MGHAS :: Volume #3

#240: Who teaches Su Hao to swim?

The beautiful women, the milk-white bosom, becomes known the leg! 美女,酥胸,大白腿! Looks! 去找吧! I placed the swimming pool all! 我把一切都放在泳池了! The eye that some big shot words really right, now Su Hao looks at wishes one could to stare. 某位大佬的话语果然没错,现在苏皓看的眼睛都恨不得瞪出来。 The colorful bikini, the slender slender body, reveals the snow white flesh...... 花花绿绿的比基尼,纤细窈窕的身子,露出雪白的肌肤...... Here is suburb villa, surroundings has the mountain, actually few people, let alone behind this type of house swimming pool, is a covert heaven. 这里是郊区别墅,周围有山,却很少有人,更别说这种房屋后面的泳池,更是一处隐蔽的天堂。 Now in heaven...... Has a Su Hao man! 现在天堂里......只有苏皓一个男人! What Ai Xian puts on is a simple bikini, all along puts on elegant her to reveal such much flesh rarely, now body as if flood pink color. 艾娴穿的是一件简单的比基尼,一贯穿着文雅的她难得露出如此之多的肌肤,现在身子似乎都泛着粉色。 Su Xiaoyi puts on actually simply, including the writing style swim suit, the although design slightly has the magnificence, but looks at that small figure, why does not know, Su Hao can always associate to say the campus swim suit. 苏小怡穿着倒是简单,连体式泳衣,虽然图案略有华丽,不过看着那较小的身材,不知道为什么,苏皓总是能联想道校园泳衣。 Leng Yueli wears that lace swim suit that Su Hao buys, the light lace just covers up the chest, after having made up for this weakness, Leng Yueli's attractiveness immediately highlights. 冷月璃就穿着苏皓买的那件花边泳衣,淡色的花边刚好将胸部遮掩,弥补了这个弱点后,冷月璃的颜值顿时凸显出来。 But in everybody, most attracts attention, really that! 众人之中,最最吸引眼球的,果然还是那一位! Well...... For a long time has not swum.” Su Qianxin extends the both arms, needed materials extremely few cotton materials cannot cover that full peaks and ridges, simply should not be too explosive! “唔......好久没有游泳了。”苏倩心伸展一下双臂,用料极少的布料遮挡不住那饱满的峰峦,简直不要太劲爆! A bikini, her graceful, plentiful attractive tender body has demonstrated completely. 一身比基尼泳装,将她那婀娜多姿,丰满诱人的娇躯完全展示了出来。 The slender snow white both legs, the smooth lower abdomen, cannot withstand the small waist that grasps, the body curve of exaggeration, has the infinite attraction to the man. 修长雪白的双腿,平坦的小腹,不堪一握的小蛮腰,夸张的身体曲线,都对男人有无限的吸引力。 Damn! Really Demon King!” “该死!果然魔王!” bastard...... After me, grows up!” 混蛋......等我以后长大的!” Day, the age is obviously similar, why I......” “天啊,明明年龄差不多,为什么我就......” Swim suit, most prominent figure. 泳装,最突出身材 Several women stand near the swimming pool, bringing the look that various types are envying, envy and hate to look at that [say / way] pretty form, the tooth is nipping tightly. 几个女人站在泳池边上,带着各种羡慕、嫉妒、恨的眼神望着那道靓丽的身影,牙齿紧咬。 This figure is violates a regulation?! 这种身材是犯规的吧?! Little Hao, helping me spread the suntan oil.” Su Qianxin waves with a smile. 小皓,帮我涂防晒油。”苏倩心笑着挥手。 I come!” “我来!” Leng Yueli and the others [say / way] with one voice. 冷月璃等人异口同声的道。 Cracks a joke, how possibly to let figure that Su Hao contacts that to violate a regulation? 开玩笑,怎么可能让苏皓去接触那犯规的身材 Does such this weaponry also hit? 那样这场仗还怎么打? Su Hao is a little also awkward, he compels not to see that form, does not go to think the curve of that enticement. 苏皓也有点尴尬,他强逼着自己不去看那身影,不去想那诱惑的曲线。 Has turned head by looks at saying: Shishi, how don't you change the swim suit?” 