Although the eveningshocksinLorenfights with the fiststo fly, after the shadowfallswithin the bodycontinued the charmsimilarly, thereforewhenthatshadowanotherfistpoundedfell, both handsare condensing the coldicecharm, haunched a guard/shieldcoldicebarrier, kept off the fist of shadow.
The quickeveningalsofelt the fearfulness of thatfiststrength, after seeing only the barriercollision of the fistandeveningtop of the head of thatshadow, thatfrostguard/shieldcovered entirely the deepcrackimmediately, butshe and ground of lasolethunderedto break the spider webcrackin the strength of proliferation.
很快夕也感受到了那一拳力量的可怕,只见那黑影的一拳和夕头顶的屏障碰撞后,那冰霜的护罩顿时就布满了深深的龟裂,而她和洛菈脚底的地面更是在扩散的力道中轰鸣着破碎出蛛网般的裂纹。„Whatmonster is thisfellow?”
The eveningis feeling the hugestrength of under foottransmission, cannot bearlook uptothatsuddenshadow, can only see that fellowfigureis huge, but the whole bodywas coveredunder the black robeperson, the fistwas wrappedby the black ironsameglove.
夕感受着脚下传动的巨大力道,忍不住抬头看向那突然出现的黑影,只能看出那个家伙身形巨大,不过全身都被覆盖在黑袍人之下,就连拳头都被黑铁一样的手套所包裹。Howeverwhatis most astonishingis the battle qifluctuation of itswithin the body, onlyfeared that is also toponerowinhigh rank, battle qithento give the powerfulpressure.
不过最惊人的还是其体内的斗气波动,只怕是在高阶中也属于顶尖的一列,斗气一出便给人以强大的威压。Buthe is also only a fistalmostpenetrates the barrier of eveningsupportwith hardshipdirectly, what kind ofresult does such a terrifyingfisthitdirectlyonLoren'sbodycanbe?
The eveningknows that Lorenis very strong, butheafter all is a magician, ifguardsahead of time, indeedwill not dreadthisattack, doing tothisfellow is actually the directsneak attack, moreoveriswhenthreepeoplecome outfrom the shop, no onethinksradicallywill have the attackatthis kind of time, thereforeLorenwas striked to flywithoutprotection.
The eveningdoes not dareto imagineLorento encounterthisto strike to bewhatsituation, perhaps the severe woundis the bestresult.
夕都不敢想像洛伦遭遇这一击会是什么情况,恐怕重伤已经算是最好的结果。But after thisshadowjumps downsuddenlylaunches the attack, sees onlythesepeople on streetalsocompletelyto have a scare, after thatgiantsoundresounds, theyseeLorenstriked to flyone, is screamingdispersingcompletely, all of a sudden the evening and side of ladoes not havehalfperson's shadowagain.
而这个黑影突然跳下来展开攻击后,只见街道上的那些人也是全部被吓了一跳,等到那巨大的动静响起后,他们就看到洛伦被打飞的一幕,然后全部尖叫着散开,一下子夕和洛菈的身边就再无半个人影。Howeverwas a depressedfistpoundsinthis timethatshadow, the barrier that the eveninghaunchedhad no possibility of defenseagain, accordinglybrokenunderthatfist, butwhilebarriershatter, the eveningalsothrewto hughertolaside, simultaneously the under footicebluerayflashed, the iciclesprangtogetherdirectly, making the eveningleapwith the strength.
A fist that the black robepersonpursuesalmosthugsin the eveningflickersshellsonthaticicle that lais leaping, battle qi the eruptionto pound the fragmentto blast out the entireicicledirectly.
黑袍人追击的一拳几乎是在夕抱着洛菈跃开的一瞬就轰击在那冰柱上,斗气爆发直接将整个冰柱砸成了碎片炸开。Howeverwhen the black robepersonimportantlyfollowstwo peopleformsto pursue, suddenlyisdiscovered that the both feetis not knownanythingspreadsfrozecoldly in same place, howeverhewas onlycoldsnort/humone, battle qi, broke the under footcoldiceinstantaneously.
The eveningsaw that thiscannot bearclench teeth, if notshe, when the fusiondemonalmighty troopsconsumedtoomanypsychic forces, is insufficientto be inso the situationdistressedly.
夕看到这一幕忍不住咬了咬牙,如果不是她在融合魔神兵的时候消耗了太多的精神力,也不至于狼狈到如此地步。Nowshestimulates to movement the charmeach time, the headseems like the needleto grip the samepain, is unable to transfer the sufficientcharmto hinder the action of thatblack robeperson.
现在她每次催动魔力,脑袋都像是针扎一样的痛苦,也无法调动足够的魔力去阻碍那个黑袍人的行动。At this moment the eveningisto also feeloneselffaced the enormouscrisis, facingsuchpowerful enemyshein this stateat all is not the opponent.
The eveningjustheldlato fallon the ground, thatblack robepersontrod the ground, the fall of ground, buthisfigure was actually suddendisappearance, appearedintwo peoplebehind.
The eveningexpressionchanges, turns aroundoruses the charmradicallywithout enough time, thatshadowthenopensinher the doublearm restbehind, hugstoward the evening, as ifmustdeadlockherin the bosom.
