MP :: Volume #6 毁灭与新生

#973: The transaction is closed

Next morning, Lin Huang has had the breakfast, goes to Myriad Treasures Auction House unhurriedly. 第二天一早,林煌吃过早饭,才不慌不忙地前往万宝拍卖行 Just made great strides forward the auction room front door, gorgeous female waiter was with smile on the face to welcome. 刚迈进拍卖行大门,一名容貌出众的女服务员就面带微笑迎了上来。 Mr. Lin, Owner makes me lead you to go to the reception room, please along with me come.” 林先生,老板让我带您去会客室,请随我来。” Lin Huang nods, follows in female waiter behind, walks toward the reception room across the crowd. 林煌点了点头,跟在女服务员身后,穿过人群一路朝着会客室走去。 Arrived the reception room entrance, female waiter brushed the work identification that projected, this opens the front door, Mr. Lin, Owner immediately. Do you want the tea, other coffee drink?” 到了会客室门口,女服务员刷了一下投影出来的工作证,这才推开大门,“林先生,老板马上就到。您是要茶,咖啡还是其他饮料?” Lin Huang notices, in the reception room has the coffeemaker, then along with tastes, one cup of black, thanks.” 林煌注意到,会客厅里有咖啡机,便随口道,“一杯黑咖,谢谢。” Good, please wait a bit.” Female waiter is busy making the coffee, while said to Lin Huang, fruit is the goods that in the morning just arrived, had just cleaned.” “好的,请稍等。”女服务员一边忙着煮咖啡,一边冲着林煌说道,“水果是早上刚到的货,刚刚清洗过的。” „.” Lin Huang then notices on the tea table to have a fruit, the variety has 78 types. “哦。”林煌这才注意到茶几上有一篮水果,品种有七八样。 He sits on the sofa, took one gal thousandth to force in the mouth conveniently. A gal thousandth this fruit looks is a bit like the cherry, but the color is the eggplant purple, without seed. The flavor is a bit like the mixture of cherry and blueberry, is fragrant brings the light sour odor, and juice is rich. 他坐在沙发上,随手取了一颗伽厘塞进嘴里。伽厘这种水果看着有点像车厘子,但颜色是茄子的紫色,没有籽。味道则有点像车厘子和蓝莓的混合体,香甜里带着一点淡淡的酸味,而且汁水丰富。 This fruit, to the average person, the price is quite soaring, almost takes several hundred credit points. But to cultivator, can eat. 这种水果,对普通人来说,价格相当高昂,一颗差不多就要数百信用点。但对修行者来说,还是吃得起的。 Lin Huang ate two gal thousandths, Tang Xu pushed the door to come, walked to Lin Huang with a laugh. 林煌才吃了两颗伽厘,唐旭就推门进来了,笑呵呵地冲着林煌走了过来。 Brother Lin, making you wait for a long time.” 林老弟,让你久等了。” No, I also just arrived.” Lin Huang sets out with a smile, shakes hand with the opposite party. “没有,我也刚到。”林煌笑着起身,和对方握了握手。 After two people sit down, Tang Xu shot a look at a waiter direction, has not chatted the Divine Tool matter directly, but drew Lin Huang to make the daily family activity. 两人坐下之后,唐旭瞥了一眼服务员的方向,没有直接聊神具的事情,而是拉着林煌闹起了家常。 Brother Lin, this two months does not see, your strength also has the promotion!” 林兄弟,这才两个月不见,你的战力又有提升啊!” Is Teacher teaches well.” Lin Huang moved the oneself false status. “都是老师教导得好。”林煌又将自己的假身份搬了出来。 Also right, has Half God realm Teacher, but also is really enviable.” On Tang Xu face admired that does not counterfeit. Although he is in aristocratic family, but in family/home Half-God only then, is away from several ranks with oneself, had not been instructed by that person's since childhood. “也对,有位半神境老师,还真是让人羡慕啊。”唐旭脸上的艳羡不似作假。他虽然身在世家,但家里半神只有一位,跟自己隔着几个辈分,从小就没受过那位的指导。 Listened to the senior saying that you did enter ancient ruins a while ago?” “听前辈说,你们前段时间进遗址了?” Yes, before is Teacher, personal ancient ruins obtained accidentally. We went for one month, yesterday just now comes out.” When Lin Huang oneself camouflaged Half-God to the words that Tang Xu spoke, confirmed in detail. “是啊,是老师以前无意中得到的一处私人遗址。我们进去了一个月,昨天才刚出来。”林煌自己伪装成半神时跟唐旭说的话,更详细地证实了一遍。 Half-God trains personally, this simply is our unthinkable treatments.” 半神亲自培养,这简直是我们想都不敢想的待遇。” Them chatted a meeting, waiter will make the good coffee to carry to Lin Huang. 两人这边聊了一会,服务员将烧好的咖啡给林煌端了过来。 Tang Xu sees that also wanted one cup. 唐旭见状,也要了一杯。 