扭过头看着旁边道:“诗诗,你怎么不去换泳衣啊?” Gu Shishi wears the shirt, reply of unemotionally: I have not brought the swim suit.” 顾诗诗穿着衬衫,面无表情的回答道:“我没带泳衣。” „?” “啊?” I do not know that we must swim.” “我不知道咱们要游泳。” É......” 额......” Leng Yueli is standing in side, small face blushed. 冷月璃在旁边站着,小脸一红 although she draws to resist Great Demon King Gu Shishi, but does not represent her to oneself to increase the match! 虽然她是把顾诗诗拉来对抗大魔王的,但是不代表她想给自己增加对手啊! The slam straight sound that School Flower calculation at heart hits, came Gu Shishi first, did not tell her the matter of swimming pool, if then she could not shoulder the Great Demon King pressure, but can also remember suddenly can lend Gu Shishi own swim suit this matter. 校花心里的小算盘打的砰砰直响,先把顾诗诗来了,不告诉她泳池的事情,然后如果她扛不住大魔王的压力了,还可以突然想起‘可以把自己的泳衣借给顾诗诗’这种事情。 Why can conform to Gu Shishi's figure as for the Leng Yueli's swim suit...... 至于为什么冷月璃的泳衣能符合顾诗诗的身材...... Kisses, do not care about this minor matter, cannot be buys, for, puts on? 亲,不要在意这种小事,就不能是买来为了自己以后穿的吗? In any case this swim suit is Leng Yueli's, can conform to Gu Shishi's figure in any case. 反正这件泳衣就是冷月璃的,反正就是能符合顾诗诗的身材 If the slightly conservative first swim suit cannot block the Great Demon King pressure, Leng Yueli also will possibly remember the sexy point second swim suit, or sexy third...... 而且如果略显保守的第一件泳衣挡不住大魔王的压力的话,冷月璃可能还会想起性感一点的第二件泳衣,或者更为性感的第三件...... The urban repertoire depth, Gu Shishi wants to return to the rural area. 城市套路深,顾诗诗想回农村。 ...... ...... The female students have traced suntan oil. 女生们相互间摸了防晒油。 As for Su Hao , he hurried back to the room to go to touch the suntan oil by everybody. 至于苏皓,他在此期间,被众人赶回房间去自己摸防晒油去了。 Everybody here, you are staring at me, I am staring at you, who can run away? 大家都在这里,你盯着我,我盯着你,谁能偷跑? Everyone wants to run away, since could not run away, that made Su Hao be solved...... 谁都想偷跑,可是既然都偷跑不了,那就让苏皓自己解决吧...... One smudge very uses energy, some place are very difficult to suffice, even if occasionally suffices, wants to wipe symmetrically is also very difficult. 自己涂抹贼费劲,有些地方手很难够到,即使偶尔够到,想抹匀称也很难。 Su Hao felt one were bullied once again. 苏皓感觉自己又一次被欺负了。 Why the female students mutually wipe, can oneself solve? 为什么女生们都是相互抹,就自己得自己解决? Because is a male student? 因为自己是男生? The equality of the sexes in legend? 传说中的男女平等呢? Waits for the Su Hao fee air/Qi to wipe with every effort, again comes out from the room, the female students mutually wipe. 苏皓费尽力气抹好,再从房间里出来的时候,女生都相互抹好了。 Their specially speeding up, for doesn't make Su Hao see? 或者她们就是专门加快度,为了不让苏皓看到的? The swimming, really makes body soak in the water, most makes the person relax. 游泳吧,果然还是让身体浸在水里,才是最让人放松的。 Then waits for Su Hao to stand, when swimming pool edge, he realizes an issue suddenly. 然后等苏皓站在泳池边缘的时候,他忽然察觉到一个问题。 I...... Probably cannot swim Oh... “我......好像不会水啊...... Swims this type of thing, regarding Su Hao of relative skirt silk, indeed is one skill that is difficult to study. 游泳这种东西,对于过的相对屌丝的苏皓来说,的确是一个难学的技能。 In 6 children may usually not select the swimming skill! 内6的孩子们可通常都不会点开游泳技能的啊! Su Hao raise one's head sweeps, Su Xiaoyi same stands in the swimming pool edge hesitates, with is the brother and sister, she will not really swim. 苏皓抬头一扫,苏小怡一样站在泳池边缘犹豫,同为兄妹,她果然也不会游泳。 