MP :: Volume #8 在人间

#1551: 3 times of joys!

Monster Paradise()” searches the latest chapter! 怪物乐园()”查找最新章节! Hunts and kills ordinary fourth Order Heavenly God, Lin Huang each only can plunder to 20,000 to 25,000 Rule strengths. 猎杀普通的第四秩序天神,林煌每只只能掠夺到两万到两万五千种规则力量。 But fourth Order Night Demon Pine, can actually provide eight to arrive at the 100,000 Rule quantity for Lin Huang, is almost same strength Heavenly God four times. 但一只第四秩序夜魔杉,却能为林煌提供八到十万规则数量,差不多是同等战力天神的四倍。 The Rule quantity that Combat Rating higher Night Demon Pine, within the body has are also more. 战力等级更高的夜魔杉,体内拥有的规则数量也更多。 This monster regarding Lin Huang, is the extremely good experience is without doubt strange. 这种怪物对于林煌来说,无疑是极佳的经验怪。 He brings the squad to lead the way, except for elementary Order lets give Tu Tong and Lan Ling practices acquiring a skill, other direct killed, from the start not to the opportunity that Playing Fate and Sword Nine make a move. 他带着小队一路前行,除了将初等秩序的让出来给图通蓝灵练手,其他的都直接斩杀,压根没有给戏命剑九出手的机会。 Playing Fate and Sword Nine have not said anything, two people have started to detect, Lin Huang as if regarding hunting and killing certain monster craves specially. 戏命剑九也没说什么,两人已经开始察觉出来,林煌似乎对于猎杀某些怪物特别热衷。 Because some monster he is obviously disinclined to act, but some monster he will rush to kill. 因为有些怪物他明显懒得出手,但有些怪物他会抢着杀。 Two people have not ravelled, Lin Huang in the standard that monster is interested is anything. In they opinion, Lin Huang rushes several monster that hunts and kills, as if has no something in common. 只是两人没弄明白,林煌怪物感兴趣的标准是什么。在他俩看来,林煌抢着猎杀的几种怪物,似乎并没有什么共同之处。 In Demon Pine Forest, the squad leads the way. 魔杉林里,小队一路前行。 The Rule quantity that not much time, Lin Huang plunders broke through 1 million with ease, compared with hunting and killing ordinary monster quick several times continued. 没多大会,林煌掠夺到的规则数量就轻松突破了百万,比猎杀普通怪物快了数倍不止。 Suddenly, the Lan Ling reminder sound transmits, proceeded, to have the dead souls vine again.” 突然间,蓝灵的提醒声传来,“再往前一点,就有死灵藤了。” The dead souls vine, is the one vine monster of parasitic on Demon Pine. Derives the nutrition from Demon Pine at the same time, they also meet the feedback oneself strength, the assistance Demon Pine hunting. Their attacks are also different from Demon Pine are the physical levels, but is the direct role in the Spirit Soul level. 死灵藤,是寄生在魔杉上的一种藤蔓怪物。从魔杉身上汲取营养的同时,它们也会回馈自己的力量,协助魔杉狩猎。它们的攻击也不同于魔杉是物理层面,而是直接作用于灵魂层面。 Once dead souls vine to nutrition derives speed to surpass the load of Demon Pine, dead souls Toichi will choose to be separated from Demon Pine, seeks for stronger Demon Pine to parasite, avoids Demon Pine being damaged. But these powerful dead souls vines, deriving speed are unable bed sheet Demon Pine to satisfy, they will choose many Demon Pine to share simultaneously. But this type of powerful dead souls vine, usually also has the terrifying strength, can support the hunting of many Demon Pine. 一旦死灵藤对营养的汲取速度超出魔杉的负荷,死灵藤一般都会选择脱离魔杉,寻找更强的魔杉来重新寄生,避免魔杉受到损伤。而那些强大的死灵藤,汲取速度无法被单棵魔杉满足,它们就会同时选择多棵魔杉来进行分担。但这种强大的死灵藤,通常也具备着恐怖的实力,能够支持多棵魔杉的狩猎。 The dead souls vine and Demon Pine paragenesis, is a positive cycle of mutual benefit. 死灵藤和魔杉的共生,属于一种互利的良性循环。 To Night Demon Pine, the help of dead souls vine will be even bigger. Because when they sleep soundly during the daytime, the dead souls vine on own initiative will undertake the work of hunting, hunts and kills the lifeform of all invasion territories. 