MHE :: Volume #14

#1352: Three great demons

This is one type to the blessing of Heaven World's King, at the same time, is an invincible faith! 这是一种对天界之王的祝福,同时,也是一股无敌的信念! If Demon Clan that on the mortal under the mountain of sword the courage of sea of fire, this crowd of Heaven World top cultivator, facing will soon arrive, they hug the brave soldier to go to no longer determination and courage also similarly. Their blood in the ebullition, their strengths are rushing, even if knew perfectly well that finally meets the tragedy to end, but actually still...... Be duty-bound not to turn back! 如凡人上刀山下火海的勇气,这群天界的顶级修士,面对即将降临的魔族,他们同样抱着壮士一去兮不复还的决心和勇气。他们的血在沸腾,他们的力量在澎湃,哪怕明知最终会悲剧落幕,但却依然……义无反顾! In an instant, trim Blood Demon Galaxy surrounding, trillion li (0.5km) surrounding area universe void, is flooding a vast aura, that aura, shake entire world. 刹那间,整片血魔星河外围,亿万里方圆的宇宙虚空中,都充斥着一股浩瀚的气息,那气息,震荡寰宇。 The Chu Mo keen induction to this Yellow Flame Great Region Heavenly Dao, as if has even produced light ripples with the roaring sound of this group of people. However when he wants to catch this feeling, actually vanished. Chu Mo even a little suspected that just that feeling, was the illusion. 楚墨甚至敏锐的感应到这炎黄大域天道,似乎都随着这群人的怒吼声产生了一丝淡淡的涟漪。不过当他想要去捕捉这种感觉的时候,却又消失了。以至于楚墨甚至有点怀疑,刚刚那种感觉,是不是幻觉。 Afterward, he to the Shui Yiyi slight bow: This post-war, I marry you!” Saying, looked at Qi Xiaoyu: We together!” 随后,他冲着水依依微微点头:“这一战后,我娶你!”说着,又看了一眼綦筱雨:“我们一起!” Nod that Qi Xiaoyu smiles, that happy appearance, makes many suspect her person cannot bear the heart live ashamed. It seems like Qi Xiaoyu indeed has not minded this matter! 綦筱雨笑眯眯的点点头,那一脸开心的样子,让不少一直怀疑她的人忍不住心生惭愧。看来綦筱雨的确是从来没有介意过这种事情啊! Qi Xiaoyu stands in the left hand of Chu Mo, after Shui Yiyi flies the Chu Mo side, has not left, stands in the right hand of Chu Mo. 綦筱雨站在楚墨的左手边,水依依飞到楚墨身边之后,就没有离开,站在了楚墨的右手边。 Two Fang magnificence Juedai young person, made many people look to look blank immediately, secretly thought in heart: Wang Zhen is the good good fortune! 两个芳华绝代的红颜,顿时令不少人看直了眼,都在心中暗道:王真是好福气! After one day, Demon Clan knocks at the gate! 一日后,魔族扣关! Almost does not have what indication, the Blood Demon Galaxy center, on that huge incomparable Magic Formation, once seal fell off directly. Last seal was also obliterated. 几乎是没有什么征兆的,血魔星河中心处,那座巨大无匹的法阵上面,曾经的封印直接脱落。最后一点封印也被磨灭了。 In the flash that the seal vanishes, that side has transmitted the sound. 就在封印消失的一瞬间,那边就传来了动静。 Bang! 嘭! A bang, resounds through this piece of universe to be void, that fluctuation that spreads, making one feel fearful and apprehensive. Because this does not know that is away from fluctuation that the multi- far-transfers come, if in, what degree then this does fluctuate to fearfully? 一声巨响,响彻这片宇宙虚空,蔓延出来的那股波动,令人感到心惊肉跳。因为这是不知隔着多远传来的波动,若是在近前,那么这股波动得可怕到什么程度? Bang! 嘭! Also is a sad bang, is similar to the battle drum is struck the sound. 又是一声沉闷的巨响,如同战鼓被擂响。 