MMISF :: Volume #1

#20: Enters

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Pen interest pavilion, renews my family Master most quickly ultra ominous ! 笔趣阁,最快更新我家师父超凶哒! Three people arrive sky over Royal Palace, He Qian crosses the hands behind the back to stand, vague King will sending out, forms the unsurpassed pressure, covers entire Royal Palace. 三人驾临王宫上空,贺千负手而立,一股若有若无的王者意志散发,形成无上的威压,笼罩整个王宫 The He Qian figure is tall and straight, is passing the terrifying aura, a pressure feeling beyond comparison. 贺千身形挺拔,透着恐怖气息,给人一股无以伦比的压力感。 Land king is not, comes out to talk about old days He Qian clear and resonant voice opens the mouth, the sound has extremely strong penetrating power, easily then breaks through array barrier, appears in people ear clearly. “陆王在不在,出来叙旧”贺千朗声开口,声音带着极强的穿透力,轻易便突破阵法结界,清晰地出现在人们耳朵里面。 In Royal Palace, most Imperial Guard eardrum rumble make noise, the slightly weak guard bleeds profusely from the head, because in this He Qian tone, bringing mental strength to fluctuate, may affect the low boundary martial artist mind. 王宫中,大多数禁卫耳膜隆隆作响,稍弱的护卫更是七窍流血,因为这贺千的语气中,带着一丝精神力波动,可影响低境界武者的心神。 He Qian, first gave demonstration of authority. 贺千,一来就给了个下马威。 Fang Changlin discovered that Lu Zhengheng has not come out, according to the truth, Elder He Qian has not hidden the aura, if Lu Zhengheng is well, should already being ahead of time sensation to the same boundary aura. 方常林发现陆正恒没有出来,按道理来说,贺千长老没有隐藏气息,陆正恒如果无恙的话,应该早就提前感知到同境界气息。 Came out to welcome early. 早出来相迎了。 At this time has not come out, this makes Fang Changlin even more affirm that Lu Zhengheng was still fully suffering the violently poisonous pain, or has died. 此时未出来,这让方常林越发肯定陆正恒还在饱受剧毒之苦,亦或者已经死了。 What first walks is Zuoqiu Chan and Mo Xingkong two people. 最先走出来的是左丘禅莫行空两人。 Land king all things are busy, having no free time manages you Mo Xingkong coldly said. “陆王诸事繁忙,没空理你”莫行空冷冷说道。 Un “嗯” The He Qian brow slightly wrinkle, small Primordial Spirit Boundary, dares to speak to him with this tone, is staring at Mo Xingkong, discontented un. 贺千眉头微皱,一个小小的元神境,竟敢用这种语气对他说话,盯着莫行空,不满的嗯了一声。 mental strength penetrates array, invades the Mo Xingkong mind, just like invisible , a sharp sword inserts the Mo Xingkong mind, latter immediately corners of the mouth overflowing blood, complexion whitening. 一丝精神力穿透阵法,入侵莫行空的脑海,犹如无形之中,一把利剑插入莫行空脑海,后者当即嘴角溢血,脸色变白。 He Primordial Spirit Boundary, how can resist a spiritual attack of King Boundary. 他才元神境,怎能抵挡一位王境的精神攻击。 Solemn King Boundary, bullies Primordial Spirit Boundary, a little bullied the weak languid words to spread, Lu Chen appeared in front of Mo Xingkong, in the hand takes Soul Devouring Dagger, poured into spirit strength in inside. “堂堂王境,欺负一个元神境,有点以大欺小了吧”一句懒洋洋的话语传出,陆尘出现在莫行空面前,手中拿着噬魂匕首,注入灵力在里面。 The Soul Devouring Dagger illumination, shines upon a wisp of clear blue fine lace, takes root in the head of Mo Xingkong, its source then from King Boundary on upper air. 噬魂匕首发光,映照出一缕晶莹的蓝色细线,扎根莫行空的脑袋,其源头便来自高空上的王境身上。 Lu Chen with Soul Devouring Dagger one stroke, shuts off He Qian mental strength. 陆尘噬魂匕首一划,切断贺千的一丝精神力 Because King Boundary is too strong, branches out mental strength to shut off merely, He Qian unobstructive, but look quite dignified looks at the black dagger in Lu Chen hand, this is a can cut off mental strength magical treasure unexpectedly. 由于王境太强,仅仅分出一丝精神力被切断,贺千无碍,但是眼神颇为凝重的看着陆尘手中的黑色匕首,这居然是一柄能够斩断精神力法宝 Lu Chen 陆尘 A Lu Chen appearance, Fang Changlin and Fang Teng recognized. 陆尘一出现,方常林方腾都认出来了。 