The confrontation in philosophyhas not taken totwoproudtenderpersonbigrelationsimprovement. In an instantcrossesin the intensereviewin the weekend, the terminal examinationsstartedin the FudanAttached middle schoolstudent of being critical situation, wholikenot testingto pound, thisrelateswhethercan a happyHuaxiayear, relates to the thickness of new year's celebrationred packet.
The testbesides the mathisjourneyXiaoyu the hard-to-passnatural moat, othersubjectjourneyXiaoyu are also the reviewsdramatically. EspeciallyEnglish, the perfect score100points, journeyXiaoyuestimatedownperfect scoreninety percent sure. ButwhattragedyisEnglishincludes the overall result the scoreonlyto calculatehalf.
考试除了数学是程晓羽难以逾越的天堑以外,其他科目程晓羽还算是复习的有声有色。尤其是英语,满分100分,程晓羽估计自己满分十拿九稳。但悲剧的是英语计入总成绩的分数只算一半。Terminal examinationsquick, a daythreebranches, twodaystest, the sportshad testedlast week, journeyXiaofeathersportsminute/shareveryunfortunateis all personnelfirst from the bottom. Also all personnelalsoto his first from the bottom, became accustomed toluckily.
The languageisjourneyXiaoyuexcelson the other hand, the topic is not too difficult. Part 1is the famous phrasefills up, the firsttopicisMencius«Was borninMisery, Death resulting from pleasure», enters, thendoes not have the legalist schoolto stroke the gentleman, fills inbehind, this degree ofdifficultytojourneyXiaoyu, so long as the traditional charactersurelydoes not have the issuewell, the origininvincibleoverseaspatientcountryperishespermanently. journeyXiaoyufills in an attractivePang Zhonghuafountain pencharacter. Thenfollowingis simpler, beacon-firecontinually in March/three months, a letter from home worth ten thousand jin of gold. Du Fu«SpringLooking». Filled in78suchproblems, is the writings in classical styleanalyzes«withWang KunRopeBook»thiscannot stumpourarticleyoung people.
语文相对来说是程晓羽非常擅长的,题目也不算太难。第一部分是名句填空,第一题就是孟子的《生于忧患,死于安乐》,入则无法家拂士,填出后面的,这种程度的难度对程晓羽来说只要繁体字不错肯定没问题,出則無敵國外患者國恒亡。程晓羽用一笔漂亮的庞中华钢笔字填写到。然后后面的更加简单,烽火連三月,家書抵萬金。杜甫《春望》。填了七八道这样的题,在就是文言文分析《与王昆绳书》这更难不住我们的文青少年。journeyXiao the feathercuts the melonto cut the vegetable/dishto write about the thesistopic, takesvainly hoping forasto paint a thesis, decidesdecides, literary styleoptional( besidespoetry), topicto planand not to plagiarize, number of words should betterto be no less than800characters.
程晓羽一路砍瓜切菜般的写到作文题,以梦想为题写一篇作文,立意自定、文体自选(除诗歌外)、题目自拟、不得抄袭、字数最好不少于800字。journeyXiaoyuseesbesides the poetryfourcharactersis unhappy, as a poetryamateur, the deficiency of present agepoetrymustpreachto have very bigrelations. journeyXiaoyuponders the moment, thought that to him the scoreis not in any case important, was inferior the spiritflies upwardsonetime, thereforehismature and powerfulwrote downtitle«To takeDreamashorse», subtitle«besidesPoetry».
