MGTTUBS :: Volume #3

#217: Launching

Gives after the matter completely the prostitute handles, among flourishing then opens up the brain, starts design material that inspects That side Li Jia yi to transmit. 将事情全部交给花姐去办后,殷间便打开光脑,开始检查李佳怡那边发送过来的设计素材。 The background that after all plays is his formulation, the material that the opposite party designs and original tentative plan will be will definitely come and go out. 毕竟游戏的背景都是他那制定的,对方设计出来的素材和自己原本的设想肯定是会有所出入。 At this time he discovered, then let its revision. 这时候就得他来找出,然后让其修改。 Although this matter troubled a point, but since is the first reality that manufacture plays, naturally must strive for perfection. 虽然这件事是麻烦了一点,但既然是自己制作的第一款现实游戏,自然是要精益求精。 Must achieve inevitably well. 势必要做到最好。 The time passes in busy fast. 时间在忙碌中快速流逝。 Quick is two months passes. 很快又是两个月过去。 That side feedback from forest Xiao knew, in the data that so long as now they will play passes to the steam platform, can start the appointment. 从林晓晓那边的反馈得知,现在只要他们将游戏的数据上传到蒸汽平台,就可以开启预约了。 Informs everyone to meet.” “通知大家开会吧。” flourishing Jianwen said that said toward forest Xiao. 殷间闻言,朝着林晓晓说道。 Gives Li Jia yi That side design, in some near time have designed to be completed one after another, now were also the time start to conduct the propaganda of game. 交给李佳怡那边的设计,近些时间里已经陆续设计完成,现在也是时候开始进行游戏的宣传了。 forest Xiaoxiao heard flourishing gap/between the instruction, had not asked, turned around to go out to inform various departments directly. 林晓晓听到殷间的吩咐,没有多问,直接转身出门下去通知各部门了。 Quick, less than a half hour, about hundred staff had arrived at the conference room. 很快,不到半个小时的时间,近百员工就已经到达了会议室。 Was discussing mutually flourishing gap/between prepared to say anything. 相互讨论着殷间准备说什么。 And just joined the black heart entertainment not to see flourishing gap/between the staff much, regarding own mysterious boss also quite curious. 其中不少刚加入黑心娱乐还没有见过殷间的员工,对于自己的这个神秘老板也是相当的好奇。 They listened to the senior staff to speak the legend about oneself boss much. 他们可是听老员工讲了不少关于自己老板的传说。 Heard that the boss grows gracefully does not know very much real.” “听说老板长得很帅也不知道是不是真的。” If really you also do want to climb up the bed of boss to be inadequate? Awakes, you are a male.” “要是真的你还想爬上老板的床不成?醒醒吧,你是个男的。” In the discussion sound of staff, flourishing gap/between took a step to walk into the conference room. 在员工的讨论声中,殷间迈步走入了会议室。 His line of sight sweeps away, looked at the people in conference room. 他视线横扫,将会议室中的众人看了个遍。 After several months development, the total number of people of black heart entertainment has arrived at 127 people. 经过数月的发展,黑心娱乐的总人数已经来到127人。 Many of them are making all kinds of preparations outside for the manufacture and propaganda of game. 其中不少人在外面为游戏的制作与宣传做着各种各样的准备。 Therefore now gathers about 100 people in conference room, is at present the complete staff in company. 所以现在聚集在会议室中的近一百人,已经是目前在公司内的全部员工了。 After the look on staff face gets a panoramic view, among flourishing takes back the line of sight, before putting on a serious face to arrive left his board first place . 将员工们脸上的神色尽收眼底后,殷间收回视线,板着脸走到了留给他的会议桌首位前。 Looks at likely that a matter by oneself as far as possible. 尽量让自己看着像那么一回事。 Un . That... this .” “嗯..那个...这个..” flourishing gap/between said two, then shut up to look to odd/surplus Jia. 殷间说了两句,而后闭上嘴看向余佳。 