MP :: Volume #8 在人间

#1678: Finally a little quality of being worth looking at

Lin Huang lies down in the cavern in Insect Nest deep place silently, the mood is observing the fight by Divine Intent joyfully. 林煌默默躺在虫巢深处的一个洞穴里,心情愉悦地以神念观察着外界的战斗。 After promoting Lord God, his Divine Intent intensity has broken through Peak Position Lord God Grade, moreover only spies on the surrounding in the form of sensation, does not need to be worried that will be discovered. 晋升主神之后,他的神念强度已经突破到了极位主神级别,而且只以感知的形式在外围窥探,根本不用担心会被发现。 Two waves of probes are fruitless, Insect Race as before slightly do not discuss with idea, instead is even more crazy. 两波试探无果,虫族依旧丝毫没有要谈和的想法,反而越发疯狂起来。 Looks at beside Insect Nest, the number quickly assembles Insect Formation by the Insect Race soldiers of 1 trillion counting. 看着虫巢之外,数以万亿计数的虫族战士快速集结成虫阵 Lin Huang can also understand the Insect Race angry reason probably. 林煌大概也能理解虫族愤怒的原因。 Here is their supreme headquarters, is over ten thousand Mother Sovereign temporary palaces, but also has Insect Sovereign that massive cannot grow completely. 这里是他们的大本营,也是上万只母皇的行宫,还有着大量未能完全成长起来的虫皇 Any life rushes, incessantly is to the Mother Sovereign lese majeste. 任何生灵闯进来,不止是对母皇的大不敬。 To Mother Sovereign, to these immature Insect Sovereign, even to the entire Insect Race future huge threat. 更是对母皇,对那些幼小虫皇,甚至对整个虫族未来的巨大威胁。 The Insect Nest itself/Ben is Insect Race Ni Lin, this ten thousand insect labyrinths to this side Great World Insect Race are Ni Lin in Ni Lin. 虫巢本就是虫族逆麟,这座万虫迷宫对这一方大世界虫族而言更是逆麟中的逆麟 Also does not blame them to lose sanely wants expel nine snake several people. 也不怪他们失去理智般的想要驱逐九蛇几人。 Nine snake several people possibly also realized this point from the beginning, attitude that therefore slightly do not settle a dispute, is disinclined to explain why oneself one group of will appear here. 九蛇几人可能也是一开始就意识到了这一点,所以丝毫没有要讲和的态度,也懒得解释自己一行人为什么会出现在这里。 They also know, Lin Huang is definitely watching this good play at this moment in secret. But they have not resulted in elect, can only develop according to the script that Lin Huang gives. 他们也知道,林煌此刻肯定在暗中看着这出好戏。但他们没得选,只能按照林煌给出的剧本演下去。 Looks that void Insect Formation condenses, nine snake one group have not intended to prevent. 看着虚空中虫阵凝聚,九蛇一行人也没有出手阻止。 Unilateral slaughtering truly also senseless, occasionally sees the opposite party to struggle 12, was more interesting. 单方面的屠戮确实也无趣,偶尔看到对方挣扎一两下,就有趣多了。 Is holding this mentality, nine snake one group of wait for Insect Formation to condense the formation patiently. 抱着这种心态,九蛇一行人耐心等待着虫阵凝聚成型。 That number is centered on the insect beasts of 1 trillion ideas to be centered on Heavenly God, True God is auxiliary, congealed a starry sky giant beast. 那数以万亿计的虫兽以天神为核心,真神为辅助,凝结成了一只星空巨兽。 Gigantic of build, even must surpass many stars all around. 体型之硕大,甚至要超过周遭的许多恒星。 That was a galaxy Titan insect, the different insect of high antiquity. 那是一只星河泰坦虫,远古时代的异虫。 The high antiquity, the galaxy Titan insect, used the stars as the food, the absorption metalliferous vein, strengthened itself. 远古时代,星河泰坦虫,以星辰为食,吸收其中金属矿脉,强化自身。 The childhood build endures compared with the planet, the stars quantity of as swallowing are getting more and more, the build will also be getting bigger and bigger, the largest build can long to enduring a ratio star territory, takes the star territory as the food. 幼年体型就堪比行星,随着吞食的星辰数量越来越多,体型也会越来越大,最大的体型可以长到堪比一片星域,以星域为食。 Sees the galaxy Titan insect that Insect Formation condenses, nine snake one group of actually are maintaining tranquil. 