A ray, instantaneously from that Magic Formation in bright. 一道光芒,瞬间自那法阵中亮起。 This is together Wu light, is similar to the ink of trundle, black to the utmost. This is actually pure black hole, because can be absorbed by it including the ray. But gives birth there out of thin air, actually very likely is together the light. 这是一道乌光,如同滚动的墨汁,黑到了极尽。这其实就是一个纯粹的黑洞,因为连光芒都能被它吸收进去。但在那里凭空生出,却很像是一道光。 Transfer passage.” In binocular pupils of Luo Jue, is glittering the ray, the sinking sound track: If can hit from this channel, perhaps also has the opportunity to become enlightened.” “传送通道。”罗掘的一双眼眸中,闪烁着光芒,沉声道:“如果能从这通道中打过去的话,或许还有机会成道呢。” Chu Mo said with a smile: „Do you want to try?” 楚墨笑道:“你要不要试试?” Luo Jue shakes the head: Ok, if Heaven World does not save, how even if becomes enlightened can? Not any significance. If becomes enlightened, becomes enlightened in own native land!” 罗掘摇摇头:“算了,若天界不存,纵然成道又能如何?没什么意义。若成道,就在自己的故土成道!” Hong Yue also nods, said in a soft voice: Right that said that must become enlightened, on the day of breaks, becomes enlightened under this vault of heaven!” 红月也点点头,轻声道:“说的对,要成道,就打破这天,就在这片苍穹之下成道!” Thump! 咚! Also is a bang, rolls in Wu light to spread from that. 又是一声巨响,从那团乌光中传出。 Then, is ice-cold roaring! 接着,便是一声冰冷至极的咆哮! A huge incomparable black monster, rolls Wu light following that little crawls. 一头巨大无匹的黑色怪兽,顺着那团乌光,一点点的爬出来。 The build of black monster, almost the stars so are quickly big, the appearance is similar to the pangolin is ordinary, has the sharp head, the whole body is covered by the black giant scale, that scale is glittering Wu light, just like molten iron construction. 黑色怪兽的体型,几乎快有一颗星辰那么大,模样如同穿山甲一般,长着尖尖的脑袋,浑身被墨色的巨大鳞片覆盖着,那鳞片闪烁着乌光,宛若铁水浇筑。 Roar! 吼! This giant beast rolls in Wu light to crawl quickly from that then sends out huge roaring, one step treads the range of that channel, wanders toward outside. 这头巨兽很快就从那团乌光中爬出来,然后发出一声巨大的咆哮,一步踏出那条通道的范围,朝着外面游荡过来。 Then, more monsters, climb up from that black light channel, on a while free time, has several thousand fully! 接着,更多的这种怪兽,从那乌光通道中攀爬出来,也就一会儿工夫,足有数千头之多! Even if away from the endless galaxy, Heaven World here cultivator, after the mirror image picture sees this, the atmosphere becomes ten segregates heavily. Although inference concrete data, but from the build and movements of these giant beasts, is not definitely weak. Looks at speed in they ten million in Blood Demon Galaxy, how is also cultivating of Peak Emperor Lord is, even possibly has cultivating of Quasi Venerable Attainment is! 哪怕隔着无尽星河,天界这边的修士,通过镜像画面看见这一幕之后,气氛变得十分凝重。虽然推断不出具体的数据,但从这些巨兽的体型和动作上来看,肯定都不弱。看它们血魔星河中一步千万里的速度,怎么着也得是巅峰帝主的修为,甚至可能有准至尊的修为! But this, is only first wave of cutting edge armed forces that's all. 而这,只是第一波先锋军而已 Finally, from that black light channel, after altogether crawls over ten thousand this terrifying giant beasts. Quite a while does not have the sound. 最后,从那乌光通道当中,一共爬出来上万头这种恐怖的巨兽之后。半天没有动静。 