MP :: Volume #6 毁灭与新生

#1157: Is Mr. Fu good?

Alliance Government headquarters office building, Huang Tianfu and Huang Baiyu look at this building speechless, Lin Xin is also the small face slightly from moves out of the way the line of sight red at present, obviously her also eyes recognized the shape in this building. 联盟政府总部的办公大楼脚下,皇天甫皇白羽看着这栋大楼一阵无语,林馨也是小脸微红地将视线从眼前挪开,显然她也一眼就认出了这栋楼的形状。 Really big, projects in compared with the video sees mostly!” Has remained silent Huang Baiyu unable to bear voice such opinions. “真大啊,比视频投影里看到的大多了!”一直保持着沉默的皇白羽忍不住发出了这样的感叹。 Guan Zhong one group of will look at other directions, no looks up the office building. 管忠一行人都将视线投向了其他方向,没有一个抬头看办公楼的。 Lin Huang previous time has come to the Alliance Government headquarters, actually after going back, why he had the curiosity to search a Alliance Government headquarters building to make such shape. 林煌上次来过联盟政府总部,其实回去之后他带着好奇心搜索了一下联盟政府总部大楼为什么要做成这样的形状。 As a result, but also is really not practical joke of designer. 结果发现,还真不是设计师的恶作剧。 At that time the designer in this building was New Era strength extremely strong Half-God, the name is the tall building. Is a temperament is extremely hot tempered, and powerful fellow. 当时这栋楼的设计师是新纪元实力极强的一名半神,名字叫做高楼。是一个脾气极其暴躁,且实力强大的家伙。 The Alliance Government design requirements that he obtains is to have main buildings and two buildings. The main building requests the erectness clouds, like great sword. The request to the building is, the atmosphere is artistic. 他得到的联盟政府设计要求是要有一栋主楼和两栋附楼。主楼要求直立云霄,像巨剑一样。对附楼的要求则是,大气美观。 His blueprint, two buildings actually continue compared with present entity big 34 times. Moreover the main building looks like a sword of standing upside down, the present entity is higher, but is also thinner. 他的设计图出来的时候,两栋附楼其实要比现在的实体大三四倍不止。而且主楼更像一把倒立的剑,比现在的实体更高但也更细。 But Alliance Government regarding the blueprint of tall building was unsatisfied, feels the main building insufficient atmosphere, thought that the building snatches the eyeball, time and time again makes the designer modify the size. 联盟政府这边对于高楼的图纸一直不满意,觉得主楼不够大气,又觉得附楼太抢眼球,一次又一次地让设计师改动尺寸。 Approximately changed twenty editions, the designer tall building cannot bear the aesthetic appreciation of Alliance Government, throws up one's job thoroughly is not dry, at that time he last edition of dimension scale is the present entity proportion. 大约改了二十几版,设计师高楼受不了联盟政府的审美,彻底撂挑子不干了,当时他最后一版的尺寸比例就是现在的实体比例。 After the tall building throws up one's job, Alliance Government looks for him again, he disappears thoroughly. 高楼撂挑子之后,联盟政府这边再去找他,他就彻底不见了。 The Alliance Government high level does not have the means that has to seek help other designers, but did not have the designer to meet this to live. 联盟政府的高层没办法,只好求助其他设计师,但没有设计师接这个活了。 The whole world Half-God quantity were extremely at that time small, was less than ten people, tall building achievement only Designer Half-God Grade . Moreover the design level also ranked among the best in the industry, was the idols of many designer. 当时整个世界半神数量极少,只有不到十人,高楼作为唯一一名半神级设计师,而且设计水准在行业里也数一数二,是很多设计师的偶像。 Alliance Government offended the tall building, was almost equal to offending everyone of entire architectural design industry. 联盟政府得罪了高楼,几乎等于得罪了整个建筑设计行业的所有人。 Alliance Government did not have the means finally, because the tall building deleted the front blueprint cleanly, was only left over the last edition, they have to do according to the last edition. 联盟政府最后没办法了,因为高楼把前面的图纸都删干净了,只剩下最后一版,他们也只好按照最后一版来做了。 The effect that the result makes turned into present this appearance, just like Armstrong Cyclone Jet Cannon. 