看到虫阵凝聚出来的这只星河泰坦虫,九蛇一行人却始终保持着平静。 Even long time no one is willing to act. 甚至半晌没有人愿意出手。 Saw that galaxy Titan insect comes like tank dashing, the robust man who a muscle dragon ties walked finally. 眼看着那只星河泰坦虫如坦克般冲撞而来,一名肌肉虬结的壮汉终于走了出来。 His is not tall, it is estimated that also one meter six over. But the whole body muscle actually dragon ties terrifying. 他个子不高,估计也就一米六出头。但浑身肌肉却虬结得恐怖 Lin Huang looks from afar, thought the arm of this fellow possibly has two times of oneself thigh to continue thick or thin. That pectoralis major muscle, Lin Huang felt bigger than the head of oneself. 林煌远远看着,就觉得这家伙的手臂粗细可能有自己大腿的两倍不止。那胸大肌,林煌感觉比自己的脑袋还大。 As for that both legs, is not enough to describe with thick such as the bucket, more accurate, simply is thick like the water jar. 至于那双腿,用粗如水桶都不足以形容,更确切的来说,简直就是粗如水缸。 Lin Huang is staring at his bald, in took the nickname short strong bald male to him at heart silently. 林煌盯着他的光头,在心里默默给他取了个外号矮壮光头男。 Is called the short light. 简称矮光。 After the short light walks, the body starts to tie crystallization unexpectedly rapidly, does not turn into the white crystallization, but turns into the red crystallization. 矮光走出来之后,身体竟然开始迅速结晶化,不是变成白色的结晶,而是变成红色结晶。 The whole person almost changed to a short strong bald human form ruby. 整个人几乎化作了一块矮壮的光头人形红宝石。 Under shining of not far away star, sparkles to shine. 在不远处恒星的照耀下,闪闪发亮。 Lin Huang noticed, his knot crystallization incessantly was the skin surface change, but was the change of body cell level. As if the whole person from inside to outside, each cell total turned into this crystal structure. 林煌注意到了,他这种结晶化不止是皮肤表层的变化,而是身体细胞层面的变化。似乎整个人从内到外,每一颗细胞都全数变成了这种晶体结构。 Looks that is very hard.” Lin Huang spoke thoughtlessly to give such appraisal. “看着就挺硬的。”林煌随口给出了这样的评价。 The short sleeve becomes the crystallization all alone next one flickers, he grins fiercely smiles, the figure leaps suddenly, welcomed a galaxy Titan insect fist bombardment to go directly. 矮光身体完成结晶的下一瞬,他咧嘴狰狞一笑,身形猛然一跃而出,正面迎着星河泰坦虫一拳轰击而去。 Next flickers, the Bloody crystalline fist collided with the head of that galaxy Titan insect loudly in one. 下一瞬,血色晶状拳头与那只星河泰坦虫的脑袋轰然碰撞在了一起。 Bang!!!” “轰!!!” The fierce bellow shake entire world, that sound even went beyond the limit of vacuum, toward clears away to go in all directions. 剧烈的轰鸣声震荡寰宇,那声音甚至超越了真空的限制,朝着四面八方涤荡而去。 But collision next one flickers, the head of galaxy Titan insect blasted open directly. 而碰撞的下一瞬,星河泰坦虫的脑袋直接炸裂了。 Afterward, the fist vigor continues to shake toward the deep place, the body of galaxy Titan insect also starts to break up rapidly, demolishes the building of later collapsing just like the fixed point. 随后,拳劲继续朝着深处震荡,星河泰坦虫的身体也开始迅速崩解,宛若定点爆破之后坍塌的大厦。 Insect Formation that only one fist, over ten thousand hundred million insect beast constructions become was torn into shreds easily, in which insect beast is the casualty more than half. 只一拳,上万亿只虫兽构建而成的虫阵就被轻而易举撕碎了,其中的虫兽更是死伤过半。 Nine snake one group of look at this scene unemotionally, from the start has not been astonished with the joyful color. 九蛇一行人都面无表情地看着这一幕,压根没有丝毫讶异和欣喜之色。 As if all are natural. 仿佛一切都理所当然。 Lin Huang that the distant place has observed equally is not surprised. 远处一直观战的林煌也同样一点都不惊讶。 Although this Insect Formation is strong, the galaxy Titan insect that condenses actually is also only Lower Position Lord God Grade. 这个虫阵虽强,凝聚出的星河泰坦虫却也只是下位主神级别 But that short strong bald male is actually Middle Position Lord God, moreover is body cultivator. 而那名矮壮光头男却是实打实的中位主神,而且还是一名体修 A fist bang explodes Insect Formation, is not unusual. 