, renewsmy familyMastermostquicklyultraominousdá!
The blackray that Soul Devouring Daggerreleases, as iftomental strength, the soulbodyhasextremelystrongrestraintability, evencanswallow, Lu ChenwieldsSoul Devouring Daggergently.噬魂匕首释放出来的黑色光芒,仿佛对精神力,灵魂体拥有极其强大的克制能力,甚至能吞噬,陆尘轻轻挥动噬魂匕首。Human Sovereignmental strengthis fraillike the tofu, was easily cut, moreoverblack light that surroundinggolden light, was sent outbySoul Devouring Dagger, swallowing the cleanness, absorbedcompleteHuman Sovereignmental strength.人皇精神力如同豆腐般脆弱,轻易被划开,而且周围的金光,被噬魂匕首散发出来的黑光,给吞的干干净净,吸收了全部的人皇精神力。But the imperial decree, is the radiantgolden color, nowturned into the ordinarypaper.
而圣旨,本来是璀璨金色,现在变成了普通的纸张。Side, He Qianis still sneering, thisisHuman Sovereignyour majestymental imprint, althoughis onlysmallone, butcanexterminate a Primordial Spirit Boundarysoulinstantaneously.
旁边,贺千还在冷笑,这可是人皇陛下的精神印记,虽然只是小小的一丝,但是能瞬间剿灭一个元神境的灵魂。Let aloneissmallMarrow Washing Boundary.
何况是一个小小的洗髓境。However the corners of the mouthjust nowbring backsneer, was instantaneously stiff.
但是嘴角才刚勾起冷笑,瞬间就僵硬了。Hesawanything, a daggereasilychops the powderHuman Sovereignphantom that mental imprintcondenses, but alsoabsorbedHuman Sovereignmental imprint, understandsinstantaneously,thisismagical treasure of restraintspirit.
他看到了什么,一把匕首轻易把精神印记凝聚的人皇虚影劈散,还吸收了人皇的精神印记,瞬间就明白,这是一把克制精神的法宝。Previously, the opposite partywith this strangedagger, brokehismental strength.
The Fang Changlinfather and sonandHe Qian are the same, think that Lu Chencourts death, is, the resultisthis.方常林父子和贺千一样,认为陆尘是找死,可是没想到,结果是这样的。As forLu Zhenghengand the others, thenrelaxes.
至于陆正恒等人,则松了一口气。Theylooked atblackdagger in the Lu Chenhand, whydoes not know, looks atonemerely, the feelingas ifsoulwas swallowed, put aside the lookhastily, tranquilinnermost feelings.
他们看了一眼陆尘手中的黑色匕首,不知道为何,仅仅看一眼,就感觉仿佛灵魂被吞噬似的,连忙移开了眼神,平静内心。SwallowedHuman Sovereignmental imprintthat momentinLu ChenwithSoul Devouring Dagger, beyond the remoteseveral hundred thousandli (0.5 km), there is a thrivinggreatcity, namedQi Imperial City.
就在陆尘用噬魂匕首吞噬了人皇精神印记的那一刻,在遥远几十万里之外,有一座繁荣昌盛的巨城,名为齐皇城。In the Qi Imperial Citydead center, there is a sacreddignifiedpalacegroup.
在齐皇城的正中心,有一片神圣威严的宫殿群。RulesboundlessareaSovereign of Qi, thenindwellingpalacegroup.
“是谁”Palacedeep place, the middle-aged man who wears the sovereignrobe the openingeye, projectstwogoldensharp glow, hesends out the lowroar, terrifyingaurasending out, the overbearingswift and fierceHuman Sovereignwill, has a soaring to the heavensanger, coversentireQi Imperial City.
宫殿深处,有一位身穿皇袍的中年男子咻的睁开眼睛,射出两道金色的利芒,他发出低吼,恐怖的气息散发,霸道凌厉的人皇意志,带着一股冲天的愤怒,笼罩整座齐皇城。At this moment, the entireQi Imperial Citypersonwas alarmed.
这一刻,整个齐皇城的人被惊动。Theirlookwith amazementlooksto the centralpalacegroup, does not know why will keep aloofSovereign of Qito get angrysuddenly, the anger that thisfearfulSovereignwillclipwill bind, canburn the Heavensimply.
他们眼神骇然的看向中央宫殿群,不知道高高在上齐皇为何会突然发怒,这股可怕的皇者意志夹裹的浓浓的怒火,简直可以烧到九重天。WaswhoenragedSovereign of Qiyour majesty.
是谁触怒了齐皇陛下。„Myimperial decree, when the toilet paper, goodguts”in the doublepupil of Sovereign of Qi, is flooding the boundlessanger.
