MLSIAI :: Volume #1

#47: Visited troublesome

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health/guard wind was the students of Fudan University big two chemistry department, the evil royal crown's first day on that day of lights forest performance is his birthday, he asked several schoolmates who were usually better to go to the lights forest to drink several cups. At that time he sat to the platform recent that table. 卫风是复旦大学大二化学系的学生,罪恶王冠第一天在灯火森林表演的那天是他的生日,他请了平时要好的几个同学去灯火森林喝几杯。当时他就坐在离表演台最近的那一桌。 health/guard wind is the typical science subjects male, usually does not love the popular music of pleasant to hear, thought that is too weak, hits the little following father to listen to the Peking opera, thought that this called the art. The birthday the father gave the operating expense on that day, asking the schoolmate to have the dinner, wants to find a place to drink a liquor, when the bar street sought, the schoolmate saw summer Shamo the poster, said that this was not the New Year's Day on that day in which of auditorium performance, entrained the Fudan Attached middle school Elementary school younger sister who dazzled very holds in the mouth to explode the day crazily. 卫风属于典型的理科男,平时也不怎么爱好听流行音乐,觉得那太幼稚,打小跟着老爸听京剧,觉得这样才叫艺术。生日那天老爸给了活动经费,请了同学吃了顿晚饭,又想找个地方喝点酒,在酒吧街寻地的时候,同学看见了夏纱沫的海报,说这不就是元旦那天在大礼堂演出的哪个,狂拽炫酷叼炸天的复旦附中小学妹吗。 Schoolmate health/guard wind is his roommate, is the Fudan student association, therefore New Year's Day four school literary arts performances, he also mixed to look. How returned to the bedroom to start with roommate Ainley to have an orchestra to hang to explode the day, how initiated the younger sister causing the downfall of the nation beautiful woman, listening to music that only concentrated on, listened completely stupidly, forgot that took the cell phone to record. For this matter, his roommate still in online looks for the video everywhere, had to find, arriving that but looked for was the photography distance is very far, the sound was very fuzzy, let alone image. 卫风同学是他室友,也是复旦学生会的,所以元旦四校文艺汇演,他也混进去看了。回了寝室就开始跟室友安利有个乐团如何吊炸天,主唱妹子如何倾国倾城,只全神贯注的听歌,完全听傻了,都忘记拿手机录一下。为这事,他这室友还在网上到处找视频,也不是没找到,只是找的到的都是拍摄距离很远的,声音都很模糊,更别说图像了。 Behind looked for the song in the Huaxia famous three big music websites, he still remembers the name, «Drawing a sword Tune» had not found, «Huangpu River» has many actually, but no is he performs in the New Year's Day hears that. Giving up that can only regret, but has actually never forgotten. 后面又在华夏著名的三大音乐网站找了歌曲,他还记得名字,《拔剑曲》没找到,《黄浦江》倒是有不少,但没有一首是他在元旦汇演是听到那首。只能遗憾的作罢,但一直却念念不忘。 Today actually accidental/surprised sees the poster in the bar street, promptly requests to change the goal to go to the lights forest. They prepared to go to the intersection and listens to the wind to recite, that having a long singing engagement is the department courtesans of Fudan Department of literature spends the tea, usually also sang some campus ballads, was very high in Fudan and Jiaotong University popularity, and listened to the wind to recite is the bar street business is also best. 今天却意外在酒吧街看到了海报,立即要求改换目标去灯火森林。原本他们准备去街口的且听风吟的,那家的驻唱是复旦文学系的系花柳花茗,平时也是唱一些校园民谣,在复旦和交大人气都很高,且听风吟也是酒吧街生意最好的。 