MHE :: Volume #20

#1902: Four big Venerable

The Purple gold God looks at Chu Mo, suddenly sinking sound track: If...... The big influence institute takes five big days to collapse, has the huge confusion, can reopen the words of six samsara. Do we want to bet?” 紫金天主看着楚墨,忽然沉声道:“如果……大势力院真的需要五大天崩溃,发生巨大混乱,才能重开六道轮回的话。我们要不要赌一下?” Chu Mo visits him: Does exactly the opposite?” 楚墨看着他:“反其道而行之?” The Purple gold God nods: Right, they make us see this open intrigue, making us not dare to kill them at this time, because to the present, we are unascertainable, how they must be able to turn on six samsara. While this time, we must bet, didn't they have the ability to turn on six samsara?” 紫金天主点点头:“对,他们让我们看出这个阳谋,让我们不敢在这个时候杀他们,因为到现在,我们还不能确定,他们到底要怎么才能开启六道轮回。趁着这个时候,我们是不是要赌一下,他们还没有能力开启六道轮回?” Chu Mo also hesitates, long time, he looks at the Purple gold God: I thought that you sought, the high antiquity, was who...... Once had closed six samsara. I thought that this is this issue the key.” 楚墨也沉吟起来,半晌,他看着紫金天主:“我觉得,你还是寻找一下,远古时代,是谁……曾经关闭了六道轮回。我觉得,这才是这个问题的关键之处。” Purple gold God face nod with deep veneration: Good, my this seeks. Do not be anxious, we turn head, relates with the Rune letter board!” 紫金天主一脸肃然的点点头:“好,我这就去寻找。你不要急,我们回头,用符文信板联系!” Afterward, the Purple gold God of youth appearance, said goodbye to depart directly. 随后,少年模样的紫金天主,直接告辞离去。 Chu Mo also left here, comes out from another thatched hut, then vanishes Purple gold palace here quickly. 楚墨也离开了这里,从另一座茅草屋中出来,然后快步消失在紫金宫这里。 All, do not have any flaw. 一切,都没有任何破绽。 Big influence institute. 大势力院。 Actually the true big influence institute actually anything appearance, in this world already few people can talk clearly. Even if four big God, this type in years past the top Rune life that walked from the big influence institute, they now, somewhat did not talk clearly the appearance of big influence institute. 其实真正的大势力院究竟什么样子,这世上已经很少有人能够说得清楚了。就算是四大天主,这种昔年从大势力院走出来的顶级符文生命,他们现在,也有些说不清大势力院的样子了。 Because it is not irrevocable. 因为它并非是一成不变的。 sometimes, can be a broad ancient palace, sometimes, will turn into a low thatched hut, even sometimes, it possibly is partial clouds, rivers and a mountain. Anything may be the big influence institute, it is unable to seek , seems to be everywhere. 有时候,会是一片恢宏古老的宫殿,有时候,又会变成一片低矮的茅草屋,甚至有的时候,它可能是一片云、一条河流、一座大山。什么都有可能是大势力院,它无从寻找,又仿佛无处不在。 This is the big influence institute! 这就是大势力院! The organization that is controlled by top Rune life. 一个由顶级的符文生命所掌控的组织。 In big influence institute, altogether giant, four Venerable, below also has 12 messengers. The name of giant, called out, four Venerable, are called to salute separately, immeasurably, primordial chaos and ramble. 12 messengers, separately are the child clown, third branch, mao, Chen, sixth branch and noon, Shanghai, tenth Earthly Branch, eleventh of the twelve Earthly Branches and twelfth branch. They are not only Human Race the origins of Chinese zodiac, is the measurement criterion of double-hour. 大势力院中,一共有一位巨头,四位尊者,下面还有12个使者。巨头的名字,叫道,四位尊者,分别叫做南无、无量、鸿蒙、逍遥。12个使者,分别是子丑、寅、卯、辰、巳、午、未、申、酉、戌、亥。他们既是人族的十二生肖的来源,又是时辰的计量准则。 Four big days, are actually respectively by these name names of four Venerable. 四大天,其实就是分别以这四位尊者的名字命名的。 The ramble of is present Chu Hui , compared to ramble this name, she as if likes Chu brightness being full of the name of Human Race mark label. The primordial chaos is the uncanny prediction old person, but, he likes others calling him the primordial chaos. 