MP :: Volume #8 在人间

#1555: Illusion Demon City porter

Monster Paradise()” searches the latest chapter! 怪物乐园()”查找最新章节! Induces to this terrifying pressure, Lin Huang and Sword Nine two people of facial colors change. 感应到这股恐怖的威压,林煌剑九二人面色都是一变。 A moment ago that only Dead Spirit Vine is the Ninth Sequence Heavenly God limit powerhouse, but now this pressure, was powerful to another level, obviously was half step Lord God without doubt. 刚才那只死灵藤就已经是第九序列天神的极限强者了,而如今这股威压,更是强大到了另一层面,显然是半步主神无疑了。 Although also some curious oneself and half step Lord God power gap big, but Lin Huang is also very clear, the enemy who this time presents, has surpassed oneself the category that can deal with, in the heart also started to conceive to quit. 虽然也有些好奇自己半步主神实力差距到底有多大,但林煌也十分清楚,这次出现的敌人,已经超出了自己的能够应对的范畴,心中也开始萌生退意了。 Before facing Dead Spirit Vine, he dares to act without hesitation, is the pressure that because the opposite party released not powerful to the degree of letting him directly giving up. But the pressure that this one time arrives, made him feel without a peer. 之前面对死灵藤,他敢毫不犹豫就出手,是因为对方释放的威压并没有强大到让他直接罢手的程度。而这一次降临的威压,真实的让他感受到了不可匹敌。 His reason judges, upfront resistance, oneself not slightly odds of success. Once acts, only then a result, was killed by the opposite party. 他的理智判断出来,正面对抗,自己没有丝毫胜算。一旦出手,只有一种结果,就是被对方杀死。 When he is preparing to send greetings Playing Fate and Sword Nine retreat, Playing Fate passes message takes the lead to transmit. 就在他正准备传音给戏命剑九撤退的时候,戏命的传音率先传来。 Do not go to the aggressor forces powerful, the enemy of your imagination is stronger, this fellow will be stronger!” “不要去假想敌人有多强大,你们假想的敌人越强,这家伙就会越强!” This passes message made Lin Huang listen to stare, but he responded immediately, was Illusion Art?!” 这道传音让林煌听了一愣,但他随即反应过来,“是幻术?!” Can understand.” The Playing Fate response said. “可以这么理解。”戏命回应道。 But at this time, Lin Huang also saw that nearby Playing Fate withdrew the defensive measure, originally bent knee gradually straight. After moment, he stands in this pressure straightly, did not seem to been affected. 而此时,林煌也看到一旁的戏命撤去了防御手段,原本被压弯的膝盖渐渐直了起来。片刻过后,他笔挺地站在这片威压中,仿佛没有受到丝毫影响。 We had found the Illusion Demon City entrance.” The Playing Fate vision as if penetrated the dense fog to look to the distant place. “我们已经找到幻魔城的入口了。”戏命的目光似乎透过了迷雾看向了远方。 Entered not entrance to say later again how we do solve the present crisis?” Lin Huang passes message immediately asks. “入不入口能不能待会再说,我们怎么解决眼前的危机?”林煌立马传音问道。 We a moment ago encounter that only Dead Spirit Vine, now this only monster, is the Illusion Demon City porter. Said simply popular, is actually the illusion that Illusion Demon City makes.” “我们刚才遭遇的那只死灵藤,还有现在这只怪物,都是幻魔城的守门人。说得简单通俗一点,其实就是幻魔城制造出来的幻象。” That is only Dead Spirit Vine that we massacred a moment ago also the illusion?” Lin Huang hears the brow to select, some of his regarding this suspicions. “我们刚才杀掉的那只死灵藤也是幻象?”林煌听得眉头一挑,他对此有些怀疑。 That side Little Black transmits strikes to kill the prompt to exist, moreover oneself within the body obtains the magnanimous Rule strength to flood into, is real. 小黑那边传来击杀提示可是实打实存在的,而且自己体内获得海量规则力量涌入,也是真实的。 If the illusion, that side Little Black is impossible to transmit strikes to kill the prompt. 如果是幻象,小黑那边根本不可能传来击杀提示。 Playing Fate as if also saw the Lin Huang's doubts, enters One Step to answer, is not the simple illusion. But is similar to my ability, real illusion.” 