MLSIAI :: Volume #1

#49: Arrives at the West Indian raspberry

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When four girls laugh, music on the platform started the wind. Just started people in booth also to think little, had not thought that journey Xiaoyu the orchestra can toss about the big spray. Su Yu knows that journey Xiaoyu has the talent, but also feels level the song of like New Year's Day performance, not possible casual to have. But she does not know that journey Xiaoyu is not an average person, but is crossing over, what in the classical song brain are really many are. 在四个姑娘笑成一团的时候,表演台上的音乐就开始飙了起来。刚开始卡座里的一众人还不以为意,都没觉得程晓羽的乐团能折腾出多大的浪花。苏虞兮知道程晓羽有才华,但也觉得像元旦汇演那样的层次的歌曲,也不可能随便就有。可她不知道程晓羽不是普通人,而是个穿越者,经典歌曲脑子里真多的是。 This musical rhythm came everyone to listen together unusual, corrected the body, appreciated earnestly. 这音乐节奏一起来所有人就听出了与众不同,端正了身子,认真欣赏起来。 When the fast army rouse the drumbeats crack to create the tense atmosphere in the lights forest, the guitar performance of spirited distortion batters to seem the brush, journey Xiao feather concerto calm following prepared the magnificent spirited ground, the symphony background that the imposing manner rushed built. But summer Shamo a hand holds up nearby loudspeaker, a hand grabs the microphone holder, the sent out sound just like slow-witted scissors, intertwined to cut the heavy/thick magnificent background, sent out clamoring that ripped the brocade/bright crack silk. 当快速的军鼓鼓点在灯火森林炸响营造紧张气氛,激昂失真的吉他演奏横冲直撞进来好似神来之笔,程晓羽协奏从容的跟上做了华丽昂扬的铺垫,气势澎湃的交响背景就营造了出来。而夏纱沫一只手举起旁边的扩音器,一只手抓着话筒架,发出的声音犹如一把滞鈍的剪刀,纠结着剪开了厚重的华丽背景,发出了撕锦裂绸的喧哗。 journey Xiaoyu arranging that «Arrives at West Indian raspberry» is desolate Jingteng and king who non- the edition uses unifies, the rock and roll taste thickly, removed many and numerous and diverse symphony. However summer Shamo the melody defers to king non- the indistinct blurred style. Also has different kind flavor in light of journey Xiaoyu the edition that the advantages of two editions make. 程晓羽的《开到荼蘼》是用的萧敬滕和王非版本结合起来的编曲,摇滚味浓一点,去掉了过多而繁杂的交响化。但是夏纱沫唱腔还是按照王非飘渺迷离的风格来进行。结合两个版本的优势做出来的程晓羽版本又有一番别样的韵味。 Each ant 每只蚂蚁 Has the eye nose 都有眼睛鼻子 Is it beautiful 它美不美丽 Does the deviation have least 偏差有没有一毫厘 Has what relations 有何关系 Everyone 每一个人 Sad sobbed 伤心了就哭泣 Hungry must eat 饿了就要吃 Differs greatly the world 相差大不过天地 Has what stimulation 有何刺激 Has too many charms 有太多太多魔力 Too few truth 太少道理 This electricity sound sings the way not to appear in Huaxia, when summer Shamo holds up the loudspeaker, everyone does not know that she is doing. When this hallucination sound lingers repeatedly, everyone was shocked, this also? This is what monster orchestra, too damn cow B!!! Sang one, reached the vice- song high tide, summer Shamo put down the loudspeaker, sang with the real sound, two entirely different sounds appeared alternately, let deluded that the audience on the scene listened, wanted to stop but cannot. 这种电音演唱方式在华夏还没有出现过,当夏纱沫举起扩音器的时候,所有人都不知道她在干什么。当这迷幻的声音反复萦绕的时候,所有人都惊呆了,这样也可以?这是什么怪物乐团,太他妈的牛B了!!!唱完了一段,进入副歌高潮,夏纱沫又放下扩音器,用真声唱,两种截然不同的声音交替出现,让在场的观众听的如痴如醉,欲罢不能。 