MCBW :: Volume #28

#2786: Gleiter

Pen interest pavilion 笔趣阁, renews my iceberg beauty wife latest chapter most quickly!,最快更新我的冰山美女老婆最新章节! Indistinctly, a reaching to the sky body, seems a leaf of giant shutter at the most. 影影绰绰,一个高耸入云的身躯,仿佛是一扇顶天的巨大门板。 Looked carefully, discovered that a that deep purple great insect, is overlooking there. 看仔细了,才发现那深紫色的一条巨虫,正在那里俯瞰着。 Luckily before had experienced Titan's build, therefore sees this boy, Ye Fan also calculates that can accept. 幸亏之前见识过泰坦的体型,所以见到这厮,叶帆还算能接受。 However, even this, this build was still doomed destructive power that has the terrifying. 不过,就算是这样,这体型也注定了拥有恐怖的破坏力。 Even if Ye Fan cannot feel, this drills demon insect anything cultivation base, is absolutely weak not. 哪怕叶帆感觉不出来,这条钻地魔虫什么修为,也绝对弱不到哪里去。 does not say other, must kill it, perhaps does not have several thousand tens of thousands swords are insufficient, the key must block its oneself healing. 不说别的,要杀死它,恐怕没有个几千几万剑是不够的,关键还要拦着它自己愈合。 Naturally, the weakness is also obvious, the goal is too big, therefore spits Nient also only to choose the frontal attack, is unable to play what trick. 当然,弱点也明显,目标太大,所以吐尼安也只能选择正面进攻,无法玩什么花招。 You spit Nient?” “你就是吐尼安?” indeed, do you look for me?” 正是,你找我?” Ye Fan rubbish, pulls out to be printed with the credentials of Devil King mark, I represent the heptarchy, wants to go to the insect hole, chatted with Gleiter. 叶帆也不废话,掏出印有魔王印记的国书,“我代表第七王国,想去虫穴,跟格莱特妮谈谈”。 Spits Nient to seem like some not to believe. 吐尼安似乎有些不相信。 You said that...... you do want to go to the insect hole?” “你说……你想去虫穴?” You have not misunderstood, Ye Fan nods. “你没听错”,叶帆点头。 Your?” “就你一人?” could it be did you also see others?” 难道你还看到别人了?” Spat Nient silent the long time, said: You come along with me......” 吐尼安沉默了半晌,才道:“你随我来……” Ye Fan huge body that follows that not to look at to withstand/top, toward the swamp deep place of distant place, also led the way a distance. 叶帆跟着那望不到顶的巨大身躯,往远方的沼泽深处,前行了一段距离。 Many wisdom low demon insects, see the Ye Fan process, flies recklessly toward Ye Fan. 许多智慧较低的魔虫,见到叶帆经过,不要命地就往叶帆飞来。 However, after spitting Nient released some special aura casually, these demon insects on the little darling make concessions. 不过,吐尼安随便释放了一些特殊的气息后,这些魔虫就乖乖退让开去。 „Don't you begin to me?” Ye Fan spoke thoughtlessly to ask. “你们不对我动手?”叶帆随口问道。 „The fellow who dares to go to the insect hole, Your Highness Gleiter will welcome very much, spat Nient to say lightly. “敢去虫穴的家伙,格莱特妮殿下会很欢迎”,吐尼安淡淡说。 It seems like your Devil King is very lonely, without the guest visited in the past, Ye Fan said with a smile. “看来你们魔王很孤单啊,没客人过去拜访”,叶帆笑道。 Your Highness Gleiter is very busy, must support the descendants in nation , without the time to consider these, spits peaceful said. “格莱特妮殿下很忙,要养活全国的子孙,没时间考虑这些”,吐尼安道。 „The descendants in nation? How many posterity does it have?” “全国的子孙?它有多少子孙后代?” Nation......” “全国……” You will not say, the demon insects of all sixth kingdoms, are its descendant?” Ye Fan smiles stiffly. “你不会说,所有第六王国的魔虫,都是它的后代吧?”叶帆僵笑。 Your Highness Gleiter was the ancient times insect queen, ancient times the insect queen was the earliest insect clan devil. “格莱特妮殿下是远古母虫,远古母虫是最早的虫族恶魔。 Now known was only left over its one...... saying that all people, were its descendant...... ” spit Nient natural said. 