其中的逍遥就是如今的楚慧,相比逍遥这个名字,她似乎更喜欢楚慧这个充满人族符号标签的名字。鸿蒙就是神算老人,不过,他更喜欢别人叫他鸿蒙。 Also only then these two Venerable, have moved in society. 也只有这两位尊者,是在世间活动过的。 And the ramble the seal the immeasurable years, is the following layout, has set the foreshadowing for huge. She will even divide into two, leaves behind that board game piece in the Chu Mo side. 其中逍遥更是将自己封印了无量岁月,为后面的布局,埋下了天大的伏笔。她甚至将自己一分为二,留下那颗棋子在楚墨的身边。 But like playing chess, even if the person of playing chess, cannot guarantee that similarly own each board game piece, can play the role that wants. 但就像下棋一样,纵然是下棋的人,也同样不能保证自己的每一颗棋子,都能起到想要的作用。 Chu Hui keeps side Chu Mo that board game piece to oneself, similarly does not have the absolute assurance. 楚慧对自己留在楚墨身边的那颗棋子,同样是没有绝对的把握的。 But like Chu Mo with such that the Purple gold God analyzes, they use, this is the open intrigue! 但就像楚墨跟紫金天主分析的那样,他们用的,这是阳谋! Therefore, has a problem partially, for them, is not anything, so long as the overall bulk lots, are controlling in their hands, this was enough. 所以,局部出现一点问题,对他们来说,并不算什么,只要整体的大盘,在他们的手中掌控着,这就足够了。 At this moment, in the big influence institute, four big Venerable positive phases gathers together. 此刻,在大势力院中,四大尊者正相聚在一起 On their faces, is all having the relaxed smiling face. It seems, the manner is quite as if relaxed. 他们的脸上,全都带着轻松的笑容。看上去,神态似乎都相当轻松。 Overall layout already completes, now, entire big world, already join.” Said immeasurably lightly: „The entire item matter, is smooth!” “整体布局已经完成,如今,整个大世界,都已经入局。”无量淡淡说道:“整件事,非常顺利!” Salutes in a soft voice saying of song: Is opening of six samsara, all lives that but also needs this in society, jointly promote, can open.” 南无轻声细语的说道:“可是六道轮回的开启,还需要这世间的所有生灵,共同推动,才能开启。” Primordial chaos...... Also is the uncanny prediction old person, said lightly: In years past that person had closed six samsara, all cultivating all cheer, now wants to reopen, does not have is so easy. Although we already have made this irreversible big layout, but said that wants to reopen, but must look at the luck. Luckily, these people...... Cannot see through our arrangement. Unclearly how they take something for free can turn on six samsara. Therefore, can only passive guessed carelessly. But this, is our only opportunities.” 鸿蒙……也就是神算老人,淡淡说道:“昔年那个人关闭了六道轮回,所有修者全都欢呼雀跃,如今想要重开,没那么容易。我们虽然已经做了这种不可逆的大布局,但说起来,真的想要重开,还要看运气。幸好,那些人……看不穿我们这种布置。他们不明白要如何才能开启六道轮回。所以,只能被动的去胡乱猜测。而这,是我们唯一的机会。” Ramble, is Chu Hui, looks that other three said: We, although with many methods, has harassed their line of sight. But this matter, actually also has a biggest flaw.” 逍遥,也就是楚慧,看着其他三位说道:“我们虽然用很多方法,扰乱了他们的视线。但这件事,其实还有一个最大的破绽。” Another three, are all silent. 另外三位,全都沉默不语。 If under normal circumstances, then, six samsara opening of again, already nobody can prevent. 如果是在正常情况下,那么,六道轮回的重新开启,已经没有人能阻止了。 Because of the present whole world situation, already to did not open six samsara incorrect situations! 因为现在整个世界的大势,已经到了不开六道轮回不行的地步! This situation, is they use the endless years, surmounts layout that an entire years perpetual flow has completed. 这种大势,是他们用无尽岁月,跨越了一整段岁月长河来完成的布局。 This is also actually good with the Rune network, with day the relations of Human Race and Human Race is also good, too greatly has not related. In other words, Chu Mo with the analysis of Purple gold God, although is right. But in the overall pattern, actually missed! 这其实跟符文网络也好,跟天人族人族的关系也好,都没有太大的关系了。也就是说,楚墨跟紫金天主的分析,虽然都对。