MLSIAI :: Volume #1

#39: First love minor matter

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Chen Jinglong asked people to have the dinner, invited everyone to play in the bar, journey Xiaoyu thinks that tomorrow must return to the school with the report card, then politely refused. Their orchestra will mount the stage in the lights forest the day after tomorrow in any case officially, does not want to come to come with the lingering fear, Chen Jinglong has not forced. 陈景隆请了一众人吃了晚饭,又邀请所有人在酒吧玩一玩,程晓羽想到明天还要回学校拿成绩单,便婉言谢绝。反正后天他们乐团就正式在灯火森林登台了,以后怕是不想来都要来,陈景隆也没有勉强。 Time journey Xiaoyu who goes home to scatter in all directions said that king Ou you and SUMMER on the way, you deliver her to go back!” 回家四散的时刻程晓羽道“王鸥你和SUMMER顺路,你就送她回去啊!” king Ouleng one said „, but I take the subway, she rides the bicycle!” 王鸥愣了一下说“可是我坐地铁,她骑自行车啊!” journey Xiao the feather is speechless, can only thought silently, the Elder Brother only be able to help you come here! 程晓羽无语,只能默默的想到,哥哥只能帮你到这里了! summer Shamo actually beckoning with the hand say/way does not use hastily, my family left here to be very near! Also now around 7 : 00! Also early!” 夏纱沫却连忙摆手道“不用了,我家离这里很近了!再说现在才七点多!还早呢!” journey Xiaoyu smiled saying with a smile that line! Tomorrow the school saw!” 程晓羽笑了笑道“那行!明天学校见了!” summer Shamo waves goodbye with journey Xiaoyu, said saying goodbye to king Ou, is riding a bicycle! 夏纱沫跟程晓羽挥手告别,又跟王鸥说了再见,便骑着车走了! journey Xiaoyu a knee arches say/way on king Ou the buttocks „you are silly!” 程晓羽一膝盖拱在王鸥屁股上道“你傻啊!” king Ounan has not jumped and journey Xiaoyu becomes integrated with, smiles bitterly was saying „the courage that I unrequited love little, is proceeding one step, I am afraid the qualifications of unrequited loving to lose.” 王鸥难的没有跳起来和程晓羽打成一片,苦笑着说“我就那么一点点暗恋的勇气,在往前走一步,我害怕暗恋的资格都失去。” journey Xiaoyu smiles to hold in the arms king Ou saying that reluctantly fears anything! The Elder Brother supports you, believes own you can.” The time innermost feelings of these words thought went against own will. 程晓羽勉强笑了笑搂住王鸥道“怕什么!哥哥支持你,相信自己你可以的。”说这句话的时候内心却又觉得违背了自己的意志。 king Ou actually mindless also invited journey Xiaoyu saying that good buddy, to have your support enough! The feeling of actually unrequited loving is good. Like this joyful simple, an accidental meet, can make contact with several bored dialogs. The distance that most approaches one time, can smell her to send the tree top the fragrance. Actually I must thank you, Koba. You make me be able to be close to her like this, every day to me joyfully is that easy, my non- extravagant demands are more, I feared that the extravagant demands are more, instead anything lost.” 王鸥却没心没肺的也邀着程晓羽道“好哥们,有你的支持就够了!其实暗恋的感觉挺好的。这样的快乐多简单,一次偶然的相遇,能搭上几句无聊的对白。一次最靠近的距离,能闻到她发梢的香气。其实我要谢谢你,小羽。你让我能够这样的接近她,每天对我来说快乐都是那么容易,我不奢求更多,我怕奢求更多,反而什么都失去了。” journey Xiao the feather sighed the one breath to think secretly, this was the note lives this solitary one, hey however said yo! Cannot think that our big strong have such literary time! If I the woman hear your such monologue, referring to erratically was cheap you!” 程晓羽暗叹一口气想,这就是注孤生啊,却嘿然一笑说“呦!想不到我们的大壮也有这么文艺的时间啊!我要是女人听到你这样的独白,指不定就便宜你了!” Shoving open journey Xiaoyu who king Ou actually shuts out said that small fat, spoke the real soul talk! You are the man I can also reluctantly on, if you woman, it is estimated that even I shut out you!” 王鸥却嫌弃的推开程晓羽说“小胖,说真心话!