Too many too plays 太多太多游戏 For curious 只是为了好奇 Also has anything to be worth 还有什么值得 Hysteric 歇斯底里 To anything 对什么东西 Being dead set on 死心塌地 Idols 一个一个偶像 Nothing more than so 都不外如此 Has wallowed idol 沉迷过的偶像 Vanishes 一个个消失 Who was once dishonorable 谁曾伤天害理 Who is God 谁又是上帝 We are waiting for 我们在等待 What miracle 什么奇迹 Finally is left over itself 最后剩下自己 Does not give up nitpickingly 舍不得挑剔 Finally to oneself 最后对着自己 Also does not think highly of greatly 也不大看得起 Who gives me the entire world 谁给我全世界 I will suspect 我都会怀疑 Ecstatic 心花怒放 Actually arrives at the West Indian raspberry 却开到荼蘼 Each ant 每只蚂蚁 Has the eye nose 都有眼睛鼻子 Is it beautiful 它美不美丽 Does the deviation have least 偏差有没有一毫厘 Has what relations 有何关系 Everyone 每一个人 Sad sobbed 伤心了就哭泣 Hungry must eat 饿了就要吃 Differs greatly the world 相差大不过天地 Has what stimulation 有何刺激 Has too many charms 有太多太多魔力 Too few truth 太少道理 Too many too plays 太多太多游戏 For curious 只是为了好奇 Also has anything to be worth 还有什么值得 Hysteric 歇斯底里 To anything 对什么东西 Being dead set on 死心塌地 Idols 一个一个偶像 Nothing more than so 都不外如此 Has wallowed idol 沉迷过的偶像 Vanishes 一个个消失 Who was once dishonorable 谁曾伤天害理 Who is God 谁又是上帝 We are waiting for 我们在等待 What miracle 什么奇迹 Finally is left over itself 最后剩下自己 Does not give up nitpickingly 舍不得挑剔 Finally to oneself 最后对着自己 Also does not think highly of greatly 也不大看得起 Who gives me the entire world 谁给我全世界 I will suspect 我都会怀疑 Ecstatic 心花怒放 Actually arrives at the West Indian raspberry 却开到荼蘼 Person 一个一个一个人 Who is more beautiful than whom 谁比谁美丽 Person 一个一个一个人 Who is happier than whom 谁比谁甜蜜 Person 一个一个一个人 Who is easier than whom 谁比谁容易 Also there is what extraordinary 又有什么了不起 Person 一个一个一个人 Who is more beautiful than whom 谁比谁美丽 Person 一个一个一个人 Who is happier than whom 谁比谁甜蜜 Person 一个一个一个人 Who is easier than whom 谁比谁容易 Also there is what extraordinary 又有什么了不起 Each ant 每只蚂蚁 Scrapes past with whom 和谁擦身而过 Then is neat 都那么整齐 Has what relations 有何关系 Everyone 每一个人 Meets person who loves 碰见所爱的人 Has a lingering fear. 却心有余悸。 This sang, Li Linger surprised jumped to say depends, did this orchestra hang? This compared with the Nirvana, the having a long singing engagement performance of myth was fiercer, the popular music played this pattern too to be really exciting, was really the high-school student?” 这首歌唱完,李凌儿一脸惊讶的跳了起来说道“靠,这乐团太吊了吧?这比涅槃,神话的驻唱表演都厉害多了,流行音乐玩出这种花样实在太刺激,真是高中生?” Tang Wen attractively was a face does not dare to believe the expression that depended on coming with permits Qinning the discussion Su Yu his Elder Brother orchestra is never so expected that fierce, previous time New Year's Day performed I not to see them to perform in the backstage, was really is a pity. Aiya, I am really good to like that singing girl!” Could not have borne make a face starry eyed expression. 唐雯倩也是一脸不敢信的表情靠了过来的跟许沁柠讨论“没想到苏虞兮他哥哥乐团这么厉害,上次元旦汇演我在后台没看到他们表演,真是太可惜了。哎呀,我真的好喜欢那个唱歌的女孩啊!”还忍住不住做了一个一脸花痴的表情。 permits Qinning is a little also surprised, although New Year's Day the literary performance gives her shock to be very big, but she thinks that journey Xiaoyu the magical skill are most also on three broad-ax, has not thought this accident/surprise comes so swift and violent, but she depresses to Tang Wen who a shock face in heart thinks otherwise said attractively New Year's Day performs their performances more splendid, they are truly different from the common orchestra, there are several brushes.” 许沁柠也有点吃惊,虽然元旦文艺汇演给她的震撼很大,但她以为程晓羽的道行最多也就三板斧,没想到这意外来的如此迅猛,但她压下心中的震惊一脸不以为然的对唐雯倩说道“元旦汇演他们的表演更精彩,他们确实和一般乐团不一样,有几把刷子的。” Li Linger leans the body to come with Su Yu saying that „the elder sister, waits to introduce under the understanding. I somewhat feel sorry not to have met sooner, this compares with the popular song that these sentiments love, hung too! No wonder this bar is so hot. It is not hot does not have the natural justice!” 李凌儿侧过身子来跟苏虞兮说道“兮兮姐姐,等下一定要介绍认识下。