MP :: Volume #8 在人间

#1686: The group extinguishes

Void, nine Bloody shock-waves just like the lightning flash, speed also want on the quick several points compared with the shock-wave that nine snakes emit. 虚空中,九道血色冲击波宛若电闪,速度比九蛇放出的冲击波还要快上几分。 Lin Huang in this wave of rebound, secretly in addition two Dao Seal. 林煌在这一波反弹里,偷偷加上了两道道印 The Bloody shock-wave passed over gently and swiftly instantaneously void, without and other snakes responded thoroughly, then bombardment above phantom of his top of the head. 血色冲击波瞬间掠过虚空,没等九蛇彻底反应过来,便轰击在了他头顶的虚影之上。 Next flickers, nine heads of nine grand python almost also explode. Then, the phantom rapid disintegration, changes to the innumerable black luminous spots to be defeated and dispersed. 下一瞬,九头巨蟒的九颗脑袋几乎同时爆裂。而后,虚影迅速崩解,化作无数黑色光点溃散开来。 Below nine snakes, spout a blood suddenly. 下方的九蛇,猛然喷出一口血来。 Lin Huang this wave of attack direct hit his main body, has not made him receive backlash. 林煌这一波攻击并没有直接袭击他本尊,却也让他受到了反噬。 His Taoist skill by the state of mind actuated, to unify Divine Energy Dao Rhyme and Dao Seal strength. 他这一道术式是以神魂驱动,结合了神能道韵道印的力量。 Technique was decoded by the violence, the state of mind will naturally be attacked. 术式被暴力破解,神魂自然会受到冲击。 Is good pulls out Divine Energy because of him to promptly, but received the complementary waves of shake. 好在他将神能及时抽离回来,只是受到了震荡的余波。 For this by nine grand python anti- under Lin Huang strikes, he consumed within the body massive Divine Energy and Dao Rhyme strength. 但是为了以九头巨蟒抗下林煌这一击,他耗费了体内大量的神能道韵力量。 Almost within the body 2/3 Divine Energy and Dao Rhyme this were struck to carry off. 几乎体内三分之二的神能道韵都被这一击带走。 He has not resulted in elects, because he responded the time, these nine shock-waves have shouted on the face quickly, cannot avoid, can only shoulder hardly. 他也没得选,因为他反应过来的时候,这九道冲击波就已经快呼到脸上了,根本就躲不开,只能硬扛。 Does not shoulder, the state of mind this will be struck the instantaneous annihilation. 不扛,神魂会被这一击瞬间湮灭。 Nine snakes thought that Lin Huang definitely saw through oneself this set of technique -type essence, therefore has not attacked oneself fleshly body, but is nine grand python of direct attack oneself top of the head. 九蛇觉得林煌肯定是看穿了自己这一套术式的本质,所以没有攻击自己肉身,而是直接攻击自己头顶的九头巨蟒 But in fact, Lin Huang has not studied his technique type from the start. 而事实上,林煌压根就没有研究过他的术式。 The reflection of Black Mirror can adjust the angle at will, attacks him the target that wants to attack. But he is disinclined to adjust. 黑镜的反射是可以随意调整角度,攻击他想要攻击的目标。但他懒得去调整。 Nine grand python build are gigantic, target that is obviously easier to hit. 九头巨蟒体型硕大,明显是更容易击中的目标。 Moreover, routs this energy body, definitely will consume opposite party massive Divine Energy and Dao Rhyme. This point does not need to study can know. 而且,击溃这种能量体,必然会耗费对方大量的神能道韵。这一点根本不用去研究就能知道。 Two people First Round confrontation, almost start instantaneously, then finished instantaneously. 两人的第一轮交锋,几乎是瞬间开始,然后又瞬间结束。 Is looks at red fox one group to be dumbfounded. 更是看得赤狐一行人目瞪口呆。 As Upper Position Lord God, the red fox and silver can induce to that nine grand python aura terrifying clearly, that has been close to the Peak Position Lord God intensity infinitely. 作为上位主神,赤狐和银能清晰感应到那九头巨蟒气息的恐怖,那是已经无限接近极位主神的强度。 Strikes at will, can send off any powerhouse on the scene with ease, let alone was nine heads attacks simultaneously. 随意一击,就能轻松送走在场的任何一位强者,更别说是九颗脑袋同时攻击了。 As for several Middle Position Lord God, although to the Taoist skill not that clear feeling of nine snakes. Actually can also induce to nine grand python emits terrifying of impact wave duration, the light is the complementary waves makes six will of the people tremble. 