MCBW :: Volume #34

#3337: All living things are all wicked

Pen interest pavilion, renews my iceberg beauty wife latest chapter most quickly! 笔趣阁,最快更新我的冰山美女老婆最新章节! Ye Fan sword intent shifts, arrives at the battlefield edge. 叶帆一个剑意转移,来到战场的边缘。 The unparalleled principle starts, tries from other to arrange in order body, discovers it kills undying secret. 无双法则发动,试图从彼列身上,找出它“杀不死”的秘密。 However, seemingly without anything specialness. 但是,看上去似乎并没有什么特殊。 Although cultivation base of other row, is equally matched with Rebora, but also missed one with Devil King level. 虽然彼列的修为,跟里伯拉不相上下,但跟魔王级别还差了一层。 Just, facing this group of primordial chaos member, this level strength, is the steamroll level! 只不过,面对这群鸿蒙修士,这种级别的实力,已经是碾压级! The dark combustion chariot of other row harvested crazily, making the war exhibit the one-sided trend. 彼列的黑暗燃烧战车疯狂收割,让战局呈现了一边倒的趋势。 The god of death sickle one has delimited, in the outer space ripples to clear the way strength of ripple the gloomy devil. 死神镰刀一划过,太空中就荡漾开道道灰暗的恶魔之力波纹。 This evil chilly strength, not only has the destructive power, made the innumerable human member fall into demented! 这股邪恶阴寒的力量,不仅仅具有破坏力,更让无数人类修士陷入了“癫狂”! one by one looks fierce, fierce fearsome, said that the heart falls into enemy hands. 一个个龇牙咧嘴,狰狞可怖,道心失守。 Even that moment at the point of death, they do not know that oneself is facing anything. 甚至临死的那一刻,他们都不知道自己面临着什么。 skill, these souls turn into soul severed head that” on other row that dark chariot was hanging in an instant! 一转眼功夫,这些魂魄就变成了彼列那黑暗战车上悬挂的“灵魂首级”! The chariot of other row inflates unceasingly, to evolved enough the super devil of Moon size afterward unexpectedly! 彼列的战车不断膨胀,到后来竟然演变成了足足月球大小的一尊超级恶魔! haha...... haha......” 哈哈……哈哈……” Greedy human! Depending on you, wants to provoke the noble devil!?” “贪婪的人类!就凭你们,也想挑衅高贵的恶魔!?” Huge devil that several hundred human member who only remain, as if are unable to defeat shortly, already courage entirely cracks! 仅剩的几百个人类修士,眼看着仿佛无法战胜的巨大恶魔,都已经肝胆俱裂! „This wild devil is quite fierce! Retreats in a big hurry!” “这蛮荒恶魔好生厉害!快快撤退!” Goes back the reports god to revere quickly!!” “快回去禀报神尊!!” At this time, a primordial chaos member side, found that kicked the sheet iron, must withdraw. 此时,鸿蒙修士一方,发现踢了铁板,已经要撤走。 Demon wolf Finniss sees other row emergence, from the beginning look is dignified, but discovered that other row is killing the enemy for them, felt relieved. 魔狼芬尼斯见彼列出现,一开始眼神凝重,但发现彼列是在替它们杀敌,就放心了下来。 At this time, saw a human side to retreat, knows that was the opportunity of launching the counter-attack. 这时候,见人类一方撤退,也知道是一个发动反击的机会。 The demon wolf knight group is howling the rush in the past. 魔狼骑士团呼啸着冲杀过去。 The two sides of Ye Fan to this war, does not have favors. 叶帆对这场战争的两方,都没有偏袒。 Since wants to plunder, wants to open up new land, that primordial chaos member must be ready that died in battle. 既然想掠夺,想拓荒,那鸿蒙修士就要做好战死的准备。 Since the devil wants to occupy the territory, that must accept the corresponding challenge. 恶魔既然想占着领地,那也要接受相应的挑战。 Therefore, Ye Fan does not want to save either one, has no interest in stopping. 所以,叶帆不想救任何一方,也没兴趣阻拦。 Only this other row...... 唯独这个彼列…… Make Ye Fan heart very not happy, his unparalleled, even the emperor level principle can see through, how in other to arrange in order body to let slip? 叶帆心里很是不痛快,他的无双,连帝王级法则都能看穿,怎么就在彼列身上失手了? Tries again one time! 再试一次! Ye Fan called Taichu, a sword dragon shadow, entered the battlefield certainly instantaneously! 叶帆唤出太初,一个剑龙绝影,瞬间杀入战场! Sword God!?” 剑神!?” Finniss sees Ye Fan to appear, shakes suddenly! 芬尼斯见叶帆出现,也是猛然一震! But sees the Ye Fan goal is other row, it breathes a sigh of relief. 