我真有点相见恨晚啊,这跟那些情啊爱的流行歌比起来,吊太多了!难怪这酒吧这么火。不火没天理啊!” Su Yu smiles to reply „to know that is not simple, your lemon elder sister and he relates to be good! Two people have eaten meal alone.” 苏虞兮笑了笑答话道“要认识还不简单,你柠姐和他关系好着呢!两个人单独吃过饭。” Then Li Linger and Tang Wen then merriment pesters attractively is asking permits Qinning what's the matter. 然后李凌儿和唐雯倩便笑闹纠缠着问许沁柠怎么回事。 permits Qinning cannot boil two entanglement say/way of small seductresses/evil spirits first to listen to music, waits to tell you.” 许沁柠也熬不住两个小妖精的纠缠道“先听歌,等下在跟你们说。” Sits at the same time yellow small seven touch own ears and cheeks, wants to pull closer relations with Su Yu, could not interpose, can only listen to four younger sisters to be laughing. That song he had not perceived a moment ago, considers only looked secretly Su Yu. 坐在一边的黄小七抓耳挠腮,想和苏虞兮拉近点关系,却又插不上话,只能听四个妹子嘻嘻哈哈。刚才那首歌他也没怎么听进去,只顾偷偷看苏虞兮去了。 After holding the sound crosses, everyone the line of sight is centralized, when already on beautiful new thing boundary summer muslin froth. Su Yu and permits Qinning is actually looking to stand in keyboard following journey Xiaoyu. 掌声响过以后,所有人都把视线集中在已经美出新境界的夏纱沫身上的时候。苏虞兮和许沁柠却在看着站在键盘后面的程晓羽。 journey Xiaoyu also in looked toward the stage under, wants to look to have a look at the possibility to result in the goal, but the person are too really many, the light of hall is also ambiguous dim, simply has not given him the opportunity to find the person. journey Xiao the feather can only give up. 程晓羽也在朝台下看,想找看看有没有可能得目标,可人实在太多,大厅的灯光又昏暗暧昧,根本没给他机会找人。程晓羽只能放弃。 After apologizing rose that the audience delivers, the evil royal crown starts to play second song «Brave».( BGM Li Jiawei I am singer «Brave») 谢过台下观众送的玫瑰花之后,罪恶王冠开始演奏第二首歌《勇敢》。(BGM李佳薇我是歌手《勇敢》) Both hands that in the darkness extend silent 黑暗中寂静伸出的双手 The ice-cold air fire fear receives the hand likely 冰冷的空气像火害怕又收手 Whose look the road is too far to be able forever 路太远谁的眼神能永远 Together how forgot to follow you to understand 忘了跟你一起走怎样才会懂 In the memory likes should be always gentle 记忆里爱应该总是温柔 Had all these to be able not to fear the night 有了这一切才能不怕黑夜 Is my too long decision brave person lives spiritlessly 是我懦弱太久决定勇敢一个人而活 Cannot say suffers 不能说出口那么折磨 The brave city independently fills the short smoke and fire 勇敢的放手城市充满短暂的烟火 Nowhere hid to illuminate understands silent was lonely 无处躲照亮了沉默明白是寂寞 Who had said likes not free 谁说过爱会让人不自由 Therefore I am not waiting to put the pursue 所以我不在等候放下去追求 Having is too joyful makes the excuse happily 有太多快乐幸福做借口 Who makes me have the heart pain finally 谁让我最后把心痛等拥有 Is my too long decision brave person lives spiritlessly 是我懦弱太久决定勇敢一个人而活 Cannot say suffers 不能说出口那么折磨 The brave city independently fills the short smoke and fire 勇敢的放手城市充满短暂的烟火 Nowhere hid to illuminate understands silent was lonely 无处躲照亮了沉默明白是寂寞 The night too cannot see you black side me 夜太黑看不见你在我身边 The heart sad tears lose guard against OH ~ 心伤悲泪水失去防备OH~ Is my too long decision brave person lives spiritlessly 是我懦弱太久决定勇敢一个人而活 Cannot say suffers 不能说出口那么折磨 The brave city independently fills the short smoke and fire 勇敢的放手城市充满短暂的烟火 Nowhere hid to illuminate the silent love to be original. 无处躲照亮了沉默爱原来寂寞。 This song was changed some lyrics by journey Xiaoyu, the significance of expression had very wide difference from the original tune, in fact this song is expresses the dismissing from mind mother to elapse to him to the sadness that other party becomes, brave trend new life hurts the bitter process. 