夜魔杉来说,死灵藤的帮助甚至会更大。因为在它们白天熟睡的时候,死灵藤会主动承担起狩猎的工作,猎杀一切入侵领地的生物。 Heard Lan Ling this reminder, the squad people hits the spirit, was more discrete. 听到蓝灵这声提醒,小队众人都打起了精神,更加谨慎起来。 The actual combat capability of dead souls vine is to be stronger than same strength Demon Pine, and method quite a lot. Coordinates the Demon Pine fight, the both sides whole strength will significantly be increased. 死灵藤的实战能力,是要比同等战力魔杉更强的,且手段颇多。配合魔杉战斗,双方整体都实力会大幅度提升。 But Lin Huang hears this reminder, the first thought in the brain flashing through is actually takes the Night Demon Pine parasite, Rule and can the Order of quantity these dead souls vine within the body be similar to Night Demon Pine?!” 林煌听到这声提醒,脑子里闪过的第一个念头却是“作为夜魔杉的寄生物,这些死灵藤体内的规则秩序数量会不会和夜魔杉差不多?!” Thinks of this point, Lin Huang again eyes shine. 想到这一点,林煌再次两眼发亮 If is really this, that means that oneself can plunder the double empirical values, obtains the double joys! 如果真的是这样,那就意味着自己可以掠夺到双倍的经验值,获得双倍的快乐! Naturally, in the Lin Huang brain this strange idea, Playing Fate one group of do not know the circumstances of the matter. 当然,林煌脑子里这种奇怪的想法,戏命一行人并不知情。 The Lin Huang seemingly discrete region the squad is continuing, without going out far, then encounter new round sneak attack. 林煌看似谨慎地带着小队继续前行,没走出多远,便遭遇了新一轮的偷袭。 This wave of attack, had unlike before greatly, was Night Demon Pine and dead souls vine also acts. 这一波攻击,与之前大有不同,是夜魔杉和死灵藤同时出手。 Everywhere vine shadow and branch stretch out, the intensity of attack compared to strengthen several times to continue with front. Moreover, this wave of attack undifferentiated attack all members of squad. 漫天的藤影和枝丫伸出,攻击的密集程度与前面相比增强了数倍不止。而且,这一波攻击无差别的攻击了小队的所有成员。 The other members of squad are ready in full battle array, the expression in Sword Nine surface dignified several points. 小队的其他成员都严阵以待,就连剑九面上的表情都凝重了几分。 As for Playing Fate, although is away from the mask unable to see any expression, but can also obviously see before his condition not, was so lax. 至于戏命,虽然隔着面具看不到任何表情,但也能明显看到他的状态没有之前那样松懈了。 Because under the vine shadow and branch interweave, which say/way is very difficult to distinguish is the Spirit Soul attack that the dead souls vine sends out, which say/way is the physical attack that Night Demon Pine launches. 因为藤影和枝丫交织之下,很难分辨出哪道是死灵藤发出的灵魂攻击,哪道是夜魔杉发动的物理攻击。 Only Lin Huang, in heart stimulated exceptionally. 唯独林煌,心中亢奋异常。 Saw that crowded such as the attack of rain raids, he directs directly, haunched Black Mirror, wrapped squad everyone. 看到密集如雨的攻击袭来,他直接一指点出,撑起了黑镜,将小队所有人都包裹了进去。 This one time Black Mirror, opens not the problem slightly, seems like the worry companion unable to deal with. Only then Lin Huang oneself knows, 一次黑镜,开得没有丝毫毛病,看起来就像是担心同伴无法应付。只有林煌自己知道, Actual goal of this wave of operation to snatch strangely. Black Mirror hangs steadily sky over the people top of the head, Playing Fate one group of also a little worried from the beginning this defense is unable to resist the attack of Soul-class, but quick realizes Lin Huang's Black Mirror compared with great strength of oneself imagination. One group of people entered the seeing a play condition quickly safely. 这一波操作的实际目的只是为了抢怪。黑镜稳稳地悬在众人头顶上空,戏命一行人一开始还有点担心这防御无法抵御灵魂类的攻击,但很快就意识到林煌的黑镜远比自己想象的更加强大。一群人很快安心地进入了看戏状态。 Void, branch and rattan come like the rainstorm attack, is touching the Black Mirror instance, shoots to return on by quicker speed. 