现在已知的只剩下它一位了……可以说,所有子民,都是它的后代……”吐尼安理所当然地说 Ye Fan pinched silently cold sweat, thought that oneself soon saw a great insect. 叶帆默默捏了把冷汗,觉得自己快要见到一条伟大的虫子了。 When arrives at a rare land period of five days, huge transmission, appeared in front of Ye Fan. 当来到一片罕见的陆地候,一个巨大的传送阵,也出现在了叶帆面前。 This transmission size, is Ye Fan sees first, can transmit sufficiently spits the Nient such super great insect. 这传送阵的尺寸,是叶帆所见第一,足以能传送吐尼安这样的超级巨虫。 Because although everywhere is the decayed mucilage, is disgusting. 虽然因为到处是腐臭的粘液,非常恶心。 You go, I send you to insect hole. “你进去,我送你去虫穴”。 Your Highness Gleiter has known you will pass, that side will have the envoy to receive. “格莱特妮殿下已经知道了你会过去,那边会有使者接待”。 Ye Fan has not thought, entered in transmission silently. 叶帆也没多想,默默进到了传送阵里。 All around encircles lost in fog one piece, not seeing clearly, transmission is also much bigger. 四周围雾茫茫一片,看不清楚,传送阵也大得出奇。 without who notices, in a transmission corner, the small shadows, entered great formation slowly...... 并没有谁注意到,在传送阵的角落,有一个小小的阴影,缓缓进入了大阵…… When present picture once again changes, Ye Fan felt that the surrounding air was fresher. 当眼前的画面再次一变,叶帆感觉周围的空气都清新了许多。 originally thinks that can be very terrifying picture, is by no means that but as if thinks with Ye Fan same? 本来以为会是非常恐怖的画面,但似乎跟叶帆想的并不一样? Nattierblue sky. 淡青色的天空。 Warm wind. 温暖的风。 The vast lawn, is sending out the fragrance of soil. 辽阔的草地,散发着泥土的芬芳。 Although the surroundings are defending law, is still demon insect that cannot see the variety, but also has the insect clan that many turns into the human form. 虽然周围守着法阵的,依然是一条条看不出品种的魔虫,但也有不少是化成人形的虫族。 Several hundred black bottoms fly king flag, flutters against the wind, that indeed Gleiter Devil King mark. 数百面黑底的“蝇王”旗帜,迎风飘扬,那正是格莱特妮的魔王印记。 The fly king is a giant demon fly, but in fact, the demon fly is only the most common insect clan, is small and weak. 蝇王是一只巨大的魔蝇,但事实上,魔蝇只是最普通的虫族,非常弱小。 They have no battle efficiency, actually because of the powerful reproduction survivability, causes in the entire potential surface, everywhere. 它们没什么战斗力,却因为强悍的繁殖生存力,使得在整个位面,无处不在。 Even if the domain of god clan, is unable the elimination complete demon fly. 哪怕是神族的领域,也无法消灭全部魔蝇。 Reason that works as the mark with the demon fly, is symbolizing, the insect clan devil incomparably powerful reproduction ability, is unable to eliminate forever. 之所以用魔蝇当印记,就是象征着,虫族恶魔无比强悍的繁殖能力,永远无法消灭。 Mr. cold, welcome to insect hole. “冷先生,欢迎来到虫穴”。 A top of the head Bai Rongrong hair, the cheek stature very chubby young girl, leads one group of insect clan envoys, greets outside great formation. 一个头顶着白绒绒毛发,脸蛋身材都很胖乎乎的少女,带着一群虫族使者,在大阵外迎接。 This mildew at first sight is human, but carefully observes, will discover that her eye is the compound eye of insect, the back also pale blue insect wing. 这个白毛乍一看是人类,但仔细观察,会发现她的眼睛是虫子的复眼,背后还有蓝色虫翼。 I am the maid of Your Highness Gleiter, the blue fruit, your highness assigns/life me to make you pass. “我是格莱特妮殿下的婢女,蓝果,殿下命我引您过去”。 „The insect hole is the most terrifying Devil King residence, is it possible that is only rumor, Ye Fan said. “都说虫穴是最恐怖的魔王住所,莫非只是谣传”,叶帆道。 Mr. cold, seeing is believing, incorrectly relaying an erroneous message, is intolerable, the blue fruit smiles Yingying to say. “冷先生,眼见为实,以讹传讹,最是要不得”,蓝果笑盈盈道。 The Ye Fan following team, sits a probably big dragonfly the insect, flies a palace to distant place. 