你是男人我还能勉强将就,你要是女人,估计连我都嫌弃你啊!” journey Xiao feather grass, grasped on king Ou the buttocks, say/way is very willowy! Or you make to put up with, our two considering as finished!” 程晓羽艹了一声,在王鸥屁股上抓了一把,道“还是很有弹性的嘛!要不你就将就将就,我们两个过算了!” king Ourou pinched journey Xiaoyu the chest, said that your chest is quite big! You do slightly receive!” 王鸥揉捏了程晓羽的胸部,说“你的胸比较大!你做小受啊!” Father will tell summer Shamo tomorrow, you unrequited love her!” “老子明天就告诉夏纱沫,你暗恋她!” Elder Brother, I was wrong! Today the late upload section splendid big piece gives you! True thing original Japan love action movie.” “哥,我错了!今天晚上传部精彩大片给你!正装原版日本爱情动作片。” Day, you also had this type the thing!! How not to fire in bursts early.” “日,你还有这种好东西!!怎么不早点发过来。” This no talent has a vacation! Going to school time, feared that affects you to study!” “这不才放假吗!上学的时候,怕影响你学习!” father looked at the flat and thin piece when the news broadcast looks, has arrived in the eye to have the code, in the heart did not have( the boundary of code!” “老子看片子都当新闻联播看得,早就到了眼中有码,心中无(码的境界了!” That line, waits for me to increase price with your entire screen!” “那行,等下我跟你全屏加码!” You must have the courage your in addition.” “你要有胆子你就加。” The noise goes far away gradually, everywhere the embed of star light sparkle in dark blue flannel backdrop. The midnight wind like being in love of youngster, you cannot see it, can actually feel to its temperature. 吵闹声渐渐远去,漫天的星光闪耀的镶嵌在深蓝色的法兰绒天幕。午夜的风就像少年的爱恋一样,你看不见它,却能感受的到它的温度。 To most shallot youngster, the first love is being unrequited loved is born quietly. It is the waiting in the corner pretends that accidental meet, it is unknowingly actually worried inquiring after the well being, it is hands over one cup of coffee steaming warm, it is in the thick midnight an endless length of diary record, however, after it is the concern was shattered, in the eye socket the most precious that teardrops. 对大部分青葱少年来说,初恋都在暗恋中悄悄诞生。它是等待在街角假装偶然的相遇,它是不经意间却心事重重的嘘寒问暖,它是递过去一杯咖啡的腾腾温热,它是浓浓午夜里一本日记记载的漫漫长度,然而,它最是心事破碎以后眼眶里最珍贵的那颗泪珠。 Our that bright flower seasons, said the love, was extremely heavy, surpassed the burden in one's power young shoulder. 我们那灿烂的花季,说爱,太过沉重,超过了年少肩膀的力所能及的负担。 Said that likes too easily, the sincere heart, devout payout, is so unretentive exposes the heart of burning hot in the wind and rain under the sunlight. 说喜欢又太轻易,真挚的心,虔诚的付出,是如此毫无保留的将炙热的心曝露在风雨之中阳光之下。 Such sentiment, likes, actually infinite being close in love. Is happy actually infinite being close in the grief. 这样的感情,是喜欢,却无限的接近于爱。是美好却无限的接近于伤痛。 Magnificent cut-off rule 华丽的分割线 journey Xiaoyu goes home, is afraid permits Qinning very much really in his family/home. Evening that he goes back luckily, permits Qinning went to the room to go with Su Yu, according to Qiao thought that generally, winter and summer vacation permits Qinning in wanting family/home many many that Su Jia lived. 程晓羽回家的时候,很是害怕许沁柠真在他家。幸好他回去的晚,许沁柠已经和苏虞兮回房间去了,据乔三思说,一般情况下,寒暑假许沁柠在苏家住的要比自己家多的多。 journey Xiaoyu thinks that here is also a headache. 程晓羽想到这里也是一阵头疼。 Next day journey Xiao the feather had to go out early in the morning, goes to the school to get the report card, just arrived at the classroom building entrance, actually saw many people to gather round the bulletin board. 第二天程晓羽起了个大早出门,去学校领成绩单,刚到教学楼门口,却看见不少人围着公告栏。 