, renewsmy familyMastermostquicklyultraominousdá!
The Handead bandonecrowd of Junior Sisterare aboutto leave, at this moment, the front surfacemetonegroup.
韩静带着一群师妹正准备离开,就在这时,迎面遇上了一行人。Thiscrowd of person78, all is a black clothes, uniformSupermundane Boundary, mostpowerhouseisSupermundane Boundarycompletion.
这群人七八个,皆是一身黑衣,清一色的超凡境,最强者为一名超凡境圆满。„Oh no, is the disciple of ghostwolfsect” the girl student of hundred flowerssectwhisperslow voice.
The ghostwolfsectisneighborin1 millionli (0.5 km), the onlysovereign levelinfluence, hasSovereignto assume personal command . Moreover, in additionnineKing Boundary, were incessantly moreas forKing Boundarybelow.
鬼狼宗是附近百万里之内,唯一的的皇级势力,拥有皇者坐镇,而且不止一位,除此之外还有九位王境,至于王境以下就更多了。However the reputation of thisschoolis not good, in additiontheyin the sovereign of dynastylord, becauseunexpected misfortunecompletedestruction, the orderavalanche, the ghostwolfsectwas ambitious, recentlyhas been recruiting the disciple, simultaneouslywon over the survivor, wantedto found the dynasty.
不过这个门派的名声不是太好,加上他们所在皇朝的皇主因为无妄之灾全部覆灭,秩序崩塌,鬼狼宗野心勃勃,最近一直在招募弟子,同时拉拢幸存者,想要创建皇朝。both sidesmeet, the hundred flowerssectdisciplecomplexion of HanJingweiheadslightlychanges, smiledas forthisgroup of black clothesmen, isfirstmalefieryeyessweepsto sweep offin the Hanstaticgracefulbody, finallysmilinglysaid: „Hanstatic, is really the fate, never expected thatwewill meethere.”
双方相遇,韩静为首的百花宗弟子脸色微微一变,至于这群黑衣男子则笑了,为首男子一双火热的眼睛在韩静的曼妙的身躯上扫来扫去,最后笑眯眯地说道:“韩静,真是缘分啊,没想到我们会在这里相遇。”Is the firstblack clothesmanclearlyknowsHanstatic, therefore an originallyripetone.
The Hanstaticpursing the lipscorner/horn , the lookalert, said: „Idid not thinkthisis the fate.”
韩静抿了抿嘴角,眼神戒备,道:“我可不觉得这是缘分。”Hanstaticdoes not want to dowith the ghostwolfsectdisciple, saying, is wantingto bringJunior Sisterto depart.
韩静不想与鬼狼宗弟子打交道,说着,就想带师妹们离去。„Hehe, sincemet, remainsto talk about old days”is the firstblack clothesmansmiles, paused, said: „Wecanseek for the resourcestogether, obtainedresources55.”
“嘿嘿,既然遇上了,就留下来叙叙旧呗”为首黑衣男子嘿嘿一笑,顿了顿,开口说:“我们可以一起寻找资源,得到的资源五五分。”Hisbehindpersonhasassuming of tacit understandingfan-shaped, blockedonegroup of disciples of hundred flowersvalley.
他身后的人非常有默契的呈扇形,拦住了百花谷的一群弟子。Hancalmlyretrocedesonestep, simultaneouslysaidsternly: „bearKun, youwantsto do, Iwarned that do not come.”
The Hanstaticsurfaceis calm, butin the heartexceptionallyis flurried, the disciple of ghostwolfsectveryobviouslyis not the generation of Buddhism believers, theydo not wantto involvewith the person of ghostwolfsectin the same place.
韩静表面镇定,但是心中却异常慌乱,鬼狼宗的弟子很明显不是善男信女之辈,她们不想与鬼狼宗的人牵扯在一起。bearKunhehesaid with a smile: „Weimmediatelywere a sectperson, whyto look on as an outsider.”
“你什么意思”韩静脸色一变。bearKunsmiles saying: „Flamedynastyand other dynastydestruction, such a bigplacewas the thing of without owner, ourghostwolfsectpreparedto divide a domain, butlacked the managementlevelpowerhouse, yourSect Lordcultivation baseonlyremainedhalfremotefromSovereign Boundary, in the gatheringrange of ourghostwolfsect.”