叶帆跟着队伍,坐上一只像是大蜻蜓的虫子,飞向远方的一座宫殿。 Along the way, the passed through scenery, making Ye Fan have doubts especially. 沿途,经过的风景,让叶帆格外疑惑。 The vast farmland, planted to fill the crops, the insects was doing the farm work diligently. 一望无际的农田,种满了庄稼,虫子们正在努力干农活。 The innumerable raising stout and strong monster beast, obviously is the draft animal that the insect clan rears in a pen. 无数饲养地肥肥壮壮的妖兽,显然都是虫族圈养的牲口。 also these rural fairs, the agricultural market fair, is prosperous, a school of liveliness. 还有那些集市,农贸市场,都是欣欣向荣,一派繁华。 Your here...... the animal husbandry, the agriculture, is very prosperous, Ye Fan whisper. “你们这儿……畜牧业,农业,挺繁荣啊”,叶帆嘀咕。 Our insect clan, because reproduces quickly, therefore is very big to food demand. “我们虫族因为繁殖快,所以对食物需求特别大。 Was lucky Your Highness Gleiter, works night and day. 多亏了格莱特妮殿下,日以继夜地工作。 Studies various types of grafting demon grains, plants with the best beast, met the need of National People. 研究出各种嫁接魔粮,配出最好的兽种,才满足了全国子民的需求。 Your Highness Gleiter is the greatest mother, our nation insect clan loves it very much ”, a blue fruit face respects said. 格莱特妮殿下是最伟大的母亲,我们全国虫族都很爱戴它”,蓝果一脸尊敬地说 Ye Fan scratched cold sweat of forehead again, this is could it be „mother of demon hybrid rice? Agronomy expert? 叶帆再一次擦了擦额头的冷汗,这难道是“魔界杂交水稻之母”?农学专家? Following close on, the brown stone is laying on top of one another, looks at very succinct big castle, prints the view. 紧跟着,褐色石块垒砌而成,看着很是简洁的大城堡,印入眼帘。 Compared with that decayed swamp, here environment, simply is the paradise. 与那腐朽沼泽比起来,这里的环境,简直就是世外桃源。 The Ye Fan following blue fruit enters to the castle, except for has various demon insect processes everywhere, then paints a portrait, sculpture is outside the insect, on these Europe old castles with Earth is actually similar. 叶帆跟着蓝果进到城堡内,除了四处有各种魔虫经过,然后画像、雕塑都是虫子外,倒是和地球上那些欧洲古堡差不多。 In a magnificent conference room, Ye Fan was waiting for the little while. 在一间华丽的会议室内,叶帆坐着等了会儿。 The blue fruit carries to look at the not bad fruits and vegetables and drinks. 蓝果端上来一些看着不错的蔬果和饮品。 Mr. cold, this is our insect hole unique fruit, with the insect liquor that our oneself ferments, welcome to taste. “冷先生,这都是我们虫穴特有的水果,和我们自己酿制的虫儿酒,欢迎品尝。 Your Highness Gleiter with the managers of several macrocosms, is holding a routine food supply seminar. 格莱特妮殿下正在和几个大世界的主管,开一个例行的粮食供应研讨会。 Should be about to end, please wait a bit moment ”, blue fruit very polite said. 应该就快结束了,请您稍等片刻”,蓝果很客气地说 Ye Fan felt that oneself also seemed like dragon Ku such, this little was politely strange, but he also burst in embarrassed, has to nod silently. 叶帆感觉自己像是进了龙窟那样,这客气地有点诡异,但他也不好意思乱闯,只好默默点了点头。 Sees in that dinner plate the attractive fruit, with the red wine that greets the nostrils fragrantly, Ye Fan swallows the throat. 看到那餐盘里诱人的水果,和那芬芳扑鼻的红酒,叶帆咽了咽喉咙。 The innermost feelings warned oneself, these were that disgusting insect do, no matter what was unedible, perhaps inside is the ovum. 内心告诫自己,这些都是那恶心的虫子做的,千万不能吃,没准里面全是虫卵。 Sat for twenty minutes on such, Ye Fan looked at the painting on little while wall, outside heard the Team 1 sound of footsteps finally. 这么坐了二十几分钟,叶帆看了会儿墙壁上的画作,外面终于传来了一队脚步声。 The conference room front door opens, sixth Devil King, ancient times the insect queen, Gleiter walked finally. 会议室大门打开,第六魔王,远古母虫,格莱特妮终于走了进来。
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