After the Tang Xu coffee end comes up, waiter then sets out to leave the reception room, shut behind the front door of conference room. 唐旭的咖啡端上来之后,服务员这才起身离开会客室,顺手关上了会议室的大门。 Saw waiter to walk, Tang Xu then somewhat lowered the sound to ask impatiently, Brother Lin, Divine Tool belt/bring?” 服务员走了,唐旭这才有些迫不及待地压低声音问道,“林老弟,神具带了吗?” Lin Huang smiles, puts down the coffee cup in hand, this took out Divine Tool Tyrant Sovereign Spear from storage space. 林煌笑了笑,放下手中的咖啡杯,这才从储物空间里取出了神具霸皇枪 Received Divine Tool, the Tang Xu mood cannot bear be excited, has stroked the spear's/gun's body gently. 接过神具,唐旭心情还是忍不住激动起来,轻轻拂过枪身。 Although is not first time contacts this Tyrant Sovereign Spear, Tang Xu has awed to Divine Tool. 虽然已经不是第一次接触这把霸皇枪,唐旭神具还是有所敬畏。 How do this time you prepare to sell?” Lin Huang asked that this issue , because he wants to attain God Figurine as soon as possible. “这次你准备怎么卖?”林煌问这个问题,是因为他想尽快拿到神俑 If Tang Xu prepares to hold an auction again, he attains God Figurine possibly also to take one month later earliest. 如果唐旭准备再开一场拍卖会的话,他拿到神俑可能最早也要一个月以后了。 This time does not have the means to hold the auction, both buyers want the goods to be fine anxious, moreover we keep in stock have no good thing. Only can approximately come out to discuss two buyers together, price high results.” Tang Xu some, helpless said, he hopes can open the fame in auction promotion auction room, but the condition does not permit now. “这次没办法开拍卖会,两个买家都要货要得急,而且我们库存也没什么好东西。只能将两个买家约出来一起谈,价高者得。”唐旭有些无奈道,他是更希望能开拍卖会提升拍卖行的名气,但现在条件不允许。 Generally, holds the one time large-scale auction like Myriad Treasures Auction House, at least needs to use for 2-3 months even to collect precious object for the six months. Even the auction of small-scale scale, the initial work at least still requires one month of setup time. 一般情况下,像万宝拍卖行举行一次大型拍卖会,至少要用2-3个月甚至半年来搜集藏品。就算是小型规模的拍卖会,前期工作至少也需要一个多月的准备时间。 I have made them to discuss tomorrow morning, if as expected, before noon, should be able to come to an arrangement. “我已经约好了他们明天上午来谈,不出意外的话,中午之前应该就能谈妥。 When the time comes I will contact with you immediately. ” Result that the arrangement of Tang Xu, Lin Huang most wants. 到时候我会在第一时间联系你。”唐旭的这番安排,正是林煌最想要的结果。 Right, the senior has said that except for God Figurine, what he has to request to other exchange?” Tang Xu also asked suddenly. “对了,前辈有没有说过,除了神俑,他对其他兑换物有没有什么要求?”唐旭突然又问道。 This he spoke thoughtlessly to raise one time, said that best was Half-God Grade soul crystal. If no, Half Divine Tool is also good.” Lin Huang thinks, gave this reply. “这个他随口提过一次,说最好是半神级魂晶。如果没有的话,半神具也行。”林煌想了想,给出了这番回答。 Does not have the issue, later I told the buyer.” Tang Xu nods, tomorrow waits for my good news.” “没问题,待会我跟买家说一下。”唐旭点了点头,“明天等我好消息吧。” With a Tang Xu discussion, Lin Huang returned to the hotel. 唐旭一番洽谈过后,林煌回到了酒店。 Returned to normal slightly a mood, he just prepared to practice the blade, in the hand Emperor Heart Ring shakes suddenly. 稍稍平复了一下心情,他刚准备练刀,手上帝心戒突然震荡起来。 The point opens the communication page, is the Jian Fei round a news. 点开通讯页面,是简飞发过来一条消息。 Conference time has decided that 9 : 30 am, place in the Heavenly Ladder Tree 63rd Layer Stronghold conference room. Please arrive on time!” “会议时间已定,后天上午九点半,地点在天梯树第六十三层据点会议室。请准时到场!” Lin Huang returned to one receiving, starts to continue to practice the blade. 林煌回了一句“收到”,就开始继续练刀。 Next morning, Lin Huang has had the breakfast, has been keeping thinking about the matter of Tyrant Sovereign Spear sell at heart, practices the blade somewhat unable to calm the mind continually. He will practice the matter of blade to put simply one side, examines the news and Hunter Association forum on Emperor Heart Net. 第二天一早,林煌吃过早饭,心里一直惦记着霸皇枪出售的事情,连练刀都有些静不下心来。他干脆将练刀的事情放到了一边,查看起帝心网上的新闻和猎人协会论坛。 