, renewsmy familyMastermostquicklyultraominousdá!
笔趣阁,最快更新我家师父超凶哒!To be honest, Lu Chenregardinghavingsuchextreme gradeSenior Brother was also a clothing/taking, althoughin the Azure Territoryfiveyears, Jin Yingjuncarriedmore thanbeing unjustly discreditedforhimtentimes, frequentlybewilderedwas chased down, for this reasondid not depend onvery much.
说实话,陆尘对于有这么个极品师兄也是服了,虽然在青域的五年当中,金英俊为他背了不下十次的黑锅,经常莫名其妙的被追杀,为此很不凭。Lu Chenalsothought that Jin Yingjunis pitifulenough, in‚does not bullyhim’, who oncethinks that thisfellowiron, wants the headto collectto come under attackactually.陆尘也觉得金英俊够可怜,不在‘欺负他’,但是谁曾想这家伙硬是头铁,非要脑袋凑上来挨打。For examplein the Demon Dragondeep poolbottom, fightson the appearance changingoneselfappearance and person in Black Dragonpalace, but also the personwithsnow and icepalacegives credit, but the deedsdid not exposefinally.
The matter of Demon Dragondeep poolbottomlooks likehas not madehimgrow the memory.魔龙渊地底发生的事情看来没让他长记性。Arrives atfourHoly Mountainmystical placesto know that the swordthreestatus of oneselfaliasbecome famous, cursed angrily the swordwith the memorycrystalappearance changingoneselfappearancethree, quitemadetwo peoplebecome enemies?
来到四圣山秘境得知自己化名的剑三身份出名,又用记忆水晶易容自己的模样怒骂剑三,好让两人结仇?Has saying that thisfellowenoughdamages.
不得不说,这家伙够损的。What a pity, the memorycrystalvideo recordingisheplays the remainingthings, wantsto comepitoneselfbythisto have a dreamsimply.
可惜,记忆水晶录像已经是他玩剩下的东西了,想要以此来坑自己简直就是做梦。Howevernowheis the swordthird son'sstatus, mustrevealappearance that is angry.
不过现在他是剑三公子的身份,要表露生气的模样。Therefore the Lu Chencomplexionsinks, dangerousaurasends outfrom the body, coldsound said: „Lu Chenreallysaidlike this.”
After Jin Yingjun the memorycrystalgave‚swordthird son’, has observed the manner, when‚swordthird son’on the facerevealscoldintent, Jin Yingjunthenknows that the oneselfschemesucceeded, successfullymade‚swordthird son’have the angertoJunior BrotherLu Chen.
金英俊把记忆水晶给了‘剑三公子’之后,就一直观察神态,待‘剑三公子’的脸上露出冷意,金英俊便知道自己的计谋成功了,成功让‘剑三公子’对师弟陆尘产生了怒火。Althoughin the hearttitter, butcannotbe too excited, Jin Yingjunmakes the oneselftoneas far as possibletranquilly, said: „IsmyJunior Brothertold that Igiveyou.”
The seasonhoweverandpurpleis permanenttwo peopleto be confused, becausetheycould not understandtwo peopleto sayanythingagain.
季然和紫恒两人一头雾水,因为他们听不懂两人再说什么。ThereforeseasonRannanearbymemorycrystal, inspiritual sensedirectinvasion, in seesrecords the goodimage, instantaneouswas speechless.
于是季然拿过一旁的记忆水晶,神念直接入侵里面,当看到里面录好的影像,瞬间无语了。Purplepermanentalsolooked, similarlyis speechless.
Is thiscopes with the Lu Chensecret weapon that Jin Yingjunsaid? Originallydraws the hatredtoLu Chen, quitemakes the swordthird sonmake a moveto teachLu Chen.
这就是金英俊说的对付陆尘的秘密武器?原来是给陆尘拉仇恨,好让剑三公子出手教训陆尘。As everyone knows the swordthird sonisLu Chen.
殊不知剑三公子就是陆尘。ButLu Chenobviouslyalsoentered the play, is obviously thwarting.
而陆尘明显也入戏了,明显在将计就计。Suddenly, two peoplelooked that was full of the sympathytoJin Yingjun'slook.
一时间,两人看向金英俊的眼神充满了同情。Mustbe so hapless, the floodflushedLongwang Temple.
要不要这么倒霉,大水冲了龙王庙。ThenJin Yingjunmusthave bad luck.
The Lu Chencomplexionis tranquil, cannot see the joy, anger, sorrow, and happiness, lightsaying: „It seems likeLu Chenandpassed on a message a rampancy.”陆尘脸色平静,看不出喜怒哀乐,淡淡的说道:“看来陆尘和传言一眼嚣张。”Jin Yingjunsaidimmediately: „Far more thanisrampant, simplyisextremely arrogant, does not believeyouto askhim, he is also a victim.”