夕表情一变,根本来不及转身或者动用魔力,那个黑影便在她的身后双臂撑开,向着夕抱去,仿佛要将她锁死在怀中。Howeverwhen the bodyleans forward, thatblack robeperson'seyesfromhoodissawsuddenly the eveningbosomlalifts the indifferentbright reddoublepupil, although the eveningis unable to turn around, butlawas heldbyherin the bosom, is actually just rightto the black robeperson, a girlwhite and tendersmall handwas aiming athimlater, a goldenancient and abstruselawrevolution, then the lasinghastogether the blazinglight beamin her hands.
The dragonclanmagic, the Evil Dragonroared!
龙族魔法,恶龙咆哮!Thisstrikes the light beamagonicjustnot to shellin the chest of black robeperson, wasrumblesto flyhimunexpectedlydirectly.
这一击光束不偏不正刚好轰击在黑袍人的胸口,竟然是直接将他轰飞了出去。Butthis momenteveningalsoinflickersto holdla that the light beamprojectsto turn around, justsaw that black robepersonwas struckone that flies, theneveningsomewhatinconceivablelooked atbosomla.
而此刻夕也是在光束射出去的一瞬抱着洛菈转身,刚好就看到那个黑袍人被击飞的一幕,然后夕有些不可思议的看了一眼怀里的洛菈。„la, you......”
The eveningsomewhatsuspected that owneye, thathuman and animalsharmlessla can actually release the powerfulmagicto wastethatblack robepersonlike this.
夕有些怀疑自己的眼睛,那个人畜无害的洛菈竟然能够释放出这样的强大的魔法将那个黑袍人打飞。„Eveningelder sister, thendepended onyou.”Howeverlasaidthese wordsfaintedin the bosom of evening, dullwoolalsoaskewletting fall, the lafull powerurged a Evil Dragon that sentto roaremptiedhercharmcompletely.
The eveninglooks atdizzypastlathoughtsincomparablecomplex, thensheenclasps, raising the head that lacoldlylooked that crawlsagain the black robepersonfrom the ground since to that side.
夕看着晕过去的洛菈心思不禁无比的复杂,然后她又是将洛菈抱紧,冷冷的抬头看向那边再次从地面爬起的黑袍人。A moment ago the attackbang of laon the body of black robeperson, makinghischestburned blackonepiece, butthisinjuryregarding the black robepersonat all is notanything, on the contraryishismoodbecomescruel.
刚才洛菈的攻击轰在黑袍人的身上,让他的胸口变得焦黑一片,不过这点伤势对于黑袍人来说根本不算什么,反倒是他的情绪变得更加的暴戾。„Damnbastard...... youruin all my, I must makeyoupay the price......”
The doublepupil under black robepersonhoodfilled the bloodlight, onhim the fightinggas range the incomparableevil thoughtis dispersingfromhisbody, the imposing manneralsobecomesastonishing.
“杀!”Hearsthatblack robepersonlowdrinksoneto roar.
紧接着就听到那黑袍人低低的喝出一声咆哮。Inhisbattle qievenstartsto glitter the blood redray, having an impact of air waveto blast out, the black robepersonturned toward the eveningejectionto goagain.
他的斗气之中甚至开始闪烁着血红色的光芒,带起了一阵气浪的冲击炸开,黑袍人再次向着夕弹射而去。Howeverat this time the eveninglooksthatblack robepersonto/clashesactuallybecomes the incomparablecalmness, inher thought that flowing of entirespace and timeas ifstartsbecomesslow, the doublepupil of nextsecond of eveningcatches the blood-colorsuddenly, hericeblue coloris sending the silkendalsoto startto turn toward the bright redtransformation.
不过此时夕看着那黑袍人冲来却是变得无比的冷静,她的思维之中,整个时空的流动似乎都开始变得缓慢,下一秒夕的双瞳蓦然染上血色,连带着她的冰蓝色发丝末梢也开始向着鲜红色转变。Insituation that in the icedragoncharmis unable to take advantage , the eveningwasto actually planto awaken the deep sleepon own initiative in within the body, sufferedherfor several yearsten„curse”!
在冰龙魔力无法依仗的情况下,夕却是打算主动唤醒了沉睡在她体内,折磨了她十数年的“诅咒”!Experienced the transformation of bloodpond, thatcurseno longeris the pain of evening, butcantransform the strength that shecancontrol.
经历了血池的蜕变,那份诅咒不再是夕的痛苦,而是能够转变成她可以掌控的力量。Howeverandgrazedactuallyto look upto the midairblack robepersoninthis timeeveningsuddenly, onlysaw a hugeshadowcovered, tore the airsuddenly, whenthatblack robepersonraised the headlooked, numerouspoundedtohim, thatblack robepersonboth armshave not haunched, was poundedby the shadow, the whole personrushed tohalfto fly upside down.
然而就在这个时候夕和飞掠至半空黑袍人却是突然抬头看去,只看到一道巨大黑影笼罩过来,骤然撕裂了空气,就在那黑袍人抬头看去的时候,重重的向他砸去,那黑袍人双臂还未撑起,就被黑影砸中,整个人冲到一半就倒飞了回去。Inthis timeeveningshockingseeing clearly, thenpounds the black robeperson is really onehasseveralmetersgreatsword that flies!!!
A familiarsoundresoundsin the ear of evening.
紧接着一个熟悉的声音在夕的耳边响起。„- That sidefellow, youthinks how good to die?”
“-那边的家伙,你想好要怎么死了吗?”Sees onlyonthat sideLorendoes not know when the wallhole of thatcollapsinggoes out, the youngsterscratched the dust of mouthbad, the expressionverylooks at that sidebygreatsword„inserting”in the black robeperson of ground.
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