All people all turn very quiet, looks with rapt attention that nobody believes Demon Clan this time can only come such to select the army. Must really on such words, then Yellow Flame Great Region can cheer on already now! 所有人全都屏住呼吸,凝神看着,没人相信魔族这次只会过来这么点军队。要真就这么点的话,那么炎黄大域这边现在就已经可以欢呼了! Even if these over ten thousand ferocious beast are the Quasi Venerable Attainment Realm lives, they have the confidence to fight with it. But, everyone knows that this is impossible. Because that side Demon Clan, has many Venerable Attainment lives! At least so far, all people, like this think. 哪怕这上万头猛兽都是准至尊境界的生灵,他们也有信心与之战斗。但,谁都知道这不可能。因为魔族那边,是有着很多至尊生灵的!至少到目前为止,所有人,都是这样认为的。 Really, after peaceful a while, the life of human form, pushes little from that black light channel. He is living the ox head person, two giant buffalo and cow horns, just like two giant mountain peaks. a pair of scarlet eyes, projects two fearful gods light. 果然,安静了一会儿之后,有一尊人形的生灵,从那乌光通道中一点点挤出来。他生着牛头人身,两只巨大的牛角,宛若两座巨大的山峰。一双猩红的眸子,射出两道可怕的神光。 In its forehead, actually is also living an angry look! 在它眉心处,竟然还生着一只竖眼! That angry look similarly is the red! 那竖眼同样是红色! In two normal eyes, as if there is sea of fire to burn, the demon flame soars to the heavens! In the middle of that angry look, likely is actually flowing the billowing rock magma, but wants to be too more than rock magma actually fearfully, in that a mark reappears unceasingly. The Great Dao mark dances in the air in inside. 两只正常的眼睛里面,仿佛有火海在燃烧,魔焰冲天!那只竖眼当中,却像是流动着滚滚岩浆,但其实比岩浆要可怕太多,那里面道纹不断浮现出来。大道符号在里面飞舞。 Three Eyed Giant Demon!” Chu Mo said in a soft voice. 三眼巨魔!”楚墨轻声说道。 In years past that Demon Clan Venerable Attainment gave him „the Demon Clan encyclopedia above, there is an introduction about this Demon Clan life. 昔年那位魔族至尊给他的“魔族百科全书”上面,有关于这种魔族生灵的介绍。 This is Military Control Demon Clan, right, is that IQ is very high, excels at Military Control......” Chu Mo looks at these people, the sinking sound track: Beforehand that is called Piercing Demon.” “这是一种统御型的魔族,对,就是那种智商很高,擅长统御的……”楚墨看着身边的这些人,沉声道:“之前的那种,叫做魔尖。” Piercing Demon?” Many people cannot bear frowned slightly. 魔尖?”很多人都忍不住微微皱起眉头。 Including Liu Yun, all feels to this name very curiously. Although Liu Yun is the authentic Demon Clan descendant, but she to Demon Clan, had almost not understood. Her mother knew about Demon Clan actually, but the Bing Yan most repugnant matter, mentions Demon Clan. Therefore, these years comes, the matter of Liu Yun to Demon Clan can say that still understands very little. 包括流云在内,全都对这个名字感到十分好奇。流云虽然是正宗的魔族后裔,但她对魔族,几乎是没有丝毫了解。她的母亲对魔族倒是了解,但冰艳最讨厌的事情,就是提起魔族。所以,这些年来,流云魔族的事情可以说依然是知之甚少。 The Chu Mo sinking sound said: Right, this life, the status in Demon Clan is not high, they IQ is very limited. But the strength greatly is infinite . Moreover the natural disposition is cruel, even if similar, also will have the battle frequently, once a side died, immediately by another side eating. Entire Demon Clan, besides Great Demon King, can control Piercing Demon Demon Clan, only Three Eyed Giant Demon.” 