戏命似乎也看出了林煌的疑惑,又进一步解释道,“不是简单的幻象。而是与我的能力类似的,真实的幻象。” Person who falls into the illusion, if thinks that it real, it will turn, and can interfere with the reality. If firm believes it not real, then it is only the fabricated illusion.” “陷入幻境的人,如果认为它是真的,它就会变成真的,并且能干涉现实。如果坚定的相信它不是真的,那它就只是虚妄的幻象。” Your meaning is, we killed that only Dead Spirit Vine a moment ago, wasted the strength? Actually can we definitely disregard it?” Lin Huang is somewhat speechless. “你的意思是,刚才我们杀那只死灵藤,是白费了力气?其实我们完全可以无视它?”林煌有些无语。 Yes, so long as we believe firmly it not real, is only together empty.” Playing Fate nods. Through the way of Illusion Demon City porter also only then one type, does not believe that they exist.” “是的,只要我们坚定的相信它不是真的,只是一道虚相。”戏命点头。“通过幻魔城守门人的方式也只有一种,就是不相信它们是真实存在的。” Massacres all porters is not good forcefully?” Lin Huang proposed the doubts of oneself. “强行杀掉所有守门人不行吗?”林煌提出了自己的疑惑。 Useless, every time kills a porter, will have the new porter to appear. The strength will be only stronger . Moreover the quantity will also be more.” Playing Fate quite helpless answered, theoretically, the strength of porter did not have the upper limit.” “没用的,每杀死一只守门人,就会有新的守门人出现。实力只会更强,而且数量也会更多。”戏命颇为无奈的解释道,“理论上来说,守门人的实力是没有上限的。” Moreover which mighty figure will not have to idle that bored, runs up to Illusion Demon City to kill the porter to play.” “而且也不会有哪位大能闲得那么无聊,跑到幻魔城来杀守门人玩。” Them is chatting, Lin Huang noticed another side Sword Nine also to stand up the body, withdrew the defensive measure, completely disregarded this to arrive at the unapproachable pressure powerful. 两人这边正聊着,林煌注意到另外一边的剑九也站起了身来,撤去了防御手段,完全无视了这股强大到无可匹敌的威压。 But at this moment, Night Demon Pine of distant place Chengtian earth stretched out the branch, the inexhaustible branches and leaves camouflaged the trim daylight in an instant, surrounds the trim space that three people of institutes were. 而就在这时,远处一棵承天接地的夜魔杉伸出了枝丫,无穷无尽的枝叶刹那间遮蔽了整片天日,也包围了三人所在的整片空间。 If the dense and numerous branches the innumerable tentacles from attack to come toward the Lin Huang three people in all directions. 密密麻麻的枝桠如无数触手般从四面八方朝着林煌三人侵袭而来。 You must believe that this wave of attack is fabricated, that only launches the attack half step Lord God not to exist really!” Saw that the branch wells up like surging tides, Playing Fate passes on the sound said to Lin Huang hastily. “你要坚信这一波攻击是虚妄的,那只发动攻击的半步主神也不是真实存在的!”眼看着枝桠如潮水般涌来,戏命连忙冲着林煌传音道。 He has the general understanding of the Lin Huang's strength, although the Lin Huang strength is strong, but is also not enough to resist the half step Lord God Grade powerhouse. 他对林煌的实力已经有了大概的了解,林煌实力虽强,但还远不足以对抗半步主神级别的强者。 If were hit by this wave of attack, Lin Huang must die without doubt! 如果被这一波攻击击中,林煌必死无疑! Divine Intent induces before the innumerable branch approach the body, the Lin Huang mood throughout is hard to return to normal, his instinct wants to resist, finds out the blade, cannot achieve to disregard this wave of threat completely. 神念感应到无数枝丫逼近身前,林煌心情始终难以平复下来,他本能的就想抵御,就想出刀,完全做不到无视这一波威胁。 After moment, the innumerable branch penetrated the dense fog, passed through the body of Playing Fate and Sword Nine in the wink of an eye, what just like passing through is only two phantom. 片刻过后,无数枝丫穿透了迷雾,瞬息之间就穿过了戏命剑九的身体,宛若穿过的只是两道虚影 Two people have not defended, has not dodged, has not received the slightly hit sign. 两人没有防御,也没有闪避,更没有受到丝毫被击中的迹象。 