health/guard wind at the roommate request the lights forest, which male student the front had a long singing engagement intensely disappoints him very much, holding in the mouth that therefore said to the roommate explodes the day the evil royal crown not to report too in a big way hopes where the high-school student can cow B to go? However the younger sister picture is very attractive, how does not know the honorable person. 卫风在室友强烈的要求下进了灯火森林,前面的哪个男生驻唱很是让他失望,因此对室友所说的叼炸天的罪恶王冠也没报太大希望,高中生能牛B到哪里去?不过妹子照片还是很漂亮的,不知道真人怎么样。 Waits for nine o'clock, summer Shamo mounts the stage, health/guard wind was raised a god forcefully. Protecting the wind liberal arts is not good, how does not know to describe, thought summer Shamo grasps the microphone holder to match the smoking makeup appearance, like facial features belt/bring ghost and makings cold peerless swordsman. The strangers in beautiful should not be near, beautiful precipitous arrogant. health/guard wind thought immediately sees such beauty, on trip has not been made in vain, a value chapter of price. 等九点钟,夏纱沫上台的时候,卫风就被强行提了把神。卫风文科不好,不知道怎么形容,就觉得夏纱沫握着话筒架配着烟熏妆的样子,就像个眉眼带煞、气质冷冽的绝世剑客。美的生人勿近,美的险峻孤高。卫风顿时觉得看见这样的美眉,就不虚此行,值一回票价了。 When summer Shamo opens the mouth, the style changed suddenly. If the clear current gorge, the wind and snow enter forest -like recitation to match the rhythm full drumbeats and cold guitar twang, built in the world the boundless piece, in the length and breadth forest of cold winter had the wonderful picture scroll of hot spring flowed slowly. 等到夏纱沫开口,画风就突变了。如清泉流涧,风雪入林般的吟唱配着律动十足的鼓点和冷冽的吉他弦声,营造了一副天地间茫茫一片,寒冬的广袤森林里有一处缓缓流淌的温泉的美妙画卷。 This makes him lose in that infinite exquisite voice. 这让他迷失在那无限优美的声线里。 When summer Shamo ending recited, the goosebumps of his whole body exploded, felt that the pore of whole body opened, in the mind what sound could not hear, this simple startled flew his soul. 当夏纱沫结尾的啦啦啦吟唱起来的时候,他浑身的鸡皮疙瘩都爆了起来,感觉全身的毛孔都张开了,脑海里什么声音都听不到,就这一句简单的啦啦啦惊飞了他的灵魂。 From here starts him to step long only the road, in the future the fans of evil royal crown will call only, the meaning is the evil royal crown is unique, is their only. Naturally this is the later matter, health/guard wind has not known that now these songfests of evil royal crown accompanied him to get through this many lives. 从这里开始他踏上了漫长的“唯一”之路,将来罪恶王冠的粉丝们都叫“唯一”,意思是罪恶王冠是独一无二的,也是他们的唯一。当然这都是以后的事情,卫风现在还不知道罪恶王冠的这些歌会陪伴着他度过这许多的人生。 Hears the fourth «Midsummer Light year» time, health/guard wind could not bear remember the time of oneself high school, he was their county city tests into Fudan University only, he liked the class leader of their class, when the high two health/guard wind result were very ordinary, when he knows the class leader wants to test Fudan, he started to go all out to study, now recalls, that was the section how crazy young time. He was accepted, she does not have. 听到第四首《盛夏光年》的时候,卫风忍不住想起了自己高中的时光,他是他们那个县城唯一考上复旦大学的,他喜欢他们班的班长,高二时卫风成绩都很一般,当他知道班长想考复旦的时候,他就开始拼命学习,现在回忆起来,那是段多么疯狂的年少时光。他考上了,她却没有。 health/guard wind borrowed the money of several roommates, delivered 299 roses to give the evil royal crown. 卫风把几个室友的钱都借了过来,送了299支玫瑰给罪恶王冠。 