, renewsmy familyMastermostquicklyultraominousdá!
笔趣阁,最快更新我家师父超凶哒!Liu Qingchengquicklyrestoresfrom the depressedmood, the lookis exuding the bright, earnestsaying: „Right that senior said that the beautiful womanshould notbe negative, musttry hard the cultivationqin tune.”柳倾城很快就从沮丧的情绪中恢复过来,眼神泛着亮光,认真的说道:“前辈说的对,倾城不该消极,应当努力修炼琴曲。”„Mustblamebeing too abnormalto sayonstrangeSenior Brother”, gives a Lu Chenbigsupercilious look, hassuchoutstandingSenior Brother, reallysufficesto attack the person.
“要怪就怪师兄太变态”说完,又递给陆尘一个大大的白眼,有这么一个优秀的师兄,真够打击人的。Lu Chentouches the nose, is innocent, hemade the any mistake.陆尘摸了摸鼻子,一脸无辜,他做错了什么吗。Ren Xiaoyaofeels the beard, the smilesaid: „Makes up for a lack of natural talent by hard work, byyourtalentassiduouscultivation, oneyear, cancomprehendthisqin tunecompletely, a place that ifthere iscanpleasecallme, Igiveyouto explain the doubtsmomentarily.”任逍遥摸着胡须,微笑道:“勤能补拙,以你的天赋刻苦修炼,不出一年时间,就能完全领悟这门琴曲,如果有不懂的地方可以请叫我,我随时给你解答疑惑。”Liu Qingchengfeels grateful: „Many thanks the senior, with the lingering fearmustfrequently the troublesomesenior.”柳倾城感激道:“多谢前辈,以后怕是要经常麻烦前辈。”Ren Xiaoyaosaid with a smile: „Thendoespolitely, youpractice the free and unfetteredbook of music for strings, ismyhalfapprentice.”任逍遥笑道:“那么客气干什么,你修行了逍遥琴谱,也算是我的半个徒弟。”Whentwo peoplespoke, the seasonhoweverandpurplepermanentmoved unimpededarrived atotherinstitute, appearedinthreepeople of lines of sight.
就在两人说话的时候,季然和紫恒一路畅行无阻的来到了别院,出现在三人的视线中。Becauseoutsideguardknowstwo people, knows that theyare the swordthird son'sfriends, has not blocked.
The Lu Chenlooklookstotwo people, feels the chinto ask: „FourHoly Mountainalsohasmanydisciples, allextinguished.”陆尘眼神看向两人,摸着下巴问道:“四圣山还剩下多少弟子,全灭完了吗。”
The seasonhoweverwalks, said: „No, onlydiedsomeordinarydisciples, thatfoursuccessorsdisappear, has not hadTwin citiesto stayagain, it is estimated thathid.”
季然走过来,道:“没有,只死了一些普通的弟子,那四个传人都不见了,也没再无双城停留,估计躲起来了。”Lu Chenbeckons with the hand, immaterialsaying: „Ranran, severalsmallmixedfish.”陆尘摆手,无关紧要的说道:“跑了就跑了吧,几条小杂鱼而已。”„Boy, the old mangood and evil is also one of the fourHoly Mountainfounders, youandtheyhavewhatenmity, whywith no reason at allunderkiller”nearbyRen Xiaoyaouncomfortableis staringLu Chen.
“小子,老夫好歹也是四圣山的创始人之一,你与他们有什么仇怨,为何无缘无故下杀手”旁边的任逍遥不爽的瞪着陆尘。Works ashissurfacediscussionto kill the people in fourHoly Mountain, can this, respect one of his thisfourHoly Mountainfounders.
当着他的面讨论杀四圣山的人,这样真的好吗,能不能尊重一下他这个四圣山创始人之一。AlthoughZither Sage Palaceskip-generationsuccessorzither | Jeanjadehad saidat that time, the Sword Emperor Palacedisciplelaunchesto slaughtertothemwith no reason at all, but alsoaskedhimto take responsibility, butheonlyleft behind the Primordial Spiritstrength that candissipatetogethermomentarily, had a mindto be incapable, cannot help.
虽然当时琴圣宫隔代传人琴玉说过,剑帝宫弟子无缘无故对他们展开杀戮,还请他做主,不过他只留下一道随时会消散的元神力量,有心无力,帮不上忙。Howeverhepasses toLu ChenJunior Sister the book of music for strings, ishisJunior SisterhalfMaster, how saying that alsoa littlerelates.
不过他把琴谱传给陆尘的师妹,算是他师妹的半个师父,怎么说也有一点关系。ThereforeRen Xiaoyaodiscontentedinterrogation.