程晓羽看到除诗歌外四个字就不开心,做为一个诗歌爱好者来说,当代诗文的匮乏不能不说教育有很大的关系。程晓羽思考片刻,觉得反正对他来说分数也没那么重要,不如意气飞扬一次,所以他苍劲有力的写下了标题《以梦为马》,副标题《除诗歌外》。Imustbe the loyalson in distant place
我要做远方的忠诚的儿子With the shortsweetheart of material
和物质的短暂情人Withallpoets who take the dreamashorse are the same
和所有以梦为马的诗人一样Ihave towalkwith the martyr and clownon the samepath
我不得不和烈士和小丑走在同一道路上Ten thousandpeoplemustextinguish the fire
万人都要将火熄灭my one personhold upthisfirealonehigh
我一人独将此火高高举起Thisfireis the bigblossomingfallen flowerin the sacredmotherland
此火为大开花落英于神圣的祖国Withallpoets who take the dreamashorse are the same
和所有以梦为马的诗人一样Ibecome a buddhist monk the lifetaking advantage ofthisfireboundlessat night
我借此火得度一生的茫茫黑夜ThisfirethrowsLiangshanstronghold that buildsfor the language and quarry stone of bigmotherland
此火为大祖国的语言和乱石投筑的梁山城寨Takes the dreamas the Dunhuang of earth- that in Julyalsocoldskeleton
以梦为土的敦煌-那七月也会寒冷的骨骼Ifsnow whitefirewoodandhardwhite snows
如雪白的柴和坚硬的条条白雪Traversein the numerousJinnoyama
横放在众神之山Withallpoets who take the dreamashorse are the same
和所有以梦为马的诗人一样Iinvestthisfirethreeamimprisonmylamp bowlto put out the brilliance
我投入此火这三者是囚禁我的灯盏吐出光辉Ten thousandpeoplemustwalkto construct the language of motherlandfrommycutting edge
万人都要从我刀口走过去建筑祖国的语言Iam willing to startfrom the beginning
我甘愿一切从头开始Withallpoets who take the dreamashorse are the same
和所有以梦为马的诗人一样Iam also willingto put on the firmfoundation
我也愿将牢底坐穿In the numerousgodcreationsonly thenIam easiestto decaybringirresistible
众神创造物中只有我最易朽带着不可抗拒的Speed of death
Only the grainisItreasures
只有粮食是我珍爱Icloselygraspherto bear childrenin the hometownher
我将她紧紧抱住抱住她在故乡生儿育女Withallpoets who take the dreamashorse are the same
和所有以梦为马的诗人一样Iam also willingto buryon all aroundhighmountainkeep watch the tranquilhomeland
我也愿将自己埋葬在四周高高的山上守望平静的家园Iam infinitefacing the river
面对大河我无限惭愧Iidle away one's lifehave a wearinessspatially
我年华虚度空有一身疲倦Withallpoets who take the dreamashorse are the same
A yearschanged/easyShidropdoes not remain
岁月易逝一滴不剩In the waterdrophad a horseto pass away
水滴中有一匹马儿一命归天Millenniumslater, ifIregeneratein the river bank of motherland
千年后如若我再生于祖国的河岸MillenniumslaterIhave the snowy mountain of rice paddyandweekemperor in Chinaagain
天马踢踏Withallpoets who take the dreamashorse are the same
和所有以梦为马的诗人一样Ichoose the eternalenterprise
我选择永恒的事业Myenterpriseisto become the life of Sun
我的事业就是要成为太阳的一生Hefrom ancient to presentday
他无比辉煌无比光明Withallpoets who take the dreamashorse are the same
和所有以梦为马的诗人一样FinallyIwas liftedintoimmortalSunby the duskgods
太阳是我的一生Sun the corpse of summitburyingpoetry- millenniumandI
太阳的山顶埋葬诗歌的尸体-千年王国和我Is riding in 5000 the phoenix and namecalls the dragon of Malaysia- Iwill certainlybe defeated
骑着五千年凤凰和名字叫"马"的龙-我必将失败But the poetrywill certainlywinbySun.
但诗歌本身以太阳必将胜利。FinishedlaterjourneyXiaoyuto read the examination papersilent the moment, in the state that once the incomparablymagnificentpoetryinthisranrapidlywill be finally desolate, these greatpoetfinishedHuaxiaallmagnificentpoems in the historicalbrightgalaxyis sparkling, butwe can only look up. Thismustsay that is the civilizedsorrow. Economicalmonsterdrags the modernmetropolisculturevariationto come out, the building of thisheavyandice-coldcementsteel barcasting, ground the hometown, the powderourvalues.
写完以后程晓羽看着试卷沉默了片刻,曾经无比辉煌的诗歌在这个飞速奔跑的国度中终将落寞,那些在历史灿烂星河里闪耀着的伟大诗人写完了华夏所有瑰丽诗篇,而我们只能仰视。这不能不说是文明的悲哀。经济这头怪兽拖起现代都市文化变异出来的,这座沉重而又冰冷的水泥钢筋铸造的建筑物,碾碎了故乡,粉末了我们的价值观。Poetry, concubine but who was abandonedby the politics.