结果做出来的效果就变成了现在这个样子,活脱脱一门阿姆斯特朗回旋加速喷气炮 If puts to make present Alliance Government, will choose with space class Divine Tool or Half Divine Tool absolutely acts as the headquarters building, rather than constructs a building. 如果放做现在的联盟政府,绝对会选择用一件空间类神具或者半神具来充当总部大楼,而不是去建一栋楼。 But 800 years ago Alliance Government just established, the explorations of New Era to various ruins ancient ruins has not started, in few individual hands has Half Divine Tool radically, let alone space class Half Divine Tool and Divine Tool. 但在八百年前联盟政府刚刚建立起来的时候,新纪元对各种废墟遗址的探索都没有开始,根本没几个人手里有半神具,更别说空间类半神具神具了。 Outside wind is big, goes to sit.” Finally committee speaker Zhao Lingming broke awkwardly, made the posture of invitation to Lin Huang. “外面风大,进去坐吧。”最后还是委员会议长赵凌明打破了尴尬,冲着林煌做出了个请的姿势。 Under the group then in Lin Huang's led to enter the main building in office building, is riding Floating Lift on directly top level of Alliance Government office building 198 th. 一行人这才在林煌的带领下走进了办公大楼的主楼,然后乘着浮空梯直接上到了联盟政府办公大楼顶层的第198层。 After entering the assembly hall, both sides sat before the board respectively, one time fell into silent. 进了会议厅之后,双方各自坐在了会议桌前,又一次陷入了沉默。 After waiting for tea of staff member on but actually to everyone, Guan Zhong found the topic to break again silent. 工作人员给大家倒上茶水之后,管忠才再次找到了话题打破沉默。 „The tea tree of this tea leaves is the Chairman more than 100 years ago in Five Stars ancient ruins discovered that calculated on was the ancient times loses plants. At that time transplanted 12, finally lived, only then, it is estimated that was the tea tree that in the world only lost in the ancient times plants.” “这茶叶的茶树是主席一百多年前在一处五星遗址里发现的,算的上是古代遗种了。当时移栽回来了十二株,结果活下来的只有一株,估计是世界上唯一一株古代遗种的茶树了。” Lin Huang superficial, only felt that into the mouth is sweet, the delicate fragrance overflows, completely does not have slightly the bitter and astringent feeling. 林煌浅尝了一口,只觉得入嘴清甜,清香四溢,全然没有丝毫苦涩感。 This tea leaves every year output how?” “这茶叶每年产量怎么样?” He chatted with the opposite party following this topic. 他顺着这个话题跟对方聊了下去。 Every year output are extremely few, is only about one kilogram. Chairman is 50% brings to receive callers generally, 30% as the reward distribution, oneself only keep two points.” “每年的产量极少,只有一公斤左右。主席一般是50%拿来会客,30%作为奖励分发,自己只留两分。” One kilogram a little were truly few.” Lin Huang nods with a smile. “一公斤确实有点少了。”林煌笑着点头。 Several people following the tea leaves topic, chatted other aspects quickly, in the assembly hall originally the quiet atmosphere also detachable. 几人顺着茶叶的话题,很快聊到其他方面,会议厅里原本沉寂的气氛也活络了起来。 not much time, in the conference room comes in one after several other rookies. 没多大会,会议室里又陆续进来几名新人。 Also there is a Lin Huang familiar face, for example Alliance Government Vice Chairman Dongfang Bai, spokesman Han Yao. 也有林煌熟悉的面孔,比如联盟政府副主席东方白,新闻发言人韩瑶 These two frequently appear on the Alliance Government official news media, thinks that does not know difficultly. 这两人经常出现在联盟政府官方的新闻媒体上,想不认识都难。 Besides two familiar faces, an old man of white hair, with Ran Ning same is the vice-chairman of Alliance Government committee. 除了两张熟悉的面孔之外,还有一个白头发的老头,和冉宁一样是联盟政府委员会的副议长。 Is obviously similar to the security role middle-aged man, he is follows Dongfang Bai to come in together, the strength with Huang Baiyu same is Three Revolutions False God realm, position that he sits also by Dongfang Bai. Enters the room, his attention almost continuously on Huang Baiyu. 还有一名明显是类似于保安角色的中年男人,他是跟着东方白一起进来的,战力和皇白羽一样是三转虚神境,他坐的位置也在东方白旁边。一进屋,他的注意力几乎就一直在皇白羽身上。 Huang Baiyu only shot a look at his one eyes then no longer to respond. 皇白羽只瞥了他一眼便不再搭理了。 