In the Hunter Association forum, the common posts, brought to his attention suddenly. 猎人协会的论坛里,有一条不起眼的帖子,突然引起了他的注意。 Is the title of post «Purple Crow is doing, Because the title has Purple Crow, Lin Huang could not bear select. 帖子的标题是《紫鸦在干什么?》,因为标题有紫鸦,林煌忍不住点了进去。 The content of post is a Hunter Association member writes, he happen to made the duty in 3rd District A17 Stronghold recently. Discovered that the Purple Crow high-end strength appears and disappears in groups Stronghold, moreover takes the action incessantly a team, is almost all high-end strengths turns out in full strength. 帖子的内容是一名猎人协会成员写的,他最近正好在第三区的A17号据点做任务。发现紫鸦的高端战力成群出没据点,而且展开行动的不止一支队伍,几乎是所有高端战力倾巢而出。 After this post following reply, is less than ten, basically has not been serious this matter. 这个帖子下面的回复之后不到十条,基本上都没有把这件事情当回事儿。 But Lin Huang sees this post, thought of Yang Ling and Hong Zhuang immediately, they now in A17 Stronghold. Obviously, Hong Zhuang definitely knows anything, she chooses at this time point appears in A17 Stronghold, has the goal inevitably. 林煌看到这个帖子,就立马想到了杨凌红妆,他俩现在就在A17号据点。很显然,红妆肯定知道些什么,她选择在这个时间点出现在A17号据点,必然有目的。 „Does this woman actually want to do?” The Lin Huang brow slightly wrinkle, he almost can assured Hong Zhuang appear in A17 Stronghold, is definitely related with Purple Crow. “这个女人到底想干什么?”林煌眉头微皱,他几乎可以笃定红妆出现在A17号据点,肯定跟紫鸦有关。 When Lin Huang thinks deeply about this issue, the Emperor Heart Ring communication page shoots a news suddenly. 就在林煌思索这个问题的时候,帝心戒的通讯页面突然弹出来一条消息。 Seeing the addresser is Tang Xu, he selected the information hastily. 看到发件人是唐旭,他连忙点开了信息。 Transaction has been closed, finally the rate is three God Figurine, two Half-God Grade soul crystal.” “交易已完成,最终成交价为三件神俑,两颗半神级魂晶。” Sees this news, Lin Huang stares, unexpectedly many God Figurine?! 看到这个消息,林煌一愣,竟然多了一件神俑?! However, he accepted this result very much joyfully. 不过,他还是很愉悦地接受了这个结果。 No matter God Figurine or Half-God Grade soul crystal, is he most urgently needs now the thing. 不管是神俑还是半神级魂晶,都是他现在最迫切需要的东西。 Receives, I come later.” “收到,我待会过来。” After Tang Xu returned to this information, Lin Huang also switched off the network page and forum that glances over. 唐旭回了这条信息之后,林煌也关掉了正在浏览的网络页面和论坛。 In order to let oneself displays is not urgent, Lin Huang has not rushed to Myriad Treasures Auction House immediately, but looked for a cafe near the hotel. Selected small dessert that two cups of coffee and some need to do on the spot, spent for probably a half hour to finish eating drinks up, this set out to fly unhurriedly toward Myriad Treasures Auction House. 为了让自己表现得不是那么迫切,林煌没有立即赶往万宝拍卖行,而是在酒店附近找了一家咖啡厅。点了两杯咖啡和一些需要现做的小点心,花了大概半个多小时吃完喝完,这才不慌不忙地起身朝着万宝拍卖行飞去。 Even so, after he arrives in the auction room, Tang Xu said that comes well quickly, I think that you must wait to finish eating the lunch earliest to come again.” 即便是这样,他抵达拍卖行之后,唐旭还是笑着说了一句,“来得好快,我以为你最早也要等吃完中午饭再过来。” Does not have the means that Teacher to urge tightly.” Lin Huang has to make shield with Half-God that does not have. “没办法,老师催得紧。”林煌只好拿那位并不存在的半神做挡箭牌。 Tang Xu takes three God Figurine and two Half-God Grade soul crystal, hands over in Lin Huang, has not forgotten to remind one, auction of September, but also needs Brother Lin and senior looks after much.” 唐旭将三尊神俑和两颗半神级魂晶取出来,交到林煌手里,也没忘了提醒一句,“九月的拍卖会,还需要林老弟和前辈多多关照。” Relax, Teacher likes cooperating with the acquaintance.” Lin Huang with a smile receives God Figurine and soul crystal. “放心吧,老师喜欢跟熟人合作。”林煌笑着将神俑魂晶收起。 Our Myriad Treasures Auction House, most welcome like Brother Lin and senior the frequent guest.” “我们万宝拍卖行,也最欢迎像林老弟和前辈这样的熟客。” https:// https:// Talent one second remembers the home station address:. 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