Generally each grade first 20 will paste the honor roll to announce, journey Xiaoyu also thought little, enters the classroom building to change indoor shoes, went to the classroom. Actually does not know, this school besides pasting age first 20 comes out! His language examination paper and mathematical examination paper were pasted in the bulletin board. He caused the stir once again. 一般每个年级前二十名都会贴红榜公布,程晓羽也不以为意,进了教学楼换了室内鞋,就去教室了。却不知道,这次学校除了贴年纪前二十名出来之外!他的语文试卷和数学试卷都被贴在了公告栏里。他又一次的引起了轰动. journey Xiaoyu enters the classroom time, discovered classroom that made noise, when he goes in immediately becomes completely silent. Has not known that what matter has him, the arriving seat of whole face question sits, asked nearby king Ou how? Also accident sentiment of?” 程晓羽进教室的时候,发现原本喧闹的教室,在他进去的时候马上变得鸦雀无声。还不知道发生何事的他,满脸疑问的走到座位坐好,问旁边的王鸥“怎么了?又出了什么事情?” king Ou surprised said that you haven't looked at the bulletin board?” 王鸥一脸惊讶的说“你没看公告栏?” journey Xiaoyu was also astonished asks is difficult to be inadequate my result to enter the grade first 20?” 程晓羽也一脸愕然问道“难不成我的成绩进了年级前20?” king Ou grass a sound said first 20 returned the eye-catching compared with the grade! Your language and mathematical examination paper paste in the bulletin board!” 王鸥“艹”了一声道“比年级前20还拉风!你的语文和数学试卷都贴在公告栏里!” journey Xiaoyu does feel inexplicable its second why?” 程晓羽觉得莫名其秒“为什么啊?” king Ou sighed I think you, only then the music talent, cannot think that you also had to become a potential of great poet.” 王鸥叹了口气说“我以为你只有音乐才华,想不到你还有成为一个伟大诗人的潜质。” How!” journey Xiaoyu guessed correctly the poetry that he writes had an accident, actually does not know that can cause such big stir. “到底怎么了!”程晓羽猜到他写的诗歌出事了,却不知道能引起这么大的轰动。 You made the history in Fudan Attached middle school, first buckled in several points of situation in front of the language examination paper, the teacher still called the perfect score you. Your mathematical examination paper, in choice question right in many situations, the math teacher called the zero you! Now the entire school no one does not know your expert! Really flashed blindly everyone's 24 K copper nitrate hardening krypton gold/metal anti-riot dog eyes.” Saying of king Ou face worship. “你在复旦附中创造了历史,第一个在语文试卷前面扣了几分的情况下,老师依然给你打了满分。你的数学试卷,在选择题对了不少的情况下,数学老师还是给你打了零分!现在整个学校没有人不知道你这个牛人了!真是闪瞎了所有人的24K硝酸铜硬化氪金防暴狗眼。”王鸥一脸崇拜的说道。 journey Xiaoyu underestimated by far chain-reaction that several poetries bring, he had not considered carefully writes these poetries to be a time treasure, particularly «Took Dream as horse» once shocked many Wen's azure hearts. At this time journey Xiaoyu actually a little regretted, felt to use a talented person in an insignificant position, such good B poetry wrote in terminal examinations merely! If college entrance examination, that non- national stir. But thinks that in the world where that skillful matter, the college entrance examination will certainly be titled the dream? Also feels relaxed on the heart under to king Ou said that I consider anything! In any case score to me also indifferent!” 程晓羽远远低估了几首诗歌带来的连锁反应,他也没仔细考虑过写上去那些诗歌属于一个时代珍品,尤其是《以梦为马》曾经震撼了多少文青的心。这个时候程晓羽却有点后悔,觉得大材小用了,这么牛B的诗歌仅仅在一个期末考试上就写了出来!要是高考,那不全国轰动。但想想世上哪里那么巧的事情,高考一定就会以梦为题吗?也就心下释然的对王鸥说道“我当是什么呢!反正分数对我来说也无所谓!” king Ou said regrettably was a pity, what a pity, you must trade Li Liwei that image, does not know that many studied the younger sister to surrender! With my similar appearance, can receive many love letters badly!” 王鸥不无遗憾的说“可惜了,可惜了,你要换李砾伟那形象,不知道多少学妹要投怀送抱了!