MGEI :: Volume #2 不归

#171: Strange tentacle, disassimilation source

Popular recommendation: The group run in the defense camp direction. 热门推荐:一行人向着防御营地方向跑去。 Shortly, around their hearing heard the roaring sound and sound of footsteps of ominous beast. 没多久,他们就听到周围都传来了凶兽的咆哮声和脚步声。 The ominous beast quantity were also many, but Lu Yuan runs in the forefront leads the way, is shocking but not dangerous all the way actually. 遇到的凶兽数量也多了起来,不过陆缘跑在最前面开路,一路上倒是有惊无险。 They even also ran into many other teams. 他们甚至还遇到了不少其他团队。 Teams also go all out to turn toward the defense camp direction to run at this moment. 一个个团队此刻也都拼命向着防御营地方向跑。 Lu Yuan met, naturally also helped conveniently, all teams follow near the Lu Yuan team, Lu Yuan leads the way, the people turn toward the defense camp to run together. 陆缘遇到了,自然也就顺手帮了下,所有团队都跟在陆缘团队边上,陆缘开路,众人一起向着防御营地跑。 Lu Yuan one group of full speed racing line/traverse, shortly, ran back the defense camp. 陆缘一行人全速奔行,没多久,就跑回了防御营地。 Also without entering the camp, Lu Yuan saw that in the city wall has teams of Gene Warrior to stand, the nearby all trades spirit energy artillery was activated, has the spirit energy ray to flash, the atmosphere withers. 还没进入营地,陆缘就看到城墙上有一队队基因战士站立,边上一门门灵能炮被激活,有灵能光芒闪动,气氛肃杀。 Entered the city gate, Lu Yuan discovered that this moment front door place had many Guardian Army just to come back. 进了城门,陆缘发现此刻大门处有不少守卫军刚回来。 Many people are dyeing the blood, the injury is heavy, Healing Department Gene Warrior therapy for the people. 许多人身上都染着鲜血,伤势不轻,一个个治疗系基因战士正在为众人疗伤。 Teams of Guardian Army are helping. 还有一队队的守卫军正在帮忙。 McGonagall, Zhu Zhengyang, Yan Jing and the others. 麦格,朱正阳,颜晶等人都在。 After seeing Lu Yuan, their eyes one bright, welcomed. 看到陆缘之后,他们眼睛一亮,迎了上来。 A'Yuan! Are you all right? Outside ominous beast rebellion.” 阿缘!你们没事吧?外面凶兽暴动了。” McGonagall walked. 麦格走了过来。 Lu Yuan shakes the head, says with a smile: All right, my strength school leader you are not do not know.” 陆缘摇了摇头,笑道:“没事,我的实力学长你又不是不知道。” Nearby Yan Jing vision sparking looks at Lu Yuan, said with a smile: 边上的颜晶目光闪亮的看着陆缘,笑道: Truly, recently Junior Brother Lu Yuan in our camps was very famous.” “确实,最近陆缘学弟在我们营地可是很有名呢。” Zhu Zhengyang selected the eyebrow, revealed one to smile badly: 朱正阳挑了挑眉,露出了一丝坏笑: Says the Spirit Crystal Warrior reputation?” “是说灵晶战士的名头吗?” Saying, on his face has one to love dearly: 说着,他的脸上带着一丝心疼: Never expected that Junior Brother Lu Yuan you used so many Talisman and spirit energy bomb unexpectedly. If this changes into Spirit Crystal, many Spirit Crystal.” “没想到陆缘学弟你竟然用了这么多的咒符灵能炸弹。这如果换成灵晶,得多少灵晶啊。” Lu Yuan shakes the head: Since joined scouted the group, what I must make, although no means ensure all securities that scouted the team members, was my teammate I always however saved?” 陆缘摇了摇头:“既然加入了斥候团,我总得做些什么,虽然没办法保证所有斥候队成员的安全,但是我的队友我总得救下来吧?” In Lu Yuan behind, on Grote several faces appeared to wipe the color of move. 陆缘的身后,格罗特几人脸上浮现出了一抹感动之色。 Zhu Zhengyang hears word, opens the mouth to say hastily: 朱正阳闻言,连忙开口道: Junior Brother Lu Yuan I did not say you do has the issue, but a little loves dearly.” 陆缘学弟我可不是说你做的有问题啊,只是有点心疼罢了。” Yan Jing smiles looks at Lu Yuan: Studies the younger brother in Guardian Army many will of the people, but hero.” 