MCBW :: Volume #37

#3687: The finals continue to postpone

Pen interest pavilion, renews my iceberg beauty wife most quickly! 笔趣阁,最快更新我的冰山美女老婆! Hears Ye Fan this saying, Ren Tiankuo and Jian Yuzhu were scared, this is playing? 听到叶帆这话,任天阔和简玉竹都傻眼了,这是在玩么? They facing this mysterious quizzer, do not have the strength to hit back. 他们面对这个神秘的提问者,毫无还手之力。 Ye Fan is booing, but also played question and answer game?! 叶帆倒好,还玩起“问答游戏”了?! The silver empty shadow also is very obviously angry, do not think oneself infallible, if not for this inferior body, is unable to display my strength, how to accommodate your so presumptuous?” 白银虚影显然也很愤怒,“别自以为是了,若不是这具劣等的身体,无法发挥出我的实力,岂容你如此放肆?” Ye Fan is also disinclined to argue, „did you actually ask?” 叶帆也懒得争辩,“你到底问不问?” Silver empty shadow cold snort/hum the sound, lifted the hand suddenly, the front presented principal white energy books. 白银虚影冷哼了声,忽然一抬手,面前出现了一本银白色的能量书籍。 After that books open, writing that massive Ye Fan cannot understand, starts to reappear. 那书本翻开后,大量叶帆看不懂的文字,开始浮现出来。 In a twinkling, several hundred issues, showed in the Ye Fan front. 霎时间,数百个问题,展现在了叶帆的面前。 King swordsman, this is my lifetime studies, difficult problem that is unable to solve, if you can answer, I from departing!” “帝王剑客,这就是我毕生所学,也无法破解的难题,你若能答出来,我自离去!” Ye Fan said: You with the writing that some I can understand, this examination question does not make one understand, how mathematics problem?” 叶帆道:“你好歹用些我看得懂的文字,这考题不让人看懂,怎么算题?” Any writing has the own rule, if you are unable to understand the writing, is your knowledge is not very profound.” “任何文字都有自己的规律,你若无法读懂文字,就是你的学识不够渊博。” „The true wise man, contacts the strange writing even, can still study independently to decode!” The silver empty shadow said. “真正的智者,就算是接触陌生的文字,也可以自学破解!”白银虚影道。 Ye Fan silently the symbols of these issues, all in mind. 叶帆默默将这些问题的符号,全都记在了脑海中。 These writing, are this fellow the clues of status background, although he cannot understand, but always right. 这些文字,是这家伙的身份背景的线索,虽然他看不懂,但记着总没错。 considers as finished, my cannot answer, Ye Fan has to give up. 算了吧,我一个都答不上来”,叶帆只好放弃。 Finishes speaking, Ye Fan discovered suddenly, these examination questions turned into to congeal the solid energy compared with former even more, raided instantaneously toward him! 话音刚落,叶帆陡然发现,这些考题变成了一道道比之前更加凝实的能量,瞬间朝他袭来! Probably one crowd of savage Hyena, must bite to nip him directly completely! 就好像一群凶残的鬣狗,要将他直接噬咬殆尽! Ren Tiankuo and Jian Yuzhu could not see, Ye Fan is encountering the raging tide general attack. 任天阔和简玉竹根本看不到,叶帆在遭遇狂潮般的进攻。 They can only see, Ye Fan and that to win present the topic from the night in the question and answer, cannot detect this moment bad risk! 他们只能看到,叶帆和那嬴从夜在问答做题,根本察觉不到这一刻的凶险! Ye Fan lifts conveniently, liquid sword intent such as the coal tide, several hundred curses that wells up, the total washes out! 叶帆随手一抬,液态剑意如黑金浪潮,将那涌来的数百道诅咒,全数冲散! The silver empty shadow complexion is imposing, hurries to dodge. 白银虚影面色凛然,赶紧闪躲开去。 „Can the strength of your emperor, break my deep meaning seriously?!” “你的帝王之力,当真能破我的奥义?!” Deep meaning?” “奥义?” also is this word. 是这个词。 Ye Fan knits the brows, his heart had actually guessed early, but many have been able to confirm now. 叶帆皱眉,他其实心里早有所猜测,但现在多少已经能确认了。 You are not the person in this world, are you gold? Silver race?” “你不是这个世界的人,你是黄金?还是白银种族?” The empty shadow said callously: You know sooner or later, but by that time, the strength of your emperor, thing returning to rightful owner!” 