Until looks at odd/surplus Jia to feel the whole body is scared, flourishing gap/between serious asking: That what, I must say that what is coming?” 直到看得余佳感觉浑身发毛的时候,殷间一本正经的问道:“那啥,我要说什么来着?” „...” “...” odd/surplus good full forehead heavy line. 余佳满脑门黑线。 You must say anything, how I know. 你要说啥,我咋知道。 Feels good that implications to kill the look of intent, flourishing gap/between smiled embarrasedly. 感受到余佳那蕴含杀意的眼神,殷间讪讪而笑。 Thought deeply about the moment silent is to remember oneself finally plans to say anything. 沉默思索片刻总算是想起自己打算说什么了。 He looks to the people: 他看向众人: After several months time, all we have prepared , then regarding our black heart entertainment most important stage.” “经过数月的时间,所有的准备我们都已经做好,接下来便是对于我们黑心娱乐最为重要的一个阶段。” Propaganda of game!” “游戏的宣传!” Said here, flourishing gap/between looked that said to forest Xiao: That side Sister Lin steam platform can turn on the reserve channel momentarily?” 说道这里,殷间看向林晓晓说道:“林姐蒸汽平台那边随时都可以开启预约通道吗?” Although he has known the answer, but others in company do not know that must therefore walk an interlude. 虽然他已经知道答案,但公司里的其他人不知道啊,所以还是要走一个过场。 Right.” “对。” Obtains forest Xiaoxiao to return, flourishing gap/between says immediately: Very good, waited for the conference to end, I will issue you need material completely, then you relate that side the steam platform to clear immediately.” 得到林晓晓回到,殷间立刻说道:“很好,等会议结束,我会把需要的资料全部发给你,而后你立刻联系蒸汽平台那边开通。” Remembers that labels the link of our official site in the introduction of game, and on bureau, so long as in the official site appointment and registering, can enjoy after the game issue plays permanently the game!” “记得在游戏的介绍标注出我们官网的链接,并且署上只要在官网预约并登录,便可在游戏发布后享受永久游玩游戏!” Among flourishing the voice fell, immediately creates thousand spray in the conference room. 殷间话音落下,立刻在会议室中激起千层浪花。 This . Can extremely.” “这..会不会太过了。” Yes, before other reality games, although has this activity, but also is only several thousand most 10,000 quotas.” “是呀,以前其他现实游戏虽然有这种活动,但也只是几千最多一万个名额而已。” The staff of understanding the true situation starts to discuss, among flourishing natural is very shocking. 不明真相的员工纷纷开始讨论,对于殷间的大方很是震惊。 And has the staff to prepare to take the risk of contradicting boss, wanted to urge flourishing gap/between to think things over carefully before acting. 并且已经有员工准备冒着顶撞上司的风险,想要劝殷间三思而后行。 After all looks like black heart entertainment high treatment the company is not easy to look, how Ok, they do not want to make the company go out of business. 毕竟像黑心娱乐这种高待遇的公司可不好找,如何可以,他们并不想让公司倒闭。 This is the strategic plan of company, everyone does not use anxiously.” “这是公司的战略部署,大家不用紧张。” Seeing the people are agitated, flourishing gap/between comforted to say. 见众人情绪激动,殷间安抚道。 After the people are peaceful, looks to odd/surplus Jia: I let in the official site build how virtual played?” 等众人都安静下来后,看向余佳:“我让在官网搭建的虚拟游戏怎么样了?” Therefore the content has tested, the balanced state has met the requirements, can directly use.” “所以内容都已经测试完毕,平衡性已经达到要求,可以直接使用。” odd/surplus said good. 余佳说道。 flourishing Jianwen said that after silent moment, said: And other conferences ended, you make that side the technical department increase a data again.” 