MGEI :: Volume #2 不归

#163: White Jade Spirit Body Perfection, requests reinforcements

Enters Land of Origin, Lu Yuan in the Martial Training Pavilion gravity indoor attentive cultivation. 进入起源之地,陆缘练武馆重力室内用心修炼。 At the 20 th day, Lu Yuan absorbed about 15 ten thousand Rank 4 Spirit Crystal spirit strength again, altogether spent was close to 40 ten thousand Rank 4 Spirit Crystal, finally quenchinged the Perfection rank White Jade Spirit Body. 在第20天时,陆缘再次吸收了十五万四阶灵晶左右的灵力,总共花费了接近四十万四阶灵晶,终于将白玉灵体淬炼到了圆满级别。 After White Jade Spirit Body gene Perfection, the increase that Extraordinary Gene brings, compared with most starts to promote about one time, but effect that White Jade Spirit Body battle skill brings compared with just evolution time also promoted more than one time. 白玉灵体基因圆满之后,超凡基因本身带来的增幅,比起最开始提升一倍左右,而白玉灵体战技所带来的效果比起刚进化的时候也提升了一倍多。 At this moment, the Lu Yuan strength had the promotion compared with before greatly. 此刻,陆缘的实力比起之前大有提升。 Even if leaves facing Perfection Lord Level, Lu Yuan felt oneself can still strike to kill even without Mechanical Load with ease. 就算是面对圆满领主级别,陆缘觉得自己就算不用机械负载也能轻松击杀了。 Later, Lu Yuan starts to quenching second Touch Of Nature battle skill. 之后,陆缘开始淬炼第二个自然之触战技 With the rise of strength, Lu Yuan also had a big promotion in the time that Land of Origin can treat. 随着实力的提升,陆缘起源之地能待的时间也有了不小的提升。 Four days later, Lu Yuan absorbed was close to 30,000 Rank 4 Spirit Crystal, quenchinged Touch Of Nature to close to 40 degrees, the light gate restore of Lu Yuan, left Land of Origin. 四天之后,陆缘吸收了接近三万的四阶灵晶,将自然之触淬炼到接近40的程度,陆缘的光门修复,离开了起源之地 In the room in military region dormitory, the body of Lu Yuan appears. 军区宿舍的房间内,陆缘的身体浮现。 After he washed next, left the room. 他洗漱了下之后,就离开了房间。 In the living room, a person does not have, Grote several people also need to enter the Land of Origin cultivation, either is goes to the cultivation room in military region to cultivate. 客厅内,一个人都没有,格罗特几人本身也需要进入起源之地修炼,要么就是去军区的修炼室修炼。 According to the custom, the Lu Yuan also some day time rest, by 12 : 00 pm, was one's turn their 22 teams to go on patrol. 按照规矩,陆缘还有一天时间休息,到明天中午十二点,就轮到他们22队去巡逻了。 Stayed more than 20 days of time in the heavy pressure chamber, the last day of time, Lu Yuan plans with ease well, so as to avoid being too tired. 在重力室待了二十多天时间,还有最后一天时间,陆缘打算好好轻松下,免得太累了。 After all cultivates also needs to alternate work with rest. 毕竟修炼也需要劳逸结合嘛。 After Lu Yuan goes out, goes to the military region to stroll, then went to the ordinary area to walk. 陆缘出门之后,去军区逛了逛,然后又去了普通区走了一圈。 The defense camp in forbidden area, is not only the defense line region of military, is the supply points of some folk adventurers. 在禁区的防御营地,不仅仅是军方的防线区域,也是一些民间冒险者的补给点。 Some many Rank 2 even are Rank 3 Gene Warrior stations in the ordinary area. 有不少二阶甚至是三阶基因战士在普通区驻留。 Different with Lu Yuan, generally Gene Warrior was not low in the probability of Land of Origin death. 陆缘不同,一般基因战士起源之地死亡的概率可不低。 Like Lu Yuan, awakens for three months only dead one time, moreover bumped into Clam Dragon this legend lifeform dead. 陆缘,觉醒三个月就只死过一次,而且还是碰到了蜃龙这种传说生物才死的。 But general Gene Warrior, possibly separates for several days dead one time, even continual died has the possibility. 而一般的基因战士,可能隔几天就死一次,甚至连续死亡都有可能。 