一拳轰爆虫阵,一点也不稀奇。 „The third wave attack was also decoded......” Lin Huang to be somewhat curious, then Insect Race can be anything responded. 第三波攻击也被破解了……”林煌有些好奇,接下来虫族这边会是什么反应。 Actually these three waves probe, Insect Race should to nine snake one group of strengths had one quite accurate the judgment. At least can judge, a come wave of people at least has the Middle Position Lord God strength. 其实这三波试探下来,虫族这边就应该对九蛇一行人的实力有了一个较为“精准”的判断。起码能判断出,来的这波人至少都有着中位主神的实力。 If in the sane condition, should give up continuing at this time to resist, starts to consider that became reconciled with the opposite party. 如果在理智的状态下,这个时候就应该放弃继续对抗,开始考虑跟对方握手言和了。 After all in nine people are in the Middle Position Lord God situation, the batch of Insect Race in ten thousand insect labyrinths are nothing odds of success. This had not considered, in nine people have the possibility that the powerhouse above Middle Position Lord God has. 毕竟在九人都是中位主神的情况下,万虫迷宫里的这批虫族是没有任何胜算的。这还是没有考虑,九人之中是不是有中位主神之上的强者存在的这种可能性。 But the issue is, in the Ni Lin touched situation, present can Insect Race maintain the reason. 但问题在于,在逆麟被触碰的情况下,现在的虫族能不能保持理智。 Lin Huang thought that was very difficult to say. 林煌觉得很难说。 But is only the moment, he saw the answer of this issue. 但只是片刻,他就看到了这个问题的答案。 Magnanimous Insect Race turns out in full strength, even ten are Lower Position Lord God Grade Insect Sovereign, Middle Position Lord God Grade Insect Sovereign. 海量的虫族倾巢而出,其中甚至有十是下位主神级虫皇,还有一只中位主神级别虫皇 Sees this lineup, Lin Huang is somewhat astonished. 看到这个阵容,林煌都有些讶异。 Has saying that the Lord God quantities of ten thousand insect labyrinths are truly astonishing, but this obviously is also not complete, because has not made an appearance including Lord God Grade Mother Sovereign. 不得不说,万虫迷宫的主神数量确实惊人,而这明显还不是全部,因为连一只主神级母皇都没有露面。 But Lin Huang knows, in ten thousand insect labyrinths at least has Lord God Grade Mother Sovereign. 林煌知道,万虫迷宫里至少有一只主神级别母皇 11 Lord God Grade Insect Sovereign make an appearance, then assembles Insect Formation rapidly, constituted only Ancient Era fierce different insect shape each Insect Formation, is centered on Lord God Grade Insect Sovereign, by tens of billions Insect Race Heavenly God and over ten thousand hundred million True God auxiliary constructions. 十一只主神级虫皇一露面,便迅速集结虫阵,构成了一只只古代纪元的凶猛异虫形态每一座虫阵,都是以主神级别虫皇为核心,以上百亿只虫族天神和上万亿真神辅助构建而成。 Almost time of breath is less, 11 Insect Formation have condensed the formation. 几乎一息的时间不到,十一座虫阵就已经凝聚成型。 In the starry sky only different insect body endures compared with the stars, the aura rises dramatically. 星空中一只只异虫体型都堪比星辰,气息更是一路飙升。 Almost weakest has the Middle Position Lord God level, the Insect Formation aura of strongest that only Insect Sovereign constitution obviously arrived in the Upper Position Lord God level. 几乎最弱的都有中位主神的水准,最强的那只虫皇构成的虫阵气息更是明显抵达了上位主神的水准。 Plunderer here one group of noticed that this scene obviously somewhat changed countenance. 掠夺者这边一行人看到这一幕都明显有些动容了。 Nine snakes are still only unemotional, the mood cannot see changes slightly. 唯有九蛇依旧面无表情,情绪看不出丝毫变化。 Then finally a little quality of being worth looking.” “这下总算有点看头了。” The Insect Nest deep place, the Lin Huang interest surges upward is staring at battlefield of both sides. If were not worried that other insect beasts smell, he a little wants to put out the popcorn to come. 虫巢深处,林煌兴趣高涨地盯着双方的战场。如果不是担心其他虫兽闻到,他都有点想拿出爆米花来了。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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