最不济跟我差不多的样子,都能收不少情书吧!” journey Xiaoyu did take a look at the one-eyed person gull to say your such? Knows! The clown is for a lifetime. Fat, is only for a while!” The surroundings hear the schoolmate of this dialog to smile unstaily. 程晓羽瞅了一眼王鸥说“就你那样?知道吗!丑是一辈子的。胖,只是一时的!”周围听见这句对白的同学都笑得东倒西歪。 Sits in front of journey Xiao the feather to grip Huang Lijuan of bread twist pigtail to cover mouth is smiling, turns the head saying that to journey Xiaoyu journey Xiaoyu, you really had the talent. Must know your!” This is except for handing over the examination paper has Huang Lijuan of exchange to journey Xiaoyu, initiated a talk with journey Xiaoyu for the first time. 坐程晓羽前面扎着麻花辫的黄丽娟捂着嘴在笑,转过头来对程晓羽道“程晓羽,你实在太有才了。要重新认识你一下!”这是除了递卷子给程晓羽才有交流的黄丽娟,第一次主动跟程晓羽说话。 king Ou not the awkward say/way „my called the edges and corners to be distinct, calls the manly flavor, you did not understand.” 王鸥也不尴尬道“我这叫棱角分明,叫男人味,你懂个屁。” journey Xiaoyu also pays no attention to king Ou, said to Huang Lijuan „, usually liked writing anything to entertain, never expected that the teacher will appreciate. I a little am also accidental.” False smalltalk journey Xiaoyu is very skilled, making widely known is not his style, the low-key playing the role pig eats the tiger is his hobby. 程晓羽也不理王鸥,对黄丽娟道“哈哈,平时就喜欢写点什么自娱自乐,没想到老师会欣赏。我也有点意外。”虚伪的客套程晓羽可是无比熟练,张扬不是他的风格,低调的扮猪吃老虎才是他的爱好。 Although Huang Lijuan is that long ordinary girl, actually the especially air of scholarly refinement, likes the gentle Song jambic verse especially, belongs to that Lin Daiyu style family treasure. Huang Lijuan pulls out a fine notebook from the drawer, opens blank one page to give journey Xiaoyu to say your character also writes is especially attractive, the poetry is also beautiful, can help me write that «in This Most beautiful Time», which I most like, later waited for you to become the big poet, I also collected to make commemorating well.” 黄丽娟虽是那种长的普通的女孩,却格外有一份书卷气,尤其喜欢温婉的宋词,属于那种林黛玉风格的小家碧玉。黄丽娟从抽屉里掏出一个精致的笔记本,翻开空白的一页递给程晓羽道“你的字也写的格外好看,诗文也美,能帮我写那首《在这最美丽的时刻》,我最喜欢哪首,以后等你成了大诗人,我也好收藏做纪念。” journey Xiaoyu is impossible to reject such request, pulls out the fountain pen, used what Lan the running script typeface, wrote down title «One Blossoming Tree», attractive running script fountain pen character, pleasant flows in the notebook, rustle sound like clear silkworm gently swallows to write down the flyleaf that when journey Xiaoyu finished, Huang Lijuan clamped a piece of golden yellow ginkgo leaf in the middle, reads the graceful typeface and poetry, said slowly „is really beautiful is like the picture!” 程晓羽也不可能拒绝这样的要求,掏出钢笔,用了何澜的行书字体,写下了标题《一棵开花的树》,漂亮的行书钢笔字,赏心悦目的在笔记本上流淌,沙沙的声响如同晶莹的蚕轻轻的吞噬笔记的扉页,等程晓羽写完,黄丽娟夹了一片金黄的银杏叶在中间,看着曼妙的字体和诗歌,缓缓的说“真是美的跟幅画一样!” Then all around hands over several notebooks! Talking at once wants that poem speaking of me, I like that poetry! 然后四周又递过来几本笔记本!七嘴八舌的说到我要那首诗,我喜欢那首诗歌! summer Shamo looked at eye a little panic journey Xiaoyu to smile secretly, thinks oneself have crossed the music score and lyrics of modelling, the secret feeling had the foreknowledge. 夏纱沫瞧了眼有点惊慌失措的程晓羽偷偷的笑了,想到自己已经过了塑的谱子和歌词,暗暗的感慨还是自己有先见之明。 When Wang Wei comes in the classes to send the student handbook, the third year Class 2 that makes noise is peaceful, announced class first ten, with age first 20. Wang Wei pushed the eyeglasses to say slowly „must particularly praise the farewell gift of food dawn feather schoolmate. Terminal examinations remarkable advance. Although the maths tested the duck eggs!” In the classrooms resounded laughter, is actually not the ridicules, but is well-meaning laughing. 