颜晶笑眯眯的看着陆缘:“学弟在守卫军不少人心里可是英雄了。” McGonagall shakes the head: Ok, let alone these. A'Yuan you go back to rest quickly. Heard that had Sir Battle Emperor to go to Endless Mountain Range, then perhaps the beast tide must erupt thoroughly, when the time comes, our pressure will be very big, perhaps did not have to rest. You scout the group now are most tired. Raises foot Mind, waits to kill the ominous beast.” 麦格摇了摇头:“好了,别说这些了。阿缘你们快回去休息吧。听说有战帝大人去无尽山脉了,接下来恐怕兽潮要彻底爆发了,到时候,我们这里的压力会很大,说不定就没得休息了。你们斥候团现在是最累的。养足精神,等下杀凶兽吧。” Hears this saying, Lu Yuan nods: Good, we first under rest.” 听到这话,陆缘点了点头:“那好,那我们就先去休息下了。” Lu Yuan and other teams left the city gate position in abundance, goes out toward the city. 陆缘等几个团队纷纷离开了城门位置,向着城内走出。 ............ ………… Endless Mountain Range. 无尽山脉 The upper air above mountain valley, this moment darkness. 山谷之上的高空,此刻一片黑暗。 At night covered the trim region, the powerful aura surges, some powerful ominous beasts of other regions raise the head, looked that to position that the night was, in the giant eye is flashing the ray. 黑夜笼罩了整片区域,强大的气息涌动,就连其他区域的一些强大凶兽都纷纷抬头,看向了黑夜所在的位置,巨大的眼中闪动着光芒。 At night, Li Xinghai flies high to stand, sees the front strange form. 黑夜之中,李星海凌空而立,看着前面的诡异身影。 That is a ten meters high dark-red fur/superficial knowledge great dog, at this moment, the body of this great dog has black tentacle growth. 那是一只十米多高的暗红色皮毛巨犬,此刻,这只巨犬的身上有一道道黑色触手生长。 The tentacle waves the distortion, overflows to disperse evil different dark green rays. 触手舞动扭曲,溢散出一道道邪异的墨绿色光芒。 But in its giant eye also brings an evil different green light. 而它那巨大的眼中也带着一丝邪异的绿光。 The Li Xinghai brow wrinkles slightly, the light opens the mouth said: 李星海眉头微微皱起,淡淡开口道: Flame Demon Dog, has not thought that unexpectedly is you.” 炎魔犬,没想到竟然是你。” Flame Demon Dog grinning, in the green pupil was flashing the strange flame. 炎魔犬咧了咧嘴,绿色的眸子中闪动着诡异的火焰。 His tentacle waves the distortion, seemed also making the confused sound. 他身上的触手舞动扭曲,似乎也在发出了迷乱的声音。 Li Xinghai, has not thought that is I? A previous sword, this time I must revenge.” 李星海,没想到是我吧?上次一剑,这次我要报仇了。” He looks at the strange tentacle that on Flame Demon Dog waved, laughs at one: 他看了一眼炎魔犬身上舞动的诡异触手,嗤笑一声: What's wrong, turns into like this, making you feel that oneself was also good? However is stray cur. “怎么,变成这样子,让你觉得自己又行了?不过是丧家之犬罢了。 Roar!!” ”“吼!!” Flame Demon Dog was enraged by the Li Xinghai attitude, angrily roars, dark green flame burn, changes to the bunch of strange green fireballs, shot toward Li Xinghai. 炎魔犬李星海的态度激怒,怒吼一声,一道道墨绿色的火焰燃烧起来,化作一团团诡异的绿色火球,向着李星海射了过去。 The high temperature of that terrifying makes dark fluctuate slightly, the powerful strength even twisted the space. 那恐怖的高温让黑暗微微波动,强大的力量甚至扭曲了空间。 Li Xinghai felt that strong might, the brow wrinkled the wrinkle slightly. 李星海感受到那强大的威力,眉头微微皱了皱。 Compared actually much originally.” “倒是比原来强了不少。” In his hand long sword belt swift and fierce incomparable sword light, has delimited the sky. 他手中长剑带着一道道凌厉无比的剑光,划过天空。 Jet black such as the sword air/Qi of black ink spreads several kilometers, formed the close sword net, covers all green demon color fireballs. 一道道漆黑如墨的剑气足足蔓延数千米,形成了细密的剑网,将所有的绿魔色火球笼罩在内。 The sword net and green demon color fireball collide together. 