the innermost feelingshave the frightenedfeeling, revolutionspirit strengthprotect the body, but, hisbodyhitsby the can seestrength, flies upside downdirectly.吴邪脸色大变,内心产生惊悚感,运转灵力护体,可是,他的身体被被看不见的力量打中,直接倒飞出去。At this time, Lu Chenmoved, hisfigurejust like the ghosts and demons, curled upstrong winds, suddenlyarrived at the Wu Xiefront, a fistbangon the mouth of Wu Xie, speedquickseemed like‚shrinksbecomesinch’to be the same, returnedon the seat.
“嗷”Wu Xieis covering the mouth, the tearstearslongclass/flow, justthisfist, poundedonhismouth, Wu Xiefelt that the mouthsevere painis incomparable, in addition, the toothwas also brokenseveral, wraps in the mouth.吴邪捂着嘴巴,涕泪长流,刚刚这一拳,砸在了他的嘴巴上,吴邪感觉嘴巴剧痛无比,除此之外,牙齿也被砸碎了好几颗,都包在嘴里。
A faint traceblood, flowedfollowing the fingerseam.
“噗”Wu Xiespits blood, inbloody wateris mixingseveralteeth, scattersplace.吴邪吐血,一口血水中混合着几颗牙齿,散落一地。Sways, falls to the ground.
摇摇晃晃,一头栽倒在地。„Carries off, next”Lu Chenlanguidsaying, thenlooked that topreviouslyput the aggressive statement, disciple who at this momenthas compelledignorant: „Right, remembers that helpsyourSenior Brother Wu Xielook fortooth”.
The surroundingpersonspeechless, has saying that althoughthisavid followeris crazy, butis competent.
周围人哑然,不得不说,这个狂徒虽然狂,但是有实力。Onecrowd of Jade Lake Holy Landdisciplecomplexionschanged, the strength of thisavid followeris very strong, not as they expected, evenSenior Brother Wu Xiedefeated, it seems likemustlook formore powerfulSenior Brotherto punish.
The disciple who previouslythatput the aggressive statement, coldlysaid: „Do not be self-satisfied, Ma LongSenior Brothercame, Ma LongSenior Brothermustmake into the pandaeyeyousurely, youwildhow long.”
先前那个放狠话的弟子,冷冷道:“你别得意,马龙师兄来了,马龙师兄定要把你打成熊猫眼,你猖狂不了多久。”„Iam waiting for”Lu Chenas beforelanguidsaying.
“我等着”陆尘依旧懒洋洋的说道。Soon, a thinyouthrushes tohere, hisvisionfellon the body of Lu Chen, shouted: „Youinsult the avid follower of Your HighnessHoly Daughter.”
不多时,一个身材削瘦的青年赶到这里,他的目光落在了陆尘的身上,喝道:“你就是侮辱圣女殿下的狂徒。”Mainlyis the Lu Chensitting alonemiddle, others draw backby far, Lu Chensurrounding area20metershe alone, thereforerecognizedall of a sudden.
“过来受....”Ma Longopened the mouth and said, but the wordshave not said,seesLu Chen of not far awayto vanishto disappear, at the same time, extremelydangerousauraspreads over the whole body, makinghisfine body hairbut actuallyvertical.马龙开口道,可是话还没有说完,就看见不远处的陆尘消失不见了,与此同时,一股极度危险的气息传遍全身,令他寒毛倒竖。Hū!
A fistappearsin the line of sight of Ma Long, thenfeels an eyepain, burningpain.
一个拳头出现在马龙的视线中,然后感觉眼睛一痛,火辣辣的痛。Thenanothereyewas also attacked, painfulwishsheds tears.
接着另一只眼睛也遭受攻击,痛的想要掉眼泪。Inthen, Lu Chentrampledinhisabdomen.
在然后,陆尘一脚踹在了他的腹部。ThisnamedMa Longflewdirectly, is going against the twopurplepandaeyestuporin the past.
The surroundingpeoplecompelagainignorant, Ma Long that Jade Lake Holy Landcomesdefeated, just likeWu Xie, does not have the strength of resistancecompletely, orrespondedradicallywithout enough time,comeherehas not gasped for breath, onstuporin the past.
The Jade Lake Holy Landdisciplecomplexionchanged.瑶池圣地弟子脸色变了变。Simultaneouslysomedisciples, staredonejustto put the wordssame sideruthlessly.
这个乌鸦嘴。Firstwassaid that Wu Xiewill hiteverywherethispersonlooks for the tooth, whatwas then haplesswasWu Xie, was hit a brokentooth of place, thenalsosaid that Ma LongSenior Brotherwill make into the pandaeyethisperson.