After he remembers the high school graduation vaguely, the summer vacation of burning hot, an afternoon dusk, he is hugging 299 roses in downstairs waiting vindicating of class leader family/home. Sun that west sinks draws well his shadow is long, the sultry air made him hold in the flower hand to soak completely the sweat, on that day he wore father's pants and a shirt fool looks likely the class leader and others is holding hands to go home. Although is very silly, but he has not regretted, he also likes her now, without changing. 他依稀记得高中毕业以后,炙热的暑假,一个午后的黄昏,他抱着299朵玫瑰在班长家的楼下等待表白。西沉的太阳将他的影子拉得好长,闷热的空气让他抱着花的手里浸满了汗水,那天他穿了爸爸的西裤和衬衣像个傻瓜看着班长和别人牵着手回家。虽然很傻,但是他没后悔过,他现在还喜欢她,没有改变过。 Returns to the bedroom, the first matter that health/guard wind the roommate handles the video in the bar recording passed to the Fudan post today, because they sat was very near, therefore the quality of record was good. Behind looked at to throw the forum by repost, at that time most popular university forum. 回到寝室,卫风的室友做的第一件事情就是把今天在酒吧录的视频上传到了复旦贴吧,因为他们坐的很近,所以录制的质量还算不错。后面又被转帖了瞄扑论坛,当时人气最高的高校论坛。 The title of post was called «In History Best Orchestra, Younger sister Was unattractive, Music Was not of pleasant to hear, Asking Grass To cry My». This post created looked to throw the click record at that time, was topped for a month by various types of items. Behind sinks is also because some people of the videos of uploading more evil royal crowns. 帖子的标题叫《史上最牛乐团,妹子不好看,音乐不好听,请艹哭我》。这个帖子创造了当时瞄扑点击记录,被各种道具置顶了一个月。后面沉下去也是因为有人上传了更多罪恶王冠的视频。 The lights forest was in a bar street fire, the ordinary circumstances next eight points did not have the position, the reservations telephone to be hit to explode daily. Many people looked at the video, comes the lights forest to listen to the evil royal crown to sing specially. 灯火森林算是在酒吧一条街火了,一般情况下八点就没了位置,订座电话天天被打爆。很多人都是看了视频,专门来灯火森林听罪恶王冠唱歌的。 The bar business is hot, Chen Jinglong is smiles grins with ear to ear, journey Xiao the feather they to no feeling, are the same performances, naturally they arranged several new songs, is journey Xiaoyu the work. 酒吧生意火爆,陈景隆是笑得合不拢嘴,程晓羽他们到没什么感觉,还是一样的表演,当然他们又排了几首新歌,全是程晓羽的作品。 This day is a weekend, although Fudan and Jiaotong University and other universities had a vacation, but could not affect the irritability of lights forest as before. 这天是个周末,虽说复旦和交大等大学都放假了,但依旧影响不了灯火森林的火爆。 Has not arrived at eight points, summer Shamo has not arrived, journey Xiaoyu in basement Pope gull ball guitar. 还没到八点,夏纱沫也还没到,程晓羽在地下室教王鸥弹吉他。 Suddenly he received the Tang Wen's attractive message. 突然他收到了唐雯倩的短信。 Sisters, I come today. Now on road.” “姐妹,我今天过来了哦。现在在路上。” journey Xiaoyu then remembers that she and Tang Wen's attractive gambling makes, thinks of this matter, he a little has a headache, now the bar is full daily, at this time also not necessarily had the position. He can only return to sisters, you said early! Now has not known that has the position not to have!” 程晓羽这才记得她和唐雯倩的赌约,想到这事情,他有点头疼,现在酒吧天天爆满,这个时候还不一定有位置。他只能回到“姐妹,你早说啊!现在还不知道有位置没有!” Faint, I was not lead a best friend to come, don't you want to repudiate a debt?” “晕,不是吧我可是带了个闺蜜过来的,你不是想赖账吧?” „, Although my journey Xiaoyu girl's feeling, but also does what has said. Also I arranged the platform with you, weren't you equal to admitting defeat directly?” “靠,我程晓羽虽说是女儿心,可也是言出必行。