, renewsmy familyMastermostquicklyultraominousdá!
The sharpZhengwhining noiseresoundstogether.
The silver mooncuts the expansive sky, staysin the Lu Chenside, the swordprestige that revealsis very rich, at leastmakesHanstaticand other hundred flowerssectdisciplecomplexionsfloodwhite, the breathresemblessuffocateslike that.
Obviously, at presentthis‚clay figurine’, is a Sword Daopowerhouse.
很显然,眼前这个‘泥人’,是一位剑道强者。Becauseonly thenspecializes in the Sword Daopowerhouse, canaccumulatedraiseso the pointto absorb the swordprestige of person.
The Lu Chenwhole bodyis dirty, felt that the whole bodyis uncomfortable, spiritual sensesweeps, discovered that 20 km awayhas a lake, soars, evengreetedhas not foughtwith the disciple of hundred flowerssect, thenflew away.陆尘全身脏兮兮的,感觉浑身不舒服,神念一扫,发现20公里外有一口湖泊,腾空而起,连招呼也没有和百花宗的弟子打,便飞走了。„Whatperson, even/includingJuthanksdoes not have”
“什么人嘛,连句谢谢都没有”„HanstaticSenior Sisterpaidpreciouscrossingto livepill, rescued his life, even/includingJuthankedis unworthy”
After Lu Chenleaves, hundred flowersancestor'sonecrowd of girl studentin abundancediscontentedcomplaints.
待陆尘离开后,百花宗的一群女弟子纷纷不满的抱怨起来。„Do not saylike this,youalsosaw, the opposite partycanput outexcellent worksmedicinal pill, perhapscrosses a freshpillreallyusenot to haveHanstaticto smile bitterlyto him”, at oncesays: „Isweshouldthankhimon the contrary, perhapswithouthim, wewere seizedbybearKunand the others.”
“别这样说,你们也看见了,对方能够拿出圣品丹药,说不定渡生丹对他来说真的一点用处都没有”韩静苦笑一声,旋即说道:“反倒是我们应该感谢他,如果没有他,我们或许被熊坤等人抓走了。”Hears the bigSenior Sisterwords, the discipleshesitateslightly, probablythisprinciple.
听到大师姐的话,众弟子微微沉吟,好像是这个理。However the girl studentmutteredlow voice: „It is estimated that the fellowwalkeddog shittransporting, foundexcellent worksmedicinal pillin the ruins.”
不过还是女弟子小声的咕哝道:“估计那家伙走了狗屎运,在废墟中找到了圣品丹药。”Theydo not believe that a Primordial Spirit Boundarypersoncanput outexcellent worksmedicinal pill, becauseexcellent worksmedicinal pillis very precious, mustsay that Primordial Spirit Boundarycanput outexcellent worksmedicinal pill, feared that isonly thenthesepowerful and prominentHoly Sonlevelscantake.
The Hanstaticpursing the lipscorner/horn, shifts the topic: „The matter cannot be delayed, wemusthurryto leavehere, avoidsby the ghostwolfancestor'spersondiscovery.”
韩静抿了抿嘴角,转移话题道:“事不宜迟,我们得赶紧离开这里,避免被鬼狼宗的人发现。”bearKunin the ghostwolfsecta littlestatus, the Kingfather, shouldmake a soulsignforhim, bearKundiedhere, somepeoplesearchessurely, ifdiscoversthemhere, definitelywill put the blame onbearKun'sdeaththeirbodies.
The Hanstaticwords, making the hundred flowerssectdiscipleelegantfacechange color, thereforehurriedto leave.
韩静的话,让百花宗弟子俏脸变色,于是赶紧离开了。Lake20 km away, Lu Chenhas a good swimininside, washes offstainless of body, changescleanclothes, immediatelyfelt the whole personrefreshingmany.
The Lu Chenwhite clothingdustlessness, Yushufaces the wind, is extraordinary, peacefultime, unexpectedlysomewhatmeaning of scholarly.陆尘白衣无尘,玉树临风,气质不凡,安静的时候,竟然有几分儒雅的意味。With the enhancement of boundary, no matter the figureor the makings, have very bigchange.
The faceis inborn, is unchangeable, butcanenhance the makings and charisma.