金英俊立马道:“何止是嚣张,简直就是狂妄,不信你问他,他也是受害者。”Jin Yingjunis pointing atwith the handpurplepermanent.
The purplepermanentfacewas green, closeshishairShi, did not have the gratitude and grudgeswithLu Chenwith great difficulty, hedoes not wantby the Lu Chencaring, thento be made excusesagain: „Also, but alsook.”
紫恒脸都绿了,关他毛事,好不容易与陆尘没有恩怨了,他可不想再次被陆尘惦记上,便支支吾吾道:“还,还行吧。”„Purplepermanentbrother, whatisalsogood, youby the Lu Chenpit is not very miserable, Lu Chen here, youhad not feared that anything”regardingpurplepermanentwords, onJin Yingjunfaceobviouslyhas the disaffection.
The purplepermanentcorners of the mouthpulledpulling, said: „Ido not wantto raiseLu Chen.”
紫恒嘴角扯了扯,道:“我不想提起陆尘。”Lu Chentranquilsaying: „IandLu Chenhave never hadcontracting enmity, whyhedoesthis.”陆尘平静的说道:“我和陆尘从未有过结怨,他为何如此做。”Jin Yingjunseespurplepermanentis so characterless, did not count on that the purplepermanenthelp, saysimmediately: „ It is estimated thatisJunior Brotherknows that the swordthird sonyouare too strong, has been ableto threatenhissword the position, thereforedoesthis.
金英俊见紫恒这么没骨气,也不指望紫恒帮忙,立刻说道:“估计是师弟知道剑三公子你太强,已经能威胁他剑子的地位,所以才如此做。„Swordthird sonmustbe carefulunderLu Chen the evil behind-the-scenes manipulator, iflateryoumeethim, educateshis, was honest, he who hetidies updoes not dareunder the evil behind-the-scenes manipulatortoyou.”
“剑三公子得小心陆尘下黑手,以后你要是碰见他,就教育他一顿,把他收拾的老实了,他就不敢对你下黑手了。”InJin Yingjunopinion, the aura that the swordthird soninvisiblemiddlepasses, has been close to the Primordial Spirit Boundarypeak, inadding on the strengthsurpassed a boundarybigtruncation, the strengthalreadyabove the Holy Sonlevel.
在金英俊看来,剑三公子无形当中流转出来的气息,已经接近元神境巅峰,在加上战力超出境界一大截,实力早就在圣子级之上了。Junior Brotherdoes not know that nowpromotesPrimordial Spirit Boundarynot to have, it is estimated thatevenpromoted, does not have the depth that the swordthird sonaccumulates.师弟现在也不知道晋升元神境没有,估计就算晋升了,也没有剑三公子积淀的深。Howeverconcerned about the Junior Brotherstatus, the swordthird sondoes not dareunder the extreme methodstoJunior Brother, butonepunches to havefat.
不过碍于师弟的身份,剑三公子也不敢对师弟下死手,但一顿胖揍少不了。Buthemostwantsto seeisLu Chenis punchedfat, in the futurewill have to ridiculehiscapital.
The Lu Chenunemotionalnodsaid: „Ok, laterIseeLu Chen, will teachhis.”陆尘面无表情的点头道:“行,以后我看见陆尘,会教训他一顿。”
The Jin Yingjun'sand othersisthese words, has the swordthird sonto go into action, shouldbe able the violentto punchLu Chen.
“但是”At this moment, a Lu Chenthread of conversationrevolution, lookstoJin Yingjun, said: „SinceLu ChenisyourJunior Brother, nowis rampant, thismatteryouhave the unshirkableresponsibility.”
就在这时,陆尘话锋一转,看向金英俊,道:“既然陆尘是你的师弟,如今嚣张跋扈,这件事情你有不可推卸的责任。”Jin Yingjunhears the Lu Chenwords, the corners of the mouthtwitches, whereabnormalJunior Brotherhecan control.
金英俊听到陆尘的话,嘴角抽搐,变态的师弟他哪儿管得了。„Therefore the fault of Junior Brother, musthave your person who makesSenior Brotherundertakes”Lu Chento look atJin Yingjunto say.
“所以师弟之过,得有你这个做师兄的人来承担”陆尘看着金英俊说道。„Whatmeaning”inJin Yingjunhearthad not the goodpremonitionfaintly.
“什么意思”金英俊心中隐隐有了不好的预感。However, next momentheunderstood.