The strength was stronger, died the time that the later light gate restored to require longer. 实力越强,死亡之后光门恢复需要的时间就会越久。 Lu Yuan beforehand Rank 1 time died to take one week to restore one time. 陆缘之前一阶的时候死亡一次就需要一个星期恢复。 Perhaps Rank 2 1-2 months restored. 二阶恐怕得1-2月恢复了。 Regarding general Gene Warrior, hunts and kills one important way that the ominous beast is also obtain the resources in the real world. 对于一般的基因战士来说,在现实世界猎杀凶兽也是他们获得资源的一种重要途径。 Has many gathers the ominous beast material in the ordinary area, the collection forbidden area herbal medicine magical things and so on store. 在普通区里就有不少的收取凶兽材料,收集禁区草药灵物之类的商店。 Before this let Lu Yuan resounded , the Land of Origin material sold to Xue Wang the time. 这让陆缘响起之前把起源之地的材料卖给薛旺的时候。 When on the street strolls, Lu Yuan saw McGonagall that wears the military uniform. 在街上逛的时候,陆缘看到了穿着军装的麦格 This moment McGonagall with other five people together, is going on patrol in the ordinary area. 此刻麦格正在和其他五个人一起,在普通区巡逻。 After seeing Lu Yuan, McGonagall also stares, says with a smile: 看到陆缘之后,麦格也是一愣,笑道: A'Yuan, do you come out to stroll?” 阿缘,你出来逛逛?” Lu Yuan nods, says with a smile: Un, school leader McGonagall did you join the camp guard group?” 陆缘点了点头,笑道:“嗯,麦格学长你这是加入了营地护卫团吗?” McGonagall grinning: Although the public security under the camp management, the meritorious military service little was short of this period of time, but the good and evil is safer, I and your evildoer/monstrous talent may be different, went to the vanguard army of danger, perhaps dies does not know how dead.” 麦格咧了咧嘴:“虽然这段时间只是在营地管理下治安,战功少是少了点,但是好歹更安全,我和你这种妖孽可不一样,去了危险的先锋军,恐怕连死都不知道怎么死的。” Two people chatted several, the McGonagall teammate also looked at the arena to fight in the square yesterday, recognized Lu Yuan. 两人聊了几句,麦格的队友昨天也是在广场看擂台战斗的,也认出了陆缘 Knows Lu Yuan is powerful, they are also warm and Lu Yuan greets, chitchatted several. 知道陆缘的实力强大,他们也是热情的和陆缘打了声招呼,攀谈了几句。 After chatting several, Lu Yuan said goodbye with McGonagall several people, later bumped into another with the talent camp student who they came, chatted several. 聊了几句之后,陆缘就和麦格几人告别,之后又碰到了另外一个和他们一起过来的天才营学生,也聊了几句。 Strolled, Lu Yuan felt no interesting, returned to the dormitory, strolled BattleNet. 逛了一圈,陆缘觉得没什么意思,就回到了宿舍,逛起了战网 Before Lu Yuan, buried alive the inborn King post also only to pass for several days in the real world, but also is fermenting, even the BattleNet news home page had the length. 陆缘之前坑杀天生王者的帖子在现实世界也就只过去了几天,还在发酵,甚至连战网新闻首页都有了篇幅。 Lu Yuan has not cared, looked after the White Cloud Continent news, Lu Yuan examined under Mall. 陆缘也没多在意,看了看关于白云洲的消息之后,陆缘又查看了下商城 He wants to look to look to compare powerful scarce Extraordinary Gene. 他想要找找看有没有比较强大稀少的超凡基因 After all, Lu Yuan only has Rank 2 now, to Rank 9 Battle God this stage, he also needs seven Extraordinary Gene. 毕竟,陆缘现在只有二阶,到九阶战神这个阶段,他还需要七个超凡基因 This needs to choose well. 这都是需要好好选择的。 Now although was unable to record, but meets powerful scarce Extraordinary Gene, first saves surely does not have the issue. 现在虽然还无法刻录,但是遇到强大稀少的超凡基因,先存着肯定没问题。 What a pity, powerful scarce Extraordinary Gene, the average person will not sell in Mall, perhaps the probability that goes to the White Cloud Continent auction room to buy is higher. 可惜,强大稀少的超凡基因,一般人也不会在商城卖,恐怕去白云洲的拍卖行买到的概率都更高一些。 Lu Yuan has no harvest finally. 陆缘最终没什么收获。 