于是任逍遥不满的质问起来。„Thisremnantsoulwho”purplelookspermanentlytoRen Xiaoyao, asked.
“这残魂谁啊”紫恒看向任逍遥,问道。Listens to the meaning of opposite party, one of the fourHoly Mountainfounders?
听对方的意思,四圣山的创始人之一?Justasked,purplethoughtpermanentlyoneselfis a fool, otherssaidfourHoly Mountainishefounds, definitelyisone in fourancestor.
刚问完,紫恒觉得自己是个傻逼,人家都说了四圣山是他创建的,肯定是四位先祖中的一个。Lu Chenis staringRen Xiaoyao, is in sharp opposition: „Thismustblame the schoolhierarchs who youleave behind, theirplots, how the Sword Emperor Palacedisciple the disciplestofourHoly Mountainwill beginwith no reason at all.”陆尘瞪着任逍遥,针锋相对:“这得怪你留下的门派掌权者了,要不是他们的阴谋,剑帝宫的弟子又怎么会对四圣山的弟子无缘无故动手。”Then, Lu Chenalsosaidtaking pleasure in others' misfortunes: „PerhapsoutsidefourHoly Mountainhas all extinguished, theinfluence that youfoundwasvanishes into thin air.”
说完,陆尘又幸灾乐祸的说:“说不定外面的四圣山已经全灭,你创建的这门势力算是烟消云散了。”„Youranythingmeaning”Ren Xiaoyaopuzzledasking, the lookis staring atLu Chen.
“你什么意思”任逍遥不解的问道,眼神凝视着陆尘。Lu Chenis curling upwardsone leg on the other, the manneris sluggish, swiveleyeseasonhowever, is languid: „Youexplained that listenstohim.”陆尘翘着二郎腿,神态懒散至极,斜视季然一眼,懒洋洋道:“你解释给他听。”
The seasonhoweverimmediately four plots between Holy MountainandUndying Demon Clansaid.
季然立刻把四圣山与不死魔族之间的阴谋说了出来。Actuallyis not the plot, but the graypalaceis too dangerous, the non-extremelyevildoer/monstrous talentcannotdecode, fourHoly Mountaintricksso manypeopleto come to bring deathintentionally, the person of dyingare too many, thatwill cause the popular anger.
其实也算不上阴谋,只不过灰色宫殿太危险,非绝顶妖孽不能破解,四圣山故意忽悠这么多人进来送死,死的人太多,那就会引发众怒。Ren Xiaoyaocarefullistens to the process, holds breathinstantaneouslycold air.任逍遥仔仔细细的听完过程,瞬间倒吸一口凉气。Whole personinwinddisorderly.
整个人在风中凌乱。Hecannotbelieve that the oneselflater generationdisciplesoreleases for flightunexpectedly, in inviting the topsuccessors of Azure Territorymajor influences on enterdecodes the graypalace, caused the persondeaths of manyinfluence.
他不敢相信自己的后辈门人竟然这般放飞自我,邀请青域各大势力的顶尖传人进入里面破解灰色宫殿,导致很多势力的人死亡。If the people in fourHoly Mountainexplainedhonestlyperhapsinsidesituation , the life and deathdo not discuss, no wonderfourHoly Mountain.
如果四圣山的人坦白说明里面的情况,或许在进来的话,生死勿论,怪不得四圣山。ButfourHoly Mountainwas very fuzzyto the explanation of varioussideinfluence, said that great strengthonly hadSage Boundary, thereforeAzure Territorymanyinfluencesswarmed, causing the person who entered dead were too many.
但四圣山对诸方势力的解释很模糊,说最强大者只有圣境,于是青域诸多势力蜂拥进来,导致进入的人死了太多。Thesedied the school of successorto be naturally angry, bear a grudgefourHoly Mountain.
The commonschooldiedsome people good, butheardSword Emperor Palace dead 3,000-4,000people, the Ren Xiaoyaowhole personwas ignorant.
一般的门派死了一些人还好,但是听闻剑帝宫都死了3,000-4,000人,任逍遥整个人都是懵的。WhenhiscontrolfourHoly Mountain, Sword Emperor Palaceat that timewithfourHoly Mountainsamewas the topschool, stamped the feet, Azure Territorywill shiver.
在他统御四圣山的时候,剑帝宫那时和四圣山一样是顶级门派,跺跺脚,青域都会颤抖。Did not say that nowfourHoly Mountaindeclined, even the ages of hiscontrolfourHoly Mountain, do not darealtogetherAzure Territoryinfluencepit.
After little, Ren Xiaoyaoturns head, fullis the complexvision, sighing of sobbing.