楚墨沉声说道:“对,这种生灵,在魔族中的地位不高,它们智商很有限。但却力大无穷,而且生性残忍,哪怕是同类之间,也经常会发生争斗,一旦一方死去,立即会被另一方给吃掉。整个魔族,除了大魔王之外,能驾驭魔尖魔族,也唯有三眼巨魔。” Along with the explanation of Chu Mo, the people saw from the mirror image, drills Three Eyed Giant Demon that from that Wu light, at least has over a hundred. Afterward, these over a hundred great evil spirits, then catch up with the void float quickly these Piercing Demon, each Three Eyed Giant Demon controls about 100 Piercing Demon, toward the Blood Demon Galaxy edge, high speed line. 随着楚墨的讲解,众人从镜像中看到,从那乌光中钻出来的三眼巨魔,至少有上百个。随后,这上百名巨魔,很快便赶上虚空漂浮的那些魔尖,每个三眼巨魔控制100名左右的魔尖,朝着血魔星河的边缘,高速行来。 Qi Xiaoyu frowns slightly, looks at Chu Mo, said in a soft voice: Can put they to come?” 綦筱雨微微蹙眉,看着楚墨,轻声道:“要放它们过来么?” Chu Mo looks at that not to have sound Wu light, softly sighed: In Demon Clan, there is a person of high skill! Magic Formation stiffly by the seal dozens years, that side they had been also realized to have problems. Is afraid this side Magic Formation to have the ambush, therefore has sent out Piercing Demon and Three Eyed Giant Demon directly takes the lead. These lives, the status in Demon Clan, are far high. Although Three Eyed Giant Demon is very intelligent, the wisdom is very high, because the they appearance is ugly, therefore, is unable to enter the Demon Clan upper circles of society in Demon Clan.” 楚墨看着那没了动静的乌光,轻叹一声:“魔族中,也有高人啊!法阵硬生生的被封印了几十年,它们那边也意识到出了问题。害怕法阵这一边会有埋伏,因此直接派出了魔尖三眼巨魔打头阵。这些生灵,在魔族中的地位,都谈不上有多高。三眼巨魔虽然很聪明,智慧很高,但因为它们的样子丑陋,所以,在魔族也无法进入魔族的上流社会。” The people all look at Chu Mo, listening to his narration, in the heart to feel that very shocks. Not is only in Demon Clan that because Chu Mo narrated itself of stern rank, because of understanding of Chu Mo Demon Clan! 众人全都看着楚墨,听着他的讲述,心中全都感到十分震撼。不仅仅是因为楚墨讲述的魔族中森严等级的本身,更是因为楚墨魔族的了解! If not all people very much believes firmly that clearly knows their this Heaven World's King are typical Human Race, moreover a Chu [lineage/vein] posterity, will give birth to Chu Mo with the Demon Clan related suspicion. The otherwise words, did he possibly so know about Demon Clan? 如果不是所有人都很确信,都清楚的知道他们这位天界之王是地地道道的人族,而且还是楚氏一脉的后人,甚至会生出一种楚墨是不是跟魔族有关的怀疑。不然的话,他怎么可能对魔族如此了解? As everyone knows, true blood lineage not pure Demon Clan Royal Family descendant Liu Yun, almost does not have the least bit to understand to Demon Clan! 殊不知,真正血统无纯正的魔族王室后裔流云,对魔族却是几乎没有半点了解! Chu Mo looks that crowd flies unceasingly to the Demon Clan life of Blood Demon Galaxy edge, looks at the people, has raised an arm high, single Zhi the day, the sinking sound track: „, Then, will immediately likely have a frigid war. You...... Prepared?” 楚墨看着那群不断飞向血魔星河边缘的魔族生灵,看着众人,高高举起了一条手臂,单指指天,沉声道:“诸位,接下来,可能立即就会发生惨烈的一战。你们……准备好了吗?” The Chu Mo sound is very light, but actually accurate unmistakably reached in each ear of person. 楚墨的声音很轻,但却精准无误的传进了每一个人的耳朵里面。 