但见叶帆的目标是彼列,它才舒了口气。 Sir Sword God, my such worships you, why do you compel with hardship? We can be a friend......” 剑神大人,我这么崇拜你,你何必苦苦相逼呢?我们可以做个朋友……” Absorbed innumerable soul, after various dark energies, other row huge such as Xingchen(Stars)! 吸收了数不清的元神,各种黑暗的能量后,彼列巨大如一枚星辰 It showed the strange smile of evil charm, on the mouth is speaking the modesty, look filled despised and disdained. 它露出邪魅的诡异笑容,嘴上说着客气话,眼神充满了轻蔑和不屑。 That is a keeping aloof innermost feelings stance, it is from the heart, thinking the devil is noblest! 那是一种高高在上的内心姿态,它发自内心,认为恶魔是最高贵的! Ye Fan stands before it at this time, is similar to a sea this solitary one boat, casual storm can throw off! 叶帆此时站在它面前,就如同沧海一孤舟,随便一阵风浪都能掀翻! Emperor dragon Jianzun!!” “帝龙剑尊!!” Ye Fan this time magnanimous spiritual strength, release a super Sword God empty shadow. 叶帆此时的海量精神力,释放出一个超级剑神虚影。 After sharp contraction, golden Dragon Soul and sword intent perfect conjunction. 剧烈收缩后,金色龙魂剑意完美契合。 Although seems like that is still a tiny form, but Taichu in hand, has released to look at the giant light sword not to the end together! 虽然看似依然是渺小的一个身影,但手中的太初,已经释放出一道望不到头的巨大光剑! The azure golden sword light/only, pure is the length, exceeded other row height! 青金色的光剑,单纯是长度,就超过了彼列的身高! Grasps the great sword, may cut Xingchen(Stars)! 手持巨剑,可斩星辰 Since does not know how you live, I kill your one time again!” “既然不知道你是怎么活下来的,我就再杀你一次!” Ye Fan thought through, cannot understand, looks again one time! 叶帆想通了,看不懂,就再看一次! It resurrects one time, oneself kills one time. 它复活一次,自己杀一次。 Kills till understanding! 杀到看懂为止! He does not believe that can this other row compared with Ye Qun also strong inadequate? 他就不信,这彼列能比叶群还强不成? 27 cut continually!! 二十七连斩!! Ye Fan sword wields falls, the great sword changes to 27 overlapped huge light shadow! 叶帆一剑挥落,巨剑化作二十七道重重叠叠的巨大光影! King level sword intent!?” “帝王级剑意!?” „Haven't I misread? Really emperor level sword intent!?” “我没看错吧?真是帝王级剑意!?” Where this wild actually is!?” “这蛮荒到底是什么地方!?” One group of escaping primordial chaos member, feel this sword intent aura, frightened must wet pants! 一群正在逃跑的鸿蒙修士,感受到这股剑意气息,吓得都要尿裤子了! early knew here person is so abnormal, kills them not to dare to come Ah ! 早知道这里的人如此变态,打死他们也不敢来啊! They wholeheartedly are only thinking goes back to notify, the moment does not dare to delay. 他们一心只想着回去报信,片刻也不敢耽搁。 Ye Fan is wholly absorbed, sword chops in other arranges in order body! 叶帆专心致志,一剑劈在彼列身上 Clang!-” “铿!-” The god of death sickle welcomed suddenly! 死神镰刀猛然迎上! 20 sevenfold cut continually, the easily accomplished strength, hits the dark flame scatters in all directions to flee in all directions. 二十七重连斩,摧枯拉朽的力量,将黑暗火焰打得四散流窜。 The innumerable black souls from other arrange in order on body and chariot in this moment fly away. 无数黑魂在这一刻从彼列身体和战车上飞走。 Ah !-” 啊!-” Other row exudes one to roar, after consuming several tens of thousands souls forcefully, blocked this sword unexpectedly!? 彼列发出一声咆哮,强行消耗了数万灵魂后,竟然挡住了这一剑!? Present I, may from be different a moment ago......” “现在的我,可跟刚才不一样啊……” Other row finishes barely the words, the sickle reverse brandishes toward Ye Fan! 彼列话音未落,镰刀反向朝着叶帆挥舞而来! Harvesting of pain!” “苦痛者之收割!” On the sickle departs the innumerable ghost, toward the Ye Fan winding, making Ye Fan sword intent protect the shield to be corroded. 镰刀上飞出数不清的亡魂,朝着叶帆缠绕,让叶帆剑意护盾受到腐蚀。 Ye Fan direct sword sweeping! 叶帆直接一剑扫荡! Counter-attack!” “反击!” Strength of the domineering sword intent maneuver, rebounded this blade forcefully! 一股强势的剑意回旋之力,将这一刀给硬生生反弹了回去! Other row staggered to withdraw a distance, the anger grinned fiendishly: Worthily is Sword God, powerhouse that I worship, is different......” 