诗歌,不过是被政治抛弃的小妾。But our can only in the generous affection of popular song, think that in the writingonly has the love.
而我们这代人只能在流行歌的卿卿我我中,以为文字里只有爱情。journeyXiaoyu first volume of junction, left the schoolinallschoolmateschild'sincurablelook, theydo not understand a writingazurefinalsadness.
程晓羽第一个交的卷,在全班同学这孩子无可救药的眼神中离开了学校,他们不懂一个文青最后的感伤。Afternoonis the math test, journeyXiaoyuflips the examination paper, was big, previous generationwere held backby the mathandEnglish, the college entrance examinationhas not tested the good achievements, this of onlyknew that 1 2 3sendsto instigate, butdoes not know12345. Lookswith the heavenly booksamemath, journeyXiaoyustartsto use the imagination of powerful and unconstrained style.
下午是数学考试,程晓羽翻了翻试卷,头都大了,前世的自己就是被数学、英语拖了后腿,高考没考出好成绩,这一世的自己更是只认识哆来咪发唆,而不认识12345。看着跟天书一样的数学,程晓羽开始发挥自己天马行空的想象力。InCartesian coordinatesxOy, takes the origin of coordinatesas the extreme, xaxisrear axlesestablish the polar coordinate systemfor the polar axis, the semicircleCpolar equationisp = 2 cos , [ 0 , ].
在直角坐标系xOy中,以坐标原点为极点,x轴正半轴为极轴建立极坐标系,半圆C的极坐标方程为p=2cos,[0,]。( I )sought the Cparametric equation;
(I)求C的参数方程;( II )sets up pointsDonC, Cin the tangentandstraight line of l : y = x + 2Dplacevertical, according to ( I )parametric equation that you obtain, determines the Dcoordinates.
(II)设点D在C上,C在D处的切线与直线l:y=x+2垂直,根据(I)中你得到的参数方程,确定D的坐标。journeyXiaoyuwritesin the answercolumn:
程晓羽在答案栏写到:Ihit the Jiangnanto pass through
我打江南走过Thatopening of the appearancesuch aslotus flowerinseasonfalls
The east winddoes not come, the willow catkin of March/three monthsdoes not fly
东风不来,三月的柳絮不飞Yourheartsuch assmalllonelycity
你的心如小小的寂寞的城Ifexactly the street of blue stonetoevening
恰若青石的街道向晚Locustsound not loud, the springcurtain of March/three monthsdoes not uncover
蛩音不响,三月的春帏不揭Yourheartis the smallcasementcoverstightly
你的心是小小的窗扉紧掩Myhorse's hoofis the beautifulmistake
我达达的马蹄是美丽的错误Iam not a person returning home, is a traveler......
我不是归人,是个过客……Anothertopic, supposesfunctionf ( x) = x + + xa( agt; 0).
又一题,设函数f(x)=x++xa(agt;0)。( I )showed: f ( x ) 2;
(I)证明:f(x)2;if( II )f ( 3 ) lt;5 th, sought a value range.
(II)若f(3)lt;五,求a的取值范围。journeyXiaoyurepliedlike this:
程晓羽是这样回答的:Howto makeyoumeetme
如何让你遇见我InImost beautifultime
为这Ihad striven for 500yearsbeforeBuddha
我已在佛前求了五百年Askedto makeustie a fatality of this world
求佛让我们结一段尘缘Buddhathereforechanges tomemakes a tree
阳光下Bloomedcompletely the flowerprudently
慎重地开满了花Are the hopes of myprevious generation
当你走近Pleaselisten carefully
请你细听Leaf that shivers
那颤抖的叶Isenthusiasm that Iwait for
是我等待的热情Whenyoudisregardfinallypass through
朋友啊Thatis not the flower petal
那不是花瓣Ismyhearton the wane
是我凋零的心Known functionf ( x ) =, the curveis selecting the abscissa of ( 0,2 ) tangentandaxispoint of intersectionis2.