“我的圣旨,当厕纸,好胆”齐皇的双眸中,充斥着无边的怒火。Heis indistinct, feltsomepeople saying that the words of treason and heresy, the preparationbegan, what a pityhas not begun, thatHuman Sovereignreadlost the aura, was swallowedorscatteredvery muchobviously.
他隐隐约约间,感受到了有人在说大逆不道的话语,准备动手,可惜还没动手,那一丝人皇念失去了气息,很显然被吞噬或者打散了。However, the carrying/sustainingHuman Sovereign of hisimperial decreeread, was really many, temporarilydoes not knowwaswhoin the shamehe.
不过,承载他圣旨的人皇念,实在是太多了,暂时不知道是谁在辱他。„Passes onKing Wuto seeme”
The dignifiedsound, spreadsfrom the Sovereign of Qipalacetogether.
....Lu Country.陆国。Onecrowd of personimmersionsare also shocking, outsidecountlesspeopleincludingRoyal Palace, they, althoughseparatesfar, cannot hear the discussion, butLu Chenhandled anything, theyseeclearly.
一群人还沉浸在震惊中,包括王宫外的无数人,他们虽然隔得远,听不到谈论,但是陆尘做了什么事情,他们看得清清楚楚。Theysawanything, a Lu Chenbladelevelled off hilltopsHuman Sovereignto read.
他们看见了什么,陆尘一刀劈山了人皇念。This, thisismustrevolt.
这,这是要造反吗。Theyliveunder the rule of Sovereign of Qi, Sovereign of Qicontrols, Sovereign of Qiis happy, worldwide celebration, peace throughout the country, a Sovereign of Qianger, rivers of blood, white bonesfullday.
他们生活在齐皇的统治下,齐皇就是主宰,齐皇大悦,普天同庆,天下太平,齐皇一怒,血流成河,白骨盈天。HowLu Chendaresto dothis, does not fearHuman Sovereignto arrive, a palmpatsbrokenRoyal City.陆尘怎么敢如此做,不怕人皇降临,一掌把王城拍碎吗。Personsovereign levelleaves, buthas the energy of moving the mountainbut actuallysea, the prestigecannot be possibleto guess.
Some peoplestillremember several thousandyears ago legends, outcomerSovereign of Qiwith the Yuansovereignwar, twoSovereignbattlesin the sky, probablytworaysare pursuing, interwine.
有一些人还记得几千年前的传说,外来者齐皇与元皇大战,两尊皇者在天空中交战,像是两道光芒在追逐,交织在一起。Theyhit for three days and three nights, the range of battlecovershundreds of thousands ofli (0.5 km).
他们打了三天三夜,交战的范围覆盖数十万里。Althoughfrom the skybattles, the complementary waves that butfalls in torrents, the destruction the city, countlesspeoplewere with one's family broken up and decimatedone after another, are destitute and homeless.
虽然在空中交战,但是倾泻下来的余波,覆灭了一座又一座城池,无数人家破人亡,流离失所。This is the Sovereignterrifying.
这便是皇者的恐怖。Therefore, Lu Chenthis act, enragesSovereign of Qiabsolutely, a Sovereign of Qianger, will perhaps conquer by killingentireLu Countryhundred millioncommon people, manymanyinnocent peoplewill be involved.
所以,陆尘此举,绝对是触怒齐皇,齐皇一怒,说不定会血洗整个陆国过亿的百姓,其中很多很多无辜者都会受到牵连。„InsultedHuman Sovereign, did not balk at ten thousand deaths, Iledyouto seeHuman Sovereign”He Qianto recoverfinally, mental strengthsolidlylockedLu Chen, the Kingauraerupts, rewoundjust like the sea water, gallopingrushed.
“侮辱人皇,万死不辞,我带你去见人皇”贺千终于回过神来,精神力牢牢锁定陆尘,王者气息爆发,宛若海水倒卷,奔腾澎湃。He Qiansearchesto act, mustabsorbLu Chen.贺千探出手,要摄取陆尘。BecauseLu Chenis a criminal, the imperial decreeishebrings, if not condemntoQi Imperial City the Lu Chenbelt/bring, perhapshewill be involved, evenentireProfound Thunder Factionwill be involved.
因为陆尘是罪人,圣旨是他带来的,如果不把陆尘带到齐皇城问罪,说不定他都会被牵连,甚至整个玄雷派都会被牵连。„He Qian”
The Lu Zhenghengangersaid,lifts the palm, withHe Qiantobumping.陆正恒怒道,抬起手掌,与贺千对碰。Bothwithin the bodyspirit strengthrushes, to the bangin the same place, airblasting open, has the slatingsonic boom, probablytwoatomic bombscollideintogether, butnext moment, the collisionin the togetherenergyebullition, spreadstowardall around.
