MP :: Volume #6 毁灭与新生

#1151: Returns to Yin Family

Returns to my family?” Fatty listened to stare, then the expression somewhat hesitated, you did not say, I had died for two years? How goes home to explain?” “回我家?”胖子听了愣了一下,然后表情有些犹豫起来,“你不是说,我都已经死了两年了吗?回家怎么解释?” Said that at that time to avoid enemy, is actually False Death.” Lin Huang thinks, gave this answer. “就说当时是为了躲避仇家,其实是假死。”林煌想了想,给出了这个答案。 „My these two years time body change does not have, how also to explain?” Fatty also somewhat asked reluctantly. “那我这两年的时间身体一点变化都没有,又怎么解释?”胖子又有些无奈地问道。 16 or 17-year-old is actually the young people the long body time, grew more than ten centimeters like the Lin Huang these two years time height, now already one meter 83. Has taken off the naivete, looks obviously is the grown man. 十六七岁其实是青少年正长身体的时候,像林煌这两年多的时间身高就长了十多公分,现在已经一米八三了。已经脱去稚气,看着明显是成年男人了。 But Fatty was resurrected by Resurrection Card, as before is more than two years that appearance, a wee bit changes do not have. This point, will make the Fatty family member have doubts absolutely. 胖子复活卡复活过来,依旧是两年多前的那个模样,一丁点变化都没有。这一点,绝对会让胖子的家人有所疑惑。 Lin Huang pondered over the long time, gave an explanation, you said, is side effect that the False Death medicament caused initially, making your body stop the growth in the two years temporarily. But this side effect, has the time limit, should most only be able to affect for 2-3 years.” 林煌思忖了半晌,又给出了一番解释,“你就说,是当初假死的药剂导致的副作用,让你的身体这两年暂时停止了生长。但这个副作用,是有时间限制的,应该最多只能影响2-3年。” Fatty listened to nod, he really cannot think that other better to explain. 胖子听了点了点头,他也实在想不到其他更好的解释了。 Then your foreign words, do not use the Yin Hangyi status again. If by some chance were known you dead and be reborn, the news will travel quickly, when the time comes you will only trouble unceasingly. Will have many organizations to stare at you, even does not remove some to use the violent means dark influence. When the time comes continues you, your family member will be threatened.” “然后你对外的话,就不要再用尹航一的身份了。万一被人知道你死而复生,消息很快就会传开,到时候你只会麻烦不断。会有很多组织盯上你,甚至不排除一些会使用暴力手段的黑暗势力。到时候不止你,你的家人都会受到威胁。” I will help your other lane status, when the time comes your by Brother Yin Hangyi status continues your life. As for the name, your oneself thinks one.” “我会帮你另外弄一个身份,到时候你就以尹航一弟弟的身份继续你的生活。至于名字,你自己想一个。” Good!” Yin Hangyi nods hastily, he does not think that oneself becomes the targets of major influences. “好!”尹航一连忙点头,他也不想自己成为各大势力的目标。 Lin Huang sized up Yin Hangyi one up and down, thought that his not good-fitting clothes are too easy to direct the person idea. 林煌又上下打量了尹航一一眼,觉得他这一身不合身的衣服太容易引人主意。 Thinks, he summoned Ghost-mask. 想了想,他召唤出了鬼面 Has promoted Myth Grade Ghost-mask, seeming like is completely a handsome son of upper-class family. 已经晋升了神话级鬼面,看上去完全是一名翩翩贵公子。 His head wears a black gentry ceremonial hat, on the hat brim above chin strap is mounting white diamond/drill. On the face wears the half golden color mask, another side lip angle raises slightly wipes the evil different happy expression. 他头上戴着一顶黑色的绅士礼帽,帽檐上方的帽带上镶嵌着一圈白钻。脸上戴着半边金色面具,另外一边的唇角微微扬起一抹邪异的笑意。 A black fine gold gold/metal long gown is fine and gorgeous, seeming like not the cheap goods. His right hand is also grasping a black cane, the peak of cane is the decoration of gold and silver interaction. Under foot white leather shoes, like the jade, the tiny particle do not dye pure white. 