已知函数f(x)=,曲线在点处的切线与轴交点的横坐标为二.( I )askedA;
(I)求a;( II )showed: At that time, the curvewithonly had a point of intersectionstraightly.
(II)证明:当时,曲线与直线只有一个交点。journeyXiaoyuwrites down:
程晓羽写下:Ihad not been knownbywhom,
我从没有被谁知道,Thereforehad not forgottenbywhom.
It is not mygoal.
并不是我的目的。Meetingis the matters of twopeople,
遇见是两个人的事,Leaving is actually a decision of person.
离开却是一个人的决定。Meetingis only a start,
离开却是为了遇见下一个离开;Thisis the world that leavespopularly,
这是一个流行离开的世界,Howeverweare not good atsaying goodbye.
但是我们都不擅长告别。Thenin the fullseveralexamination papersisjourneyXiao the feathermagnificentfountain pencharacterpoetries. In the world of digitalandwriting, thesewonderfulpoetriesas iffound the harmonyforboth, thisis not the answeractuallysurpasses the answer, at least, theseexamination questionsturned into the beautifulpicture scroll.
The history, politics and geographyjourneyXiaofeatherhas reviewedearnestly, answeredwas good, buttwodays of testsalmostpressed outto dojourneyXiaoyu the energy, looksyoungsterschoolmates who cheered, journeyXiaoyureallyhopes that such purejoycaninfect itself.
After the testended, Chen HaoraninvitedjourneyXiaoyuto go to the lightsforestimpatiently, journeyXiaoyuconsiderslong timeto decideto draw insummerShamoandkingOu. Fourpeoplewalktoward the lightsforesttogether, winter vacationmuststart, journeyXiaoyuplanned that givestheirevilroyal crownorchestrato arrangeseveralsongs, naturallykingOu the dutyissociety'ssimpleguitarmelody.
The Chen Haoran'sElder BrotherChen Jinglonghas invitedjourneyXiaofeathertheyto go to the lightsforestto playthroughChen Haoranseveraltimes. Because of the learn/studydutyreallyextremelyarduousreason, journeyXiaoyudid not have the timeto go, thistimegoes is also shouldmake. journeyXiaoyuknows that Chen Jinglongthinksthemto be ableat the lightsforestperformance, capital that the orchestra that butonlymeetstwosongs, has not in his opinion really performed.
陈浩然的哥哥陈景隆已经通过陈浩然邀请过几次程晓羽他们去灯火森林玩。因为学习任务实在太过繁重的原因,程晓羽一直没时间去,这次去也算是应个约。程晓羽知道陈景隆想他们能在灯火森林表演,但只会两首歌的乐团,在他看来实在没有表演的资本啊。InjourneyXiaoyu the handpresses the bottom the goodwork is not really many, can only be carefulis recalling, watcheswhatsuitablesong, wrote the music score, is takingto practice. But«Draws a swordDivine Comedy»suchranklittletakes, suchbest quality goodstookoneto be few.
程晓羽手上压箱底的好作品实在也不多,只能仔细在回忆一下,看有什么适合的歌曲,写成谱子,在拿出来练。但《拔剑神曲》这样级别的还是少拿,这样的极品拿一首就少一首了。Chen Haoranpersonalityis much bettercompared withbeforenow, at leastthesepeoplespokehe to managetohim, like not looking atyou who before a facedisdained, subtextwithyouin a momentwas the expression of wastetime. At this timeChen HaoranwithpushingsummerShamo of bicycletoanswer, naturallyhisanswerin his opinionwas the right key.
陈浩然性格现在比以前好多了,至少这几个人跟他说话他会理,不像以前那样一脸不屑的望着你,潜台词就是跟你说话就是浪费时间的表情。这个时候陈浩然就在和推着自行车的夏纱沫对答案,当然他的答案在他看来就是正确答案了。kingOurequests is not hightoownresult, heis the sportslives, the culturalresultsamewanted more than 300pointswithjourneyXiaoyuprobablyenough. HisgoalisShanghai Institute of Physical Culture, regarding a Shanghainese, calculates that is quite goodto test, thereforehe has almost no pressure.