熊坤笑眯眯道:“炎皇朝等数十个皇朝覆灭,这么一大片地方属于无主之物,我们鬼狼宗准备划分一块地盘,但是缺少管理级强者,你们宗主的修为距离皇境仅剩半步之遥,在我们鬼狼宗的招揽范围之内。”Saying, bearKunand his partysmiled.
说着,熊坤一行人都笑了起来。Because the hundred flowerssects is a female, several hundredpeople, buttheirghostwolfsectdoes not have the girl student, one, butintegrates the attachedschool the hundred flowerssect, thisgroup of girl students.
因为百花宗都是女子,有数百人,而他们鬼狼宗没有女弟子,一但把百花宗纳入成附属门派,这群女弟子们..In whichmeaning, the natureis self-evident.
其中的意思,自然不言而喻。„OurSect Lordwill not agree”Hanstaticshouted.
Who the disciple of ghostwolfsectis, theywere clear, Sect Lordwill not collaboratewith the ghostwolfsectabsolutely.
鬼狼宗的弟子是什么人,她们再清楚不过了,宗主绝对不会与鬼狼宗同流合污。bearKunsaidwith a laugh: „Thismaybe beyond controlyourSect Lordto oppose, sincebumped intoyou, youtreat as the chip of agreement.”
The voicefalls, hisbehinddiscipledraws a sword.
“防御”Hanstaticopened the mouth and said, discipleone after anotherdrew out the long sword, both sidesare ready.
韩静开口道,身后的弟子一个个都拔出了长剑,双方蓄势待发。bearKunshao a Hanstaticbehindgirl student, opened the mouth and said: „Hanstatic, yourcrowd of smallJunior SisterjustpromotedSupermundane, someincludingSupermundane Boundary, ifa whilehits, blade and sworddoes not have the eye, youdetermined that wantsfight in which both sides perish, Ido not wantto injurefriendliness of both sides, thereforeyouare the little darlingput down the weapon, followsus.”
熊坤少了一眼韩静身后的女弟子,开口道:“韩静,你的这群小师妹才刚刚晋升超凡,有的连超凡境都不到,等会儿要是打起来,刀剑无眼,你确定要鱼死网破吗,我可不想伤了双方的和气,所以你还是乖乖放下武器,跟我们走吧。”„Gave up any idea of,ratherdied in battle, does not wantto collaborate a girl studentto glowerto saywithyou”.
“休想,宁可战死,也不想和你们同流合污”一个女弟子怒目而视道。bearKunregrettablesighing, said: „It seems like, youreallywantto contestwithus, brothers, sincetheyare not sufficient, weshow the realability, makingthemsubmit to own initiative.”
熊坤遗憾的叹了一口气,道:“看来,你们真想和我们过过招了,也罢,兄弟们,既然他们不充,咱们就拿出真本领,让他们主动臣服。”„Hehe, bearKunSenior Brother, ourmeeting”
“嘿嘿,熊坤师兄,我们会的”Onegroup of ghostwolfsectdisciples, smiledlasciviously.
一群鬼狼宗弟子,都淫荡的笑了起来。„Kicks up a racketnoisily, but also made one sleep”at this moment, the discontentedsoundresoundedtogether.
The suddensound, makingboth sides in same place, because of the person of opens the mouthspeech, was nottheirpeople.
突如其来的声音,令双方都愣在了原地,因为开口说话之人,并不是他们双方的人。Presentsbesidesthem, is left over a corpse.
在场除了他们双方外,就还剩下一具尸体。Difficultto be inadequateis the corpsestartstalking.
难不成是尸体开口说话。„fathersleepseasily, mustfightfights, whyspokeso manyidle talk”when the peopleare confused, the discontentedwordsthenresound.
“老子睡个觉容易吗,要打架就打架,说那么多废话干啥”就在众人一头雾水的时候,不满的话语接着响起。„Sudden rising”
A hundred flowerssectgirl studentcalls out in alarmsuddenly.
The peoplefix the eyes onlook, is not, justalsolay downin the groundmotionlesscorpse, suddenlysat.
众人定睛一看,可不是,刚刚还躺在地上一动不动的尸体,突然坐了起来。Although the whole bodywas coveredby the splitsoil, even/includingfaceis also fullis the dirt and mud, but the peoplecannotice that a double polesweepsto sweep offonthemfor the has godactuallyveryangrylook.