剑网和绿魔色火球碰撞在一起。 Bang!!! 轰!!! The terrifying bellow resounds. 恐怖的轰鸣声响起。 The dark green flame is turbulent, from the sky changes to one piece to extend more than ten kilometers green seas of fire. 墨绿色的火焰汹涌,在空中化作一片延绵十多公里的绿色火海。 Below mountain range was contaminated by the flame, as if melted generally, left behind strange gulfs. 下方的山脉被火焰沾染,仿佛融化了一般,留下了一道道诡异的深坑。 No matter the trees, are the rocks, was evaporated completely. 不管是树木,还是岩石,全部都被蒸发。 Also the jet black sword light fall, separates feet to have several the kilometer, been too deep to see the bottom sword mark the ground. 又有一道道漆黑剑光落下,将地面割裂出一道道足有数千米长,深不见底的剑痕。 Also is the ominous beast of this region, when Li Xinghai and Flame Demon Dog release aura had escaped, otherwise does not have the ominous beast to survive. 也就是这片区域的凶兽在李星海炎魔犬释放气息的时候就已经逃跑了,不然没有凶兽能存活下来。 Li Xinghai looked at a ground direction, knits the brows slightly, flies toward the star beside. 李星海看了一眼地面方向,微微皱眉,向着星球之外飞去。 But violent anger Flame Demon Dog naturally has roared, the tentacle of whole body waves, pursued. 而早已经暴怒的炎魔犬自然怒吼一声,全身的触手舞动,追了上去。 A person of dog, to the atmosphere, arrived in the ice-cold silent vacuum. 一人一犬,冲出来大气层,来到了冰冷寂静的真空之中。 The Li Xinghai double pupil becomes jet black like black ink, the whole body has rich dark circulations, finally, in his whole body more than ten kilometers, changed to no light darkness completely. 李星海双眸变得漆黑如墨,全身有一道道浓郁的黑暗流转,最终,在他的周身十多公里内,全部化作了无光的黑暗。 The Li Xinghai whole person as if turned into the dark incarnation, integrated. 李星海整个人仿佛变成了黑暗的化身,融入了其中。 But Flame Demon Dog raises head to angrily roar, the terrifying green ripple surges the proliferation, his body rises suddenly in the vacuum. 炎魔犬仰头怒吼,恐怖的绿色波纹涌动扩散,他的身体在真空中暴涨。 From originally be only more than ten meters high, rises to 50 meters, 100 meters, 500 meters, have two kilometers high finally fully, close to three kilometers. 从原来只有十多米高,涨到五十米,一百米,五百米,最终足有两千米高,接近三千米长。 Just like turned into a terrifying colossus. 俨然变成了一只恐怖的庞然大物。 Especially on the Flame Demon Dog giant body, that as if takes root in his black tentacle also rises suddenly. 尤其是炎魔犬巨大身体上,那仿佛扎根在他身上的黑色触手也随之暴涨。 Above has eyes and opens mouth close to. 上面有一只只眼睛和一张张嘴巴。 The eye stared at Li Xinghai, the mouth was showing the strange smile, opened mouth does not know to say anything, made the strange sound. 眼睛盯着李星海,嘴巴露出了诡异的笑容,张嘴不知道说什么,发出了诡异的声音。 The aura of powerful terrifying erupted from a person of dog, the vacuum presents the trace that a faint trace twisted. 强大恐怖的气息从一人一犬身上爆发了出来,就连真空都出现了一丝丝扭曲的痕迹。 Flame Demon Dog took the lead to launch the attack, his whole body had strange green flame combustion, before the body, presented giant fireballs, the fireball had dozens meters fully, flame burnt in the vacuum, had not actually been extinguished. 炎魔犬率先发起了攻击,他全身有一道道诡异的绿色火焰燃烧,身前出现了一个个巨大的火球,火球足有数十米大小,一个个火焰在真空中燃烧,却没有被熄灭。 All green fireballs shot toward that jet black darkness. 所有绿色火球向着那漆黑的黑暗射了过去。 Meanwhile, on Flame Demon Dog enough on dozens strange tentacles, in that eye, there are green beams to shoot at the darkness. 与此同时,炎魔犬身上足足有数十道诡异的触手上,那一只只眼睛中,也有一道道绿色射线射向了黑暗。 That is counts by thousand strange green beams, the terrifying is incomparable. 那是数以千记的诡异绿色射线,恐怖无比。 