王鸥对自己成绩要求到不高,他是体育生,文化成绩跟程晓羽一样大概只要三百多分就够了。他的目标是上海体育学院,对于一个上海人来说,也算比较好考的,所以他几乎没有什么压力。summerShamo the resultin the classbasicallyinfirstten, arrangesfirst30in the gradeprobably, goes to collegesurelydoes not have the issue, butmusttest intoJiaotong UniversityorFudan of hergoal, but must watch the college entrance examinationto display.
夏纱沫的成绩在班上基本在前十,在年级里大概排前三十,上大学肯定没有问题,但要考上她目标的交大或者复旦,还要看高考发挥。Chen Haorandoes not have the pressure, hehasFudanrecommended for admission to school the qualifications, so long ascrossedrecommended for admission to school the test and interviewcanenterFudan.
陈浩然更是没压力,他都有复旦的保送资格了,只要过了保送考试和面试就可以进复旦了。As forjourneyXiaoyu, heinsteadismost worrying, heonlywantsto enterto play, otherschoolsnotinhisconsiderationrange, becauseenters the difficulty of playenteringPeking UniversityQinghuaHuaxiais more difficult , the studentincursare less, but the population of competitionare more. ButluckilyAuntie Zhou is also on the professor of play, thismakesjourneyXiao the featherinnermost feelingsbesomewhatconfident.
至于程晓羽,他反而是最让人担心的,他只想进上戏,其他的学校并不在他的考虑范围,因为进上戏的难度在华夏来说比进北大清华更难,学生招的更少,而竞争的人数更多。但幸亏周姨也是上戏的教授,这让程晓羽内心还是多多少少有了底。Arrived the lightsforest, earnailmaleHuang YongsawjourneyXiao the feathertheyto be very happy, but alsowarmhuggedwithnewfriendkingOuxiong. Playing the rock and rollgenerallyissuchunconventionaloriginallyripe.
到了灯火森林,耳钉男黄勇看见了程晓羽他们很是高兴,还热情的跟新朋友王鸥熊抱了一下。玩摇滚一般都是这样放荡不羁的自来熟。Chen HaorandrawsjourneyXiaoyuto go to the basementimpatiently, the newbottomdrumplacednear the wall.
陈浩然迫不及待的拉程晓羽去地下室,新的底鼓放在了墙边。journeyXiaoyulooked atChen Haoran'soriginaldrum kitactually the pointto worry. BecauseChen Haoran'sdrumiscommonthattwodrumon the bottomdrum, ifplaces the bottomdrum, did not say that the modelingis unattractive, the position of drumis not positive, attacking is not convenient.
The commondouble bottomdrumoris the drumhas the independentdrumframe, orison the side oftwobottomdrumsputs upone. journeyXiaoyucarefullystudied, discovered that luckilyChen Haoran's two drumis notonesupporton the bottomdrum, butrespectivelyonesupporton the bottomdrum, wantsChen Haoranto take the toolfirstto downloadonehastily the drum.
一般的双底鼓要不就是嗵鼓有单独的鼓架,要不就是两个底鼓一边架一个。程晓羽仔细研究了一下,发现幸好陈浩然的两个嗵鼓不是一根支架架在底鼓上的,而是各一个支架架在底鼓上的,连忙要陈浩然拿工具来先卸掉一个嗵鼓。Thenpeoplebusy, tore down one drum, installson the bottomdrum that buysnewly, is goodbecause of the bottomdrum of samebrandChen Haoranisbuys, oralsonot necessarilycanuseon. Severalpeoplesuspendaccording tojourneyXiaoyu the request the double bottomdrum, the entirefraildrum kit the imposing mannermultipliedimmediately. The feelinglooked like the electric cars of twowheelsto change into the smallrace cars of fourwheels. Chen Haoranlooksis the eyesshines, wantsjourneyXiao the featherto demonstrate.