一件黑色鎏金长袍精致而华美,看上去就不是便宜货色。他右手还握着一柄黑色手杖,手杖的顶端是金银相间的装饰。脚下一双白色皮鞋,洁白如玉,纤毫不染。 He seemed like does not have the incredible appearance of clown, the makings seemed like Young Master aristocrat who came out from several hundred years of aristocratic family. 他看上去已经丝毫没有小丑的荒诞模样了,就连气质都像是从几百年世家出来的贵族公子。 This is?” Saw that Ghost-mask does not have the indication suddenly to appear, Yin Hangyi whole face surprise. “这位是?”看到鬼面毫无征兆地突然出现,尹航一满脸诧异。 Is my controlled beast.” “是我的御兽。” Heard Lin Huang this reply, Yin Hangyi sized up Ghost-mask carefully, the surprise, „wasn't he really human?” 听到林煌这句回答,尹航一仔仔细细地打量了鬼面一番,更加诧异了,“他真的不是人类?” „It is not, but looks like.” Lin Huang was perfunctory responded to one, then turned head to look immediately to Ghost-mask, shifted the topic, Ghost-mask, helping him make to camouflage. Mainly is the face must unable to recognize, the stature do not change. The clothes also camouflage slightly, do not look like now is not so good-fitting.” “不是,只是长得像而已。”林煌敷衍地回应了一句,然后立马扭头看向了鬼面,转移了话题,“鬼面,帮他做一下伪装吧。主要是脸要让人认不出来,身材不要变。衣服也稍微伪装一下,不要像现在这么不合身。” Ghost-mask arrives in front of small Fatty, lowered the head to stare at small Fatty to look at the long time, then fired suddenly refers, Fatty the resembles did immediately had traded a surgery. Looks slightly revealed the naivete fat face, turned into a rough-skinned uncle face. 鬼面走到小胖子面前,低头盯着小胖子看了半晌,然后猛然一打响指,胖子顿时像做过了换头手术。原本看上去略显稚气的胖脸,变成了一个皮肤粗糙的大叔脸。 As for that clothes, is a blue long unlined gown, the set on small Fatty, just like a crosstalk actor. 至于那身衣服,是一件蓝色大褂,套在小胖子身上,活脱脱就是一相声演员。 Lin Huang looked almost smiled to spurt. 林煌看了差点笑喷了。 Small Fatty oneself is the whole face compels ignorant, he thinks that was the face of oneself changes ugly, put out a hand to touch the face hastily, how, what issue did the camouflage have?” 胖子自己则是满脸懵逼,他以为是自己的脸被变丑了,连忙伸手去摸脸,“怎么了,伪装有什么问题吗?” Face has no issue, you give him to change the body clothes again.” Lin Huang said to Ghost-mask. “脸没啥问题,你还是给他再换身衣服吧。”林煌冲着鬼面道。 Ghost-mask gave a Lin Huang supercilious look, some grudgingly and hit a sound to refer. 鬼面给了林煌一个白眼,有些不情愿地又打了一个响指。 This Fatty clothes are finally normal, but seems like with Lin Huang seems like a men's team to come out, obviously Ghost-mask is intentionally. 这次胖子的衣服总算正常起来,但看起来跟林煌像是一个男团出来的,显然鬼面是故意的。 Lin Huang wants to make Ghost-mask trade one time again, but careful thinks, changes him not to know again can put in order what dirty trick, 林煌本来想让鬼面再换一次,但仔细一想,再换他还不知道能整出什么幺蛾子, Considers as finished simply. Your stealth follows side me, cannot wanton mischief.” Lin Huang finishes speaking. 就干脆算了。“你隐身跟在我身边,不许瞎胡闹。”林煌话音刚落。 A Ghost-mask sound refers to then vanishes suddenly does not see, only then Lin Huang can see, he right the oneself body, before the Fatty body is less than ten centimeters place, makes faces to Fatty. 鬼面一个响指便陡然消失不见,只有林煌看得到,他在自己身体右侧,正在胖子身前不到十公分的地方,冲着胖子做鬼脸。 „Others? Real stealth?” Fatty looked around toward all around, even more thought that the Transcendent world is unthinkable. “他人呢?真的隐身了?”胖子朝着四周张望了一圈,越发觉得超凡的世界匪夷所思。 You later must be able achievement Transcendent, there is a certain probability to obtain similar ability.” Lin Huang one according to the Fatty shoulder, grabbed him to soar. “你以后要能成就超凡,也有一定几率能够获得类似的能力。”林煌一把按在了胖子肩膀上,抓着他腾空而起。 After moment, two people appeared on the Nanmu Town only business street. 