两者体内灵力太澎湃,对轰在一起,空气炸裂,产生雷鸣般的音爆,像是两颗原子弹碰撞在一起,但是下一刻,碰撞在一起的能量沸腾,朝四周扩散。Lu Zhenghengholds on the arm of Lu Chen, rapidbacking up, protectsbodyspirit strengthto surge, spreads, isolated the complementary waves.陆正恒拉住陆尘的胳膊,迅速的倒退,护体灵力激荡,蔓延开来,隔绝了余波。As fornearbysomepeople, without the good luck, was separated by the guardhundredmeters away, directlyby the complementary wavesbombardment that bothfoughtshortly, flewhorizontally, the bigmouthcoughed up blood.
至于旁边的一些人,则没有那么好运了,相隔百米之外的护卫,直接被两者短暂交手的余波轰击,横飞出去,大口咳血。Nearbyrecentrockerylake, bang, was sweptby the pureenergycomplementary waves, cracksdirectly, the stoneflutters about.
旁边的最近假山湖,轰的一声,被纯粹的能量余波扫中,直接崩裂,石块纷飞。Zuoqiu ChanandMo Xingkongtwo people, toverynearly, only then about tenmeters, whentwoKingfight, immediatelyrevolutionspirit strengthprotects the body, but, was shakento flyas before, corners of the mouthoverflowingblood.左丘禅和莫行空两人,离得很近,也只有十米左右,在两尊王者交手的时候,立刻运转灵力护体,但是,依旧被震飞出去,嘴角溢血。
The King Boundaryrank, is extremely terrifying, theirwithin the bodysaved the magnanimousspiritual energy, the collision , the destructive poweris together infinite, the complementary waves of eruption, canbe killed by shock the large expanse ofperson.王境级别,太过恐怖,他们的体内积蓄了海量的灵气,碰撞在一起,破坏力无限,爆发的余波,都能够震死成片的人。Naturally, refers tobelowQi Condensing Boundary.
当然,指的是凝气境以下的。However, separatesnearwordsvery much, Primordial Spirit Boundaryalsoinjured, Zuoqiu ChanandMo Xingkong is a verygoodexample.
但是,隔得很近的话,元神境也要受伤,左丘禅和莫行空就是一个很好的例子。„Lu Zhengheng, you must court death” the He Qianangrysay/way, an eyemustkill people.
“陆正恒,你也要找死吗”贺千愤怒道,一双眼睛要杀人。Although the pinnacleis angry, buthad not acted, because the Lu Zhenghengstrengthis very strong, althoughis onlyKing Boundarymiddle stage, hewantedhighsmallboundarycompared withLu Zhengheng, but the Lu Zhenghengvitalitywas very exuberant.
虽然极致愤怒,但没有出手了,因为陆正恒的实力很强,虽然只是王境中期,他比陆正恒要高了一个小境界,但是陆正恒气血很旺盛。SomeLu Zhengheng, cannot carry offLu Chen.
有陆正恒在,带不走陆尘。„Lu Chenis bold, firstspoke the insultimperial decree, thencut offSovereign of Qimental imprint, the Human Sovereignnotshame, nowhands overyour sonalsowith enough time” a He Qianeyeto be ice-cold.
“陆尘胆大包天,先出言侮辱圣旨,然后又斩断了齐皇的精神印记,人皇不可辱,现在交出你的儿子还来得及”贺千一双眼睛冰冷无比。„Does not hand overyour son, youmustdie, I must followto be involved, not onlyyourI, the entireLu Countrycommon people, maybe trampledby the Sovereign of Qicavalrylethal, Lu Country the plunging the people into disaster, you must protecthimnow”
“不交出你儿子,你要死,我也要跟着受牵连,不仅你我,整个陆国的百姓,都有可能被齐皇铁骑践踏致死,陆国将生灵涂炭,你现在还要护着他吗”Lu Zhenghengknits the brows, good that actuallyHe Qian said that the Human Sovereignshame, heasKing Boundary, did not understand that Sovereignterrifying, thatterrifying degree, is simply desperate.陆正恒皱了皱眉,其实贺千说的不错,人皇不可辱,他作为王境,非常了解皇者的恐怖,那种恐怖程度,简直令人绝望。Healsoknows, Lu Chenthistimedoingoverstepped the limit, who letsLu Chenishisonlyson.
他也知道,陆尘此次做的出格了,但是谁让陆尘是他唯一的儿子呢。Hedoes not guarantee, whocomes toinsurance.
他不保,谁来保。„What's the big deal, the oneselfsonscannot even preserve, but also is whatfather”Lu Zhenghengcoldlysaid.
“那又如何,连自己的儿子都保不住,还算什么人父”陆正恒冷冷道。He decided that waits forthisdisturbanceto subside, bringsLu Chento go to faraway places, Wilderness Territoryis how vast, similarGreat Qi Dynastysuchdynastyalsohad, was really not good, recedesotherbigterritories.
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