The strength that Lu Chenwithin the bodyis dormant, changes to the fearfulfresh breezeturbulently, directdisintegrationnearbystone table.陆尘体内蛰伏的力量汹涌而出,化作可怕的劲风,直接崩碎了旁边的石桌。Lu Chenlifts the fist, the strengthis verve, just likeTrue Dragonto roar, a fisthitstowardJin Yingjun'seye socket.陆尘抬起拳头,力量刚猛霸道,犹如真龙咆哮,一拳朝金英俊的眼眶打去。„”
“嗷”Jin Yingjunfishes a throatimmediatelyhowlingly, the tearstearscrossflow, was flownby a Lu Chenboxingviolently, departsdozensmeters, poundedto tread a flower-bed.
The Jin Yingjuntearslongclass/flow, cannot stop, the reasonis a Lu ChenfistTetepain.
金英俊眼泪长流,根本止不住,原因就是陆尘一拳太特么的痛了。„Swordthird son, whyyou”Jin Yingjunlooks that the swordthird sonstridewalks, calling out of startledanger.
“剑三公子,你干什么”金英俊看着剑三公子大步走来,惊怒的叫道。Heunderstandsnowfinally the swordthird son'swords, the fault of Junior Brother, wants his person who makesSenior Brotherundertakes, originallyteacheshim.
他现在总算明白了剑三公子的话,师弟之过,要他这个做师兄的人来承担,原来就是教训他。Jin Yingjunspat blood, has the natural justice, has the law of the land.
The Junior Brothermistake, whywants his person who makesSenior Brotherundertakes.师弟的错误,凭什么要他这个做师兄的人来承担。„Firsthityouoneto vent anger, goes outto teachyourJunior Brother the Lu Chenstrideto come, to raise the fistagain”to pound.
“先打你一顿出出气,出去再教训你的师弟”陆尘大步而来,扬起拳头砸了过去。Fistsurfaceincreasespirit strength, just like the jadeclear, driving the surroundingfistwindto come, hittingruthlesslyonJin Yingjun'sanothereyes.
“嗷”Jin Yingjunalso the paincalledone, latercursed angrily: „Swordthree your cheap people, are sick, myJunior Brotherscoldedyou, youhitmeto do.”
金英俊又痛叫一声,随后怒骂道:“剑三你这贱人,是不是有病啊,我师弟骂你,你打我干什么。”Twofistsget down, letJin Yingjunheadhumming sound.
The seasonhoweverandpurpleis permanentlooks atJin Yingjun who two peoplelookpities, in the heartsecretly thoughtgets what one deserves, thisis the fate that makes.
“还来”Jin Yingjunfeltfearfulfresh breezeto head on, cannot attend tocomplaining, broughtonethunderoussounds, just likevanisheslike lightning.
金英俊感受到一股可怕的劲风扑面而来,顾不得吐槽了,带起一串雷鸣声,犹如闪电般消失。BecauseLu Chendoes not wantto makeJin Yingjunknow the oneselfstatus, notwithThunderous Thousand Jun, buteven without, the speedis also quick.陆尘因为不想让金英俊知道自己的身份,没有用雷鸣千钧,不过就算不用,速度也很快。After the sensationtoJin Yingjun'saura, the footstepsproceedsto tread, arrives at the nearsuddenly, withpreviously, a fistrumbled.
在感知到金英俊的气息之后,脚步往前一踏,瞬息间来到近前,和先前一样,一拳轰出。Jin YingjunseesLu Chento attackto come, hesaidbreathless: „Iam not affable.”
金英俊见陆尘又攻击而来,他气急败坏道:“我也不是好惹的。”Then, revolveshanded down in the familycultivation technique, the whole bodysending outgoldenray, just like the Saintlight is the same, revolvesinhisbody surfaceslowly, forms the fearfuldefense strength.
说完,运转家传功法,浑身散发金色的光芒,犹如圣光一样,在他的体表缓缓旋转,形成可怕的防御力量。Jin Yingjunboth handstieseal, a giantgold coinappears, all over the bodygolden yellow, just like the goldto cast, goldenair currentsintegratein the gold coin, making the transparentgold coinreallycongealedinstantaneouslyincomparable, the prestige that sends outcangraduallybe also strengthened.
金英俊双手结印,一个巨大的金元宝出现,通体金黄,犹如黄金铸成,一股股金色的气流融入金元宝里面,让本来透明的金元宝瞬间变得凝实无比,散发出来的威能也在逐渐增强。Lu Chenfeltthisaura, the eyenarrowednarrowing the eyesslightly, it seems like that this fellowenhancedmanystrengthsin the mystical place.陆尘感受到这股气息,眼睛微微眯了眯,看来这家伙在秘境中提升了不少的实力。
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