虚影冷酷道:“你早晚会知道,而到那时,你的帝王之力,将物归原主!” The voice drops at the same time, in the silver empty shadow top of the head, dazzles the goal radiant radiance together, covers it! 话音落下的同时,白银虚影头顶上,一道炫目的璀璨光华,将它笼罩! Ye Fan first waited and saw discretely, immediately saw that empty shadow strips from body of night from to win...... 叶帆先是谨慎地观望了下,随即就看到,那虚影从嬴从夜的身体里剥离出来…… It is not good! Must escape!? 不好!是要逃跑!? A Ye Fan sword dragon shadow, kills in that light beam certainly! 叶帆一个剑龙绝影,杀到那光柱之中! sword intent sweeps, cut obviously, what effect also does not have but was actually!? 剑意一扫,明明砍中了,但却是什么效果也没有!? How can like this!? 怎么会这样!? Ye Fan in great surprise, own sword intent can ruin energy all around properly speaking, this escaping method, should be broken is! 叶帆大惊,按理说自己的剑意能毁掉周遭的能量,这种逃跑手段,也该被打断才是! could it be said, this method displaying, is his sword intent is unable to go to forcefully destruction powerhouse at present? 难道说,这种手段的施展者,是目前他的剑意也无法去强行破坏的强者 Ye Fan stands in that brilliant splendid light, looks up, that silver empty shadow escaped gradually into piece of chaos Void...... 叶帆站在那绚烂华光之中,抬头望上去,那白银虚影渐渐遁入了一片混沌的虚空之中…… If oneself also attempts to go, can find secret black hand of this fellow? 如果自己也尝试进去,是不是就能找到这家伙的幕后黑手 Although takes risk, but if the ignores it leaves, when its also ambushes, is big intractable problem Ah ! 虽然冒险,但如果放任它离开,它什么时候潜伏回来,也是一大棘手问题啊! After all, except for oneself, others wants to discover that this curse, decodes it, was too difficult! 毕竟,除了自己,其他人想要发现这个“诅咒”,破解它,太难了! Ye Fan clenches teeth, without how much time considered , he is for a penny and for a pound pursuing that silver empty shadow directly, submerged in that chaos! 叶帆一咬牙,也没多少时间考虑了,他一不做二不休,直接追着那白银虚影,没入了那片混沌之中! In sword intent and inkstone ice armor and dragon blood battle armor and other in defense attitudes, Ye Fan felt that oneself body is light, entered the null-gravity state shortly. 在一身剑意和砚冰甲、龙血战甲等各种防御状态中,叶帆感觉自己身体轻飘飘的,短暂地进入了无重力状态。 Immediately, at present changes, the white fog is all around boundless, anything cannot see. 随即,眼前一变,周遭白雾茫茫,什么都看不见。 Which what's the matter...... did that fellow go?” “怎么回事……那家伙去哪了?” Ye Fan is trying the release lost knowledge, searches for all traces all around. 叶帆试着释放出神识,去搜寻周遭的一切蛛丝马迹。 However he felt that searched for beyond the long distance, except for white fog, no other other! 但是他感觉搜了十万八千里外,都除了白雾,别无其他! he also tried to test spatial transmission, but is unable to transmit to any region, probably oneself was imprisoned in such strange spacious place. 他又试了试用空间传送,但也无法传送到任何区域,像是自己被囚禁在了这样一个古怪的空旷之地。 „The sword frost is cold!” 一剑霜寒!” Ye Fan was worried about oneself is the illusion, also sword swept away the four directions, the black golden sword intent ripple proliferated. 叶帆担心自己是中了幻觉,一剑横扫四方,黑金色剑意波纹扩散开去。 But in the white fog filled sword intent, also returns to normal. 可白雾中只是弥漫了一下剑意,恢复平静。 Ye Fan was ignorant, should oneself also not go to a similar abyss to be the same, has the strange place that does not have? 叶帆懵了,该不会自己去了一个类似九渊一样,有进无出的古怪地方吧? This left a big matter, even if oneself does not have the danger temporarily, the women may...... 这可出大事了,哪怕自己暂时没危险,女人们可就…… Damn...... bet one. “该死……只是赌一把了”。 Ye Fan pulls out all miracle cures that strengthens body, force in the mouth, as soon as possible disintegration absorption. 叶帆掏出所有强化身体的灵丹,塞进口中,尽快解体吸收。 Ye Fan felt, even if takes the risk that possibly is seriously injured, he must promote the pinnacle the own condition! 