MHE :: Volume #20

#1977: Returning to native place

there is nothing to be done, the entire seven big day of Rune networks, only rely on spirit Yu Wei and spirit they, does not handle, the things of many weeding through the old to bring forth the new, could not have left her. 没办法,整个七大天的符文网络,仅凭借灵雨薇和界灵两人,是玩不转的,还有很多推陈出新的东西,根本离不开她。 Let alone, present Chu Hui, responsible also is not only a little matter. 更何况,如今的楚慧,负责的也不仅仅是这么一点事情。 Too many matters, need she to worry, for example the entire seven big day of world money shop, the forehead all holds certain stock. This is not the forehead seizes by force. But is entire seven big day of world these top rich and powerful families, effort and contribution that for in gratitude forehead immeasurable years make. Donation forehead. 还有太多事情,都需要她操心,比如说整个七大天世界的钱庄,天庭全都占有一定的股份。这可不是天庭强取豪夺来的。而是整个七大天世界的那些顶级豪门,为了感激天庭这无量岁月中做出的努力和贡献。赠予天庭的。 This is a huge wealth, needs the special person to manage. Chu brightness capable work more, was sent tube matter directly, therefore she will complain. 这是一笔庞大的财富,需要专门的人去管理。楚慧能者多劳,直接被派去管这件事情,所以她才会抱怨。 However she also has the helper, she also gave to catch past Venerable Chu Hui. 不过她也不是没有帮手,她把昔日的尊者楚慧也给抓过来了。 The elite who trains from the Chu institute, now also early already enlivens in each place of forehead. 还有一些从楚氏学院中培养出来的精英,如今也都早已经活跃在天庭的各个地方。 These people in Misty Palace, they needed the busy matter more. 飘渺宫中的那些人,他们需要忙的事情就更多了。 Demon Lord with monkey, after this peace throughout the country, fierce person who wants to retire thoroughly, now also has to go to take care a big outdoor shop matter. 就连魔君跟猴子,这种天下太平之后就想要彻底解甲归田的猛人,如今也不得不去管着一大摊子事情。 Under Lonely Brush Peak. 孤笔锋下。 Bund. 湖边。 In a Little Wood room. 一个小木屋里面。 Sits several people. 坐着几个人。 Hu Lie, Xu Fufu and Chu Mo sworn brothers Zidao and Liu Yunfeng, the monkey, Demon Lord, are sitting together with Chu Mo, is drinking to chat. 虎烈许浮浮楚墨的结拜兄弟子道刘云风,还有猴子,魔君,正跟楚墨在一起,在喝酒聊天。 On the table is putting several side dishes, is not the top delicacy delicacies, is that type of common side dish. However then, the Qi Xiaoyu end comes up a TV dinner, makes these present shake world forehead Big Shot to look some are glassy-eyed. 桌子上放着几道小菜,不是什么顶级的珍馐佳肴,就是那种寻常的小菜。不过接下来,綦筱雨端上来一盘菜,却让这些如今名震世界的天庭大佬全都看得有些目光呆滞。 That is a small fish, each, most also points at the size, comes out with the sauce stuffily. Very fragrant. Steaming hot, seems has appetite very much. 那是一盘小鱼,每一条,最多也就手指大小,用酱闷出来的。很香。热气腾腾的,看上去很有食欲。 The Hu Lie corners of the mouth are twitching, looks at Chu Mo: I said the brothers, this...... Is this?” 虎烈嘴角抽搐着,看着楚墨:“我说兄弟,这……这是?” Fish!” Chu Mo looked at Hu Lie, the appearance that you good not to have experienced, said: „Didn't fish you know? You are Tiger Clan, Tiger Clan belongs to Felidae, but the cat likes eating the fish...... Won't you know how the fish?” “鱼呀!”楚墨看了一眼虎烈,一副你好没见识的模样,说道:“鱼你都不认识?你是虎族,虎族属于猫科,而猫喜欢吃鱼……你怎么会连鱼都不认识?” By Chu Mo a series of pillaging, is been fiercer, on forehead that the Hu Lie not only corners of the mouth twitched, full was the heavy line. He looks at Chu Mo, speechless saying: I know certainly that this is fish, the issue is, this fish...... How to come?” 楚墨一连串的抢白,虎烈不但嘴角抽搐的更厉害了,就连额头上,都满是黑线。他看着楚墨,无语的说道:“我当然知道这是鱼,问题是,这鱼……是怎么来的?” I fish!” Chu Mo looks at Hu Lie: You think how they does come?” “我钓的啊!”