All beams injected in the darkness, the darkness turns wells up, finally becomes quiet silent. 所有射线射入了黑暗之中,黑暗翻涌,最终变得沉寂无声。 At this moment, inflates dark fiercely, covered toward Flame Demon Dog. 就在这时,黑暗猛地膨胀,向着炎魔犬笼罩了过去。 Meanwhile, in the darkness, jet black forms appear, these forms grasp Li Xinghai of long sword completely. 与此同时,黑暗之中,一道道漆黑的身影浮现,那些身影全部都是手持长剑的李星海 These Li Xinghai wield a sword to cut, have 100,000 meters terrifying sword light to delimit the space fully, dense and numerous, the terrifying is incomparable, covered toward Flame Demon Dog. 这些李星海挥剑直斩,一道道足有十万米长的恐怖剑光划过空间,密密麻麻,恐怖无比,向着炎魔犬笼罩了过去。 Flame Demon Dog refuses to admit being inferior, projected powerful incomparable green beams and green fireballs again. 炎魔犬不甘示弱,再次射出了一道道强大无比的绿色射线和绿色火球。 The green ray and jet black ray collide in the vacuum, the silent explosion resounds, two people fights are quite terrifying, the surrounding area several thousand kilometers are completely their battlefields. 绿色光芒和漆黑光芒在真空中碰撞,无声的爆炸响起,两人的战斗极为恐怖,方圆数千公里全部都是他们的战场。 The trim vacuum fills up by the terrifying sword light and green flame. 整片真空都被恐怖剑光和绿色火焰所填满。 The space under the sword light and green flame, twisted slightly. 空间在剑光和绿色火焰下,微微扭曲了起来。 ............ ………… In starry sky, Li Xinghai and Flame Demon Dog fight time, below Endless Mountain Range. 在星空之中,李星海炎魔犬战斗的时候,下方的无尽山脉内。 Li Qinghe, Si Tingyu as well as numerous Battle Sovereign and Battle King Level powerhouse looked up the starry sky direction at this moment, looked at the complementary waves wreckage of not far away. 李青禾,司听雨以及一众战皇战王级强者此刻都抬头看了看星空方向,又看了看不远处的一片余波残骸。 A war Sovereign Level powerhouse looks that cannot look at the side sword mark, was exclaiming in surprise opens the mouth saying: 一个战皇级强者看着那一眼望不到边的剑痕,惊叹着开口道: Battle Emperor Xinghai is so powerful.” 星海战帝还是如此强大。” That was the past years enters Endless Mountain Range solitarily, star sea Sir who who many Emperor Level ominous beasts killed does not dare to raise the head, can not be strong?” “那可是当年只身杀入无尽山脉,将不少帝级凶兽杀的不敢抬头的星海大人,能不强吗?” A man grinning, in the eye flashed the inspired look. 一个男子咧了咧嘴,眼中闪动振奋的神色。 Li Qinghe actually selected the eyebrow slightly, the complexion is somewhat dignified: 李青禾却微微挑了挑眉,脸色有些凝重: „, Does not say this time now? They came.” “诸位,现在不是说这个的时候吧?它们过来了。” The Si Tingyu golden red dragon pupil raises up slightly, the vision has swept the surroundings. 司听雨金红色的龙眸微微竖起,目光扫过周围。 Others were also the complexion sink to congeal. 其他人也是脸色沉凝了下来。 In not far away, powerful aura emerged to surround toward them. 在不远处,一道道强大的气息涌现向着他们包围了过来。 Looking into the distance, is an only ominous beast. 放眼望去,是一只只凶兽。 On these ominous beasts, grows the strange black tentacle completely, the black tentacle is twisting, strange incomparable. 这些凶兽身上,全部都长着诡异的黑色触手,黑色触手扭曲,诡异无比。 Even if had met Guardian Army Battle King Battle Sovereign of disassimilation ominous beast before, sees this, at heart some round of cold. 就算是之前遇到过异化凶兽的守卫军战王战皇,看到这一幕,心里有些发寒。 That stature is grandiose, the skin was dark, leading the war Sovereign Level powerhouse of gauntlet/glove to volunteer, joined the Elite team, came to eliminate the disassimilation source. 那身材壮硕,皮肤黝黑,带着拳套的战皇级强者自告奋勇,加入了精锐队伍,前来消灭异化源头。 