MGHAS :: Volume #3

#244: Temporary Mission: Night assault Su Hao!

Entering the war population, Su Qianxin, Su Xiaoyi, Leng Yueli, Ai Xian, Gu Shishi, Su Hao. 参战人数,苏倩心,苏小怡,冷月璃,艾娴,顾诗诗,苏皓 Six people is a much less, Su Hao does not want to participate, was stiffly by pulling. 六个人有点多,苏皓本不想参与进来,可是硬生生被拉进来了。 Because does not play money, therefore several people discussed that finally chose has played the small snail. 因为不玩钱的,所以几人商量一下,最终选择了玩牛牛。 Really is, played this game, Su Qianxin and Leng Yueli occupies greatly is too cheap?” Su Hao was whispering at heart, it wanted him, displayed their wisdom and bravery with the cousin really constrains, might as well played all depending on the luck. “真是的,玩这种游戏,苏倩心冷月璃占太大便宜了吧?”苏皓心里嘀咕着,其要他来说,跟表姐斗智斗勇实在是压抑,还不如玩点全凭运气的。 If throws the coin. 如掷硬币。 However everybody thought that this game is good, that Su Hao also accompanies. 不过众人都觉得这个游戏好,那苏皓也奉陪呗。 Shuffles, grasps the sign, makes, then...... Sure enough lost. 洗牌,抓牌,打出,然后......果不其然的输了。 This time was I wins.” Su Qianxin is narrowing the eye, the eye blooming fine glow. “这次是我赢了啊。”苏倩心眯着眼睛,眼绽放精芒。 Little Hao, do you have the female student of liking?” 小皓,你有喜欢的女生吗?” split second, all female students the eyes on the scene have shone, the small ear has raised up, trembles, is really lovable. 一瞬间,在场的所有女生的眼睛都亮了起来,小耳朵竖起了,一颤一颤的,煞是可爱。 Su Hao hollow laugh two: I choose to drink.” 苏皓干笑两声:“我选择喝酒。” „!” “切!” The fine glow dissipation of everybody eye, not indignant snorted. 众人眼睛的精芒消散,不忿的哼了一声 Second, shuffles, grasps the sign, makes, then...... 第二把,洗牌,抓牌,打出,然后...... A Leng Yueli eye revolution, asked: Female student who Su Hao, you like, here?” 冷月璃眼睛一转,问道:“苏皓,你喜欢的女生,在这里吗?” All female students on the scene are also earnest. 在场的所有女生们又认真起来。 Su Hao hollow laugh two: I choose to drink.” 苏皓干笑两声:“我选择喝酒。” Then, Su Hao had realized all of a sudden he accompanies them to play the game is the what kind mistake. 接下来,苏皓一下子意识到了自己奉陪她们玩游戏是何等的错误。 Su Xiaoyi: You have kissed several female students.” 苏小怡:“你亲过几个女生。” Su Hao drinks. 苏皓喝酒。 Gu Shishi: Su Hao are you a virgin?” 顾诗诗:“苏皓你还是处男吗?” Su Hao drinks. 苏皓喝酒。 Su Qianxin: Little Hao, do you peep female student to take a bath?” 苏倩心:“小皓,你偷看过女生洗澡吗?” Su Hao continues to drink. 苏皓继续喝酒。 Ai Xian: Teacher, whom your has unrequited loved?” 艾娴:“老师,你的暗恋过谁吗?” Su Hao must drink...... 苏皓还得喝酒...... Why...... Were the people who why asked I?” Su Hao wants to cry but have no tears. “为什么......为什么问的人都是我?”苏皓欲哭无泪。 Now plays the game, Su Hao plays cards, was ganged up to surround and beaten up by five people together. 现在玩游戏,苏皓打牌,然后被五个人一起围殴。 After they are first does not have strength to hit back that Su Hao hits, decided that one's own side who wins. 他们是先把苏皓打的毫无还手之力后,才决定己方谁胜出。 Only if Su Hao luck full house, attains an invincible sign, otherwise can he win? 除非苏皓运气爆棚,拿到一手无敌的牌,不然他怎么能赢? His these time plays the luck not to have drearily. 偏偏,他这一次玩运气惨淡无。 What he drinks is the red wine of Leng Yueli, the British letter that beverage bottle big pile of Su Hao cannot understand, drinks the taste to be good. 他喝的是冷月璃家的红酒,酒瓶一大堆苏皓看不懂的英字母,喝起来口感不错。 Although the number of degree white liquor of red wine are many, however getting down one after another, Su Hao cannot shoulder! 可虽说红酒的度数白酒多不少,但是一杯接一杯的下去,苏皓也扛不住啊! Su Hao, you like the chest big female student, is the chest young female student?” 