楚墨看着虎烈:“你以为它们是怎么来的?” The people on liquor table, at this moment all a face speechless expression. Solemn God, in this four directions only true God. Unexpectedly hides in this truly is similar to a mortal world world of mortals place, fishes some common fish? This matter said that who believes? 酒桌上的众人,此刻全都一脸无语的表情。堂堂天帝,这四方界中唯一的真神。居然躲在这真正如同世俗凡间一眼的地方,钓些寻常的鱼?这种事情说出去谁信啊? At this time, Demon Lord said in one side with a smile: Was good, should not be content. The solemn God fishes to you, after the emperor , attended to you, but also is what kind of?” 这时候,魔君在一旁笑着说道:“行了,你们也别不知足了。堂堂天帝给你们钓鱼,帝后给你们料理,还想怎么样?” Monkey bared teeth said with a smile: Yes, this treatment, the whole world is difficult to seek, my already was very satisfied!” Saying, put out a hand to clamp chopsticks, said to outside loudly: Sister-in-law good craftsmanship!” 猴子呲牙笑道:“是啊是啊,这种待遇,举世难寻,俺已经很满足了!”说着,伸手夹了一筷子,大声冲着外面道:“弟妹好手艺!” Outside hears the Qi Xiaoyu chuckle sound: This Big Rooster has not come, I gave you also to cook a range chicken!” 外面传来綦筱雨的轻笑声:“这次大公鸡没来,我给你们还炖了一只土鸡呢!” Ha Ha Ha Ha!” The people in room cannot bear smile. “哈哈哈哈!”房间里的众人都忍不住笑起来。 If Big Rooster came, even if Qi Xiaoyu stews chicken, he will be also insane. 大公鸡要是来了,哪怕是綦筱雨炖鸡,他也会疯的。 However Big Rooster these years, but rambles very much, it is travelling for pleasure whole world, in his words, is: Later chicken master must write an encyclopedia! On that comprehensive, anything has!” 不过大公鸡这些年,可是逍遥的很,它在游历整个世界,用他话说,就是:“以后鸡爷要写一部百科全书!那上面包罗万象,什么都有!” Side all Chu Mo these people, all cross is very good. 所有楚墨身边的这些人,全都过的很好。 The threat of war did not have, seven big control also realized that structure perfect god, radically is an illusion. In years past that crowd of skeletons the life of god, did not have one to obtain the good end. They also already totally gave up that thought now. 战争的威胁没有了,七大主宰者也意识到,构架完美神界,根本就是一场镜花水月。昔年的那群构架了神界的生灵,就没有一个得到好下场的。他们如今也已经彻底放弃了那种念头。 This world, finally returned to normal. Becoming happier. 这个世界,也终于恢复了平静。变得更加美好。 Chu Mo has also fulfilled the past commitment, is bringing Qi Xiaoyu and Shui Yiyi two wife, hid the place of this mortal world directly. 楚墨也就兑现了当年的承诺,带着綦筱雨水依依两位妻子,直接躲到了这世俗之地。 every day is the firewood, feeds chicken, to fish, drink tea, grows flowers and grass. 每天就是劈柴、喂鸡、钓鱼、喝茶、养花、种草。 This life, like mortal world world of mortals these average people. 这种生活,像极了世俗凡间的那些普通人。 But three people are actually content with one's lot, in this place, one has been ten thousand years, moreover does not dislike likely aridly. As if such day, even if crosses again 100,000 years and 1 million years, is good. 但三人却自得其乐,在这地方,一过就是万年,而且像是一点都不嫌枯燥。似乎这样的日子,就算再过100000年、1000000年,也是好的。 every time this group of friends come time, unavoidably must ask the same issue. 每次这群朋友来的时候,都不免要问到同一个问题。 That is: Can the disaster of years, come again? 那就是:岁月之灾,到底会不会再来? Regarding this issue, Chu Mo each reply, is similar. 对于这个问题,楚墨每一次的回答,也都差不多。 The association that should come comes. This, is not we can control. Because years already became intelligent. Even if you mentioned beginning generation of Spiritual God, it will not appear in our front.” “该来的总会来。这个,不是我们能控制的。因为岁月已经变得聪明了。就算你提及初代神灵,它也不会出现在我们的面前。” This group of friends are here small the gathering several days, then in abundance left. Because they were really too busy! 这群朋友们在这里小聚数日,便纷纷离开了。因为他们实在是太忙了! Cannot like Chu Mo idle, anything does not manage. 不能像楚墨这样清闲,什么都不管了。 