Later, he looked at the cell phone, Li Qinghe cultivated at home, Si Tingyu in the frontline, is hearing that now the frontline ominous beast strength has been increased to be many. 之后,他又看了看手机,李青禾在家里修炼,司听雨现在正在前线,听说前线的凶兽实力已经提升了不少了。 But the four people in their No. 112 dormitory have the exchange group, Yang Ping complain them in group continuously in the final side. 而他们112号宿舍楼的四个人也有个交流群,杨平在群里抱怨他们一直在最后方。 Also was really guessed right by school leader McGonagall, again to the research is the student, when starts. 还真被麦格学长猜对了,再给研究系学生当下手。 Either gives the Gene Medicament master to classify the herbal medicine, either processes the material to the refiner master, or is goes all out to move some quite heavy instrument. 要么去给基因药剂师分类草药,要么就是给炼器师处理材料,或者就是去卖力气搬一些比较重的仪器。 Naturally, usually goes to the Land of Origin time to them, the cultivation will not make them fall. 当然,平时去起源之地的时间还是会给他们的,修炼也不会让他们落下。 Yang Ping is shuts out is a little boring. 杨平就是嫌弃有点无聊。 But the camp that Si Tingfeng is 899 th, is very near from the frontline, only then less than together 100 kilometers position. 司听风所在的营地是899号,距离前线已经很近了,就只有不到一道一百公里的位置。 Compared with relatively 257 th near the bottom, the ominous beast strength is stronger, in the past, Si Tingfeng had just been welcomed by ominous beast group attack defense camp. 比起相对靠后的257号,凶兽实力更强,刚过去,司听风就已经受到了凶兽群攻击防御营地的欢迎。 They are more dangerous compared with Lu Yuan. 比起陆缘他们更加危险。 After hearing Lu Yuan joined the mortality rate highest vanguard to scout the group unexpectedly, no matter Si Tingfeng or Yang Ping were very surprised. 在听说陆缘竟然加入了死亡率最高的先锋斥候团之后,不管是司听风还是杨平都是十分惊讶。 Two people also urged Lu Yuan to trade a department, but Lu Yuan naturally cannot change. 两人也劝陆缘换一个部门,但是陆缘自然不会改。 The time arrived at the evening quickly, Grote several people also or were outside came back from Land of Origin, calling Lu Yuan to go to the cafeteria to eat meal together. 时间很快就来到了晚上,格罗特几人也从起源之地或者是外面回来了,叫上了陆缘一起去食堂吃了顿饭。 Later Grote several people urged Lu Yuan to rest well, recuperate Mind. 之后格罗特几人叮嘱陆缘好好休息,养好精神 After all, they must start to go on patrol tomorrow, if Mind is not good, when the time comes is not serious own security. 毕竟,他们明天就要开始去巡逻了,如果精神不好,到时候就是把自己的安全不当回事。 The Lu Yuan nature should earnestly under. 陆缘自然认真应下。 Later, Lu Yuan sleeps well. 之后,陆缘就去好好睡了一觉。 ............ ………… The next day at noon, Lu Yuan, Grote, Tang Ji, Ding Wen, Yang Qiu and Stacy six people in the living room set, everyone exchanged Genetic Armament at this moment. 第二天中午,陆缘,格罗特,唐济,丁文,杨秋丝塔茜六人在客厅集合,此刻所有人都换上了基因武装 Grote opens the mouth to say with a smile: 格罗特笑着开口道: Walks, connects with, then.” “走吧,去交接,然后就出发了。” Six people leave the dormitory, arrived at the entrance of defense camp. 六人离开宿舍,来到了防御营地的门口。 After the entrance room registered, Lu Yuan one group of left the defense camp. 在门口的房间内登记了之后,陆缘一行人就离开了防御营地。 No. 257 defense camp on a crown broad mountain. 257号防御营地是在一座顶部宽阔的山上。 The road of descending the mountain is a little steep, but regarding Gene Warrior, peacefully also no difference. 下山的路有点陡峭,但是对于基因战士来说,和平地也没什么区别。 After arriving under the mountain, is a lush forest. 来到山下之后,是一片茂盛的森林。 The surroundings are completely several people, even is more than ten people of joint holding lofty trees, the ground covered entirely the fallen leaf, will have some bushes and weeds, vine and so on thing. 