However after seeing that terrifying tentacle, his complexion could not bear changes: 但是看到那恐怖的触手之后,他的脸色还是忍不住变了: Lying trough?! Is growing ominous beast unexpectedly so many of this type of ghost thing?!” “卧槽?!长着这种鬼东西的凶兽竟然这么多?!” Before he had suffered steadily tentacle the hardship of war Sovereign Level ominous beast, thinks that his strength, in fighting Sovereign Level is also extremely powerful existence. 之前他可是吃过长了触手的战皇级凶兽的苦头的,想他的战力,在战皇级中也算是极强大的存在。 However actually almost in the sewers capsizes, it can be imagined, this grew the disassimilation ominous beast of tentacle fierce. 但是却差点阴沟里翻船,可想而知,这长了触手的异化凶兽有多猛。 Sees so many disassimilation ominous beasts, he was vigilant all of a sudden. 看到这么多的异化凶兽,他一下子就警惕了起来。 Roar!!” “吼!!” „!!” “嗷呜!!” An only terrifying ominous beast angrily roared was firing into the people. 一只只恐怖的凶兽怒吼着冲向了众人。 Everyone complexion concentrates, moves forward to meet somebody. 所有人脸色一凝,也是迎了上去。 Just a collision, the terrifying bellow resounded through the world. 刚一碰撞,恐怖的轰鸣声就响彻了天地。 Endless Mountain Range in Battle King and fights under the terrifying power of Sovereign Level powerhouse, vibrates unceasingly, mountain peak was attacked to rumble a piece by piece the fragment. 无尽山脉战王和战皇级强者的恐怖力量之下,不断震动,一片片山峰被攻击轰成碎片。 A surrounding area several kilometers gulf continuously appears. 一个个方圆数公里的深坑不断出现。 The land seemed to be turned turned. 大地似乎都被翻了一翻。 These powerhouses project from the ground in the air, the angry roaring sound, the roaring sound resounds unceasingly. 这些强者从地面打到空中,怒吼声,咆哮声不断响起。 The trim sky is the miraculous glow of surging. 整片天空都是涌动的灵光。 The night that before Li Xinghai condensed has not diverged, these miraculous glows become at night light source. 之前李星海凝聚的黑夜还未散去,这一道道灵光成为了黑夜中的光源。 The Li Qinghe whole body has black ray to flash a continuously, her elegant face is indifferent, in the hand is grasping a heavy sword. 李青禾全身有一缕缕黑色光芒闪动,她俏脸冷漠,手中握着一柄重剑。 In her surroundings, there are four King Level powerful ominous beasts. 在她的周围,有四只王级的强大凶兽。 Two Flame Demon Dog, two Violent Demon Ape. 两只炎魔犬,两只狂暴魔猿 The bodies of these four ominous beasts, were covered with the tentacle, the eye of tentacle were staring at Li Qinghe, the vision was strange. 这四只凶兽的身上,都长满了触手,触手的眼睛盯着李青禾,目光诡异。 The Li Qinghe vision has swept four powerful ominous beasts, curls the lip, laughs at one: 李青禾目光扫过四只强大凶兽,撇了撇嘴,嗤笑一声: On four King Level? Looked down upon me?” “就四只王级的?太看不起我了吧?” She one step treads, the body vanishes in same place, the next quarter, the innumerable jet black sword light as if erupt from void suddenly, Flame Demon Dog will cover. 她一步踏出,身体消失在原地,下一刻,无数的漆黑剑光仿佛突然从虚空中爆发,将其中一只炎魔犬笼罩在内。 Sovereign Level battle skill, Shadow Instant Air Slash! 皇级战技,暗影瞬空斩 This is the Extraordinary Gene of space and dark department that Li Xinghai has not grasped. 这是就连李星海也没有掌握的空间和黑暗系的超凡基因 Sword bands of light the sharp incomparable destruction strength, making that Flame Demon Dog give out angry roaring of terrifying. 一道道剑光带着锐利无比的毁灭力量,让那炎魔犬发出了恐怖的怒吼。 Its whole body dark green ray circulation, the flame and green beam surges, toward blocking sword light. 它全身墨绿色的光芒流转,火焰和绿色射线涌动,向着挡住一道道剑光。 However, with is Battle King Level, the flame and green beam is actually ripped open with ease. 然而,同为战王级,火焰和绿色射线却轻松被撕开。 