然后一众人一顿忙碌,拆掉了一个嗵鼓,装在新买的底鼓上面,好在陈浩然是买的相同品牌的底鼓,要不还不见得能用的上。几个人把双底鼓按程晓羽的要求摆好,整个原先单薄的爵士鼓顿时气势倍增。感觉就像是两个轮子的电动车换成了四个轮子的小跑车。陈浩然看得是双眼放光,要程晓羽上去演示一下。journeyXiao the feathertried, thought that thisbodycoordinationis far from enough, becausehad not practiced, the commondrum kit can only be opportunisticto be ablecontinuallyto winChen Haoran'sapproval, the double bottomdrumcannot controlnow. Hitreluctantlyseveral, Chen Haoranhad not seen that the double bottomdrumhaswhateffect, buthenotdisheartened, becausehe himselfalsolooked that journeyXiaoyubeats a drum has the methodicalnessnot to act unreasonably.
程晓羽上去试了一下,觉得这具身体协调性远远不够,因为一直没练习过,连一般的爵士鼓都只能取巧才能赢得陈浩然的认同,双底鼓现在更是驾驭不来。勉强打了几下,陈浩然没看出双底鼓有什么效果,但他也没有丧气,因为他自己也看出来程晓羽打鼓还是颇有章法并没有乱来。journeyXiaoyuhas not performedpounded the awkwardness, getting downsay/way„is not good, my toolonghas not played, mustpracticeto be good. However the music score of practiceIremember,Ifirstdrawto come outwithyou.”
程晓羽也没表演砸了的尴尬,下来道“不行,我这太久没玩过了,得练练才行。不过练习的谱子我还是记得,我先跟你画出来。”Chen Haorannods, journeyXiao the featherputs out the written recordsfrom the book bag, drewseveralsimplepracticespectrato giveChen Haoran. Thendirectssay/way„most peopleto think that the footis more difficult than to practice the hand, actually the essentialreasonwas the performance of lower limbinvolvestwoaspects: Focal issueandcoordinationwithupper limb. Lower limbwhenis not accurate, the speedis not steady, oftenisbecause the center of gravity not steadyoris the lower limb and upper limbpracticesnot to have the coordinationseparatedly. When usedouble bottomdrumpays attention to the rhythm of right hand unable to be chaotic, for this reasonmustmaintainbalancedandeven of double bottomdrum, the left leg( orright foot) tooheavywordswill definitely disrupt the balance of both feet. Thereforecanaccording to the order of right hand, right footandleft leg, enhance the balance of both feetwith the practice that the circulationhitscontinually.”Chen Haorannods, attains the music score, no matteralso others, oneselfstartto siton the rackdrumponders over.
陈浩然点头,程晓羽从书包里拿出纸笔,画了几个简单的练习谱给陈浩然。然后又指点道“大多数人会认为脚比手难练,其实本质原因是下肢的演奏涉及到了两个方面:重心问题和与上肢的协调关系。下肢的时值不准,速度不稳,往往是因为重心不稳或者是下肢和上肢分开练没有协调。使用双底鼓时注意右手的节奏不能乱,为此必须要保持双底鼓的平衡和均匀,左脚(或右脚)太重的话肯定会打乱双脚的平衡。所以可以按照右手、右脚、左脚的顺序,用循环连打的练习来提高双脚的平衡。”陈浩然点头,拿到谱子,也不管其他人,自己就开始坐在架子鼓上琢磨起来。Huang Yongcarriedseveralcups of drinkto get down, placeson the tea table, journeyXiaoyutook uponecupto drinkseveral, kingOuquarrelledis wantingjourneyXiaoyuto have a look athispracticeachievement. summerShamoandjourneyXiaoyuhave a relishlooked that kingOuholds the guitars, firstshot a 1 2 3to sendto instigatewest, thenshot«TwoTiger» is also quitesmooth.
黄勇端了几杯饮料下来,放在茶几上,程晓羽拿起一杯喝了几口,王鸥就吵着要程晓羽看看他的练习成果。夏纱沫和程晓羽饶有兴致的看王鸥抱起吉他,先弹了一遍哆来咪发唆啦西,然后弹了一首《两只老虎》也算是比较流畅。journeyXiaoyustandssidekingOu, startsto direct, mentionedfromplacing of right hand, thatseveralhandsaccusedthatseveralstrings, 11made the detailedexplanationwithkingOu, nearbysummerShamoalsolistenedwhilepondered. journeyXiaoyu does look atsummerShamo a say/way„interested?”