However, tranquility that quite two people display, because of this moment, Lu Chen has not covered the aura, they understood clearly Lu Chen boundary instantaneously. 不过,两人表现的比较平静,因为这一刻,陆尘没有掩盖气息,他们两人瞬间就洞悉了陆尘境界 Although displays tranquilly, but the innermost feelings have a little accident/surprise. 虽然表现平静,但是内心还是有那么一点意外的。 Five years, Lu Chen unexpectedly cultivation to Marrow Washing Boundary completion. 五年时间,陆尘居然修炼到了洗髓境圆满 No wonder can kill Nie Hua, Zhang Wei they. 难怪能够杀了聂华,章威他们。 Fang Changlin whispered in the innermost feelings. 方常林在内心嘀咕一句。 Your two should not be desolate, they were come the Royal Palace honored guest Lu Chen were first saying to two people, later looked to He Qian three humanity: Honored guest came from far away, but also invited, the good tea offered.” “你们两个别那么冷淡,他们好歹是来王宫的贵客”陆尘先是对着两人说了一句,随后看向贺千三人道:“贵客远道而来,还请下来,好茶奉上。” Royal Palace Imperial Guard, very anxious looks at the three people on upper air, one of them, with the Ruler same rank, this rank, read then available mental strength to stir to break to pieces their souls. 王宫禁卫,非常紧张的看着高空上的三人,其中一人,是和君王一样的级别,这种级别,一念间便可用精神力搅碎他们的灵魂。 Otherwise, Lu Chen facing King Boundary, is quite calm, looks the smile, inviting the He Qian three people to get down. 反之,陆尘面对王境,则相当淡定,面露微笑,邀请贺千三人下来。 Outside Royal Palace, some countless people wait and see. 王宫外面,有无数人观望。 this time different in those days, has King to arrive, does not know that Royal Palace killing array, can block the King footsteps. 这一次不同往日,有王者到来,不知道王宫杀阵,能不能挡住王者的脚步。 Death, dies, Lu Clan lineage damn has a hempen garments middle-aged man, stares at Royal Palace, in the eye is revealing the hatred that remembers with eternal gratitude. “死吧,都去死,陆氏一脉都该死”有一位麻衣中年男子,盯着王宫,眼中露出刻骨铭心的恨意。 His surroundings, have the female family members, has the 15 or 16 years old child, there is the servant who wears the homespun cloth coat, everyone is cursing. 他的周围,有女眷,有十五六岁的孩童,也有身穿粗布大衣的仆人,每个人都在诅咒。 These are the Nie Family people. 这些都是聂家的人。 Because of dying of Nie Wuming, their situation was very difficult, these, family Supermundane Boundary Elder was sneak attacked on , died two, severely wounded several. 因为聂无名的死去,他们处境很艰难,这几日,家族超凡境长老被偷袭,死了两个,重伤好几个。 Who although has not checked does, but definitely was before has Nie Wuming assumed personal command, offended Supermundane Boundary family. 虽然还没有查出来是谁干的,但肯定是以前有聂无名坐镇的时候,得罪的超凡境家族。 After Nie Wuming dies, they were sneak attacked one after another, could not find that group of sneak attack, therefore reached the peak to the Royal Palace person hatred. 聂无名死后,他们接连被偷袭,找不到那群偷袭者,所以对王宫的人恨意达到了顶峰。 Meanwhile, another place, some people are cursing, cursed Lu Chen to be killed, curses Ruler to go to hell, this group of people, were the Qing Family family and servant, they and Lu were the same, the situation was difficult. 与此同时,另外一处地方,也有人在诅咒,诅咒陆尘被杀死,诅咒君王下地狱,这群人,便是青家的家眷和仆人,他们和陆家一样,处境非常艰难。 He Qian flies high to stand, powerful mental strength covers all around, why does not know, he felt the vague danger, the sinking sound said: You first treat in this, I try killing array.” 贺千凌空而立,强大的精神力笼罩四周,不知道为何,他感受到了若有若无的危险,沉声说道:“你们先待在这,我去试试杀阵。” Because Fang Changlin had said yesterday that Royal Palace has killing array, can put to death Primordial Spirit Boundary, originally he does not believe that but really feels the aura of danger now, therefore He Qian makes two people halt. 因为昨天方常林说过,王宫杀阵,能诛杀元神境,本来他是不信的,不过如今真的感受到了危险的气息,所以贺千让两人止步。 He searches to explore the way. 他去探探路。 He Qian bright sound said: Since you open the door to receive a guest, truth that my where cannot have.” 