Su Qianxin body has soaked in the water, just like beautiful mermaid, Leng Yueli also stands in swimming pool the diving stage of deep water region, assumed the posture, looked like specialized was not good. 苏倩心身体已经浸在水里,活脱脱一只美人鱼,冷月璃也站在泳池的深水区的跳水高台上,摆好了姿势,看起来专业的不行。 As for Ai Xian...... 至于艾娴...... plop. 噗通 „! The master saves me!” “啊!师傅救我!” [Say / Way] that salt fish that cannot float is panic-stricken. 一只浮不起来的咸鱼惊慌失措的道。 The pool has deeply has shallow, the region that Ai Xian is at only then one meter six depth, height not too short she wants the coming to a stop footsteps theoretically, can reveal the head. 池子有深有浅,艾娴所在的区域只有一米六的深度,理论上身高不算太矮的她只要站稳脚步,就能露出脑袋。 But she overturned a vehicle, as if a duck is the same, kicks there. 可是她还是翻车了,仿佛一只鸭子一样,在那里扑腾呢。 Luckily two big shot Su Qianxin and Leng Yueli have drawn her with joint forces, then her face panic-stricken standing on stage, does not dare to launch. 幸亏两位大佬苏倩心冷月璃合力把她拉了上来,然后她就一脸惊恐的站在台上,再也不敢下水了。 „, Su Hao, will you swim?” Saves after the salt fish comes ashore, Leng Yueli at present one bright, walked. “呐,苏皓,你会游泳吗?”把咸鱼拯救上岸后,冷月璃眼前一亮,走了过来。 „, Will not have played the water really before.” Su Hao smiled. “还真不会,以前没玩过水。”苏皓笑了笑。 „, Such Oh... the Leng Yueli eye is brighter, said: That......” “哦,这样啊......冷月璃眼睛更亮,道:“那......” I teach you!” “我来教你吧!” I teach you!” “我来教你吧!” The sound that two simultaneously resound has hit one. 两个同时响起的声音撞到了一起。 The Leng Yueli look fills murderous aura, Su Qianxin's eye also looking at each other without hesitation in the past. 冷月璃眼神充满杀气,苏倩心的眼睛也毫不犹豫的对视过去。 split second, Su Hao as if can feel the spark. 一瞬间,苏皓仿佛能感觉到火花。 I teach, here I can play frequently, you at the same time hobby.” Leng Yueli graceful saying with a smile. “我来教吧,这里我经常能玩,您还是在一边玩好了。”冷月璃优雅的笑道。 I come, can the My family younger brother, how trouble others?” Su Qianxin gentle saying with a smile. “还是我来吧,我家的弟弟,怎么能麻烦别人呢?”苏倩心温柔的笑道。 A gracefulness, a gentleness. 一个优雅,一个温柔。 But why stands in their middle Su Hao feeling whole body is icy cold? 可是为什么站在两人中间的苏皓感觉浑身冰凉? That, or do I launch to try?” Su Hao proposed: „It seems like many person although cannot swim, but after launching, quick can “那个,要不我下水试试?”苏皓提议道:“貌似有很多人虽然不会水,但是下水之后很快自己就会了” „It is not good!” “不行!” Their said without hesitation: „Hadn't a specialized coach, what to do you had problems?” 两人毫不犹豫的道:“没有一个专业的教练在,UU看书www.uukanshu.com你出了问题怎么办?” Had problems, most is also Ai Xian such, you helped me well suddenly, moreover I thought that I returned the strong point compared with her......” “出了问题,最多也不过就是艾娴那样,你们帮我一下就好了吧,而且我觉得我比她还强点呢......” These words transferred in the Su Hao's mouth, finally has not said. 这句话在苏皓的嘴边转了一圈,最终也没有说出口。 Two people of silent murderous aura, compelling him to say! 两人身上无声的杀气,逼得他说不出口! Leng Yueli looks at Su Qianxin, Su Qianxin also looks straight ahead Leng Yueli. 冷月璃看着苏倩心,苏倩心也直视冷月璃 They look at each other one, simultaneously start to talk: Compares one!” 两人对视一眼,同时开口:“来比一场吧!” That person that wins, teaches the Su Hao swimming!” “赢的那人,来教苏皓游泳!” Please remember this book first round domain name:. Cell phone version reading website: 请记住本书首发域名:。手机版阅读网址:
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