先是说吴邪会把此人打得满地找牙,然后倒霉的是吴邪,被打了一地的碎牙齿,然后又说马龙师兄会把此人打成熊猫眼。Then, Ma LongSenior Brotherwithstood/top the twopurpleeyestuporto pass.
然后,马龙师兄顶着两个乌青的眼睛昏迷过去了。mother, wantssuchcrowmouth.
尼玛,要不要这么乌鸦嘴。„Carries off, next”Lu Chenlanguidsaying.
The disciple who previouslythatput the aggressive statementgot angry: „Toldyou, youleftare too self-satisfied, Senior Brother Wang Mangalsoincatching upon the way, Senior Brother Wang Mangcanhitfullheadyousurelyis a package.”
先前那名放狠话的弟子怒道:“告诉你,你别太得意,王莽师兄也在赶来的途中,王莽师兄必定能够把你打得满头是包。”Soon, theycoveted the great expectationsWang Mangto come.
The Wang Mangfigureis not tall, only thenonemeter about seven, butgrandioseincomparable, like a headmanominousbeast, courage vigorveryvigorous, power and influence that the bodyrevealscompared withWu Xie, the beam current of Ma Long are too greatly many.王莽身材并不高,只有一米七左右,但是壮硕无比,如同一头人型凶兽,血气非常的浑厚,身上流露出来的威势比吴邪,马龙之流强大太多。Lu Chenunconsciouslooked atone, thisnamedWang Mangtois a trueSupermundanelife, althoughtransformationnot his completion.陆尘也不自觉的多看了一眼,这个叫王莽的到是一位真正的超凡生命,虽然蜕变没有他那么圆满。Wang Mangis a sacred placeElderdisciple, the talentis splendid, inJade Lake Holy Land, can beman of the hour.王莽是圣地一位长老的弟子,天赋出色,在瑶池圣地内,也算得上风云人物。
The surroundingJade Lake Holy LanddiscipleseesWang Mangto arrive, allrelaxes, Wang ManginJade Lake Holy Land, althoughcannot comparethatseveralevildoer/monstrous talent, butput a dynasty, cansweep awaysame boundary.
周围瑶池圣地的弟子看到王莽到来,皆松了一口气,王莽在瑶池圣地内虽然比不上那几个妖孽,但是放到一个皇朝,能够横扫同境界。TheytoSenior Brother Wang Mangtrust.
他们对王莽师兄十分的信任。Wang Mangis staring atLu Chen, the lookis vicious, is similar to a beast of preyto stare atLu Chen, hisanythingwordsdo not have, takes a stepdirectly, the clipbinds the fist of wildstrengthto strikehorizontally.王莽盯着陆尘,眼神凶狠,就如同一头猛兽般盯着陆尘,他什么话也没有,直接迈步过来,夹裹着狂暴力量的一拳横击而出。
The power and influence that thisfistcarriesis very terrifying, imposing, verveoverbearing.
The surroundingpersonfeels the power and influence of thisfist, the complexionchanged.
周围人感受到这一拳的威势,脸色变了。Thisfiststrives to excel, ifhitsontheirbodies, it is estimated thatWang Mangwill cry, criesto askthemnot dead.
这一拳好强,如果打在他们的身上,估计王莽会哭,哭着求他们别死。„Comesfinallypleasant”Lu Chensmiledlightly, lifts the handstandardto keep off the fist of opposite party.
A might of Wang Mangfist, madehisarmslighttingling with numbness.王莽一拳的威力,令他手臂轻微的发麻。
A strengthsneaks into the arm, verveoverbearing, cannot block, if the commonpersonwere entered the bodybythisstrength, the armwill discarddirectly, butregardingLu Chen, superficial.
一股劲气窜入手臂,刚猛霸道,根本挡不住,若是寻常人被这只劲气入体,手臂会直接废掉,不过对于陆尘来说,不痛不痒。Transfersspirit strengthto sneak into the arm, suppressedthiswisp of strength, reduces and solvesdirectly.
调动灵力窜入手臂,镇压了这缕劲气,直接化解。Wang Mangsees the Lu Chencomplexionto be tranquil, in the eyerevealsoneto be startled, canblock his fistto be without turning a hair, toisa little background.王莽见陆尘脸色平静,眼中露出一丝吃惊,能挡住他一拳而面不改色,到是有点底子。
The must knowheboils down the bodybyvariousmonster beastbloodsince childhood, the courage vigoris wild, the bodyboils downincomparablehard, boils downveryoverbearinglytogether in within the bodyspirit strength, where the average persondaresto meet the tough head-on with toughnesswithhim, canwithstand a person of hisfistto be few.
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