至于几名中位主神,虽然对九蛇的这道术式没有那么清晰的感受。却也能感应到九头巨蟒喷吐冲击波时的恐怖,光是余波都让六人心颤。 Almost everyone on the scene believes, nine snake this attack one together, opposite Lin Huang 90% probabilities will fall from the sky. 原本几乎在场的所有人都认为,九蛇这一道攻击一出,对面的林煌90%的几率会陨落。 After all this attack intensity, is the Peak Position Lord God level. 毕竟这种攻击强度,已经是极位主神的水准了。 But, the real scene actually reverses instantaneously. 但没想到,真实的场景却瞬间反转。 Lin Huang has not only been injured slightly, was does nine snakes directly ignorant. 林煌不仅丝毫没有受伤,更是直接把九蛇干懵了。 Was also thinking, if Lin Huang under nine snakes this strikes has not died, perhaps oneself also has the opportunity to snatch a head/number of people. 原本还想着,万一林煌在九蛇这一击之下没死,自己或许还有机会抢个人头。 But after seeing this scene, eight people all over the body live coldly. 但看到这一幕之后,八人都遍体生寒。 As the silver of mechanical clan, displayed fear. 就连身为机械族的银,都表现出了畏惧。 He silver fleshly body, changed to reddish black by visible speed. 他原本一身银色的肉身,以肉眼可见的速度化作了一片红黑。 When this fleshly body shape, is the silver feels the fatal threat, the one condition of automatically stimulating. Will make his fleshly body intensity short spans big realm. 这种肉身形态,是银感受到致命威胁时,会自动激发的一种状态。会让他的肉身强度短暂的跨越一个大境界 If trades to do usually, will see his color, the red fox will not definitely be able to bear inquire 12. 如果换做平时,看到他这种颜色,赤狐肯定会忍不住询问一二。 But he at this moment absolutely does not have this mood. 但此刻的他完全没有这种心情。 He has started in the brain the fast thinking in the plan that runs away. 他已经开始在脑子里快速思索逃遁的计划了。 Including fellow who nine snakes cannot be victorious, oneself one group of come up delivers the vegetable/dish completely, only then caught the time to slide can maintain a livelihood. 连九蛇都打不过的家伙,自己一行人上去完全就是送菜,只有抓到时机溜了才能活命。 Lin Huang looked that has not looked at red fox their here one. 林煌看都没看赤狐他们这边一眼。 To present him, in nine people also only has the strengths of nine snakes to be reluctantly pleasant. 对现在的他来说,九人之中也只有九蛇的实力能够勉强入眼。 As for others, does not need the second divine weapon throwing knife. 至于其他人,根本不需要出第二把神兵飞刀。 If you did not use a moment ago this technique, perhaps can also support a meeting.” Lin Huang said with a smile to nine snakes. “如果你不用刚才这个术式,或许还能多撑一会。”林煌冲着九蛇笑道。 Nine snakes did not say a word, the complexion was somewhat ugly. 九蛇一言不发,脸色有些难看。 He has not truly thought that can be this result. 他确实没想到会是这个结果。 A moment ago was you offensive, then this round, was one's turn me.” The Lin Huang voice falls, in sleeve cuff innumerable electricity glow lasing, like everywhere Bloody Thunderclap. “刚才是你先手,那么这一轮,轮到我了。”林煌话音落下,袖口中无数电芒激射而出,如同漫天的血色雷霆 Nine snakes look at the pupil pupil to shrink slightly. 九蛇看得瞳眸微微一缩。 But suddenly, the innumerable Bloody electric lights vanish suddenly do not see. 但突然间,无数血色电光陡然消失不见。 Then next flickers, nine snakes saw the everywhere Bloody electric light 360 degrees did not have the dead angle to camouflage the trim world densely and numerously...... 而后下一瞬,九蛇看到了漫天的血色电光三百六十度全无死角密密麻麻遮蔽了整片天地…… The angles from red fox and the others are completely another scene. 从赤狐等人的角度看则完全是另一番场景。 After they only see the electric light projects, the next flash then spanned the space, formed a Bloody light ball in nine snake body weeks, thoroughly its package...... 他们只看到电光射出之后,下一瞬间便跨越了空间,在九蛇身周形成了一个血色光球,彻底将其包裹了进去…… This move, is Lin Huang saw that the god changes the demon wing insect after the wing utilizes, style that newly-opened sends. 这一招,是林煌看到神变魔翼虫对羽翼运用之后,新开发出来的招式。 Unified in Space Shift the utilization of Divine Intent throwing knife. 空间挪移结合到了神念飞刀的运用里。 