After entering the room, everyone defers to the convention to Lin Huang they introduced oneself, the smalltalk to exchange greetings a meeting, then looked for the position to sit down respectively. 进屋之后,大家都按照惯例冲着林煌他们自我介绍一番,客套的寒暄一会,便各自找了位置坐下。 Almost to 08:50 five times, Alliance Government Chairman Jiang Shan last took a step to enter the conference room finally. 差不多到八点五十五的时候,联盟政府主席姜山才终于最后一个迈步走进了会议室。 As soon as he appears, in the conference room, including Lin Huang them, everyone stands up to greet , indicating the respect. 他一出现,会议室里,包括林煌他们在内,所有人都站起身来迎接,表示尊重。 This is Lin Huang first time sees Jiang Shan in the reality, this man seems like three 15-16 appearances, the height is almost one meter nine, stature very tall and strong. He wears one light gray neat suit, is presents in everyone to put on most official one on the contrary. Saw Jiang Shan this dressing up, Lin Huang cannot bear look down oneself, he thought that oneself put on is a little optional. 这是林煌第一次在现实中看到姜山,这个男人看上去三十五六模样,身高差不多有一米九,身材很魁梧。他穿着一套浅灰色的整洁西装,反倒是在场所有人中穿着最正式的一个。看到姜山这身装扮,林煌忍不住低头看了看自己,他都觉得自己是不是穿得有点太随意了。 Jiang Shan takes a fast look around in the entrance vision, stayed on Lin Huang quickly, walked toward Lin Huang with a smile, put out a hand to grip Lin Huang's. 姜山在门口目光扫视一圈,很快停留在了林煌身上,笑着朝着林煌走了过来,伸手握住了林煌的手。 Mr. Human Sovereign, greeting on first meeting greeting on first meeting! Six months ago approximately I heard that Lin Xie this name, added at that time such youngster talent, has the opportunity to know. Without thinking of the first evildoer/monstrous talent turned into Imperial Dynasty Human Sovereign in an instant, at that time I heard this news some unable to believe. Now you appear by the influence Leader status in my front, really bullies the youngster to be poor not!” 人皇先生,久仰久仰!大约半年前我就听说林邪这个名字了,当时还说这样的少年天才,有机会一定要认识一下。没想到第一妖孽转眼就变成了皇朝人皇,当时我听到这个消息都有些不敢相信。现在你更是以势力首领的身份出现在我的面前,真的是莫欺少年穷啊!” Only can say that the human affairs is variable, I have not thought that I one day will become Imperial Dynasty Human Sovereign.” Lin Huang nods with a smile. “只能说世事无常吧,我也没想到我有一天会成为皇朝人皇。”林煌笑着点头。 Said, your I also calculate some origins. You are Mr. Fu's disciple, I also once received Mr. Fu's to teach, reluctantly is his half disciple. Your I have the friendship of same side.” Jiang Shan soon found a common interest. “说起来,你我还算有些渊源。你是傅先生的徒弟,我也曾受过傅先生的教导,勉强算是他的半个弟子吧。你我也算是有同门之谊了。”姜山很快找到了一个共同话题。 senior disciple brother is good!” In the Lin Huang eye flashes through wipes cunningly. He did not think that oneself cry senior disciple brother has anything to suffer a loss, after all others age and status here, instead oneself had junior disciple brother this status, later negotiated to be more advantageous. 师兄好!”林煌眼中闪过一抹狡黠。他并不觉得自己叫声师兄有什么吃亏的,毕竟人家年纪和身份都在这儿,反而自己有了师弟这个身份,待会谈判能更有利一些。 Mr. Fu recently fortunately?” The Jiang Shan exchanging greetings type asked. 傅先生最近还好吗?”姜山寒暄式地问道。 Good, the Teacher wound has restored.” Lin Huang's this reply, stemmed from presented everyone's expectation. “挺好的,老师的伤已经恢复了。”林煌的这个回答,出乎了在场所有人的预料。 He at this time disclosed on own initiative this matter , because Mr. Fu had informed him yesterday, the oneself success promoted Nine Revolutions False God realm. Moreover said to Lin Huang, when needed, can borrow potential with the oneself reputation. 他在这个时候主动爆料这件事情,是因为傅先生昨天已经通知了他,自己成功晋升九转虚神境了。而且跟林煌说,在需要的时候,可以用自己的名头借势。 Jiang Shan hears this news to stare, pursues immediately asks, really?” 就连姜山听到这个消息都是一愣,立马追问道,“真的?” Naturally real, this matter I am impossible to bring to crack a joke.” Lin Huang earnest nod. “当然是真的,这种事情我不可能拿来开玩笑。”林煌认真的点头。
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