MCP :: Volume #12 大远征.战争篇

#1408: Finally the cold of north

Reminded even without Wade. 就算不用维德提醒。 The Yaaz very clear goal had not died, needs to give the pursuit immediately , to continue the attack that launched to exert pressure on...... gave a moment ago is very indeed terrorist taking the opportunity, but has not achieved to be able smashing myth level. 亚斯兰也很清楚目标并未死亡,需要立即给予追击,借着机会持续进行施压……刚才给出的攻击的确很恐怖,但还没有达到能‘粉碎神话’的层面。 The myth body and has the most basic difference low is, myth body survival to a certain extent, does not depend upon the world, but draws support from becomes the rule initially myth to draw volume to live. 神话体与低位存在间最根本的不同就在于,神话体的‘存活’某种程度上,已不依靠世界,而是借助着自身已初成规则的‘神话绘卷’而活着。 Therefore, wanting more step to strike to kill the myth body is almost a impossible matter...... 因此,想要越阶击杀神话体几乎是一件不可能的事…… Very much so. 正是如此。 Han Dong and Green collaborate, causes to cut to kill the golden Saint( causes to draw channel this matter to crazy center to let «Saint Step» in all artisans Saint actually), including sitting feels one type in top Titan inexplicably frightened. 韩东与格林联手,将黄金圣使斩杀(实际是将圣使吸进通往疯狂中心的通道)这件事让《圣阶》里全体工匠,包括坐在最顶层的泰坦感觉到一种莫名恐惧。 If not for they have signed the agreement with black tower, will be pretending non-involvement the relations with S-01 world absolutely afterward. 若不是他们已与黑塔签订协议,绝对会在事后撇清和S-01世界的关系。 ...... …… hit was somewhat strange, although felt the perfect hit......, but in explosion had a very strange feeling instantaneously.” “刚才的撞击有些奇怪,虽然感觉完美命中……但在爆炸发生的瞬间有一种很怪异的感觉。” Yaaz at the maximum speed, along path advance of explosion tearing. 亚斯兰以最快速度,沿着爆炸撕裂的道路前进。 In this period, wisp of pure ice stream spread the whole body, is patching because of the explosion white suit that but damaged thoroughly, explained that Yaaz to this suit was very satisfied. 期间,一缕纯净至极的冰流蔓延全身,修补着因爆炸而彻底损坏的白色西装,说明亚斯兰对这套西装还是很满意的。 Meanwhile. 同时。 The ice stream also in hypodermic winds through slowly, rejects the dirt of body surface, simultaneously will receive the injury that the explosion affects completely to restore. 冰流也在皮下缓慢流过,剔除掉体表的污渍,同时将受到爆炸波及的伤势全然修复。 Un? Should the explosion not affect here? These are......” “嗯?爆炸应该没有波及到这里吧?这些是……” Along the way. 沿途。 Yaaz sees large number of badly-damaged machineries. 亚斯兰见到大量残破不堪的机械。 Complete distortion shatter metal residual, 完全扭曲破碎的金属残渣、 The radical melting falls into the metal liquid of pit, 彻底熔化而陷入地坑的金属液体、 Burns core spot that breaks off black, 烧黑折断的核心部位、 All sorts of sign surfaces they are like receives Wade " planet dashing " . 种种迹象表面他们像似受到维德的「行星冲撞」。 This fellow is receiving the instance of impact, will the impulse disperse completely?” “这家伙难道在受到冲击的瞬间,将冲击力全部分散出去了?” Such scene makes Yaaz deep frown, the mouth read one skewer of most parts differentiation demons unable to understand, was handed down from generation to generation the ancient language that by the antiquity period, can be understood as the different demon archaism. 这样的场景让亚斯兰眉头紧锁,嘴里念动着一串就连大部分异魔都听不懂,由上古时期传下来的古老语言,可以被理解为异魔古语。 Glittering and translucent carving ice crystal tentacle appear in the body surface slightly, leaves behind are similar to birthmark the strange trace in Yaaz skins. 一根根晶莹剔透的冰晶触须略微浮现于体表,在亚斯兰的皮肤间留下一道道类似于‘胎记’的古怪纹路。 Because was covered by the suit, itself cannot see any change. 由于被西装遮挡,本身看不出任何变化。 ...... …… Impact end. 冲击尽头。 Among building wreckage, Spanish appearance Causes and effects procedure/program- Mello mark in addition Is lying down in the ruins deep place, seems like that the body of human, similarly is constituted by the machinery. 