MCBW :: Volume #43

#4292: Five too

Pen interest pavilion, renews my iceberg beauty wife most quickly! 笔趣阁,最快更新我的冰山美女老婆! Ye Fan gawked, immediately filled two liquor, muttered: Your old boy praised me, my actually not be used.” 叶帆愣了下,随即灌了两口酒,咕哝道:“你个老小子夸我,我倒不习惯了。” Has not praised you, Ye Wuya said lightly: I spoke fact that's all.” “也没夸你”,叶无涯淡淡道:“我只是讲了事实罢了。” Ye Fan lightly chuckled, was indifferent. 叶帆轻笑了下,也无所谓了。 Said you, why can work as extradition?” “还是说说你吧,为何要当个引渡者?” Even does not have you, will these creator, still ford sooner or later?” “就算没有你,那些造物主,也迟早会渡河吧?” Ye Wuya not anxiously reply, but opened the earthenware cooking pot, cooks the soybean inside salty pig's feet, scooped up one bowl to come out to Ye Fan. 叶无涯没急着回答,而是揭开砂锅,将里面的咸猪蹄炖黄豆,给叶帆舀了一碗出来。 First eats, chats while eating.” “先吃,边吃边聊。” Ye Fan is impolite, pig's feet that the soft glutinous salty fragrant soybean soup entrance, the meat greets the nostrils fragrant, entrance. 叶帆也不客气,软糯咸香的黄豆汤入口,肉香扑鼻的猪蹄,入口即化。 Old wine, thick soup, wonderful. 一口老酒,一口浓汤,妙不可言。 I want to know, my actually is who.” “我想知道,我究竟是谁。” When Ye Fan eats enjoys oneself to the full, Ye Wuya opens the mouth to chat. 就在叶帆吃得尽兴的时候,叶无涯开口聊了起来。 When I awaken, realizes five is too existence of infinite loop, I constantly asked oneself, from where however came, also will go to where.” “当我觉醒,意识到五太是无限循环的存在,我就不断地问自己,从何而来,将去往何处。” Perhaps I am part of the world tree, or part of Divine Dragon, I am indefinite.” “或许我是世界树的一部分,亦或是神龙的一部分,我也不确定。” In the long years, my does not have found the clear answer, had not found similar.” “在漫长的岁月里,我没有找到明确的答案,也没找到一个同类。” Ye Wuya was calm, seems saying the immaterial idle day. 叶无涯语气平静,仿佛说着无关紧要的闲天。 Just like all intelligent lives, arrives in the world, actually the final goal, is the significance that seeks for has.” “跟所有的智慧生命一样,来到世上,其实最终的目标,就是寻找自我存在的意义。” „After looking at the innumerable circulations, I realized, wants to understand I myself thoroughly, first found similar.” “看了无数次循环后,我就意识到,想要彻底了解我自己,就得先找到一个同类。” However my similar, must understand five truly too, is not the understanding in wording, but is...... the true comprehension.” “而我的同类,必须真正理解五太,不是字面上的理解,而是……真正的领悟。” Ye Fan nods, „, therefore you start to raise gu, do trained creator, times catch up with the group creator to cross the river?” 叶帆点头,“所以你开始‘养蛊’,一次次培养造物主,一次次赶着群造物主渡河?” not bad.” 不错。” Ye Wuya acknowledged: Wanted to find one, was like me truly, can see clearly five too essential similar, that must experience five too samsara completely.” 叶无涯承认道:“想要找到一个,真正跟我一样,能看清五太本质的同类,那就必须完整地经历五太轮回。” If wants to achieve this thing, must first have the sufficient strength, had the strength, can have the vision, can arrive to cross the river that step.” “要想做到这件事,首先得有足够的实力,有了实力,才能有眼界,才能走到渡河那一步。” „It seems like, you go to the avenue casually, looks for some passers-by, or goes to the Internet forum, looks for some Internet users.” “就好像,你随便去大街上,找一些路人,亦或是去网络论坛,找一些网民。” In them many people, can shoot the breeze with you, from life realm, to the universe is vast, all sorts of people, various deity Buddha, seems omniscient......” “他们中很多人,都可以跟你高谈阔论,小到人生境界,大到宇宙浩渺,三教九流,诸天神佛,好似无所不知……” But the reality is, they think to think, is only they sits well view day that's all, rather than five truth too.” “可现实是,他们所思所想,都只是他们坐井观天罢了,而不是五太的真相。” In brief, even rules