MGTTUBS :: Volume #3

#224: «Furnace Stone»

Accompanying that starts out from the card package altogether has four qualities. 从卡包中开出的随从一共有四个品质。 Respectively is ordinary and rare, epic and legend. 分别是普通、稀有、史诗、传说。 The accompanied quality does not represent the intensity of accompanying, but is the rare degree. 随从的品质并不代表随从的强度,而是稀有程度。 In other words, is this/should accompanying gains the difficulty. 换言之也就是该随从的获取难度。 And accompanying of legend quality has the uniqueness, once some people obtain, others cannot obtain again. 其中传说品质的随从具有唯一性,一旦有人获得,其它人便不可再获得。 Naturally after having this/should legend quality to accompany the owner who died, should accompany then can again by others have. 当然拥有该传说品质随从的拥有者死亡以后,该随从便能再次被其他人拥有。 Recalls the information that in the mind are many, Muye extends the right hand toward float to go in his front card hold/container Chu. 回想着脑海中多出的信息,牧野伸出右手朝着悬浮在他面前的卡包触去。 The card package is a books same handbag appearance, in its dead center, has a gem that seems like the eye. 卡包是一个书籍一样的皮包模样,在它的正中心,有着一颗像是眼睛的宝石。 Touches the gem in Muye instantly. 在牧野触碰到宝石的刹那。 The entire card package starts the fierce tremor. 整个卡包开始剧烈的颤动起来。 With the unceasing tremor, the surface of card package starts to present the crack, and expanded the entire card package in several seconds. 随着不断的颤动,卡包的表面开始出现裂纹,并在数秒的时间里扩大到了整个卡包。 Bang!” “嘭!” Card package of blasting open. 卡包炸裂。 Five are turning away from his card sign, appears in his front. 五张背对着他的卡牌,出现在他的面前。 Muye points at the point to approach. 牧野手指点向其中一个。 In he points at to touch at the back of the card sign next quarter booing sound to resound in his ear together. 在他手指触碰到卡牌背面的下一刻一道倒彩声在他耳边响起。 Ordinary “普通” Fish person baby 鱼人宝宝 Introduced: The fish person baby was really lovable, who saw wants to hold, finally because of suffocating the caused mortality rate was extremely high. 介绍:鱼人宝宝实在是太可爱了,以至于谁见了都想抱一抱,结果因窒息所导致的死亡率极高。 Type: Accompanying 类型:随从 Rare: Ordinary 稀有度:普通 Series: Core 系列:核心 Occupation: Neutrality 职业:中立 Life: 1 生命:一 Attack: 1 攻击:一 Potential: 1 潜力:一 Summon consumption: 0 召唤消耗:0 Good trash.” “好垃圾。” The Muye corners of the mouth pulled out pulling out, although has not seen other card packages, but depending on this panel, he has been able to feel that this was a scraps/condescend card. 牧野嘴角抽了抽,虽然还没有见过其它的卡包,但光凭这面板,他就已经能够感觉到这是一张屑卡了。 However, four opportunities, he does not have to care , to continue the card. 不过,还有四次机会,他也没有太在意,继续开卡。 Ordinary “普通” Ordinary “普通” Ordinary “普通” Ordinary “普通” For successive four times after being ordinary, the expression of Muye had a subtle change. 连续四次普通后,牧野的表情出现了一丝微妙的变化。 Certainly is the initial period of game is unable to start out the ordinary above card sign, certainly is this.” “一定是游戏的初期无法开出普通以上的卡牌,一定是这样。” Muye is comforting itself like this, then looks to four signs that are newly-opened. 牧野这样安慰着自己,而后看向新开出的四张牌。 mysterious technique being unbalanced body 奥术畸体 Introduced: He is a space and time being unbalanced body, the life that after being weary of the two-pole inverted turned into present this appearance. 介绍:他原本是一个时空畸体,在厌倦了两极颠倒的生活后变成了现在这个模样。 Effect on the scene: After you discharge magic arts, should accompany then obtains 1 life value. 在场效果:在你施放一个法术后,该随从便获得一生命值。 