After the person walk, Qi Xiaoyu and Shui Yiyi have tidied up at will, then makes the tea, sits side Chu Mo. 等人都走后,綦筱雨水依依随意的收拾了一下,便泡好茶水,坐在楚墨身边。 Three people static walks arm in arm, this day, was they sought the innumerable years, experienced the immeasurable tribulation, finally strove. Therefore, such life, is forever excessively is for them insufficient. 三人静静的相依偎,这种日子,是他们求了无数年,历尽无量劫,才最终求来的。所以,这样的生活,对他们来说,是永远都过不够的。 ...... 只是…… Similar issue, actually Qi Xiaoyu and Shui Yiyi, had been somewhat worried, but their two have not asked. 同样的问题,其实綦筱雨水依依,也一直有些担心,但她们两个却从来没有问过。 Chu Mo mentioned another matter with them actually on own initiative. 楚墨倒是跟她们主动提起了另一件事。 Still remembers that in years past crashed in these lives of gate of samsara?” Chu Mo asked. “还记得昔年冲进轮回之门的那些生灵么?”楚墨问道。 Two females nodded. 两女点了点头。 This can forget? Their times from the beginning, just like all people, although knows little, but actually does not know how that concrete is a matter. When rice return, had explained after them is clear. Originally that endless flood, is representing the life of non- gauge unexpectedly! 这个怎么能忘记?她们一开始的时候,跟所有人一样,虽然知道一点点,但却并不知道那具体是怎么一回事。等到出米归来,跟她们解释过之后才明白。原来那无尽的洪水,竟然代表着无量计的生灵! Through six samsara, these lives all already samsara many generations. 通过六道轮回,那些生灵们全都已经轮回了很多代。 Has saying that once can the shocking eternal these lives, seriously be uncommon. They after the samsara, although already has forgotten the past all sorts, but actually still quickly then showed oneself powerful side in the innumerable big universes. 不得不说,曾经能够惊艳万古的那些生灵,当真是不凡。他们在轮回之后,虽然都已经忘记了昔日的种种,但却依然很快便在无数个大宇宙中展现出了自己强悍的一面。 In 1 million big universes, almost presented their form, they are all very formidable. 1000000个大宇宙中,几乎都出现了他们的身影,他们全都很强大。 Even some present already in these big world, stood in the peak level. 甚至有些如今已经在那些大世界里面,站在了巅峰层次。 However, some lives, stand after the peak level, becomes some are not law-abiding. 不过,有一些生灵,站在巅峰层次之后,就变得有些不安分起来。 They did not remember thoroughly once all sorts, but some instinct of innermost soul. 他们彻底不记得曾经的种种了,但灵魂深处的一些本能尚在。 Then ten thousand years, had once beginning generation of Spiritual God, after the samsara, made a fresh start to consider that constructed god the matter. 这才万年的时间,就有很多曾经的初代神灵们,在轮回之后,重新开始考虑起建设一个神界的事情。 Among them, there are, wanted to construct god.” Chu Mo said with a smile. “他们当中,又有很多,想要建设神界了。”楚墨笑着说道。 Do not visit him to live in seclusion here, seems like secluded from the world, but actually, this in society's all matters, cannot escape his sensation. 别看他隐居在这里,看上去好像是与世隔绝,但其实,这世间的所有事情,没有能够逃脱他的感知的。 Because his already is this in society, only god! 因为他已经是这个世间,唯一的神! Actually ten thousand years ago, Chu Mo had on already can jump out this four directions strength. But his don't want to, does not hope. He to outside that was known as that eternal and immortal world, is maintaining the high suspicion and vigilance. 其实在万年前,楚墨已经拥有了能够跳出这四方界的实力。但他不想,也不愿。他对外面那个号称永恒和不朽的世界,一直保持着高度的怀疑和警惕。 What? They...... Really one crowd does not grow the memory person.” Qi Xiaoyu stares, immediately sighed. “什么?他们……真是一群不长记性的人啊。”綦筱雨一愣,随即叹息一声。 Shui Yiyi also said: What god constructs? I look, we should in that 1 million big world, stress the issue of education well. Must the harms of something, let all lives, from child time knows!” 水依依也说道:“建设什么神界?我看啊,我们应该在那1000000大世界中,好好抓一抓教育的问题了。