这首歌被程晓羽改了一些歌词,表达的意义跟原曲就有很大差别,实际上这首歌对他而言是表达忘怀母亲逝去给他造成的悲伤,勇敢走向新生活的疼苦过程。 Su Yu can understand suffering of journey Xiao feather innermost feelings actually indistinctly, but others get sucked in the treble that in summer Shamo this struggles, can not. The applause and fresh flower, are summer Shamo. journey Xiaoyu the base and low form no one focuses attention on behind the keyboard, Su Yu thought that saw journey Xiao the feather calm smile. 苏虞兮倒是隐约能够明白程晓羽内心的折磨,但其他人都深陷在夏纱沫这挣扎的高音里,不得而出。掌声、鲜花,都是夏纱沫的。程晓羽卑微的身影在键盘后面无人注目,苏虞兮却觉得看到了程晓羽淡定的笑容。 Listens to this song, permits Qinning was really a little shocked, song that journey Xiaoyu composed, the melody nice lyrics touched the heart, arranging complex magnificent , but also was wonderfully harmonious. In matching summer Shamo the unspotted art or technique of singing, the lethality is too big. 听完这首歌,许沁柠就真是有点震撼了,程晓羽谱写的歌,旋律动听歌词感人肺腑,编曲复杂华丽但又和谐美妙。搭配上夏纱沫毫无瑕疵的唱功,杀伤力实在太大。 permits Qinning Su Yu arm say/way these belonged to the complete mature work, we combined made a debut, but must your elder brother to write several to us! Was popular what «Real Water on list Not to have Fragrance» the present, «Falls in love Lonely» were too more, your elder brother's work was really poisonous, listened unable to put down, cannot forget, really thinks that single bent/tune circulated!” 许沁柠拉着苏虞兮的胳膊道“这些都属于完整成熟的作品了,我们组合出道的时候,可得要你哥写几首给我们啊!比现在流行榜上的什么《真水无香》、《爱上寂寞》强太多了,你哥哥的作品是真有毒,听了就放不下,忘不了,真想单曲循环啊!” Su Yu actually the innermost feelings also approves journey Xiaoyu the work very much. His work with some popular works, is not on a level immediately, regardless of arranges, lyrics or the melody, had been aloof immediately restricting of popular music, rises to the level of art. Especially she quite dislikes the pattern of popular music is quite immediately low, the content many are vulgar, the subject is narrow, except for the happy love is the sad love. 苏虞兮其实内心也很认可程晓羽的作品。他的作品跟当下流行的一些作品,根本就不在一个层次上面,不论编曲、歌词还是旋律,都已经超脱了当下流行音乐的拘束,上升到艺术的层面。尤其是她相当反感当下流行音乐的格局比较低,内容多都庸俗不堪,主题狭隘,除了甜蜜的爱就是悲伤的爱。 Is having a look at journey Xiaoyu the work, «Arrives at West Indian raspberry» can the infinite taste, the meaning of West Indian raspberry, is the end, is called the other shore to be colored. After so-called West Indian raspberry, blossomless opening, the past writer poets believe frequently, the bitter edible plant waste flower blooms, is representing end of one year of flower season. 在看看程晓羽的作品,《开到荼蘼》就能让人无限品味,荼蘼的含义,则是终结,又被称为彼岸花。所谓荼蘼过后,无花开放,过去的文人骚客们常常认为,荼靡花开,代表着一年花季的终结。 «Dream of the Red Chamber» in has such a: Arrived at the bitter edible plant waste blooming. «Arrived at West Indian raspberry» is more like spoke a nihilism mentality person, denial to the entire society. 《红楼梦》里有这样一句:开到荼靡花事了。《开到荼蘼》更像是讲了一个虚无主义心态的人,对整个社会的否定。 Does not like Su Yu of popular music to this «Arriving at West Indian raspberry» greatly is somewhat unable to put down. Su Yu nods assent permits Qinning the idea, when they release the recording, must have journey Xiaoyu the work. 不大喜欢流行音乐的苏虞兮都对这首《开到荼蘼》有些爱不释手。苏虞兮点头同意许沁柠的想法,等到她们出唱片,一定要有程晓羽的作品。 Speaking of Su Yu and permits Qinning is getting up river international training, prepares to make a debut as the combination. For permits Qinning purely fun, is because divided the school with Su Yu, increases selects two people being together time to request to join. Su Yu naturally is not only because cannot bear permits Qinning the entanglement, but also because of her wants more thorough understanding recording industry, they to join this idol plan at that time time, journey Xiaoyu has not appeared, Su Yu must go to the river to take over naturally to prepare for oneself future. But does not have any way contacted the recording industry more direct-viewing than like this. 