苏皓,你是喜欢胸部大的女生呢,还是胸部小的女生?” Teacher, what special odd usually do you sleep to have?” “老师,平时你睡觉有什么特别的怪癖吗?” Little Hao, you look at face, the leg, the chest, which aspect do you pay great attention to?” 小皓啊,你看脸,腿,胸,你更注重哪方面?” Onii-sama, in all female students, you looked that which person is most pleasing to the eyes?” 哥哥大人,在现场所有女生,你看哪位人最顺眼?” Su Hao, you psychosexuality excessively which on the scene? If no, which achievement yy object you will elect in the past now?” 苏皓,你曾经意淫过在场的哪一位?如果过去没有的话,你现在会选哪一位作为yy对象?” Does not know that is Leng Yueli and the others has checked on the Truth or Dare game pervert issue specially, they asked in any case a big pile, Su Hao does not dare to reply. 不知道是不是冷月璃等人专门查过真心话大冒险变态问题,反正她们问了一大堆,苏皓没有一个敢回答的。 Drinking that he can only keep, then finally drinks oneself but actually. 他只能不停的喝喝喝,然后最终把自己喝倒。 Several females lift the sofa Su Hao diligently, Leng Yueli also bring a wool blanket from their room, to the Su Hao lid. 几女努力把苏皓抬到沙发,冷月璃还从自己的房间里拿来一条羊毛毯子,给苏皓盖。 Has not thought that he has drunk Oh... Gu Shishi to frown really. “没想到他真的一直喝啊......顾诗诗皱起眉头。 Yeah, what a pity, a matter has not inquired that the mouth of Little Hao is really strict.” A regret of Su Qianxin face. “哎,可惜,一点事情都没打听出来,小皓的嘴真严啊。”苏倩心一脸的遗憾。 Su Xiaoyi shot a look at her one eyes ill-humoredly, although this everybody bullied Su Hao together the activity, Su Xiaoyi also participated. 苏小怡没好气的瞥了她一眼,虽然这场‘大家一起欺负苏皓’的活动,苏小怡也参加了。 However it is not held responsible the Su Hao's privacy, various also Su Qianxin types sexually harasses! 但是其可是不全是问苏皓的隐私,还有苏倩心各种调戏呢! If Su Qianxin asked Su Hao, had to look at the female student to take a bath...... 苏倩心苏皓,有没有看女生洗澡...... Initially when accepted system arising suddenly Mission, was taking a bath with Su Qianxin, was looked by Su Hao! 当初自己接受系统的突发任务时,和苏倩心在一起洗澡,被苏皓看了个遍! Su Qianxin asked that Su Hao this issue, contains the evil intent absolutely! 苏倩心苏皓这种问题,绝对包含祸心! Time was also up, we also go back.” Gu Shishi said. “时间也差不多了,我们也回去吧。”顾诗诗道。 Several female nodded, Ai Xian, her today's draft has not written particularly, then must stay up late some time. 几女也点了点头,尤其是艾娴,她今天的稿子还没写,接下来还得熬夜一段时间。 Goes back to own room respectively, Ai Xian breathed a sigh of relief, turns on the computer, starts today's symbol. 各自走回自己的房间,艾娴舒了一口气,打开电脑,开始今天的码字。 Computer in starting, Ai Xian has swept surroundings, helpless [say / way]: Also is really luxurious.” 电脑在开机,艾娴扫了一眼周围,无奈的道:“还真是豪华啊。” Before she had so felt, when wrote oneself long time to stay in the room, had this feeling. 之前她有如此感觉,可是当写作自己长时间呆在房间里的时候,更有这种感觉。 The villa of Leng Yueli said that is not big, however several hundred square meters have. 冷月璃家的别墅说是不大,但是几百平方米还是有的。 As for why only then such several rooms...... 至于为什么只有这么几间屋子...... Because of each room, brings the balcony, bathroom, the small living room, television and computer...... 因为每间屋子,都自带阳台、卫生间、小客厅、电视、电脑...... The place that each guest room, Ai Xian live is big! 每一间客房,都艾娴自己住的地方还大! The computer is also, obviously the computer is the fellow who eat meal, but computer of own computer in guest room with the Leng Yueli family|home gets up, the disposition has missed a big truncation! 电脑也是,明明电脑是自己吃饭的家伙,可是自己的电脑跟冷月璃家里客房的电脑起来,配置都差了一大截! As for a body machine and desktop the difference of...... Ai Xian has not wanted to say anything. 