the person who a potential surface is unable to achieve, is not possible to understand five truly too.” “简而言之,连统治一个位面都无法做到的人,是不可能真正理解五太的。” „Similar to this pot pig's feet soybean soup, you do not go to taste truly, but listens to the person to describe the description, will not appreciate in truly the taste.” “就如同这锅猪蹄黄豆汤,你不去真正尝过,只是听人形容描述,就不会真正体味到个中滋味。” Only pitifully......, even if these startled certainly the colorful creator, after fording, to oneself all cognition, had the vacillation.” “只可惜……纵然是那些惊才绝艳的造物主,渡河后,也对自己所有的认知,产生了动摇。” „The such person, will only be an armchair strategist with these essentially, person of baseless imagination, and no difference.” 这样的人,本质上与那些只会纸上谈兵,凭空想象的人,并没什么区别。” They will only see, five want to make them see, but will not ponder why five must make them see these.” “他们只会看到,五太想让他们看到的,而不会去思考,为何五太要让他们看到这些。” Said that actually...... I must look, can get to the bottom truly, understands why all are ‚’ person......” “说到底……我要找的,是真正能追根溯源,明白一切是‘为什么’的人……” Ye Fan can understand at this moment actually, that feeling of Ye Wuya. 叶帆此刻倒是能理解,叶无涯的那种感觉。 He in the Lord world in this year, although is short, but this type people all are drunk I awake alone the taste, actually also by no means feels better. 他在主世界这一年,虽然短暂,但这种“众人皆醉我独醒”的滋味,其实也并不好受。 Regarding Ye Wuya, although he as if keeps aloof, but actually has unbearable chill in a high position. 对于叶无涯而言,虽然他似乎高高在上,但其实高处不胜寒。 This entire world thought that you were insane, in reality you feeling of person of sobering, by no means is who can withstand only. 这种全世界都觉得你疯了,实则你才是唯一清醒之人的感受,并不是谁都能承受的。 Just like but Ye Wuya said, this matter, explained also useless, must realize truly is good. 可正如叶无涯所说,这种事,解释了也没用,必须真正体会才行。 If before fording, Ye Wuya told him, after he forded, will arrive at Taiji, will return to Earth...... 若是在渡河前,叶无涯告诉他,他渡河后,会来到太极,会回到地球…… Ye Wuya told him, Heavenspan, Nüwa these antiquity Great God, chose became the mortal...... 叶无涯告诉他,通天,女娲这些上古大神,都选择了成为凡人…… Ye Fan does not believe! 叶帆根本不会相信! How too can be Taiji easily? What significance do they cultivation also? 太易怎么会是太极呢?那他们修炼还有什么意义? It can be predicted that most people will feel that is talks nonsense! 可以预见,多数人都会觉得,那是胡扯! Therefore...... you meet each time, only leaves behind some obscure prompts, rather than told me directly the truth?” “所以……你才会每一次,都只留下一些晦涩的提示,而不是直接告诉我真相?” Also not complete.” “也不尽然。” Ye Wuya shakes the head saying: Before I said that even I, am unable to violate five some fundamental rules too.” 叶无涯摇头道:“之前我就说了,就算是我,也无法违背五太的一些基本规则。” Five too essentially, are by the world tree control, except for the strength of emperor, the including Divine Dragon creates the world, the demon dragon Huangmie world, is one point of five too revolutions.” “五太本质上,还是由世界树掌控,除了帝王之力,就连神龙创世,魔龙皇灭世,也都是五太运转的一环。” Why this is also, you will be won Dragon Soul, actually retained the strength of emperor.” “这也是为何,你会被夺走龙魂,却保留了帝王之力。” Is the such closed cycle, lets five too all, the methodical land wheel has returned.” “就是这样的封闭循环,让五太中的一切,一直都有条不紊地轮回。” However once some people want to break this type of shackles, will receive the world tree interferes......” “而有人一旦想要打破这种桎梏,就会受到世界树的干涉……” White space that you see, is when five were too challenged regularly, the world tree conducts the buffer that interferes with enter forcefully.” “你所看到的白色空间,就是在五太规则受到挑战的时候,世界树进行强行干涉所进入的缓冲区。” Only then and other world trees arrange all these, you can go out from the white space.” “只有等世界树将这一切重新安排好,你才能从白色空间出去。” Naturally, possibly cannot go out again......” “当然,也可能再也出不去……” Ye Fan has had profound understanding of this actually, a moment ago this white space, but also tries to swallow him. 