程晓羽站在王鸥身边,开始指点起来,从右手的摆放说起,那几个手指控那几个弦,都一一跟王鸥做了详细的讲解,旁边的夏纱沫也边听边思考。程晓羽看夏纱沫一眼道“有兴趣?”summerShamonodswith a smile, just likeall flowers blooming together saying that „withabove that the guzhengdepends on, is the stringclassmusical instruments, should the somewhatinterlinkedplace.”
夏纱沫笑着点头,宛如百花齐放说“跟古筝还是靠的上边的,都是弦类乐器,应该有些相通的地方。”journeyXiaoyusaid„guitarzerofoundationcanstudy, has the foundationlikeyoustudiesto be quicker, winter vacationis all rightin any case, studiescasuallyis playing.”
程晓羽道“吉他零基础的都能学,像你这样有基础的学起来更快,反正寒假没事,随便学着玩呗。”summerShamonodsay/way„good, looksveryinteresting.”
夏纱沫点头道“好,看上去挺有意思的。”journeyXiaoyushotat the request of kinggull«Day-by-day», others have not seen the processdawnfeatherballguitar, journeyXiao the feathermelodyfrom the beginning, Chen Haorancannot help butstopped the practice, listens tojourneyXiaoyuto playearnestly.
程晓羽又在王鸥的要求下弹了遍《一天一天》,其他人从来没见过程晓羽弹吉他,程晓羽旋律一开始,陈浩然都不由自主的停下了练习,认真的听程晓羽演奏。Limpidhas the sadmelodyto circlein not the spaciousbasement, listening respectfullyfell intomotionlesslyplayedlike thisexquisitely, the littlemovementwill for fear that disturbsuchdedicatedjourneyXiaoyu, disrupted this incomparablyperfectperformance.
清澈中带着哀伤的旋律在并不宽敞的地下室盘旋,聆听者都一动不动的陷入了这样的优美弹奏,生怕一点点动作就会干扰到这样专注的程晓羽,打乱这无比完美的演出。Huang Yong is also practices the guitarnaturallyunderstandsdifficulty, regardingHuaxiaunpopularguitarperformance, suchlevelis a Grandmaster.
黄勇也是练吉他的当然明白其中的难度,对于本来在华夏就不流行的吉他演奏来说,这样的水准已经是大师了。Finished, fourpeopleapplaud.
一曲完毕,四个人都鼓了掌。journeyXiaoyusaw the time is not late, makestomorrow afternoonto come.
程晓羽见时间不晚,约了明天下午在过来。Huang YongkeptjourneyXiao the feathertheyto finish eating the food, saidbossChen Jinglongimmediately.
黄勇留程晓羽他们吃完饭,说老板陈景隆马上到。journeyXiaoyusaid that „another day, todaytakes a testa littletired, goes backto restearlier, winter vacationdisturbsalsomany, did not fear that does not have the opportunity.”
程晓羽道“改天吧,今天考试有点累,早点回去休息,寒假打扰的时候还多,也不怕没有机会。”Huang Yongsees the wordsalsoin the principle, thenhas not remained.
黄勇见话也在理,便没有多留。WalksjourneyXiaoyuwill name bekingOuto remembertomorrow the backguitarwill come, words that orsummerShamoalsowantsto study, the guitarwill be insufficient.
走的时候程晓羽叫王鸥明天记得背吉他过来,要不夏纱沫也想学的话,吉他就不够。journeyXiaoyuwas deliberately consideringbuyswithsummerShamoin the shop of FuXiyuefamily/home the guitar must acquirewith the orchestra the battery caseguitar, will behisrecording roomsmallbasewill soon finish, healsoneedsto buyto put up the pointpiano.
程晓羽寻思着在去傅惜月家的店里跟夏纱沫买把吉他还要跟乐团添置把电箱吉他,在就是他的录音室小基地即将完工,他还需要买架好点的钢琴。FuXiyuewill also send the messageto ask that tojourneyXiaoyuoccasionallystudies the issue in guitar, butduring the spoken languagesdoes not havetoomanysenses of purpose. journeyXiaoyu is always fills with such beautifulandintelligentmisstender, the goal of so long asbeing close tois not the injury, useslightlynotcannotaccept.
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