周围全部都是几人,甚至是十几人合抱的参天大树,地上布满了落叶,也会有一些灌木和杂草,藤蔓之类的东西。 Grote looked at hand the screen of black instrument, opens the mouth to say with a smile: 格罗特看了一眼手里的黑色仪器的屏幕,笑着开口道: This our responsible region is No. 6 region, the surrounding area about 20 kilometers, walks.” “这一次我们负责的区域是六号区域,方圆大约二十公里左右,走吧。” The group change to the remnant shadow, racing line/traverse in forest. 一行人化作残影,在森林里奔行。 Several people just had run several kilometers distance, suddenly in Grote's black instrument flashed the red ray. 几人刚跑过几公里的距离,突然格罗特的黑色仪器中闪起了红色光芒。 Sees this ray, the people stares. 看到这光芒,众人都是一愣。 The Grote brow slightly wrinkle, lowers the head looked, the complexion is dignified: 格罗特眉头微皱,低头一看,脸色凝重: Is 8 teams, transmitted the distress signal!” “是八队,传来了求救信号!” Ding Wen sharp-eyed: Position?” 丁文的目光锐利了起来:“位置呢?” Southeastern direction, from our 12 kilometers.” “东南方向,距离我们12公里。” Then on the past, at our speeds, took two minutes in the past, must speed up the time.” “那就过去吧,以我们的速度,过去也需要两分多钟,得加快时间。” The people complexion sinks to congeal, runs in the praying for rescue direction. 众人脸色沉凝,向着求救方向跑去。 ............ ………… In a forest, six wear Genetic Armament Guardian Army scouts the group to assume the defensive formation to look at the surroundings at this moment. 一片森林内,六个穿着基因武装守卫军斥候团此刻正呈防守队形看着周围。 In their not far away, dozens all over the body jet black, covers black Qilin armor excellent, the shoulder two meters great wolf has been bending down the body lowly, approaches slowly. 在他们不远处,有几十只通体漆黑,覆盖着黑色麟甲,肩高超过两米的巨狼低伏着身体,缓缓逼近。 And the shoulders of two great wolves even were three meters high, in the quiet blue pupil brings ice-cold killing intent, the aura to surge. 其中有两只巨狼的肩高甚至达到了三米,幽蓝色的眸子中带着冰冷的杀意,气息涌动。 Feels killing intent of these great wolves, several Guardian Army scout the complexion to be ugly. 感受到这些巨狼的杀意,几个守卫军斥候脸色难看。 Damn, how do these Black Scale Demon Wolf groups rush to this region? Is the front scouting group eating the excrement?!” “该死,这些黑鳞魔狼群怎么跑到这个区域的?前面的斥候团在吃屎吗?!” Two Rank 3 Boss, other were the Rank 3 elite, the quantity were too many, we were not the opponents.” “两只三阶头目,其他都是三阶精英,数量太多了,我们不是对手。” Is tall, grasps the black hair robust man of great shield to look at these Black Scale Demon Wolf vigilantly, on the forehead has the cold sweat to emit. 一个身材高大,手持巨盾的黑发壮汉警惕看着这些黑鳞魔狼,额头上有冷汗冒出。 Team leader! We what to do?” “队长!我们怎么办?” Middle-aged man brow tight wrinkle that takes Law Staff: 一个拿着法杖的中年男子眉头紧皱: Has sent the distress signal, waits for the person to rescue. The virgin forest, are you all right?” “已经发求救信号了,等人来救援。老林,你没事吧?” In the nearby of middle-aged man, a black hair men's skin armor fragment, an arm has vanished to disappear. 在中年男子的边上,一个黑发男子皮甲碎片,一条手臂已经消失不见了。 In his , a male water current of wear blue color long gown integrated his within the body continuously, heals his wound. 在他的边上,一个穿着蓝色长袍的男子一缕缕水流融入了他的体内,愈合他的伤口。 On the middle-aged man forehead some cold sweat appear, he grinning, got hold of a short-sword in hand: 中年男子额头上有些冷汗浮现,他咧了咧嘴,握紧了手里的一柄短剑: Relax, the small wound, cannot die, will not tow the retreat.” “放心,小伤而已,死不了,不会拖后退。” At this moment, is Black Scale Demon Wolf of head angrily roars suddenly one, all Black Scale Demon Wolf threw toward several people. 