但在整体格局上,却差了很多! This cannot say that is Chu Mo they are too stupid, can only say that the vision has not arrived at that altitude, is in the mountain, naturally is unable to peep the complete picture of mountain. 这不能说是楚墨他们太笨,只能说眼界还没到那种高度,身在山中,自然无法窥山之全貌。 These matters that the big influence institute handled recently, to harass the lines of sight of all people. The don't want to matter to this step, had any mistake again. They must use these dense fog, thoroughly Chu Mo and four big God group of people confusing. Must let them by these matters, hobbles the thought thoroughly! 大势力院最近做的这些事情,也不过是为了扰乱所有人的视线。不想事情到了这一步,再出现任何的差错了。他们要用这些迷雾,彻底将楚墨和四大天主这群人给迷惑住。要让他们被这些事情,彻底牵绊住思维! otherwise words, by Chu Mo their intelligence, perhaps...... Will discover really this issue the root is. 不然的话,凭借楚墨他们的聪明,说不定……真的会发现这件问题的根源所在。 That root is, is the biggest flaw! 那个根源所在,就是最大的破绽! Chu Hui then said: But, my already sent 12 messengers to prevent this matter, even if in the middle of their people, has thought of this, 12 messengers, will stop their. Even if 12 messengers do not beat, but at least, they can also win enough time to us. at that time, we have the time and ability, responds this matter.” 楚慧接着说道:“不过,我已经派了12名使者来预防这件事情,就算他们那些人当中,真的想到了这点,12使者,也会阻拦他们的。即便12使者不敌,但至少,他们也可以给我们争取到足够的时间。那时候,我们就有时间和能力,来反应这件事情了。” Other three all nodded, said immeasurably: That, this matter, such decided. The situation that six samsara open, already nobody can prevent. Our layout is eternal, is the day. Do not fall short.” 其他三位全都点了点头,无量说道:“那,这件事情,就这么定了吧。六道轮回开启的大势,已经没有人能够阻止了。我们布局万古,为的就是这一天。不要功亏一篑。” We will certainly succeed, will not fall short.” Salutes very assured saying: Actually they realize this issue, and words that wants to seek, I think, they most likely, could not find that to exist.” “我们一定会成功,绝不会功亏一篑的。”南无十分笃定的说道:“其实就算他们意识到这个问题,并且想要去寻找的话,我想,他们十有八九,也是找不到那个存在的。” Chu Hui actually shakes the head, said: We could not find, did not represent them unable to find. Do not forget, that exists because, although previous time closes six samsara to cause the Yuan spirit to diverge, but in fact, a Yuan spirit diverges, does not represent the Yuan spirit dissipation. He is also Human Race. To existence of his rank, early already is the genuine not dead body.” 楚慧却摇摇头,说道:“我们找不到,不代表他们找不到。你们别忘了,那个存在虽然因为上一次关闭六道轮回导致元灵散去,但实际上,元灵散去,并不代表元灵消散。他也是人族。到了他那种级别的存在,早已经是真正的不死身。” The primordial chaos said: Good, that exists, even if in our higher-dimensional world, similarly is also existence of most top. Cannot be negligent.” 鸿蒙说道:“不错,那个存在纵然是在我们的高维世界里面,同样也是最为顶级的存在。不可大意了。” Immeasurably with saluting nods together, at this moment, to their these top Rune lives, already to the stage of everything is ready, on difference finally that east wind. In fact, even if their anything does not do, so long as Human Race rises, six samsara reopen on the necessity! 无量跟南无一起点头,事到如今,对他们这些顶级符文生命来说,已经到了万事俱备的阶段,就差最后那一股东风。事实上,就算他们什么都不做,只要人族崛起,六道轮回就必然重开! This is their giants, after the innumerable year of times , the result of finally deducing. 这是他们那位巨头,经过无数年的光阴,才最终推演出来的一个结果。 This in society's all matters, are so, after truly draw the conclusion, will discover suddenly that was simple. But in confirming this process, actually fills winding and painful. 这世间的所有事情,都是如此,真正得出结论之后,会突然发现,原来如此简单。但在验证这个过程中,却是充满曲折和痛苦的。 Therefore, Human Race rises, can turn on six samsara, this seems like the simple conclusion, when it comes to light thoroughly, all people will think: So is unexpectedly simple, but to confirm this matter, the giant of Rune life, has used the endless time. 