脸是天生的,不能改变,但是可以提升气质和人格魅力。Naturally, the face of appearance changingdoes not calculate.
当然,易容的脸不算。Lu Chenwith the rise of strength, the makings and charismais also promoting, the facial featuresamongmost people, areoutstanding, butis not the apex.陆尘随着实力的提升,气质和人格魅力也在提升,脸型在大多数人当中,已经算是出类拔萃了,但算不上顶尖。„Vanished for fourmonths, I must have a look.”Lu Chenshouted the one breathlightly, later the figureflashed, leftherefast.
“消失了四个多月,我也得出去看看了。”陆尘轻呼一口气,随后身形一闪,快速离开了这里。Meanwhile, the place that bearKunand othersdied, powerfulauraarrives, making the spaceproducefiercestorm, at once, a tall and powerfully builtmiddle-aged manflies highto stand, enormous and powerfulkingprestigefills the air.
The middle-agedmalefalls the line of sightonbearKun'sbody, the footstepsstep, arrive in front of the corpse.
中年男把视线落在熊坤的身上,脚步一跨,来到尸体面前。bearKunforehead, hasmortal woundtogether, the bloodstainis not dry.
熊坤的眉心处,有一道致命伤,血迹还未干涸。„Sword cut”beardevelopsin the sealook the malignant influencescirculation, closes the eye, the nosemakes an effortto smell, from the skysmelledunusualaura, thatis the flowerfragrance.
The surroundingsectinfluence, in the hundred flowerssectopensfullsea of flowers, inairresiduallightflower fragrance, is just the sameas the hundred flowerssect.
周围宗门势力,百花宗内开满花海,空气中残留的淡淡花香,和百花宗一模一样。„Hundred flowerssect”
After little, bearTuohaiopens the eye, in the eyeflashes throughice-coldkillingto readtogether, the aurarushes: „The hundred flowerssectbigcourage, daresto killmy child.”
少许后,熊拓海睁开眼睛,眼中闪过一道冰冷的杀念,气息澎湃起来:“百花宗好大的胆子,竟敢杀我儿。”Then, bearTuohai the sleeverobewields, the icecrossesvoid, powerfulspiritual sensefills the air, coversall aroundspace.
说完,熊拓海袖袍一挥,凌渡虚空,强大的神念弥漫开来,笼罩四周空间。Lu Chenis flyingin the upper air, sawbeing unable to withstand in confusionground, for example the landcrack, or the mountainbreak, seemed likeerupted a superpowerhouseterrifyingwarbaptismfrom now onbattlefield.陆尘正在高空中飞行,看到了地面的狼藉不堪,比如大地龟裂,亦或者山岳断裂,很像是爆发了一场超级强者恐怖大战洗礼过后的战场。„Thisis the land of kamikazeancient countryfalls, the landcollision of Azure Territorywithscene that creates”Lu Chenflies, while the whispersaid.
“这是神风古国的土地落下来,与青域的土地碰撞造成的景象吗”陆尘一边飞行,一边嘀咕道。Twodayslater, Lu Chenfinallyfound a city, the cityis not big, spiritual sensesweepscancover, length of side about 50kilometers.
两天后,陆尘终于找到了一座城池,城池不大,神念一扫就能够覆盖,边长在五十公里左右。Lu Chenfalls into the city, has not handledothermatter, firstlooked for a cultivationinn, paidmillionspirit stone, entersin the innto startcultivation.陆尘落入城中,没有做别的事情,首先找了一家修炼客栈,付了百万灵石,进入客栈中开始修炼。Becausehispresentsomewhatis weak, does not arrive at the peaktime.
因为他现在的身体还有些虚弱,远不到巅峰时刻。martial artistwantsto survive, frequentlymustretain the prosperousstrength.
一个武者想要存活下来,时刻要保持鼎盛的实力。Lu Chenfully realizesthistruth, thereforefirstrestores the whole bodyperiodcultivation base.陆尘深知这个道理,所以第一时间就是把修为恢复全身时期。„, dragonmeat/flesh the storage capacity is a little not big, firstsolvessome”Lu Chento think aloud.
“唔,龙肉的储存量有点大,先解决一些”陆尘自言自语道。Initially is a much less in the dragonmeat that the Demon Dragondeep poolmade, stillhad not finished eating.