大楼残骸间,西班牙人模样的【因果程序-梅洛纹加】正躺在废墟深处,看似人类的身体,同样由机械构成。 Encounters the back of direct hit to split thoroughly, 遭到直接撞击的背部彻底裂开, Copper-cored cable expositions of metal vertebrae as well as various breaks, 金属脊椎以及各种断裂的线缆暴露而出, The high-purity engine oil unceasing transfusion, the electromagnetism flame leaps unceasingly. 高纯度的机油不断渗流,电磁火光不断跃动。 Even if " protection procedure/program " is receiving the instance of impact, the strength automatic branching to 23 weapon body soldiers, the main body was damaged like this? “就算「保护程序」在受到冲击的瞬间,将力量自动转移给二十三名械体兵卒,本体还是受到这样的损伤吗? Even my kernel program has the race condition...... really worthily is S-01 The different demon of the world. 甚至于我的核心程序都出现紊乱情况……真不愧是【S-01】世界的异魔。 No wonder, that group of artisans seem such conservative, a hearsay myth artisan did not arrive at the myth rank the youth different demon jointly to kill, wants to come is also the real event. 难怪,那群工匠显得这么保守,传闻一名神话工匠被不到神话级别的青年异魔联合杀死,想来也是真实事件。 Just drilled the youth different demon that from the deep layer space, one of them has the energy of exceeding conventional level several times, what real danger was that fellow who grasped the white flame. 刚刚从深层空间钻出来的青年异魔,其中一人具备着超过常规水准数倍的能量,但真正危险的是那位掌握白色火焰的家伙。 My procedure analysis cannot have the mistake. 我的程序分析不会有错。 His flame should be able to disregard the semblance to fire, even can burn to my procedure/program core. 他的火焰应该能无视外表而灼烧内部,甚至能烧到我的程序核心。 Really...... I do not want to use " source code that " the parent body provides. ” 真是的……我可一点也不想使用母体提供的「本源代码」。” Mello mark Canada disdains in the code of parent body, beforehand has not installed ahead of time. 梅洛纹加本身不屑于母体的代码,事先并未提前加装。 Naturally has felt " ice flame " unceasing nearness, one skewer of source codes that is supplementing the parent body sensibility increase his master routine immediately. 当然已感受到「冰焰」的不断靠近,一串附带着母体感悟的本源代码立即添加进他的主程序。 Although, he is completely different from the application framework of parent body, but the source program has the similarity, admits the code the speed other myth bodies be quicker than one time, even several times. 虽说,他与母体的程序框架完全不同,但源程序却有相似之处,接纳代码的速度要比其它神话体快出一倍,甚至数倍。 Flash of admission. 接纳的一瞬间。 Mello mark in addition falls into an extremely unusual condition, his consciousness imitates, if arrives at a center of supercomputer, here has one to lead to King Path. 梅洛纹加陷入一种极为奇特的状态,他的意识仿若来到一股超级计算机的中枢,在这里有着一条通往【王】的道路。 Naturally, the present scene can only observe and emulate, but observes and emulates still to make Mello mark increase even has the sensibility. 当然,眼前的场景只能观摩,但即便是观摩也让梅洛纹加大有感悟。 „Is this parent body completes " machinery flies upwards " the way?” “这就是母体完成「机械飞升」的方式?” Suddenly. 一时间。 Is under planet impact the mechanical body changes. 受到‘行星冲击’的机械身体发生变化。 Has not repaired, but is the full disintegration. 并未自行修复,而是全面解体。 Even the original of chip surface nano dissociates completely, analyzes most foundation the module, conducts the consciousness that unified restructuring...... Mello mark adds to be at a sublimation condition, holds the source code that the parent body is giving perfectly. 甚至于芯片表面纳米的原件全部解离,拆分成最基础的组件,进行统一的重构……梅洛纹加的意识正处于一种升华状态,完美容纳着母体给予的本源代码。 At the same time. 同一时刻。 Yaaz rushes to the scene, the present picture makes his whole body one twitch slightly. 亚斯兰赶到现场,眼前的画面让他全身一阵微微抽搐。 What thing is this?” “这是什么东西?” Is crawling and getting together like the iron wireworm metal line, the quantity perhaps needs to take " hundred million " to calculate as the unit. 如同铁线虫般的金属线条正在爬行与聚合,数量恐怕需要以「亿」为单位来计算。 