Type: Accompanying 类型:随从 Rare: Ordinary 稀有度:普通 Series: Core 系列:核心 Occupation: Neutrality 职业:中立 Life: 1 生命:一 Attack: 2 攻击:二 Potential: 3 潜力:三 Summon consumption: 1 召唤消耗:一 Elf archer 精灵弓箭手 Introduced: Coquettish look like silk, lithely like swallow, fatally like arrow. 介绍:媚眼如丝,轻盈如燕,致命如箭。 Presence technique: The summon fires at a target instantaneously. 出场技:召唤瞬间射击一名目标。 Type: Accompanying 类型:随从 Rare: Ordinary 稀有度:普通 Series: Core 系列:核心 Occupation: Neutrality 职业:中立 Life: 1 生命:一 Attack: 1 攻击:一 Potential: 1 潜力:一 Summon consumption: 1 召唤消耗:一 Link of prophet land 大地之环先知 He truly can look, he does not need to use the telescope like these dirty pirates. 他确实能看得很远,他才不像那些肮脏的海盗们需要用望远镜。 Presence technique: Restores to display the treatment to restore three life values to a goal. 出场技:恢复对一名目标施展治疗恢复三点生命值。 Type: Accompanying 类型:随从 Rare: Ordinary 稀有度:普通 Series: Core 系列:核心 Occupation: Neutrality 职业:中立 Life: 3 生命:三 Attack: 3 攻击:三 Potential: 1 潜力:一 Summon consumption: 3 召唤消耗:三 Spider tank 蜘蛛坦克 Introduced that I want to install an artillery on this fellow, you thought how” Fitz Blease looks the spider transport equipment said. 介绍“我想在这家伙上面装上一门炮,你觉得怎么样”菲兹布里兹看着蜘蛛运输装置说道。 Type: Accompanying 类型:随从 Rare: Ordinary 稀有度:普通 Series: Core 系列:核心 Occupation: Neutrality 职业:中立 Life: 4 生命:四 Attack: 3 攻击:三 Potential: 1 潜力:一 Summon consumption: 3 召唤消耗:三 Although following four stretch/open card is the blank slate, but actually on good be too more than first fish person baby. 虽然后面的四张卡牌都是白板,不过却是要比第一张的鱼人宝宝好上了太多。 And some have some special effects. 其中有一些还有着一些特殊效果。 Has generally understanding Muye not to know to this world these that oneself start out accompany are good are bad. 只是对这个世界有个大致了解的牧野也不知道自己开出的这些随从是好是坏。 But when he is thinking deeply about these issues, at present the scenery changes again, when he recovers had returned to the original square. 而就在他思索着这些问题时,眼前景色再次变化,等他回过神来时已经回到了原先的广场上。 The light white light raises on him together. 一道淡淡的白光在他身上升起。 „Is this?” “这是?” Muye subconscious looks at the strange change to own body, has not waited for him to understand, hears crowd noisy of then not far away suddenly. 牧野下意识的看向自己身体发生的奇异变化,还不等他想明白,就忽然听到不远处的人群便的嘈杂。 Doubts looks toward that side. 疑惑的朝着那边看去。 Then saw in crowd that one crowd is sending out the white ray, there is together an extremely dazzling blue ray. 便看到一群散发着白色光芒的人群中,有一道极为耀眼的蓝色光芒。 Started out accompanying of rare quality unexpectedly for the first time.” “竟然第一次就开出了稀有品质的随从。” What? My God, unexpectedly has to the cold light prophet who the surrounding all fish people increase the life!” “什么?我的天,居然是拥有给周围全体鱼人增加生命的寒光先知!” Looks at noise like that the Muye brow wrinkles: What card sign starts out, around the body will present the corresponding ray .” 看着那般的吵闹,牧野眉头皱起:“开出什么样的卡牌,身体周围就会出现相应的光芒..” Thinks of here, his line of sight sweeps immediately to other places, then soon then had discovered person who several bodies presented the blue ray. 想到这里,他的视线立即扫向其余地方,而后很快便有又发现了几个身体出现蓝色光芒的人。 Contrasts with the crowd that on the scene awakens, starts out the probability of rarely accompanying probably about 100. 与在场觉醒的人群对比一下,开出稀有随从的概率大概是在一百左右。 Lying trough! Some people started out the epic to accompany!” “卧槽!有人开出史诗随从了!” When Muye is thinking these, in the crowd has to send out calls out in alarm together. 就在牧野想着这些的时候,人群中有发出一道惊呼。 But those who follow this call out in alarm almost covered the purple ray of entire square together. 而伴随这声惊呼的是一道几乎覆盖了整个广场的紫色光芒。 