等到王伟来班上发学生手册,喧闹的高三(2)班才安静下来,宣布了班级前十名,和年纪前二十名。王伟推了推眼镜慢慢说道“还要特别表扬下程晓羽同学。期末考试进步明显。虽然数学考了鸭蛋!”教室里又响起了一阵笑声,却不是嘲笑,而是善意的哄笑。 journey Xiaoyu also follows to smile. Wang Wei also then said that journey Xiao the feather must try hard to learn the maths, perhaps can also enter the classes and grades first ten.” Such a few words saying, in the classes and grades was in a tumult! 程晓羽也跟着笑了笑。王伟又接着说“程晓羽要努力把数学学好,说不定也能进班级前十啊。”这样一句话说完,班级里又骚动了! Waited to send the student handbook, journey Xiaoyu saw own result, the language perfect score 150, history 119, geography 127, math 0 point and political and economic 90, English perfect score 50, sports 19 points, all row of middle reaches 33. 等发了学生手册,程晓羽看到了自己的成绩,语文满分150、历史119、地理127、数学0分、政经90、英语满分50、体育19分,全班排中游三十三名。 What Chen Haoran without a doubt is the class adds the grade first, summer Shamo is the class ninth, cannot enter the age entire 20. king Ou is actually sad-looking, thinks that he can twist compared with journey Xiao the Hanare, this time is actually all personnel sets the base. Also lives as a sports luckily, his cultural result is not important, in a study tyrant class, he really also took a test with every effort, must in other school, how his such result also be the middle reaches, is insufficient to set the base. 陈浩然又毫无疑问的是班级加年级第一,夏纱沫是班级第九,没能进年纪全二十。王鸥却是一脸苦瓜相,原本以为他能比程晓羽成绩好的,这次却是全班垫底。也幸亏做为一个体育生,他的文化成绩没那么重要,在就是在一个学霸班级,他实在也尽力考试了,要在别的学校,他这样的成绩怎么样也是中游,不至于垫底。 Waited to send the student handbook, Wang Wei also announced some winter vacation matters needing attention, hopes that everyone winter vacation cannot relax the learn/study 等发完学生手册,王伟又宣布了一些寒假注意事项,希望大家寒假不能放松学习 , Wish after finally everyone new year's celebration is happy, in the class on the palm makes a sound after incomparable is warm, winter vacation formally started. ,最后祝大家过年愉快之后,班里掌上响的无比热烈之后,寒假就正式开始了。 In journey Xiaoyu also when packs the thing, in the class had the fierce tumult, is pointing at journey Xiaoyu to communicate with the schoolmates of next door class in the entrance not familiar schoolmates, journey Xiaoyu a heavy line, thinks that several poems were insufficient to turn into the pop star! Also caused surrounding of so many people, he publishes in a newspaper that time period no one to run specially has come to see him! 在程晓羽还在收拾东西的时候,班里又发生了剧烈的骚动,在门口的不熟悉的同学都在指着程晓羽跟隔壁班的同学交流,程晓羽一头黑线,想到几首诗不至于一下就变成了偶像明星吧!还引起了这么多人的围观,他登报那阵子都没有人专门跑过来看他啊! king Ou hurries to inquire that has a look to have other what situation, separates one will turn around to journey Xiaoyu said that brothers you were the big deal!!!” 王鸥赶紧走过去打听看看是不是有什么别的情况,隔一会转身回来的时候对程晓羽道“兄弟你出大事了!!!” journey Xiaoyu looks that serious king Oubai said can have anything!” 程晓羽看着一脸严肃的王鸥白了一眼说“能出什么事情!” You with the poem that Ji numerous writes, was pasted by Ji numerous in the bulletin board!!” king Ou face villainous smile said fiercely „!!! Cannot think that you are silent, handled the level flower! Such vindicating does not miss compared with Chen Jiajun! Brothers “你跟纪芸芸写的诗,也被纪芸芸贴在公告栏里了!!”王鸥一脸奸笑的说“厉害啊!!!想不到你无声无息的,就把级花搞定了啊!这样的表白不比陈嘉俊差啊!兄弟” journey Xiaoyu actually wants to cry but have no tears, this Ji numerous was so long had not related, this came up is the magnificent R skill adds suddenly/violently to strike 程晓羽却是欲哭无泪,这纪芸芸都这么久没联系了,这一上来就是华丽的R技能加暴击啊
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