叶帆对这个倒是已经深有体会,刚才这白色空间,还试图将他吞噬。 Just, has seen through five too essential him thoroughly , like the old glutton, to this regulating system immunity. 只不过,彻底已经看穿五太本质的他,已经和老吃货一样,对这个调整系统免疫了。 Even I, still by no means can dominate in five too above.” “就算是我,也并不能凌驾在五太之上。” Ye Wuya continues saying: I try to challenge five rules too each time, will be deleted forcefully remembers, this is the world tree to my limit.” 叶无涯继续道:“我每次试图挑战五太的规则,也会被强行删改记忆,这是世界树对我的限制。” But I will try the different status each time, constantly adjusts, found the person who possibly successfully awakened.” “但我每次都会尝试不同的身份,不断调整,来找到最可能成功觉醒的人。” „The such experience, I myself did not record clear, actually many times.” 这样的经历,我自己都记不清,究竟多少次了。” However with my strength rise, will awaken more comes more memories.” “而随着我实力提升,就会唤醒越来越多的记忆。” Whenever I cross the river, the memory will regain consciousness basically thoroughly......” “每当我渡河,记忆基本就会彻底苏醒……” But, even if I really has complete remembers, ahead of time told you, five truth too, were still not necessarily able to make you come here.” “只不过,就算我真的有全部记忆,提前告诉你,五太的真相,也未必能让你来到这里。” Only then your true oneself became aware, was belongs your.” “只有你真正自己悟到了,才是属于你的。” Ye Fan knits the brows, on could it be that ferry, other scratch , do you stay behind?” 叶帆皱眉,“难道那渡船上,别的划痕,也都你留下的?” Majority, Ye Wuya said: I also once gave the other person, left behind some signals, but their without like you, seeks the clue that I give.” “大部分吧”,叶无涯道:“我也曾给别的人,留下了一些信号,但他们并没有像你一样,去寻找我给的线索。” Ye Fan curls the lip, that book is you writes? I said where comes the such coincidence the matter......” 叶帆撇嘴,“那书就是你写的吧?我就说,哪来这么巧合的事……” I with instinct, some design bridge section that's all, you, if cannot cross the river, I make anything useless, Ye Wuya said. “我不过凭着本能,设计其中的一些桥段罢了,你若渡不了河,我做什么都没用”,叶无涯道。 Ye Fan deeply inspires, originally, he also wants to ask that some personal issues, for example oneself grandmother dragon Jingyou, for example Pangu, is other, with the Ye Wuya concerned person. 叶帆深吸一口气,本来,他还想问一些私人问题,比如自己祖母龙静幽,比如盘古,还是别的,跟叶无涯有关的人。 But now, he realizes suddenly, these to the old glutton, feared has seen through. 可现在,他突然意识到,这些对老吃货而言,怕是早已经看开了。 When he remembers recovers thoroughly, changes the most original appearance, means, he can remember the experiences of innumerable samsara. 当他记忆彻底复苏,变回最原来的样子,也就意味着,他能想起无数次轮回的经历。 Then one, some once several sentiments, to him, do not seem important. 那么一来,曾经的某几段感情,对他而言,似乎也就没那么重要了。 At present this person, fears besides the world tree, five too most are close to god existence. 眼前这个人,怕是除了世界树以外,五太中最接近“神”的存在了。 He looks like five self- miniatures too, seeks for the significance that oneself is having unceasingly. 他就像是五太的一个自我缩影,不断找寻着自己存在的意义。 Old glutton, are actually five too...... what?” This thinks that oneself understood the world truth, but in the Ye Fan mind, actually also jumped such a issue. “老吃货,五太……究竟是什么?”本以为自己了解了世界真相,可叶帆脑海中,却不禁蹦出了这样一个问题。
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