说到苏虞兮和许沁柠在上河国际培训,准备做为组合出道。许沁柠纯粹为了好玩,也是因为和苏虞兮分了校,增加点两人的相处时间才要求加入的。苏虞兮当然不仅仅是因为受不了许沁柠的纠缠,还因为她想更加深入的了解唱片行业,当时她们加入这个偶像计划的时候,程晓羽还没出现,苏虞兮自然而然要为自己将来在上河接班做准备。而没有任何方式比这样接触唱片行业更直观了。 When journey Xiao the feather their orchestra performed «Drawing a sword Tune» that «Snail», «Hypnosis», «Huangpu River» and Su Yu liked in secret. permits Qinning and Su Yu this time by journey Xiaoyu the music talent subduing, them think that thing that in journey Xiao the feather pocket pulls out, finally today comes to discover that in journey Xiao the feather pocket is the diamond, but also is star of ranks Africa. On thorough was speechless. 等程晓羽他们乐团又表演了《蜗牛》、《催眠》、《黄浦江》和苏虞兮私底下非常喜欢的《拔剑曲》。许沁柠和苏虞兮这个时候已经被程晓羽的音乐才华给折服了,她们原本以为程晓羽口袋里就掏出来的那一点东西,结果今天过来才发现程晓羽口袋里全是钻石,还都是非洲之星级别的。就彻底的无语了。 Su Yu also knows that journey Xiaoyu is busy at these music daily at home, actually she also felt oneself appreciates his talent. But she dislikes the attitude that he looks down on the world, does not like him spending freely own talent recklessly. For example she does not understand why now he must in this small bar, make musician this in her opinion meaningless the matter in the field. 苏虞兮也知道程晓羽天天在家里就是在忙这些音乐,其实她也觉得自己是欣赏他的才华的。但她反感他玩世不恭的态度,也不喜欢他肆意的挥霍自己的天赋。比如她现在就不理解他为什么要在这个小小的酒吧,做驻场乐手这样在她看来毫无意义的事情。 journey Xiaoyu leaves office to look at the next time, to is also left over for thirty minutes with the time of Tang Wen attractive agreement. journey Xiaoyu transferred a great-circle in the bar one by one, has achieved nothing. The lights forest irritability not as he expected, making his mission nearly not possible to complete. 程晓羽下了台看了下时间,离和唐雯倩约定的时间还剩下三十几分钟。程晓羽在人挤人的酒吧转了一大圈,一无所获。灯火森林出乎他意料的火爆,让他的任务近乎不可能完成。 journey Xiaoyu plans to take the rose on hand to deliver a girl immediately casually, this can also little lose a request. journey Xiaoyu looked that the time also remains much, takes up the cell phone to send some meaningless message with Tang Wen attractively. At the same time looks around to have the younger sister to put out the cell phone back and forth message. Actually does not know that all these fell in the permits Qin lemon eye in booth. 程晓羽当下就打算拿着手上的玫瑰花随便送个女孩,这样也能少输一个要求。程晓羽看时间还剩不少,就拿起手机跟唐雯倩发些毫无意义的短信。一边四处看有没有妹子拿出手机来回短信。却不知道这一切都落在了卡座里的许沁柠眼里。 Su Yu and permits Qinning changed a position, sits in the corner of booth edge, called yellow small seven to stand in front tunnels the vision. Where journey Xiaoyu the line of sight has also swept, but his thought limits on two girls, therefore the booth is not the key point of seeking, ending is. 苏虞兮和许沁柠换了个位置,坐在卡座边缘的转角处,又叫黄小七站在前面挡住视线。程晓羽的视线也从哪里扫过,但他的思维局限在两个女孩身上,所以卡座并不是寻找的重点,散台才是。 journey Xiaoyu saw two miss who in the bar business hall seems like the student, puts out the cell phone to read the message just in time. At that moment he also no longer hesitates, thinks that admitted mistakes also indifferently, hurried to finish this gambling house, was the correct principle. Turns the chubby body to push toward that miss. 程晓羽在酒吧大厅中央看见了两个貌似学生的姑娘,正巧其中有一个拿出手机正在看短信。当下他也不再犹豫,想到认错了也无所谓,赶紧结束这场赌局,才是正理。就扭着胖乎乎的身体朝那姑娘挤过去。
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