所以,人族崛起,才能重新开启六道轮回,这个看似简单的结论,当它彻底水落石出的时候,所有人都会觉得:哦,居然如此简单,但为了验证这件事,符文生灵的巨头,用了无尽光阴。 Now, started harvests the time already to them. 现在,已经到了他们开始收获的时候了。 This in society, already does not have what strength, can stop this situation. 这世间,已经没有什么力量,能够阻挡这股大势。 Human Race was suppressed the endless years, as this world master, experienced roughly, now has the endless vitality powerful to return, nobody can stop. 人族被压制了无尽岁月,原本作为这个世界的主人,经历了很多坎坷,如今带着无尽生机强势回归,没有人能够阻拦。 The big influence institute discussion, quick finished. 大势力院这边的会谈,很快就结束了。 Four Venerable diverge respectively, carry on the final preparation. 四名尊者各自散去,进行最后的准备。 Here the Purple gold day, the Rune network at a speed of nearly miracle, rapidly is still spreading. The investment of Chu brightness whole person already whole body heart to this matter. 紫金天这边,符文网络依然在以一种近乎奇迹的速度,在迅速的蔓延着。楚慧整个人都已经全身心的投入到这件事情当中。 Chu Mo sees her time, discovered that this perfect female, unexpectedly looked like somewhat becomes emaciated. 楚墨见到她的时候,发现这个完美无瑕的女子,居然看起来有些消瘦了。 This to cultivator of top, was really a little extremely in exaggerating. 这对一个顶级的修士来说,着实是有点太过于夸张了。 „Were you recently too weary?” Chu Mo looks at Chu Hui, in the look reveals wipes the color of loving dearly. “你最近是不是太疲劳了?”楚墨看着楚慧,眼神中露出一抹心疼之色。 Such long years, are together, although they do not have the relation on bloodlines. But in the sentiment, is early already is the same with the biological brother and sister. 这么久的岁月,一路相处过来,两人虽然没有血脉上的联系。但感情上,却是早已经跟亲兄妹一样。 Brother, I am good!” Chu Hui smilingly looks at Chu Mo saying: Felt relieved, handled this matter, making me feel that one existed in this in society, was very valuable.” “哥,我好着呢!”楚慧笑眯眯的看着楚墨说道:“放心好了,做这件事情,让我感觉自己存在于这个世间,还是很有价值的。” You were very valuable, you are irreplaceable!” Chu Mo looks that Chu Hui said. “你本来就很有价值,你是无可替代的!”楚墨看着楚慧说道。 Chu Hui the body shakes slightly, then looks at Chu Mo saying: This in society...... Are some people really unreplaceable? In years past Pangu, was so great, to finally not also......” 楚慧的身体微微一震,然后看着楚墨道:“这世间……真的有人不可替代吗?昔年的盘古,如此伟大,到最后不也……” Chu Mo puts out a hand, traces Chu Hui the mild-mannered long hair, shakes the head with a smile: You have made a mistake, reason that this in society so happy, because of each life, is unique! Which life without is the superposition makes, each life, has the unique individuality and value. Therefore, any life, is unreplaceable. especially you. I thought that your existence, should be this in society most precious gift. Your wisdom and your ability, completely are this in society most precious thing!” 楚墨伸出手,摸了摸楚慧柔顺的长发,笑着摇摇头:“你错了,这世间之所以如此美好,就是因为每一个生灵,都是独一无二的!没有哪个生灵是被复制出来的,每一个生灵,都有着自己独特的个性和价值。所以,任何一个生灵,都是不可替代的。尤其是你。我觉得,你的存在,应该就算是这世间最珍贵的一份礼物。你的智慧和你的能力,完全是这世间最珍贵的东西!” On Chu brightness that somewhat thin face, revealed has wiped light blushing, in the eye is sending out the happy ray outward, looks at Chu Mo: Brother, knew with you that is my this life, a happiest matter.” 楚慧那张有些清瘦的脸上,露出了一抹淡淡的红晕,眼睛里往外散发着开心的光芒,看着楚墨:“哥,跟你认识,是我这一生,最为开心的一件事。” I am also.” A Chu Mo face looks at Chu Hui earnestly. “我也是。”楚墨一脸认真的看着楚慧。 Therefore, we later will be very certainly good! This world , will be very certainly good!” In Chu Hui the pupil, is glittering the bright ray. “所以,我们以后一定都会很好的!这个世界,也一定会很好的!”楚慧的眸子里,闪烁着亮亮的光芒。
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