当初在魔龙渊弄的龙肉有点多,一直没吃完。Waves, hisfronthad/left20jin (0.5 kg)dragonmeat.
挥手间,他的面前就多出了二十来斤龙肉。As the dragonmeatappears, a richessenceeruptsfrominside.
Room cultivationhas the tool of preparing food, evenno, hecarriedtwocauldronandonealongbakes the frame, thisis the necessary tool of walkrivers and lakes.修炼有做饭的工具,就算没有,他随身都携带了两口大锅和一个烧烤架,这是行走江湖的必备工具。
The Lu ChenadvantagethinksflaredragonRoukaoto be good, scatters the seasoning, atein gulps.陆尘利用神火把龙肉烤好,撒上调料,大口大口的吃了起来。Lu Cheneatsis very fragrant, the eatenmouthfulis greasy, the juicescatters.陆尘吃的很香,吃的满嘴油腻,汁水四溅。dragonmeat/fleshcontains the essenceto flow in the flesh of bodycontinuously, body that the restoreis damaged.
The cleanness that 20jin (0.5 kg)dragonmeateliminates, Lu Chenthenstartspeacefulcultivation, unnecessaryessencebuilding up.
Less than tendays of time, Lu Chenrestored the heyday.
“咦....”Lu Chensweptoneselfboundary, unexpectedlydiscoveryunknowinglycompletion.陆尘扫了一眼自己的境界,居然发现不知不觉圆满了。this timebyMasterwith the aid ofmortal body, regarding the harm of mortal bodyveryhuge, has almost not brokento the lanehisbody, butgets backnow, cultivation baseplans.这一次被师父们借助肉身,对于肉身的损害十分的巨大,差点没把他的身体给弄散架,但是现在恢复过来,修为更甚一筹。Alsoisturns misfortune into a blessing.
“呼...”Lu Chenshouted the one breathlightly, stretches oneself, the bodyexuded the explosivesoundimmediately, Primordial Spirit Boundarycompletionauraerupted, formedair currents, attacked the ban of Room cultivation.陆尘轻呼一口气,伸了伸懒腰,身体顿时发出噼里啪啦的爆响声,一股元神境圆满的气息爆发出来,形成一股股气流,冲击修炼的禁制。„Bymypresentcultivation base, does not draw support fromsage itemeven, shouldstillbe ableto kill the king”Lu Chento think aloud, laterstands, went out of the cultivationinn.
“以我现在的修为,就算不借助圣器,应该也能杀王了吧”陆尘自言自语道,随后站起来,走出了修炼客栈。Had/Left the cultivationinn, Lu Chenarrived at a wineshop, on the eightbuildings in wineshop, wantedlocalgood wine.
出了修炼客栈,陆尘来到一座酒肆,上了酒肆的八楼,要了一份本地的美酒。Ineightbuildingtallfloor, drinkswhileappreciatesoutsidescenery, is a pleasure.
在八楼高的楼层,一边喝酒一边欣赏外面的风景,何尝不是一种乐趣。Moreovercanlisten respectfully torecently the Azure Territorysituation.
而且还可以聆听最近青域的局势。Wineshopall sorts of peopleagglomeration, is the newsdisseminates the quickestplace.
酒肆这种三教九流聚集地,是消息传播最快的地方。„FourHoly Mountainwas extinguishedLu Chento mutterunexpectedly”.
“四圣山竟然被灭了”陆尘喃喃自语道。Hisnearbyonetable of guests, in the things of discussionfourHoly Mountain the salivascatters, the salivaare almost flyingmenstruation of Lu Chen.
A destruction of first-classschool, making the Azure Territorypersonsob.
一个一流门派的覆灭,让青域的人唏嘘不已。Regarding this, Lu Chentonothingaccident/surprise, completelywithinhisanticipation.
对此,陆尘到没有什么意外,完全在他的意料之内。BecausefourHoly Mountainbrings about own destruction, pit a Azure Territorypinch of topsuccessor, but can also safe and soundis living.
因为四圣山自寻死路,坑了青域一撮顶尖的传人,还能安然无恙的活着吗。Let alonefourHoly Mountain, only thenfourSage Monarchassume personal command, even ifthere isSage Kingto assume personal command, canin the same old wayby the destruction.
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