But this ray, causes originally by the stand float stone, a pastor of face calm expression, on the face presented the color of changing countenance for the first time, and ignores all around the view of person, slightly runs lucky fellow who starts out the purple to accompany slightly is running to go toward that. 而这光芒,也使得原本在站漂浮石头旁,一脸淡定表情的牧师,脸上第一次出现了动容之色,并且也不顾周遭人的看法,小跑着就朝着那个开出紫色随从的幸运儿小跑而去。 Damn Ou sovereign!” “该死的欧皇!” Muye clenches teeth. 牧野咬牙。 Then, the people look under the accompaniment that starts out epic level person everywhere in the pastor left the square. 就这样,众人就看着那名开出史诗级随处的人在牧师的陪同下离开了广场。 As having Muye of rich game experience is very clear, this person will be is trained probably with emphasis. 身为拥有丰富游戏经验的牧野很清楚,这人大概是会被重点培养了。 In setting added that the quality does not represent the intensity, deceives the ghost!” “设定上还说品质不代表强度,骗鬼呢!” Muye complained, but did not have extremely to care, after all Ou sovereign was only a few, 99% players with oneself same were the blank slate openings. 牧野吐槽,不过也没太过在意,毕竟欧皇只是少数,90%九的玩家还是和自己一样是白板开局。 Thinks of the blank slate, Muye remembers the appointment of furnace stone suddenly seems like must deliver the card to wrap. 想到白板,牧野突然想起炉石的预约似乎是要送卡包来着。 Seemingly several packages. 貌似还有好几包。 Hasn't provided?” “还没发放?” Had he found back and forth, then gives up seeking, focuses on periphery. 他来回找了找没有找到,便放弃寻找,将注意力放到周围。 After the pastor walks, everyone in square has awakened. 在牧师走后,广场上的所有人都已经觉醒完毕。 Some people have left the square, walks toward the city. 已经有人离开广场,朝着城市内走去。 Knows some hypotheses Muye to know, after awakening, needs to choose itself to prepare the full-time occupation. 知晓部分设定的牧野知道,在觉醒后,就需要去选择自己准备专职的职业。 After the player transfers the duty, not only can learn the related occupation the magic arts, but can also pull out in the following opening card link to being this/should professional accompanying. 在玩家转职后,不仅能够学到相关职业的法术,还能在接下来的开卡环节抽到属于该职业的随从。 In brief many advantage and that's the end. 总之有许多好处就是了。 Occupation altogether ten, can transfer the occupation of duty altogether to have seven at present. 职业一共有十个,目前可以转职的职业总共有七个。 Respectively is the bandits and thieves, hunter, master, pastor, the Saint knight, master and soldier. 分别是盗贼、猎人、法师、牧师、圣骑士、术士、战士。 Three are the race professional devil hunter, Druid, Shaman, needing the reincarnation becomes this/should race to be good. 还有三个是种族职业恶魔猎手、德鲁伊、萨满,需要转生成该种族才行。 After Muye thinking moment, walks toward the church that the pastor is at directly. 牧野思索片刻后,直接朝着牧师所在的教会走去。 The virtual game of furnace stone official site, making him have an approximate understanding regarding these occupations. 炉石官网的虚拟游戏,让他对于这些职业有一个大致的了解。 The master favors the attack, the pastor treats, the knight forms cliques, the soldier comes under attack, the bandits and thieves are flexible, the master autonomy, the hunter is quickly fierce needs to start behind to be incapable short fiercely. 法师更倾向攻击,牧师治疗,骑士拉帮结派,战士挨打,盗贼灵活,术士自残,猎人快猛短需要开始猛后面无力。 But in these occupations, Muye felt most disgusting is the pastor. 而在这些职业中,牧野觉得最恶心的就是牧师。 Because hits the pastor, whenever you must kill his one everywhere, he will accompany on the milk to this, disgusting. 因为打牧师,你每当要将他的一个随处打死的时候,他就会给这个随从奶上一口,恶心至极。 Cannot win joins. 正所谓打不赢就加入。 Therefore... 所以... Pastor king I, when decided!” “牧师王我当定了!”
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