要将一些事情的危害,让所有生灵,从孩子的时候就知道!” Chu Mo shakes the head with a smile: Sometimes, knows are more, actually the curiosity is also heavier. In fact, because knows insufficient many. Does not have anything, they cannot raise the big spray to come.” 楚墨笑着摇摇头:“有些时候,知道的越多,其实好奇心也就越重。事实上,还是因为知道的不够多。也没什么,他们掀不起多大的浪花来。” Has husband, naturally is all right.” Qi Xiaoyu supple sound track. “有夫君在,当然没事。”綦筱雨柔声道。 Chu Mo shakes the head slightly: I can feel that this in society, the strength that mysterious and moves restlessly, should regain consciousness ten thousand years ago actually. But why does not know, continuously to the present, did not have any sound.” 楚墨微微摇头:“我能感觉到,这世间,还是有一股神秘而又躁动的力量,其实在万年前就应该苏醒的。但不知道为什么,一直到现在,还没有任何动静。” What husband said that the place of that secret?” Shui Yiyi asked. “夫君说的是,那个大秘之地?”水依依问道。 Now entire big world, already is covered by the Rune network, bringing this not to represent this world not to have any to be secret. Actually still still has too these life there is nothing to be done ascertainments places. 如今整个大世界,都已经符文网络所覆盖,带这不代表这个世界就没有任何秘密了。其实依然还存在着太多这些生灵没办法探知的地方。 The place of that secret, is one of them. 那个大秘之地,就是其中之一。 For ten thousand years , many past god clans, wanted to explore that region, but after paying very big price, could not go in including the region of surrounding. That place gradually, nobody dares. 万年来,也有不少昔日的神族,想要探索那片区域,不过付出很大代价之后,连外围的区域都进不去。那地方渐渐的,也就没什么人敢去了。 Chu Mo visits them, nods gently: I think that I should go to there to walk, I suspected, the main body of years, there.” 楚墨看着她们两人,轻轻点点头:“我想,我应该去那里走一趟,我怀疑,岁月的本体,就在那里。” What?” On two female faces, suddenly discoloration. “什么?”两女的脸上,骤然色变。 In their minds, Chu Mo is invincible, is nobody can defeat. But years...... It is not a person! It is one strength, is a supreme principle!...... It full of wisdom, is not a dying thing. 在她们的心目中,楚墨是无敌的,是没有人可以战胜的。可岁月……它不是人!它是一种力量,是一种至高无上的法则!偏偏的……它是有智慧的,并不是一个死物。 Can?” Shui Yiyi somewhat pitiful looks at Chu Mo: If it does not provoke us, why we do want to provoke it? Doesn't everybody like this live in peace with each other well?” “可以不去吗?”水依依有些可怜巴巴的看着楚墨:“如果它不来招惹我们,我们为什么要去招惹它呢?大家就这样相安无事不好吗?” Chu Mo shakes the head: Is impossible to live in peace with each other truly. It is dormant, is waiting. If, all of this in society, not by its control, but was controlled by the principles of six samsara, then, its existence value, lost.” 楚墨摇摇头:“不可能真正相安无事的。它只是在蛰伏,在等待着。如果,这世间的所有一切,都不受它的掌控,而是被六道轮回的法则所控制,那么,它的存在价值,也就失去了。” Why? Years continuously in!” The Shui Yiyi present boundary was also very profound, but actually still thinks that does not understand such abstruse thing. “为什么?岁月一直都在啊!”水依依如今的境界也很高深了,但却依然想不明白这么深奥的东西。 Chu Mo said: Needs it, it, does not need, it not in!” 楚墨说道:“需要它,它就在,不需要,它就不在!” At this time, Chu Mo knit the brows suddenly slightly, said: „Are some people knocking at the gate?” 这时候,楚墨忽然间微微一皱眉,说道:“有人在叩关?” Two females stare immediately, looks that Chu Mo asked with one voice: Who is knocking at the gate?” 两女顿时一愣,看着楚墨齐声问道:“谁在叩关?” Past although that broken god has not collapsed thoroughly, may in fact, already do not have much difference with the collapse. In brief already thorough has become a chaotic place. Therefore, they are very difficult to imagine, but also there is anything to exist, can knock at the gate from that place. 昔日那残破的神界虽然还没有彻底崩溃,可事实上,已经跟崩溃没有太大区别了。总之已经彻底的成了一个混乱的地方。所以,她们很难想象,还有什么存在,能从那个地方叩关。
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