彼列踉跄后撤了一段距离,愤怒狞笑:“不愧是剑神,我崇拜的强者,就是不一样……” „The sword frost is cold!” 一剑霜寒!” Ye Fan being disinclined rubbish, once again sword sweeps, enormous range direct sealed up all principles of this region! 叶帆懒得废话,再次一剑扫出去,极大范围的直接封闭了这片区域的所有法则! Is using Finniss who gold/metal crushes opposite party spirit, discovered the own principle expiration suddenly!? 正在使用“金戈”粉碎对方灵器的芬尼斯,猛然发现自己的法则失效了!? Finniss is dumbfounded, although hears the Sword God brilliant achievement, but can't hadn't thought before him, use the principle? 芬尼斯目瞪口呆,虽然听闻剑神的辉煌战绩,可没想到在他面前,连法则都用不出来? Was good because of being everyone expired, the devils too had not been affected actually greatly. 好在是大家都失效了,恶魔们倒是没受到太大影响。 Ye Fan discovered, huge body of other row, without therefore reduces. 叶帆发现,彼列的巨大身体,并没有因此缩小。 The explanation, this by no means is other row principle, but it takes the one ability of evil god. 说明,这并不是彼列的法则,只是它作为邪神的一种能力。 „Is this my idol Sword God strength? Erases others 's principle?” “这就是我偶像剑神的力量吗?将他人的法则抹除?” Other row face acclaimed and appearance of appreciation, „was really great! Makes strength that I am charmed......” 彼列一脸赞叹和欣赏的样子,“真是太伟大了!令我神往的力量啊……” Ye Fan more listens more agitated, sword once again thorn to other row head! 叶帆越听越烦躁,一剑再次刺向彼列的头颅! Dimension exile! 次元放逐! sword intent that shakes crazily, making the space tear! 狂震的剑意,让空间撕裂! What Ye Fan tracks down is other row demon soul, must achieve the destruction completely. 叶帆追寻的是彼列的魔魂,务必做到毁灭殆尽。 Other row sends out the pitiful yell of pain, this time tries to resist, but the strength is insufficient. 彼列发出痛苦的惨叫,这次试图抵挡,但却是已经力量不够了。 The strength of space twists broken the head of other row, the demon soul in the sword intent leading colored light flame, was evaporated extremely quickly! 空间之力将彼列的头颅绞碎,魔魂在剑意的青金色光焰中,极快被蒸发! Ye Fan does not forget with unparalleled to stare at all conditions of other row stubbornly, for fear that looks at leaves out it escaping the route. 叶帆不忘用无双死死盯着彼列的所有状态,生怕看漏掉它“逃跑”的路线。 Changes to wisp of light smoke in other row, the dissipation goes to the time...... 就在彼列化作一缕青烟,消散而去的时候…… A gloomy sound, reverberates in the Ye Fan mind...... 一个阴森的声音,在叶帆的脑海里回荡…… All living things are all wicked, Sword God......, so long as you want to kill me, you are unable to kill me forever......” “众生皆恶,剑神……只要你想杀死我,你就永远无法杀死我……” haha...... haha......” 哈哈……哈哈……” Ye Fan back cold sweat streaming! 叶帆背后冷汗涔涔! He obviously detects, other row seems to have fled from his body! 他明显察觉到,彼列似乎从他的身体里窜过! No! Exactly said, passes through from his inner world...... 不!确切说,是从他的“精神世界”走过…… Also is not spiritual strength, Dragon Soul, soul that type...... 还不是精神力,龙魂,元神那种…… Is one inner world that...... is unable to put things clearly...... 就是……说不清,道不明的一种精神世界…… Although other row dying, but Ye Fan knows, it is also living. 虽然彼列“死”了,但叶帆知道,它还活着。 The next time, does not know that will appear where, when also appears. 只是下一次,不知道会出现于哪里,何时出现。 How possibly...... could it be said that it...... does exist in one dimension that I cannot see?” “怎么可能……难道说它……存在于我看不见的一种维度?” The battlefield, does not know when has subsided. 战场,不知何时已经平息。 Finniss wins total victories, but actually the 90% primordial chaos member, dies under other row sickle. 芬尼斯一方大获全胜,但其实九成的鸿蒙修士,是死在彼列的镰刀下。 Ye Fan stands in the universe for a very long time, silent, during half face falls into is gloomy...... 叶帆久久站在宇宙中,沉默不语,半张脸陷入阴暗之中…… Sword God, gives up. 剑神,放弃吧”。 Has not known how long, Finniss appeared in Ye Fan behind. 不知道过了多久,芬尼斯出现在叶帆身后
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