All people, in this flash, nobody spoke, but was all people, all high raised an arm, the index finger has referred to the day! 所有人,在这一瞬间,没有一个人说话,而是所有人,全都高高的举起了一条手臂,食指指天! A vast imposing manner, instantaneous ascension! 一股浩瀚的气势,瞬间升腾而起! Has covered this trim galaxy directly, enormous and powerful, inexhaustible. 直接覆盖了这整片星河,浩浩荡荡,无穷无尽。 The remote Blood Demon Galaxy edge, these Three Eyed Giant Demon and Piercing Demon anchor instantaneously, doubts looks toward the remote star territory. The next quarter, in the mirror image picture, there is Three Eyed Giant Demon also to launch mirror image Divine Ability, saw here situation. 遥远的血魔星河边缘,那些三眼巨魔魔尖瞬间停住,疑惑的朝着遥远的星域望去。下一刻,镜像画面中,有三眼巨魔也展开了镜像神通,看见了这边的情况。 This crowd of Demon Clan life, not only has not revealed any frightened color, on the contrary is all Demon Clan lives, all of a sudden likely was excited. Over ten thousand Piercing Demon, whoosh with one voice, starts to move restlessly. Needs Three Eyed Giant Demon to scold loudly can suppress reluctantly. 这群魔族的生灵,不但没有露出任何的恐惧之色,反倒是所有魔族生灵,一下子像是兴奋了起来。上万头魔尖,齐声嘶吼,开始躁动。需要三眼巨魔大声呵斥才能够勉强压制。 In the scarlet pupils of these Three Eyed Giant Demon, all reveals the excited color similarly. 那些三眼巨魔的猩红眸子里,同样也全都露出兴奋之色。 And Three Eyed Giant Demon of leader appearance, looked at one toward that black light channel first, then got down anything to be determined likely that the single arm wielded. 其中一个首领模样的三眼巨魔,先是朝着那乌光通道看了一眼,然后像是下了什么决心,单臂一挥。 Immediately, over ten thousand Piercing Demon, under the directions of over a hundred Three Eyed Giant Demon, here direction, attack loudly! 顿时,上万头魔尖,在上百名三眼巨魔的指挥下,朝着这边的方向,轰然冲击过来! Just like the innumerable cavalries, can keep off all in they front thing treads! 宛若无数的铁骑,可以将一切挡在它们面前的东西踏碎! The Demon Lord form, appeared in the Chu Mo side directly chilly, the pupil light looks at that side direction. 魔君的身影,直接出现在了楚墨的身旁,眸光清冷的看着那边的方向。 Master, did you come? The young fellow he......” Chu Mo looks at Demon Lord, frowns slightly, in the vision has several points to worry. Teacher's wife Xiao Die beforehand healthy baby boy. At that time entire Misty Palace caused a stir. 师父,您怎么还是来了?小师弟他……”楚墨看着魔君,微微皱着眉头,目光中带着几分担忧。师娘小蝶之前一个健康的男婴。当时整个飘渺宫都轰动了。 This is entire Misty Palace, the first newborn! 这可是整个飘渺宫,第一个新生儿! Demon Lord must unable to find the way by this huge happy impact. At that time Chu Mo with Qi Xiaoyu not at home. Their at that time arrived here on already. Chu Mo leaves also once specially had exhorted the Misty Palace person, do not make Master come. 魔君也被这巨大的幸福冲击得找不着北。当时楚墨綦筱雨都没在家。两人那时候已经来到了这里。楚墨离开的时候还曾特意嘱咐过飘渺宫的人,不要让师父过来。 Before had not seen Demon Lord, Chu Mo was very happy. Has not thought that at the pre-battle last minute, he came. 之前没见魔君,楚墨还挺高兴。没想到,在战斗前的最后一刻,他还是来了。 I have said that this fight, I will not miss!” The Demon Lord pupil light is chilly, sinking sound said.( Not “我说过,这场战斗,我不会错过!”魔君眸光清冷,沉声说道。(未 Ends being continued 完待续 ~^~) ~^~)
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