就在这时,为首的黑鳞魔狼突然怒吼一声,所有黑鳞魔狼向着几人扑了过来。 Came! Blocks!!” “来了!挡住!!” The middle-aged man complexion changes, angrily roars. 中年男子脸色一变,怒吼一声。 All Guardian Army whole body spirit strength surge, battle skill erupts, collides with Black Scale Demon Wolf together. 所有守卫军全身灵力涌动,战技爆发,和黑鳞魔狼碰撞在一起。 ............ ………… In the jungle, Lu Yuan one line of figure flash, every flashes one time about hundred meters. 丛林中,陆缘一行人身形闪动,每一次闪动都有近百米。 By them as other Rank 2 Boss Level strength, the eruption, every second of speed of can be close to hundred meters full power, compared with the average person, can be superman. 以他们作为二阶头目级别的实力,全力爆发,每秒的速度可以接近百米,比起普通人来说,可以算是超人了。 The short about two minutes, they close to the position that the beforehand distress signal transmitted. 短短两分钟左右,他们就就接近了之前求救信号传来的位置。 The distant place heard the fierce bellow, the roaring sound and angry roaring sound. 远处传来了剧烈的轰鸣声,咆哮声和怒吼声。 Grote complexion sinks to congeal, opens the mouth saying: 格罗特脸色沉凝,开口道: Is careful around the point!” “都小心点周围!” In being away from they not far position, the Tang Ji figure flashes in the trees. 在距离他们不远的位置,唐济的身形在树木之间闪动。 As Assasination Department, the Tang Ji speed is on the other hand faster, takes the duty that stands guard in the surroundings. 作为刺杀系,唐济的速度相对来说更快,担任在周围警戒的任务。 Lu Yuan runs in the forefront, after all he is Defensive Department, has the words of danger, definitely is his first goes forward to withstand/top. 陆缘则是跑在最前面,毕竟他是守护系,有危险的话,肯定是他第一个上前顶着的。 So far, although they have met several ominous beasts, but the strength only has Rank 2, has not threatened regarding them, struck to kill with ease. 到目前为止,他们虽然遇到过几只凶兽,但是实力只有二阶,对于他们并没有威胁,轻松击杀了。 With several people of nearness, for several seconds the fight sound of time distant place more and more loud. 随着几人的靠近,短短几秒钟时间远处的战斗声越来越响。 Yang Qiu opens the mouth saying: Must arrive!” 杨秋开口道:“要到了!” The people complexion is serious. 众人脸色严肃。 Passed through between two giant trees, Lu Yuan several people see the scene of distant place. 穿过了两根巨大树木之间,陆缘几人就看到远处的场景。 Massive Black Scale Demon Wolf are besieging central scouts 8 teams. 大量的黑鳞魔狼正在围攻着中央的斥候八队。 Scouted 8 teams to have six people, now two people fall down, the blood, the life and death does not know everywhere, on four people also covered entirely the blood, the every large or small wound quantity is extremely numerous. 原本斥候八队有六个人,现在有两个人倒在地上,满地鲜血,生死不知,还有四个人身上也都布满了鲜血,大大小小的伤口数量极多。 In their surroundings, the Black Scale Demon Wolf corpse everywhere, has more than ten. 在他们的周围,满地的黑鳞魔狼尸体,足足有十多只。 Three meters high huge Black Scale Demon Wolf evaded the wood of middle-aged man to snatch, charged into the team position. 一只三米高的巨大黑鳞魔狼躲过了中年男子的木抢,冲向了团队位置。 The middle-aged man is pale, bellows, his whole body has the strong spirit strength to reappear, a wooden figurine ran out from the ground, keeps off before the Black Scale Demon Wolf body. 中年男子脸色苍白,大吼一声,他全身有强大灵力浮现,一只木人从地上冲出,挡在了黑鳞魔狼身前。 Wooden figurines and Black Scale Demon Wolf games in the same place, but the middle-aged man body swayed, almost falls to the ground weakly. 木人和黑鳞魔狼在一起,而中年男子身体摇晃了下,差点虚弱倒地。 Saw this frigid one, the Lu Yuan complexion changed slightly under. 看到这惨烈的一幕,陆缘脸色微微变化了下。 But nearby Grote roared directly: Life-saving!” 