叶帆觉得,即便冒着可能受重伤的风险,他也要将自己的状态提升到极致! Only by doing so, he can use the even more high realm angle of view, analyzes the present situation...... 只有那样,他才能用更加境界的视角,来分析现在的处境…… Six heavy...... disintegration!” “六重……解体!” Before with the help of Yan Di, has entered successfully one time, by six heavy, he entered into the true God boundary. 之前在炎帝的帮助下,成功进入过一次,也是靠六重,他迈入了真神境。 Now does not have Yan Di, but the a little bit/bit by bit time, he thought that should not die. 现在没炎帝,可那么一点点时间,他觉得应该不会死。 Each cell of whole body, just like universe large explosion general, releases the powerful energy crazily! 浑身的每一个细胞,宛如宇宙大爆炸一般,疯狂释放出强大的能量! Ye Fan is familiar with this feeling, but this time also incomparable pain! 叶帆熟悉这种感觉,但这次无比痛苦! Ah !-” 啊!-” The Ye Fan innermost feelings shout, but clenches teeth to insist, with unparalleled understands clearly here all attentively...... 叶帆内心嘶吼,但咬牙坚持,全神贯注地用无双洞悉这里的一切…… When six heavy disintegration in an instant, present white fog world, suddenly big change! 当六重解体的刹那间,眼前的白雾世界,陡然大变! Just like entered a grotesque and gaudy vast deep space, the innumerable galaxy heavenly bodies are revolving. 宛如是进入了一个光怪陆离的浩瀚深空,无数星系天体在运转。 But in this boundless universe, as if with the giant life body of universe general size! 而在这茫茫宇宙中,有一尊仿佛跟宇宙一般大小的巨型生命体! That life body wears a white golden royal crown, the whole piece face is hidden in a darkness. 那生命体头戴一顶白金色王冠,整张脸都隐没在一片黑暗之中。 The innumerable galaxies, before him, are only dust general! 无数星系,在他面前,就只是尘埃一般 His such sits in one to the inconceivable throne on a big way, the fuzzy face under royal crown, seems to be overlooking Ye Fan. 他就这么坐在一张大到不可思议的王座上,王冠下的模糊的面孔,似乎在俯瞰着叶帆 In a twinkling! Ye Fan feels a capital stock to be able crisis and fear! 霎时间!叶帆感觉到一股本能的危机与恐惧! He of fearless, has one type escaped quickly the intuition! 天不怕地不怕的他,却有了一种“快逃跑”的直觉! But at this moment, that mysterious life body, in a big way extends one toward him to the odd great hand suddenly. 可就在这时,那个神秘的生命体,突然朝他伸来一只大到离谱的巨手。 That moves, seems the innumerable galaxies also to move, cannot see clearly that by as far as Ye Fan is what color. 那手一动,好似无数星系都随之移动,以至于叶帆都看不清那手是什么颜色。 Only thought that at present a piece of dazzling assorted splendid light, must swallow him...... 只觉得眼前一片刺眼的各色华光,要将他吞噬…… Boy! Awakes!” “小子!醒醒!” A hand, from the rear area, seized the Ye Fan clothes! 一只手,从后方,揪住了叶帆的衣服! Afterward pulls fiercely, Ye Fan was entrained staggers a retreat! 随后猛地一扯,叶帆被拽得踉跄一后退! The universe myriad things flow backwards unceasingly, that is only great the hand, vanishes instantaneously does not see! 宇宙万物不断地倒流,那只巨手,瞬间消失不见! The space, returned to Purple Bamboo Forest! 空间,回到了紫竹林 Ye Fan blinks, discovered panic-stricken, oneself cold sweat! 叶帆眨了眨眼,惊恐地发现,自己一身冷汗 to win from the night, is fainting, the silver empty shadow disappears. 嬴从夜,正昏倒在地,白银虚影不见了。 Six heavy disintegration...... basic does does not have display?! 六重解体……则根本没有施展?! What's the matter!? Was oneself a moment ago the illusion? That...... that why so lifelike!? 怎么回事!?自己刚才是幻觉?那……那为何如此逼真!? Ye Fan fierce turned head, sees old glutton Ye Wuya unexpectedly, look visits him strangely. 叶帆猛一回头,竟然见到老吃货叶无涯,正眼神古怪地看着他。 as far as Ren Tiankuo and Jian Yuzhu , the whole face looks at Ye Wuya shocking, their first time sees, also thought that this person is as deep as a well! 至于任天阔和简玉竹,也满脸震惊地看着叶无涯,他们都第一次见,觉得此人高深莫测! By as far as Ye Wuya entrains Ye Fan time, they do not know how to deal. 至于叶无涯叶帆的时候,他们也不知道如何应对。 Boy, you really does not fear death, Ye Wuya sighed. “小子,你是真不怕死啊”,叶无涯叹了口气。
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