再说了我跟你安排台子,你不就等于直接认输了吗?” „, You said is also! Doesn't matter, the platform I try to find the solution. Gave you to me the message. Haha, has the time limits, I arrived sent the message to you, started to time, within one -and-a-half hours must deliver a rose to think that to you were my girl, if I have not seen you to give the flower, even if you lost two requests!” “哦,你说的也是!没关系,台子我自己想办法。到了我给你短信。哈哈,有时间限制的哦,我到了发短信给你,就开始计时,一个半小时之内必须送一朵玫瑰花给你认为是我的女孩,要是我没看见你送花,就算你输两个要求!” journey Xiaoyu smiles bitterly, has not thought that this miss really came, has not thought that she is so unexpectedly earnest. Now the bar is fully occupied daily, must distinguish the person who does not know, almost impossible. But he had not really said custom that the words that do not acknowledge mistakes, said again opposite is also only a girl, wants him to act shamelessly does not have that facial skin, moreover he thinks that this miss is not the understanding, should not put forward what especially excessive request. 程晓羽苦笑一下,没想到这姑娘真来了,也没想到她居然这么认真。现在酒吧天天人满为患,要辨别出一个不认识的人,几乎不可能。但他也真没说出去的话不认账的习惯,再说了对面也只是个女孩,要他耍赖也没那脸皮,而且他想这姑娘又不算认识,应该不会提什么特过份的要求。 Only can return well, yourself could not find the position to calculate that you lose.” 只能回“好的,那你自己找不到位置算你输。” Tang Wen returns to OK attractively.” 唐雯倩回到“OK。” permits Qinning is actually ready to fight on own Rolls-Royce, Su Yu was also towed by her, she meets really Tang Wen now attractive and another best friend named Li Linger. 许沁柠却是在自家的劳斯莱斯上摩拳擦掌,苏虞兮也被她拖了出来,她现在去接真的唐雯倩和另一个叫李凌儿的闺蜜。 When permits Qinning took Tang Wen to be attractive and Li Linger arrived at the Fudan bar street time. journey Xiao feather their performance also a half hours start. Today because is in the weekend, therefore their orchestra will sing two songs. 8 : 30 lights forests are full house, journey Xiaoyu does not know why Tang Wen is attractive looks for the position. The heart said, best unable to find the position, making her admit defeat automatically. 等许沁柠接了唐雯倩和李凌儿到复旦酒吧街的时候。程晓羽他们的演出还有半个小时才开始。今天因为是周末,所以他们乐团会多唱两首歌。八点半的灯火森林已经座无虚席了,程晓羽不知道唐雯倩凭什么找位置。心道,最好找不到位置,让她自动认输。 permits Qinning arrived at the lights forest, asking Li Linger to urge somebody to drink has a look, Li Linger was the Tang Wen's attractive schoolmate, related with permits Qinning also well. But Tang Wen has that little relativeness with permits Qinning attractively, Tang Wen shouted permits Qinning attractively, the lemon elder sister. Her father, is the partner in Xu Jia honest business. Naturally the business scale wants small many, it can be said that depends on Xu Jia to eat meal. Therefore permits Qinning has anything to request, Tang Wen never rejects attractively, naturally permits Qinning to Tang Wen, has definitely not been able to compare with Su Yu attractively, but the Tang Wen attractive that type is not the clever character of camouflage asks for permits Qinning to like very much, therefore permits Qinning and Tang Wen attractively are also the quite good friends. 许沁柠到了灯火森林,叫李凌儿进酒吧看看,李凌儿是唐雯倩的同学,和许沁柠关系也不错。而唐雯倩则和许沁柠带那么一点点亲戚关系,唐雯倩喊许沁柠,柠姐。她爸,是许佳诚生意上的合作伙伴。当然生意规模要小的多,可以说是靠着许家吃饭的。所以许沁柠有什么要求,唐雯倩都是从不拒绝的,当然许沁柠对唐雯倩也还算好,肯定不能和苏虞兮比,但唐雯倩那种不是伪装的乖巧性格很讨许沁柠喜欢,因此许沁柠和唐雯倩也是比较好的朋友。 Li Linger transferred in the bar, coming out saying that this broken bar business is so how good?” Li Linger is a rude and unreasonable temper, the father is a big officer, the family property is also thick, belongs a meeting of minds with nervous permits Qinning. 