Several million Divine Intent throwing knives in the instance of ejection, on Lin Huang by Spatial Transmission to nine snake body weeks, then did not have the dead angle its package. 数百万道神念飞刀在射出的瞬间,就林煌空间传送到了九蛇身周,然后无死角地将其包裹了进去。 Almost only crossed three breaths, red fox one group of induce to the vitalities of nine snakes disappears thoroughly. 差不多只过了三息不到,赤狐一行人就感应到九蛇的生机彻底泯灭。 The red fox wants not to think, moved sideways to hide the silver without hesitation behind, summoned the transmission gate. 赤狐更是想也不想,毫不犹豫就闪身躲到了银的身后,召唤出了传送门。 But the transmission gate just summoned, Yu Guang/peripheral vision of his line of sight glimpses wipes the red glow, later at present suddenly one black, lost the consciousness thoroughly. 但传送门刚刚召唤出来,他视线的余光就瞥见一抹红芒,随后眼前陡然一黑,彻底失去了意识。 The Lin Huang's line of sight is then left by the region that thunder light spheres from that piece, turns head to look that to region that red fox one group of were just. 林煌的视线这才从那片被雷光围住的区域离开,扭头看向了赤狐一行人刚刚所在的区域。 Living seven people just still during the shock, had the movement to respond until the red fox, chose running away immediately. 活着的七人刚刚还在震惊之中,直到赤狐有了动作才反应过来,都立马选择了逃遁。 Lin Huang is only the glance, then has the red electric light to cross the space distance Flicker, six people of instantaneous insta-kill. 林煌只是一瞥,便有红色电光越过空间的距离闪烁而出,将其中六人瞬间秒杀 Well?” “咦?” Suddenly, the Lin Huang brow selects. 突然间,林煌眉头一挑。 In seven people, really has one person not by insta-kill. 七人之中,竟然有一人没有被秒杀 The Divine Intent throwing knife has not penetrated his body unexpectedly completely, but left behind a wound. 神念飞刀竟然没有完全穿透他的身体,只是留下了一道创口。 This person impressively transfiguration is a red black silver, his whole person seems like the iron man who all over the body rusts. 这人赫然是已经变身为一片红黑色的银,他整个人看起来就像是一个遍体生了锈的铁人。 However he under this shape, is the defensive strength most prosperous condition. 然而这种形态下的他,是防御力最鼎盛的状态。 Only the subconscious induced the fatal danger, pinnacle condition that can expedite. 只有潜意识感应到了致命的危险,才会催生的极致状态。 His fleshly body intensity is the Upper Position Lord God limit, now almost spanned big realm, arrived endured to compare the level of Peak Position Lord God Peak powerhouse. 原本他的肉身强度就已经是上位主神的极限,现在几乎跨越了一个大境界,抵达了堪比极位主神巅峰强者的水准。 The Lin Huang's divine weapon throwing knife is unable to achieve to him broken guards completely. 以至于林煌的神兵飞刀都无法做到对他完全破防。 But Lin Huang knows, this condition inevitably is not possible lasting. 林煌知道,这种状态必然是不可能持久的。 He slightly is interested the silver that looks at to run away from afar, controlled more divine weapon throwing knives to start to him second struck, third struck, fourth struck...... 他略感兴趣地远远看着逃窜的银,控制着更多的神兵飞刀对他发动了第二击,第三击,第四击…… When the throwing knife attacks tenth one time, his body was penetrated by the throwing knife finally. 当飞刀攻击到第十一次的时候,他的身体终于被飞刀穿透了。 Does not defend is eradicated, but is Divine Energy and Dao Rhyme of his within the body has consumed, was incapable of continue support this condition. 并不是防御被破除,而是他体内的神能道韵已经消耗一空,无力继续支持这种状态了。 The Plunderer nine people of numerous, under the Lin Huang's domineering steamroll, the group of no suspense extinguished finally. 掠夺者九人众,最终还是在林煌的强势碾压之下,毫无悬念的团灭了。 Looks silver that poured finally, Lin Huang then unhurriedly turning around, looked to oneself behind colossus ten thousand insect labyrinths! 看了一眼最终倒下去的银,林煌这才不慌不忙的转身,看向了自己身后的这座庞然大物万虫迷宫! Today is Mid-Autumn Festival, wishing everyone Mid-Autumn Festival is joyful, in the same place that can person who likes reuniting with oneself 【今天是中秋,祝大家中秋佳节快乐,都能和自己喜欢的人团团圆圆的在一起】
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