虽然浑身被干裂的泥土覆盖,连脸也满是泥垢,但是众人能够看到一双极为有神却很愤怒的眼神在他们身上扫来扫去。Thissuddenly the person who sitsfrom the ground, whois notLu Chenis.
这突然从地上坐起来的人,不是陆尘又是谁。Initially the mystical placeavalanche, Lu Chenwrapped the bodywith the finalspiritual energy, followed a mainlandto fall.
当初秘境崩塌,陆尘用最后的灵气包裹身体,跟随一块大陆落了下来。Powerfulinsteadshakes the strength, shook the stuporhimdirectlyin the past, was only left overspirit strengthto protect the heartlineage/vein.
A month, hehad the consciousness, but the bodyis torn to pieces, is very weak, has conducted the deeplevelcultivation.
一个月时间,他有了意识,但是身体支离破碎,很虚弱,就一直进行深层次的修炼。No matter the windblown and sunburnt, is the heavy downpour, helies downheremotionlessly, just likedeceased person.
不管是风吹日晒,还是大雨滂沱,他都躺在这里一动不动,宛若死人般。Althoughdetected that severaltimessomepeoplepassed by, butthesepeoplewhenheis the deceased person is the same, departsdirectly, Lu Chenhas not managed, a relievedattiredeceased person, slowlyrecovers.
虽然有好几次察觉到有人路过,但是那些人都当他是死人一样,径直离去,陆尘也没管,安安心心装个死人,慢慢地恢复身体。originally thoughtonemonthcanrestore, the degree that but the bodydamagescompared withserious that heimagines, takesseveralmonths.本以为一个月就能恢复了,可是身体破损的程度比他想象的要严重,需要好几个月。Moreoverhejustalsodetected that somepeoplefedmedicinal pilltohim, butmedicinal pillis very preliminary, is uselesstohim.
而且他刚刚也察觉到有人给他喂了一颗丹药,但是丹药很低级,对他没什么用。Healsowantsto burnhereone -and-a-half moon/month, buthas not thought and cameonegroup of people, confrontedwith the previousperson.
他还想在这里烫个一个半把月,可是没想到又来了一群人,与先前的人对峙起来了。Lu Chenoriginally thoughttheywill fight, then a sidedeath, the other sidedeparted, buthas not thought that onegroup of peoplestarted the mouthartillery, the mouthartilleryendlessly.陆尘本以为他们会打架,然后一方死亡,另一方离去,可是没想到一群人开始嘴炮,嘴炮个没完。Heis driven beyond the limits of forbearancefinally, wakes.
他终于忍无可忍,醒了过来。When the peoplegod, the Lu Cheneyeballrumble the rotation, the line of sightfallsonHanstatic, said: „Justwasyoufeedsoneto crossfreshpilltome.”
就在众人愣神的时候,陆尘眼珠咕噜转动,视线落在韩静的身上,道:“刚刚是你给我喂了一颗渡生丹是吧。”Hancalmlyjustwantsto sayconveniently, butis, you're welcome.
韩静刚想开口说顺手而为,不用客气。Buthas not opened the mouthwith enough time, greetsLu Chenshellbombing: „Are yousilly, youthought that crossesfreshpill to rescueme, the fourth grademedicinal pillefficacywas too weak, is unable to be nutritiousmybody, is equivalent to the waste.”
The Hanstaticfaceis depressed, in the heart is a little simultaneously angry.
The life-savingwas also scolded, was too simply injust.
救人还被骂,简直太冤了。„YourotherdogbitesLu Dongbin, does not know the will of the people”
“你别狗咬吕洞宾,不识好人心”„Yes, bigSenior Sisterlivespillto taketo your unknownpersonmost preciouscrossing, youshouldfeel grateful”
“就是,大师姐把最珍贵的渡生丹给你这个素不相识的人服用,你应该感激”Hancalmlybehind, one after anothergirl studentdiscontentedwas sayingtoLu Chen.
韩静身后,一个个女弟子不满的对着陆尘说道。Intheirheartsindignant, thisanythingperson.
她们心中气愤不已,这啥人啊。BigSenior Sistersavedhim , is not only ungrateful, but alsocursed angrilybigSenior Sisterto be silly.
大师姐救了他非但不感激,还怒骂大师姐傻。Alsoright, bigSenior Sisterwastoosilly, rescued a supercilious lookwolf.
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