贺千朗声道:“既然你开门迎客,我哪儿有不来的道理。” The words fall, he like from the sky strolls, has probably the invisible steps, walks step by step, as He Qian marches into the array range, barrier melts the appearance obviously, He Qian surrounding in inside. 话语落下,他如同在空中漫步,像是有无形的阶梯,一步一步走下来,随着贺千步入阵法的范围,结界显化出现,把贺千包围在里面。 He Qian takes the bull by the horns, revolution cultivation technique, release King Boundary all energies, fall in torrents like the mountain torrent, the terrifying aura blooms, attacks array barrier ruthlessly. 贺千当机立断,运转功法,释放王境所有的能量,如同山洪倾泻,恐怖的气息绽放,狠狠冲击阵法结界 Although is away from array, but the surroundings people felt the fearfulness of this internal energy. 虽然隔着阵法,但是周围人都感受到了这股气机的可怕。 The prestige energy of King Boundary implication, was really vast. 王境蕴含的威能,实在是太浩瀚了。 When! 当! barrier a little cannot withstand the He Qian aura, is cracked the little cracks. 结界有点承受不住贺千的气息,龟裂出少许裂纹。 Originally was King Boundary late stage, the old man did not say that this fellow was not his opponent, old man King Boundary middle stage, if it seems like oneself no longer, the old man must suffer a loss Lu Chen to think in the heart secretly. “原来是王境后期,老头子不是说这家伙不是他对手吗,老头子才王境中期,看来如果自己不再,老头子又要吃亏”陆尘在心中暗暗想到。 Lu Chen pinches jade talisman, controls the array attack. 陆尘玉符,控制阵法攻击。 On array, 18 array flag above traces also shine, absorb all around spiritual energy. 阵法上面,十八枚阵旗上面的纹路同时发光,汲取四周灵气。 The vast spiritual energy gathering in array, forms the spiritual energy storm. 浩瀚的灵气汇聚于阵法里面,形成灵气风暴。 array can absorb the surrounding spiritual energy automatically, supplements array, in barrier, the spiritual energy was too strong, changes to the liquid, condenses a lifelike long sword, then, condenses seven long swords continuously. 阵法能自动汲取周围的灵气,补充阵法,结界内,灵气太浓厚了,化作液体,凝聚成一把栩栩如生的长剑,接着,连续凝聚七柄长剑。 Seven long sword blooming aquamarine sword light, the ray is dazzling. 七柄长剑绽放碧绿色剑光,光芒耀眼。 Quick, seven swords revolve, moves around He Qian. 很快,七柄剑运转起来,围绕贺千旋转。 Really is Seven Absolutes Sword Array He Qian by seven spirit sword surrounding, in the heart is trembled, small Kingdom, how possibly has Seven Absolutes Sword Array this murdering strength extremely strong array. “果然是七绝剑阵贺千被七柄灵剑包围,心中一颤,一个小小的王国,怎么可能有七绝剑阵这种杀伐之力极强的阵法 Now sees with one's own eyes, eye pupil brilliant illumination. 现在亲眼看到,眼眸灼灼发光。 To obtain, arranges mountain-protecting great array to Profound Thunder Faction. 很想得到,给玄雷派布置成护山大阵 Very powerful sword qi “好强的剑气 In the upper air, Fang Changlin feels sword qi that the spirit sword sends out, being away from array is also fearful and apprehensive, he does not have to act fortunately rashly, if he enters in array, will definitely be strangled to death. 高空中,方常林感受到灵剑散发出来的剑气,隔着阵法也心惊肉跳,还好他没有贸然行动,他如果进入阵法中,肯定会被绞杀。 Your Master should not have the matter Fang Changlin to ask. “你师父该不会有事吧”方常林问道。 Fang Teng smiles lightly: Father, you considered thoroughly, Master has entered into King Boundary late stage, and cultivation Body Refining Art, the body and spirit was powerful, trivial fifth level array, could not injure the Master slightest.” 方腾淡淡一笑:“父亲,你多虑了,师父早已经迈入王境后期,且修炼炼体决,体魄强大,区区五级阵法,是伤不了师父分毫的。” In barrier, seven swords aim at He Qian sharp, is centered on He Qian pierces to go, probably together radiant sharp glow. 结界内,七道剑尖对准贺千,以贺千为中心洞穿而去,像是一道璀璨的利芒。 Power and influence that each sword sends out, is not weak in the Primordial Spirit Boundary peak might. 每一柄剑散发出来的威势,都不弱于元神境巅峰的威力。 ps: Asked the obscene ticket!!! ps:求淫票!!!
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