片刻过后,两人出现在了楠木镇唯一一条商业街上。 About Fatty looked around, somewhat looked puzzled to Lin Huang, what came to here to make?” 胖子左右张望了一番,有些不解地看向了林煌,“来这里做什么?” First takes a bath, then changes the body clothes. Your corpse stink, your doesn't oneself smell? Moreover, later must relieve the camouflage to your family, you cannot wear not good-fitting clothes to appear before your paternal grandmother.” “先洗个澡,再换身衣服。你身上一股尸臭味,你自己闻不到吗?而且,待会到你家是要解除伪装的,你总不能穿着一身不合身的衣服出现在你奶奶面前吧。” Fatty lifts the hand to smell the oneself armpit, immediately a head dizziness, almost spat. 胖子抬手闻了闻自己的腋下,顿时脑袋一阵眩晕,差点吐了。 He also notices until now, except for just grabbed oneself to fly, Lin Huang has been maintaining about two meters distance with oneself. 他也是直到现在才注意到,除了刚刚抓着自己飞起来,林煌一直都跟自己保持着两米左右的距离。 Found a bathhouse that had the single room, making Fatty go in takes a bath well, two people window-shopped for Fatty bought several clothes. 找到一个有单间的澡堂子,让胖子进去好好洗了个澡,两人又逛街给胖子买了几套衣服。 After Fatty changes one new clothes, Lin Huang made Ghost-mask relieve the camouflage of Fatty clothes, two people then directly soared Yin Family to go. 胖子换上一套新衣服之后,林煌鬼面解除了胖子衣服的伪装,两人这才直奔尹家而去。 After Yin Family the guest comes the hotel to forward to Lin Huang, Lin Huang except for in the initial period formulates the hotel development direction not to manage. But under the operation of specialized management team, the guest came hotel these two years earnings even to turn ten times to continue compared with before. Lin Huang considered as finished initially the Yin Family 50% stocks by the cookbook, therefore the Yin Family income even must be much higher compared with before every year, the day it can be said that had even more enjoys the sight and sound of the wind whipping up the water. 尹家将客来酒店转给林煌之后,林煌除了在初期制定了酒店发展方向就一直没怎么管。但在专业管理团队的经营之下,客来酒店这两年的营收甚至比之前翻了十倍不止。林煌当初以菜谱算了尹家50%的股份,所以每年尹家的收入甚至比以前还要高出不少,日子可以说是过得越发风生水起了。 Yin Hangyi sees the familiar old house, the tears spins in the eye socket. 尹航一看到熟悉的老房子,泪水在眼眶里打转。 He before a little worried Yin Family in the two years the recent situation, after all oneself and fathers , the guest did not come hotel Yin Family no one to support. 他在来之前是有点担心尹家这两年近况的,毕竟自己和父亲都不在了,客来酒店尹家没人撑得起来。 But by the fence gate saw that in the courtyard does not see slightly disorderly, as before two years ago is equally neat, Fatty slightly is at heart steadfast. 但透过栅栏门看到院子里不见丝毫凌乱,依旧如同两年前一样整洁,胖子心里才稍稍踏实下来。 His motionless look shot a look at Lin Huang, guessed correctly probably oneself this old friend should lend a hand much. 他不动神色地瞥了一眼身旁的林煌,大概猜到了自己这名老友应该帮衬了不少。 The gate guard old man sees the entrance to present two people, then narrows the eyes to focus to size up, not much time recognized Lin Huang. 门卫老头看到门口出现两人,便眯着眼打量起来,没多大会就认出了林煌来。 The Lin Huang stature grew much, but the appearance changes is not too actually big. In the two years visits the Yin Family person to be many, but after Lin Huang handsome returns alive really does not have second. 林煌个子长高了不少,但模样变化其实不算太大。这两年拜访尹家的人不少,但像林煌这样的俊后生还真没有第二个。 „Are you that Mr. Lin? Please enter quickly, please enter quickly, I inform Steward and elderly lady!” “你是那个林先生吧?快请进,快请进,我去通知管家老太太!” That troubled the uncle.” Lin Huang nods with a smile, he has not thought that the opposite party actually remembers oneself. “那就麻烦大叔了。”林煌笑着点头,他也没想到对方竟然记得自己
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