而边上的格罗特则直接咆哮道:“救人!” Lu Yuan gets back one's composure, in the eye flashes through a swift and fierce color, his body surface has the white jade miraculous glow to reappear, the footsteps tread, the ground presented a gulf, his body appeared before a body of Black Scale Demon Wolf instantaneously. 陆缘回神,眼中闪过一丝凌厉之色,他的身体表面有白玉灵光浮现,脚步一踏,地面出现了一个深坑,他的身体瞬间就出现在了一只黑鳞魔狼的身前。 Black Scale Demon Wolf has not responded, the black sword light flashes past, this only had two meters high Black Scale Demon Wolf to be cut two sections fully directly, the blood spout. 黑鳞魔狼还没反应过来,黑色剑光一闪而过,这只足有两米多高的黑鳞魔狼直接被斩成两截,鲜血喷涌了出来。 Lu Yuan has not stopped , to continue to charge into other Black Scale Demon Wolf. 陆缘没有停顿,继续冲向了其他黑鳞魔狼 But in the rear area, huge Black Scale Demon Wolf has not participated in the attack. 而在后方,还有一只巨大的黑鳞魔狼没有参与攻击。 After it sees Lu Yuan several people that flushed, in the quiet blue pupil has to kill intent to flash through. 它看到了冲过来的陆缘几人之后,幽蓝色的眸中有杀意闪过。 „!!” “嗷!!” Black Scale Demon Wolf Boss charged into Lu Yuan. 黑鳞魔狼头目冲向了陆缘 Sees this, some middle-aged men of creakying stare the big eye, called out: 看到这一幕,有些摇摇欲坠的中年男子瞪大眼睛,叫道: Be careful! The fellow is Rank 3 High Level Boss!” “小心!那家伙是三阶高级头目!” Hears this saying, Grote complexion slightly changes, strikes kills to Black Scale Demon Wolf, approaches toward Lu Yuan. 听到这话,格罗特脸色微微一变,一路击杀冲过来的黑鳞魔狼,向着陆缘靠近。 Lu Yuan! Withdraws!” 陆缘!后撤!” Lu Yuan looks at to Black Scale Demon Wolf, in the eye flashes through an ice-cold color. 陆缘看着冲过来的黑鳞魔狼,眼中闪过一丝冰冷之色。 His whole body white jade miraculous glow flashes dazzlingly, the whole person as if turned into a white jade. 他全身白玉灵光闪动得更加耀眼,整个人仿佛变成了一块白玉。 Dark Strength Vigor revolves. 黑钢劲运转。 Mechanical Load, opening. 机械负载,开启。 Lu Yuan one step treads, the heavy sword cuts. 陆缘一步踏出,重剑斩下。 The Black Scale Demon Wolf Boss whole body has in black miraculous glow flashing hands on the great claw the having mystical powers light empty shadow, condenses one to have three meters huge claw shadow fully. 黑鳞魔狼头目全身有一道道黑色灵光闪动手中巨爪上有灵光虚影,凝聚成一个足有三米大小的巨大爪影。 The claw shadow patted toward Lu Yuan, collides with the heavy sword together. 爪影向着陆缘拍了过来,和重剑碰撞在一起。 Bang!! 轰!! Under the bellow, the air wave surges, nearby several Black Scale Demon Wolf by flying upside down of air wave volume, the leaf on trees rustle were dropped. 轰鸣声之下,气浪涌动,附近的几只黑鳞魔狼被气浪卷的倒飞了出去,树木上的树叶簌簌落下。 A pitiful yell sound gets up, the claw of Black Scale Demon Wolf Boss cut off by the Lu Yuan heavy sword, the blood spout. 一声惨叫声响起,黑鳞魔狼头目的爪子被陆缘的重剑斩断,鲜血喷涌了出来。 Sees this, somewhat anxious Grote several people and 8 teams of several survivors stares the big eye slightly, revealed wiped the astonished color. 看到这一幕,有些紧张的格罗特几人和八队的几个幸存者都是微微瞪大眼睛,露出了一抹惊愕之色。 Lu Yuan defeated the claw shadow, after cutting off the sharp claws of Black Scale Demon Wolf Boss, in the hand the heavy sword brandishes again, the sword light has delimited the neck of Black Scale Demon Wolf Boss. 陆缘一击破了爪影,斩断了黑鳞魔狼头目的利爪之后,手中重剑再次挥舞,剑光划过了黑鳞魔狼头目的脖子。 Scoffs!! 嗤!! The blood spout, delimited several meters as the Rank 3 High Level Boss Black Scale Demon Wolf corpse on the ground, hit on a tree trunk of big tree, the trees rocked fiercely under. 鲜血喷涌,作为三阶高级头目黑鳞魔狼的尸体在地上划出了几米,撞在了一颗大树的树干上,树木都剧烈晃动了下。
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