The innumerable sword light submerge Flame Demon Dog, erupted the terrifying sword air/Qi suddenly. 无数的剑光将炎魔犬淹没,骤然爆发出了恐怖的剑气。 The next quarter, Flame Demon Dog was divided into scrap in broken bits. 下一刻,炎魔犬被分成了细碎的小块。 The blood froth from in the air falls slowly, but strange green mist sent out the scream continuously, charged into Li Qinghe. 血沫从空中缓缓落下,而其中一缕缕诡异的绿色雾气发出了尖叫,冲向了李青禾 Li Qinghe selects the eyebrow slightly, the body vanishes on the spot. 李青禾微微挑眉,身体消失在原地。 Sword light submerge the green mist. 一道道剑光将绿色雾气淹没。 The next quarter, the green mist was annihilated. 下一刻,绿色雾气被湮灭。 The remaining three ominous beasts see this, sent out angry roaring, in the blood red pupil were many wiped the strange green. 剩下的三只凶兽见此,发出了愤怒的咆哮,血红色的眸子里多了一抹诡异的绿色。 Killed her!! Killed this Human!” “杀了她!!杀了这个人类!” In the angry roaring sound, remaining Flame Demon Dog yawns spout the green fireballs, the tentacle have green rays similarly. 怒吼声中,剩下的一只炎魔犬张口喷出一个个绿色火球,触手同样也出一道道绿色光线。 But two Violent Demon Ape whole bodies have green brilliance to reappear, flushed to landing Qinghe. 而两只狂暴魔猿全身有一道道绿色光焰浮现,向着陆青禾冲了过来。 Their tentacles also project green rays. 他们的触手同样射出一道道绿色光线。 The innumerable dense and numerous green rays almost blocked all spaces. 无数密密麻麻的绿色光线几乎封锁了所有的空间。 The Li Qinghe complexion has not actually changed, her body submerges void, vanishes does not see. 李青禾的脸色却没有丝毫变化,她的身体没入虚空,消失不见。 Next appearance, already in Violent Demon Ape behind, the sword light flashed again. 下一次出现,就已经在一只狂暴魔猿的身后,剑光再次闪动了起来。 When Li Qinghe is suppressing four King Level ominous beasts, at the same time in the air of not far away, Si Tingyu is also facing the attacks of four King Level ominous beasts at this moment. 李青禾压制着四只王级凶兽的时候,一边不远处的空中,司听雨此刻也面对着四只王级凶兽的攻击。 Four King Level ominous beasts are completely Flame Demon Dog, projects the green ray and fireball unceasingly. 四只王级凶兽全部都是炎魔犬,不断射出绿色光线和火球。 But the Si Tingyu complexion serious whole body puts on golden red heavy/thick war armor, both hands grasps a to have three meters giant long spear/gun fully. 司听雨脸色严肃全身穿着金红色的厚重战甲,双手握着一柄足有三米长的巨大长枪。 In her golden red pupil flashed the dignified ray, the dragon roar resounded from void together. 她那金红色的眸子中闪动起了威严的光芒,一道龙吼从虚空中响起。 Afterward her body surface appeared radiantly like the golden red gem common scale. 随后她的身体表面浮现出了璀璨如同金红色宝石一般的鳞片。 Her whole person as if changed to dragon woman. 她的整个人都仿佛化作了龙女。 The next quarter, the Si Tingyu sole treads the air, the air explodes, changes to one group of air waves, her whole person charged into Flame Demon Dog. 下一刻,司听雨脚掌一踏空气,空气爆裂,化作一团气浪,她的整个人冲向了其中一只炎魔犬 The innumerable green fireballs and beams fall on her body, she does not have to think, refuted to break through directly. 无数的绿色火球和射线落在她的身上,她却毫无所觉,直接硬顶着冲过了过去。 Rushes to front of Flame Demon Dog, a spear/gun passes through Flame Demon Dog. 冲到一只炎魔犬面前,一枪将炎魔犬贯穿。 Other three Flame Demon Dog: „????” 其他三只炎魔犬:“????” Vision that notices Si Tingyu to look, they angry roar, is attacking Si Tingyu, while retrocedes unceasingly. 注意到司听雨看过来的目光,它们怒吼一声,一边攻击着司听雨,一边不断后退。 Compares them, Si Tingyu seems more like the human form ominous beast, making them not dare by near body. 相比起它们来说,司听雨仿佛更像是人形凶兽,让它们不敢被近身。
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