殷间闻言,沉默片刻后说道:“等会议结束,你再让技术部那边增加一个数据。” „The real-time appointment data reality that will play comes out, and sets up several rewards, respectively is achieving 1 million, 10 million, 100 million, 1 billion, 10 billion, the population of so long as booking achieves, will reward to issue the player.” “将游戏的实时预约数据现实出来,并设立几个奖励,分别在达到一百万,一千万,一亿,十亿,百亿,只要预约的人数达到,就将奖励发给玩家。” What reward is the content of words?” odd/surplus asked good. “奖励的话的内容是什么?”余佳问道。 Card package.” flourishing gap/between said with a smile: Classical card package, special card package, then final 10 billion appointment bounty color chip packages.” “卡包。”殷间笑着说道:“经典卡包,特殊卡包,然后最后的百亿预约奖励金色卡包。” odd/surplus nods good, as for card package that flourishing gap/between said that after she understood content of game was also clear, this quite therefore delivered the player a drawing opportunity. 余佳点头,至于殷间说的卡包,在她了解完游戏的内容以后也是清楚,这就相当于是送玩家一次抽奖的机会。 Replied that odd/surplus Jia asking, flourishing gap/between looked on the people: What issue does everyone have? In work, at game can ask, can solve solves in the conference as far as possible.” 回答完余佳的问道,殷间将视线放到众人身上:“大家还有什么问题没有?工作上的,游戏上的都可以问,能解决的尽量就在会议上解决。” The vision takes a fast look around the people. 目光扫视众人。 Long time later, the staff somewhat raised the hand hesitant. 良久之后,才有一名员工有些犹豫的举起了手。 flourishing gap/between saw, immediately opens the mouth: You have what issue.” 殷间见到,立刻开口:“你有什么问题。” Sees the surrounding colleague to look to oneself, after this raising hand staff hesitant moment, then somewhat embarrassed asking: flourishing that can ask that the game of our company does name?” 见周围的同事都看向自己,这名举手的员工犹豫片刻后这才有些不好意思的问道:“殷总那个能问一下咱们公司的游戏叫什么名字吗?” Asked after this issue, he lowers the head immediately. 问出这个问题后,他立刻低下了头。 Seemed like feels disgraced, him has somewhat entered duty one month after all, finally the game of company named does not know. 似乎是觉得有些丢人,毕竟他已经入职一个多月了,结果连自己公司的游戏到底叫什么名字都不知道。 But his issue , is to make the people expression of conference room stagnate. 而他的这个问题,也是让会议室的众人表情一滞。 The entire conference room fell into a strange peace like this. 整个会议室就这样陷入到了一种诡异的安静之中。 That asked the staff who has problems sees this, but also thinks oneself made what huge mistake. 那名问出问题的员工见此,还以为自己犯了什么大错。 The back was moistened by the cold sweat immediately. 后背顿时被冷汗打湿。 In the heart complained of hardship at the same time, trembling looked to flourishing gap/between, waited for punishing of boss. 心中叫苦的同时,战战兢兢的看向殷间,等待自家老板的发落。 However he does not know, what is more awkward than him was flourishing gap/between. 然而他不知道,比他更尴尬的是殷间。 Because, he really forgot to remember game this. 因为,他是真的忘记取游戏名这一茬了。 Yes, do we play to name?” “是呀,我们游戏叫什么名字?” The Rwandan fruit asked. 卢果问道。 Before he also thinks that was flourishing gap/between is keeping guessing, finally looked like on the situation, this fellow obviously was very simple this matter forgetting. 之前他还以为是殷间在卖关子,结果就现场的情况看来,这家伙显然是很干脆的把这件事给忘了。 But as a qualified friend who is a bad influence, he also inserted a blade immediately unrestrained/no trace of politeness. 而作为一名合格的损友,他也是立马毫不客气的插了一刀。 „...” “...” After staring one wickedly looks at own Lu fruit grinningly, flourishing gap/between feels from surroundings staff the line of sight. 恶狠狠瞪了一眼正笑嘻嘻的看着自己的卢果后,殷间感受到来自周围员工的视线。 Forehead cannot help but flows off drop of cold sweat. 额头不由自主的流下一滴冷汗。 That . Should the game of our company... calls «Furnace Stone»?” “那个..我们公司的游戏...应该是叫《炉石》吧?”
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