It seems like the confusion, receives the accurate regulation of consciousness procedure/program...... to restructure by the optimal solution actually, will soon be born an extremely fearful myth body. 看似混乱,实际受到意识程序的精准调控……正在以最优解进行着重组,即将诞生出一具极为可怕的神话体。 Drop of ice crystal cold sweat falls along Yaaz cheeks. 一滴冰晶冷汗沿着亚斯兰的脸颊滑落。 Because the danger stimulates, but the nerve...... Yaaz intuition gives the feedback, once the present machinery the reorganization is completed, he may be in danger. 因危险刺激而神经……亚斯兰的直觉给出反馈,眼前的机械一旦重组完成,他可能会有生命危险。 Makes me encounter this aspect, must show the card in hand ahead of time, otherwise...... makes a mistake I possibly not to have the unnecessary opportunity.” “偏偏让我一个人遭遇这种局面,必须提前亮出底牌,否则……一个失误我可能就没有多余机会。” Participates in London playing now, the narrowing the eyes eye that almost the entire journey maintains, nowadays opens slowly. 参与伦敦游戏到现在,几乎全程维持的眯眯眼,现如今缓慢睁开。 A pair such as the aquamarine radiant eyes embed, withstand/top the spatial most dazzling stars like North Pole. 一对如海蓝宝石般的璀璨双眼镶嵌于其中,如同北极顶空最耀眼的星辰。 The left hand launches, places the front 左手展开,放在面前 ! 呼! The side cold air/Qi that the mouth exhales in the palms constitutes one specially " white mask " , takes advantage of opportunity its buckle in the face. 嘴里呼出的极寒之气在掌心间构成一张特殊的「白色面具」,顺势将其扣在面部。 Completes instance that wears, ices the flame hair to lengthen one time, and before combustion effect . 完成佩戴的瞬间,冰焰头发加长一倍且燃烧效果更前。 When mask and face perfect fitting. 当面具与面部完美贴合时。 Ka ka ka ~ opens one to arrange the construction in the dead center by the innumerable ice crystal fragments perfectly, but " hole in the ice " - full title is " Scippa Pauliat's fine pearl " . 咔咔咔~于正中心睁开一颗由无数冰晶碎片完美排列构建而出的「冰眼」-全称为「希帕波利亚的传世明珠」。 This eye is next to Youjinsi eyes in visual, meanwhile has other functions. 这颗眼睛在视觉方面仅次于尤金斯的眼睛,同时还具备其它功能。 The instance when the hole in the ice forms, Yaaz catches to hide among the procedure/program cores in innumerable copper-cored cables immediately. 当冰眼形成的瞬间,亚斯兰立即捕捉到藏匿于无数线缆间的程序核心。 Must prevent this process.” “必须阻止这一过程。” ! 啪! Like the plate walnut like that has pinched in which demon stone of right hand, at this moment by Yaaz crumb. 如同盘核桃那般,一直捏在右手的其中一枚魔石,在此刻被亚斯兰捏碎。 A is burning all over the body transparently among the long ringers of ice flame. 一柄通体透明而燃烧着冰焰的长枪手间。 Meanwhile, proliferates to leap in abundance in ice crystal tentacle of Yaaz whole body, strongly in the right arm, provides the strongest throwing strength, 同时,遍布于亚斯兰全身的冰晶触须纷纷跃动起来,集中于右臂,提供最强的投掷力、 The right arm terminal also ballooning leaves is similar to the cerebral cortex structure of worm, the strength maximization, 右臂末端也鼓胀出类似于蠕虫的皮质结构,力量最大化、 Freeze and ignition until death!” “冻结、灼烧至死!” Flings full power. 全力甩出。 Ices the spear/gun has assigned region, swings the extremely cold air wave to all around, in the hydrone meet with air, blooms seven radiant ice flowers. 冰枪划过的区域,向四周荡开极寒气浪,与空气中的水分子相遇,绽放出七朵璀璨冰花。 Instance of hit target. 命中目标的瞬间。 The surrounding five kilometers flutter the snow in big flakes. 周围五公里均飘下鹅毛大雪。 This book is manufactured by the public number reorganization. Pays attention to VX Book friend supreme headquarters, Reads to get the cash red package! 本书由公众号整理制作。关注VX【书友大本营】,看书领现金红包! Front building ruins change to the ice sculpture instantaneously, surroundings all streets and buildings ice up completely, the confused material that Jeeter releases also slows down the speed of flow to the full. 面前的大楼废墟瞬间化作冰雕,周围所有街道及其建筑全部结冰,就连基特释放出去的错乱物质也最大程度减缓流速。
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