少许后,任逍遥回过头来,满是复杂的目光,唏嘘的叹了一口气。NowadaysfourPalace Lordsodo, even ifhiscultivation baseis inprosperously, is unable to change the result.
现今四位宫主这般作死,纵然他修为处于鼎盛,也无法改变结局。Let alonehenowis only a wisp of remnantsoul.
何况他现在只是一缕残魂。„Has only self to blame, has only self to blame”Ren Xiaoyaoto mutter.
“咎由自取,咎由自取啊”任逍遥喃喃自语道。It seems like the destruction in fourHoly Mountain, had been settled, no oneis ableto change the result.
看来四圣山的覆灭,已经是板上钉钉了,谁也无法改变结局。WhenRen Xiaoyaois sigh with emotion, the Lu Chenlooklooksto the seasonhoweverandpurplepermanent, said: „Yourtwoin three days, gathers the completediscipleto rush togreatlywitchcityas soon as possible, will remainwill be in dangerwithoutTwin cities.”
“嗯”Two peoplenod, knows the gravity of matter.
两人点点头,知道事情的严重性。Becausetheyreturn togreatlywitchcity, once for a whilecanreceiveto contain the killing intentvision, butconcerned about the Lu Chenprestige, they do not dareto beginnow.
因为他们回到大巫城,时不时能接收到蕴含杀意的目光,只不过碍于陆尘的威信,他们现在不敢动手。HoweveronceLu Chenlostaffected, theywill begin.
The seasonhoweversaidsuddenly: „Mu Xinghealsocame, isnotabouthisnews, whichdid not know.”
季然忽然说道:“木星河也进来了,可是一直没有关于他的消息,不知道去哪儿了。”Purpleechoesto saypermanently: „Hopethemdo not have an accidentlikeLuoZe.”
紫恒附和道:“希望不要像罗泽他们一样出事了。”Mu Xinghe, the Wooden Sword PeakHoly Sonlevel, had not appearedwiththemmeets, consideringLuoZe, the single wave, ten thousandflowedthreepeople of deathsto learn from another's mistakes, two peopledo not think that Mu Xinghealsohad an accident.木星河,木剑峰的圣子级,一直没有出现与他们碰面,鉴于罗泽,单波,万流三人的死亡前车之鉴,两人不想木星河也出事。Lu Chensaid: „Shouldbe all right, after all the Wooden Sword Peakdiscipleshad not seen,is impossibleto have an accidentcompletely, ifwill have an accidentweto hear a wind sound/rumorsomewhat.”陆尘说道:“应该没事,毕竟木剑峰的弟子都没有见到,不可能全部出事,如果出事的话我们多多少少会听到一点风声。”„Swordthird son, the entrancehad a personnamedwhiteZeto seek an interview”at this time, the guardwalkedto say.
“剑三公子,门口有一个叫白泽的人求见”这时,护卫走过来说道。whiteZe, thiswas notJunior Sistersaid that found the oneselfperson.
The Lu Chenlooksparkles, speaks thoughtlessly saying: „Makeshimcome.”陆尘眼神闪了闪,随口说道:“让他进来。”Yes
“是”Before long, youthsteps that wears the magnificentclothescome, a distinctiveface, the lookis equally sharpjust like the blade edge, sends out the unrulycolor.
不一会儿,一名身着华丽衣服的青年踏步而来,一张棱角分明的脸,眼神宛若刀锋一样锋利,散发桀骜之色。Thisyouthhas a strong constitution, is extremely strong, has an oppression that exceeds the Holy Sonlevel, the makingssomewhatare faintly honored, thismakingsas ifareinherent, unusual conditions.
The aura that but the opposite partylendsbrings the fishy smellwind, thisis a thickmonster qi, explaining the opposite partyis a monstershape.
只不过对方散发的气息带着腥风,这是一股浓浓的妖气,说明对方是一尊妖化形。Reason thatPrimordial Spirit Boundarychanges to the human form, thatisbecauseate the shapepill'sreason, meltsshapepill is not preciously, basicallyhasMonster Clan that the Monster Sageboundaryassumes, candoshapepill.
之所以元神境化作人形,那是因为吃了化形丹的缘故,化形丹算不上珍贵,基本上有妖圣境坐镇的妖族,都能搞到化形丹。Lu Chenshows the interestedlook, a monsterlooks foroneself, does not knowto do.陆尘露出饶有兴趣的神色,一尊化形的妖来找自己,不知道有何贵干。WhenLu Chentakes a look at the opposite party, whiteZehas arrived at the Lu Chenfront, a sharpeyestared at the Lu Chen2-3seconds, finallyheldholding the fist in the other hand, said: „whiteZejian the swordthird son, has heard so much about you, comesto seeespecially.”
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