虚空中,一根根枝丫和藤条如暴雨般侵袭而来,然后在触碰到黑镜的瞬间,就以更快的速度倒射而回。 In dense fog sad and shrill pitiful yell sound Large expanse. 紧接着,迷雾之中凄厉的惨叫声成片。 After moment, camouflages the attack of daylight to vanish thoroughly, after the dense fog, fell into a silence. 片刻过后,遮蔽天日的攻击彻底消失,迷雾之后也陷入了一片寂静。 Lin Huang only used a finger, suppressed the audience. 林煌只用了一根手指头,就镇压了全场。 Tu Tong and Lan Ling were in a state of delay thoroughly, long time has not recovered. 图通蓝灵彻底陷入了呆滞状态,半晌都没回过神来。 Playing Fate also and Sword Nine looked at each other one, saw panic-stricken that in the opposite party eyes is hard to conceal. This defensive measure, was extremely simply invincible! 戏命也和剑九对视了一眼,都看出了对方眼中难以掩饰的惊骇。这防御手段,简直太过无敌了! Lin Huang stands was realizing same place feeling that the magnanimous Rule quantity floods into within the body. 林煌则站在原地体会着海量规则数量涌入体内的感觉。 This simple finger/refers, making him one time plunder the empirical values of over a million Rule quantities. 这简简单单的一指,让他又一次掠夺了上百万规则数量的经验值。 But he also induces, the oneself guess was confirmed. 而他也感应到,自己刚才的猜测得到了证实。 The Rule quantity of each dead souls vine within the body, is similar to parasitic Night Demon Pine. 每一根死灵藤体内的规则数量,都和寄生的夜魔杉差不多。 This wave of harvesting, really made him feel the double joys! 这一波收割,真的让他感受到了双倍的快乐! Removed Black Mirror, Lin Huang found out Intent Energy silk threads, towed remains. 撤除了黑镜,林煌将一根根念能丝线探出,将一具具遗体拖了回来。 He also sees the dead souls vine finally the main body. 他也终于看到死灵藤的本体。 Is a black rattan, the coarseness from the adult thigh as thick or thin as the bucket thick or thin, probably only grand python. 是一种黑色的藤条,粗度从成人大腿粗细到水桶粗细不等,像是一只只巨蟒 What is quite special, the appearances of these rattan are not completely same, except for the bottom color is the black, has the difference respectively. 比较特别的是,这些藤条的模样都不是完全相同,除了底色是黑色,各有差别。 Some above are covered with the advantage thorn, some are covered with the sarcoma, some were covered with the scale, some proliferate the venom...... 有的上面长满利刺,有的长满肉瘤,有的长满了鳞片,有的遍布毒液…… Although dead souls vine attack time, the rattan can branch out the innumerable branches, but it can be imagined, if Spirit Soul were hit by these rattan, what kind of consequence can be. 虽然死灵藤攻击的时候,藤条会分出无数分支,但可想而知,如果灵魂被这些藤条击中,会是怎样的后果。 Nearby Lan Ling and Tu Tong look, feels some lingering fear. 一旁的蓝灵图通看着,都觉得有些后怕。 Receiving, dead souls vine, even if places star sea, is the good Soul-class refiner is still principal.” Playing Fate said with a smile, „after going out, should be able to sell a good price.” “都收着吧,死灵藤就算放在星海,也算是不错的灵魂类炼器主材。”戏命笑道,“出去之后,应该能卖个好价钱。” The Lin Huang hears word brow selects, he has not thought actually can also have the unexpected benefit. 林煌闻言眉头一挑,他倒是没想到还能有意外收获。 Soul-class Divine Tool, price generally not poor, because of refiner material very Rare, Order Divine Tool that let alone Heavenly God uses. 灵魂类神具,价格一般都不菲,因为炼器材料非常稀有,更别说天神用的秩序神具了。 This dead souls vine refines the Order Divine Tool principal material, the price will not be certainly cheap, the demand absolutely will not be small. 这死灵藤是炼制秩序神具的主材料,价格当然不会便宜,需求量也绝对不会小。 The information that Playing Fate supplies, made Lin Huang to hunting and killing dead souls Fujiko sends interesting. 戏命提供的这条信息,也让林煌对猎杀死灵藤越发兴趣十足了。 But not only then double joys, but is three times was joyful! 这下可不只是双倍的快乐,而是三倍的快乐了!
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