Next flickers, over a hundred branch compel to Lin Huang at present, the summon of Lin Huang instinct Black Mirror blocked before the body. 下一瞬,上百根枝丫逼至林煌眼前,林煌本能的召唤出了黑镜拦在身前。 But Black Mirror only maintained for one second is less than disrupts loudly, that branch penetrated the past directly, looked like metal sharp blade to penetrate the glass. 黑镜只维持了一秒钟不到就轰然碎裂,那一根根枝丫直接穿透了过去,就像是一根根金属利刃穿透了玻璃。 Lin Huang fierce puts out a blood, this is Black Mirror is unable to withstand the attack, backlash that the disintegration later brings. 林煌猛的吐出一口血来,这是黑镜无法承受攻击,崩解之后带来的反噬。 This is also Lin Huang first time meets Black Mirror to be broken through this condition in history. 这也是林煌有史以来第一次遇到黑镜被攻破这种状况。 That branch, easily penetrated Black Mirror , to continue toward the Lin Huang attack. Playing Fate and Sword Nine two people are anxious, actually cannot help. 那一根根枝丫,轻易就穿透了黑镜,继续朝着林煌侵袭而来。戏命剑九两人都焦急不已,却又帮不上忙。 Saw that the branch comes toward the oneself attack, Lin Huang sudden both eyes shut, the lip opening and closing, the mood returns to normal fast. 眼看着枝丫朝着自己侵袭而来,林煌突然双目微闭,嘴唇翕动,情绪快速平复下来。 Next flickers, he opens the eyes, a branch penetrated his forehead directly, has not had a bloodstain. After moment, his body entire was penetrated the past by the innumerable branch, actually just like passing through phantom. 下一瞬,他睁开双眼,一根枝丫直接穿透了他的眉心,却没有带起一丝血渍。片刻过后,他身体整个被无数枝丫穿透了过去,却宛若穿过了一道虚影 Lin Huang then put out a hand to wipe near a lip bloodstain, to Playing Fate and Sword Nine two people of slight bows, handled!” 林煌这才伸手抹了一把唇边的血渍,冲着戏命剑九二人微微点头,“搞定了!” How did you achieve a moment ago?” Sword Nine cannot bear ask. “你刚才是怎么做到的?”剑九忍不住问道。 He ponders, if were oneself were defending defeated crucial moment a moment ago, was impossible to change the idea instantaneously, disregarded these attacks. 他自忖如果刚才是自己在防御被击破的生死关头,是不可能瞬间改变想法,无视这些攻击的。 Is only a buddhist cultivator small method.” Lin Huang answered lightly. “只是一点佛修的小手段。”林煌淡淡解释道。 But in fact, he is very clear, if not oneself has Demon Buddha Holy Son this controlled beast, oneself escaped a moment ago difficultly dies. 而事实上,他心里却很清楚,如果不是自己魔佛圣子这尊御兽,自己刚才难逃一死。 He borrowed Demon Buddha Holy Son contemplation secret art a moment ago, in all thoughts the oneself brain empties instantaneously completely, compulsion made oneself calm. Then fantasized that this wave of attack is the nihility, this only half step Lord God is not exists. 他刚才是借用了魔佛圣子的冥想秘术,瞬间将自己脑子里所有念头全部清空,强制让自己冷静了下来。然后再重新幻想这一波攻击是虚无的,这只半步主神并不是真实存在的。 The entire journey is thrilling extremely, as long as some wee bit mistakes, he should use the death substitution rebirth now. 全程可谓是惊险万分,但凡有一丁点差池,他现在应该就已经用替死重生了。 Is good because of his operation entire journey high energy, does not have any mistake, avoided this to kill struck. 好在他的操作全程高能,没有任何失误,才堪堪避开了这必杀的一击。 Then, how should do?” Lin Huang looked up to Playing Fate. “接下来,该怎么做?”林煌抬头看向了戏命 „Very simple, fantasized that has the Illusion Demon City entrance.” Playing Fate finishes speaking, his hand wields, before the body, then presented a leaf of shining front door, however the boosting gate went on the line.” “很简单,幻想出幻魔城的入口。”戏命话音刚落,他手一挥,身前便出现了一扇金灿灿的大门,“然后推门进去就行了。” Playing Fate said, opened this leaf of emerging out of thin air front door, is drawing the arm of Lin Huang and Sword Nine, directly taking a step in which...... 戏命说完,推开了这扇凭空出现的大门,拉着林煌剑九的手臂,就直接迈步其中……
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