李凌儿在酒吧里转了一圈,出来说道“这破酒吧怎么生意这么好?”李凌儿却是个泼辣性子,老爹是不小的官,家底也厚,和神经质的许沁柠属于臭味相投的。 permits Qinning frowning say/way of this I am not ripe, the bar I have not gone, do many that ice your bar goes, have understanding friend ripe here?” 许沁柠皱了眉头道“这块我也不熟,酒吧我没怎么去过,凌儿你酒吧去的多,有认识的朋友熟这里吗?” Li Linger both hands insert in the yellow down clothing bag, below wears the black jeans, is a neither long nor short hair, long must quite have the heroic spirit, not being is very beautiful, but a little wild nature flavor. Li Linger puts out the cell phone, turns address book say/way I to ask, but I knew that group of shopkeeper's children, will it is estimated that not come to this small bar.” 李凌儿双手插在黄色的羽绒服袋子里,下身穿个黑色牛仔裤,也是个半长不短的头发,长得颇有英气,算不上很美,但很有点野性的韵味。李凌儿拿出手机,翻着通讯录道“我问问,但我认识那帮小开,估计不会来这小酒吧。” permits Qinning is not anxious, the shorts leather clothing that a dark blue jeans set of riding boot that she wears today, the upper body wears, brought a baseball cap. Feared that journey Xiaoyu recognizes, big evening's also brings the sunglasses. 许沁柠也不急,她今天穿的深蓝牛仔裤套马靴,上身穿的短装皮衣,带了顶棒球帽。怕程晓羽认出来,大晚上的还带着墨镜。 If this point bar street stream of people weaves, Su Yu, permits Qinning, Tang Wen are attractive and Li Linger such unique beautiful woman stands in the roadside, captured the innumerable attention. 这个点的酒吧街人流如织,苏虞兮、许沁柠、唐雯倩和李凌儿这样各具特色的美女站在路边,真是吸引了无数目光。 Especially Su Yu, wore the army green long model of practicing moral culture/slim fit cotton clothing/taking of belt/bring fur big hat, inside wore the black cotton material embroidery paillette one-piece dress, the black yarn was matching the saddle brown boots the pantyhose, the head also brings the black yarn hat, the long head radiation in the both sides, has not seen the look, made people think that was a beautiful woman. After here ten regardless of the men and women, nine cannot bear turn head looked, Su Yu beautiful belongs to the beauty that everybody pass kills, fully conforms to everyone's aesthetic standard does not have the beauty of dispute. 尤其是苏虞兮,穿了件带皮草大帽子的军绿色长款修身棉服,里面穿了件黑色棉质刺绣亮片连衣裙,黑色毛线连裤袜配着马鞍棕的长筒靴,头上还带着黑色毛线帽子,长长的头发散在两侧,就是没看见相貌,都让人觉得是美女了。经过这里的十个不论男女,有九个忍不住回头看,苏虞兮的美属于男女老幼通杀的美,完全符合所有人的审美观的没有争议的美。 permits Qinning hugs Su Yu the saliva face say/way to be small, or you display a honey trap, goes to deceive a platform to consider as finished.” 许沁柠抱着苏虞兮涎着脸道“小兮,要不你施展个美人计,进去骗个台子算了。” Two perfect and style different face by the same place, causes mighty waves, permits Qinning the typical model nine bodies, 175 stature, the chest thigh is long, queen model/pattern is full. permits Qinning is slightly short, 171, the proportion is symmetrical, clear solemn, air/Qi on the field is as good permits Qinning, what end is a queen, a goddess, difficult minute/share of differentiation. Usually is also Tang Wen of beautiful woman stands attractively , appeared not outstanding. 两张完美而风格迥异的脸靠在一起,更是引起一片波澜,许沁柠典型的模特九头身,175的个子,胸大腿长,女王范十足。许沁柠略矮,也有171,比例匀称,清纯冷峻,气场上也不逊于许沁柠,端的是一个女王,一个女神,难分轩轾。平时也算是美人的唐雯倩站在旁边,也就显得没那么出众了。 Su Yu also pays no attention to permits Qinning to be cold face say/way you to pull me to come out hardly, makes me accompany you to blow the cold wind on the street? If we had known I might as well play the zither | Jean at home.” 