至于一体机和台式机的区别......艾娴已经不想说些什么了。 That female student, should be has the favorable impression to the teacher......” Ai Xian brow wrinkled: „Can I be able to exceed that female student?” “那个女生,应该是对老师有好感吧......”艾娴眉头微皱:“我能胜得过那个女生吗?” The although contact is very short, but the Leng Yueli temperament is good, the able impression kept in the Ai Xian's mind completely, adds again so richly, said that sentence impolite words, married her, who can little struggle for 50 years! 虽然接触很短,但是冷月璃脾气好,有能力的印象已经完全留在艾娴的脑海里,再加如此的有钱,说句不客气的话,娶了她,谁能少奋斗50年! no, no, no, will the teacher so talent, how have that common custom idea?” Ai Xian shakes hastily. 不不不,老师如此才华,怎么会有那种世俗般的想法?”艾娴连忙甩甩头。 However...... 不过...... It is not Leng Yueli, side also Gu Shishi this Superstar. 是不算冷月璃,旁边还有顾诗诗这个大明星呢。 How I win!” Ai Xian long sighed. “我怎么赢啊!”艾娴长叹道。 dīng dōng!】 叮咚!】 Suddenly, the ding dong sound sound, Ai Xian looks subconsciously to system. 忽然,叮咚一声响,艾娴下意识看向系统 split second, she stared in a big way eye. 一瞬间,她瞪大了眼睛。 ...... ...... Another side Gu Shishi is also the heaving a sigh turning back room. 另一边顾诗诗也是唉声叹气的走回房间。 Today eats owes...... Too big.” Gu Shishi cannot bear say. “今天吃的亏......太大了。”顾诗诗忍不住道。 Su Hao comes, she also came. 苏皓过来,她也来了。 But why also will swim!!! 可是为什么还会游泳啊!!! She absolutely is intentionally!” Gu Shishi snort|hum said. “她绝对是故意的!”顾诗诗哼道。 Does not need to guess that her although family background is ordinary, does not calculate the rich and powerful family, however professional special can actually make her contact the innumerable rich and powerful family life. 都不用猜,她虽然家世一般,算不豪门,但是职业的特殊却能让她接触到无数豪门生活。 Other did not say that Gu Shishi listened not to know many these married into rich and powerful family the life of seniors. 别的不说,顾诗诗都听了不知道多少次那些嫁入豪门的前辈们的生活了。 Swim suit? 泳衣? Any rich and powerful family villa, can find big bunch of clothes of! 任何豪门别墅,都能找到一大堆的衣服! They specially will even prepare a clothes storehouse in room for the guest, will not keep the careless guest from enjoying the entertainment absolutely. 他们甚至会专门为客人准备一个房间的衣服库,绝对不会让粗心大意的客人无法享受娱乐。 Gu Shishi does not believe that the Leng Family villa has the mini-theater, has the billiards room, even there is a mahjong room, solely does not have the clothes storehouse! 顾诗诗可不信,冷家别墅有迷你影院,有桌球室,甚至有麻将房,却单单没有衣库! And other tomorrow's.” The Gu Shishi heart said: I made the person help me bring a swim suit first to be good.” “等明天的吧。”顾诗诗心道:“我先让人帮我带一份泳衣好了。” Em, Elder Sister Li is incorrect, now estimated her anger to crown looks for itself. 恩,李姐是不行的,现在估计她正怒气冲冠的找自己呢。 Individual brings the clothes. 得个人来带衣服。 Whom changes? Zhang Xiyan? 换谁?章夕颜 It is not good, perhaps that goods also ran over, declines to leave...... 不行,那货说不定自己也跑过来,赖着不走了...... Whom is wanting to ask to help in Gu Shishi, suddenly. 正在顾诗诗想求谁帮忙的时候,忽然。 dīng dōng!】 叮咚!】 ...... ...... Meanwhile, Leng Yueli, Su Xiaoyi also accepted the system information. 与此同时,冷月璃,苏小怡也接受到了系统的信息。 Triggers Temporary Mission: Night assault Su Hao!】 【触发临时任务:夜袭苏皓!】 Mission Success: Presently reward Host's any technique skill x2.】 任务成功:当前奖励宿主的任一技能数据翻倍。】 Failure Punishment: Does not have.】 失败惩罚:无。】 Several female although not in the same place, but simultaneously stared in a big way the eye. 几女虽然不在一起,但是同时瞪大了眼睛。 What?!” “什么?!”
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