苏虞兮也不理许沁柠冷着脸道“你硬扯我出来,就让我陪着你在街上吹冷风啊?早知道我还不如在家里练琴呢。” permits Qinning was laughing and playing is saying aiyu, doesn't Miss Su, you want to take a look at your elder brother's performance in the bar? Who the previous time was told me, his song made you be startled.” 许沁柠嬉笑着说“哎呦,苏大小姐,难道你就不想看看你那个哥哥在酒吧的表演吗?上次是谁跟我说,他的曲子让你吃惊的。” Su Yu does not eat permits Qinning this set that you to lead me to go in obviously to look, our two went , can he not get suspicious?” 苏虞兮显然不吃许沁柠这套“那你带我进去看就是的,我们两个进去了,他会不起疑心?” permits Qinning said is all right, your Elder Brother goal was big, we under and others hid from him to walk. Sees a play becomes.” 许沁柠道“没事,你哥目标大,我们等下躲着他走。看戏就成。” You said that what you do gather round my Elder Brother to mess about all day long? Did not say that doesn't haggle over?” Su Yu is frowning to say. “你说你成天围着我这个哥哥瞎折腾什么?不是说不计较了吗?”苏虞兮皱着眉头说。 permits Qinning hehe smiled say/way „your Elder Brother to be very interesting, I liked his character. What's wrong? Didn't you love dearly? Su Yu!” 许沁柠嘿嘿笑了道“你这个哥哥挺有意思的,我就喜欢他这性格。怎么?你不是心疼了吧?苏虞兮!” Su Yu shook off permits Qinning to hold her hand saying that our Su was really the ancestors owes you.” 苏虞兮抖开许沁柠抱这她的手说“我们苏家真是上辈子欠你的。” At this time Li Linger the Tang Wen's attractive hand is depending on say/way also at just the right moment, yellow young seven they here! It is said this bar has an orchestra in online especially famous. Now this bar is one is difficult to ask. I shouted yellow small seven come out to take us to go.” Li Linger New Year's Day the literary arts perform not to go, went to Shanghai best H with several friends, Nirvana bar. Therefore she does not know evil royal crown orchestra. 这个时候李凌儿拉着唐雯倩的手靠过来道“还真巧,黄小七他们在这里呢!据说这个酒吧有个乐团在网上特出名。现在这酒吧是一位难求。我喊了黄小七出来接我们进去。”李凌儿元旦文艺汇演去都没去,和几个朋友去了上海最好的H吧,涅槃酒吧。所以她根本就不知道罪恶王冠这个乐团。 permits Qinning did not explain that asked „, yellow small were seven of yellow East Sea likes following Su Yu behind the buttocks the small fellow of class/flow nasal mucus?” 许沁柠也不解释问道“哟,黄小七是黄东海家的那喜欢跟着苏虞兮屁股后面流鼻涕的小个子吗?” Li Linger haha smiled said that was, did the lemon elder sister, you still remember? Others present may tall Keshuai, not be elementary school that luo chen type. I still remembered that time, you do not dare with you to attend a school junior middle school that he bullied.” 李凌儿哈哈笑了说“就是,柠姐,你还记得啊?别人现在可高可帅了,不是小学那砢碜样了。我还记得那个时候,你把他欺负的都初中不敢和你读一个学校了。” „, Who likes bullying him, he and young the classmate, drew the 38th Parallel, but also clutched the braid that was small all day, I lazy managed his kid.” Say/Way that permits Qinning the eyebrow one disdains horizontally. “切,谁爱欺负他啊,要不是他和小兮同桌,画了三八线,还整天揪小兮的辫子,我才懒的理他这个小屁孩呢。”许沁柠眉毛一横不屑的道。 The Li Linger shifty-eyed say/way yellow small seven like the elder sister, is not the secret, it is said this semester also runs several Fudan Attached middle schools to peep! Does not know that the elder sister meets has not had.” 李凌儿贼眉鼠眼的道“黄小七喜欢兮兮姐姐,又不是啥秘密,据说这学期还跑过几次复旦附中去偷看呢!不知道兮兮姐姐遇到过没。” Su Yu has not replied, thin and tall, surface white Ruyu, the quite handsome boy pushed the door to come out. 苏虞兮还没答话,一个高高瘦瘦,面白如玉,颇为俊朗的男孩子就推门出来了。
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