MP :: Volume #6 毁灭与新生

#1125: https://

After examining Heavenly Ladder Tree rewards, Lin Huang the square entire Heavenly Ladder Tree peak searched, confirmed that any other had not harvested, this withdrew from registering. 在查看完天梯树奖励之后,林煌又将整个天梯树顶端的广场搜索了一番,确认没有其他任何收获了,这才退出了登录。 He just withdrew registers, Emperor Heart Ring springs several news one after another. 他刚刚退出登录,帝心戒就接连弹出数条消息。 Lin Huang looked at one probably, is the acquaintance sends, besides Celestial Alliance Jian Fei several people, the Yi Zheng Yi Yeyu brother and sister, they saw the circular of Heavenly Ladder system obviously. 林煌大概看了一眼,都是熟人发的,除了天盟简飞几人之外,还有伊正伊夜语兄妹,显然他们都看到了天梯系统的通告。 These information contents basically are congratulate oneself successfully to go through customs, Lin Huang also conducted a reply simply. 这些信息内容基本都是祝贺自己成功通关,林煌也简单进行了一番回复。 Replies the information, Lin Huang then thought that the whole body transmits a fatigue. He continuously over 60 hours had not slept, because Challenger brushes the strange reason, the spirit has been at the highly stimulated condition, finally is lax until this time. 回复完信息,林煌这才觉得浑身传来一股疲惫感。他已经连续超过60个小时没有睡觉了,而且由于闯关刷怪的缘故,精神一直处于高度亢奋状态,直到此时才终于松懈下来。 Lin Huang has not resisted the fatigue that the body transmits, but whatever oneself fell into the deep sleep. 林煌也没有抵抗身体传来的这股疲惫感,而是任由自己陷入了沉睡。 He does not know, falls into the deep sleep in him this period, because entire Monstrous Talent Alliance he goes through customs entire Heavenly Ladder Tree, but fell into thoroughly was bustling. 他并不知道,在他陷入沉睡的这段期间,整个妖孽联盟因为他通关整个天梯树而彻底陷入了一片沸腾之中。 Not only the Heavenly Ladder Tree online population broke the passing record, at the Heavenly Ladder forum raised discussed innumerably, almost forum first ten pages of content discussions all was the topic of Lin Xie entry. 不光天梯树的在线人数突破了过往的记录,天梯论坛上更是掀起了无数热议,几乎论坛前十页内容讨论的全是林邪通关的话题。 The Alliance Government forum, the Hunter forum, the black market forum raised to discussion of Lin Xie. 就连联盟政府论坛,猎人论坛,黑市论坛都掀起了对林邪的热议。 After the major media obtain the news, changed next morning front-page news immediately, on the major social networking sites of cultivator use, Lin Xie this name also again one time becomes topic that discusses first. 各大媒体得到消息之后,也都立即更改了第二天凌晨的头条新闻,修行者使用的各大的社交网站上,林邪这个名字也再一次成为了热议第一的话题。 Until around 6 : 00 am, Lin Huang a sleep/felt wakes up. After washing, discovered that Mr. Fu had dialed the oneself number yesterday. He looked at time, thought that some are too early, has not returned to dial. 直到第二天早上六点多,林煌才一觉醒来。一番洗漱过后,才发现傅先生昨天拨打过自己的号码。他看了一眼时间,觉得有些太早,就没有回拨过去。 Went out has a breakfast, Lin Huang then returned to Human Sovereign Palace directly. Then finds time to examine the information in network. 出门吃了个早饭,林煌便径直回到了人皇殿。这才抽空出来查看网络上的信息。 Opens the Emperor Heart Ring news page, the front page headline is oneself camouflages the Lin Xie picture, the title uses is «New Era first evildoer/monstrous talent Lin Xie. 一打开帝心戒新闻页面,头版头条就是自己伪装成林邪的照片,标题用的更是《新纪元第一妖孽林邪!》。 Looked at to click on the number of times, has surpassed 300 million. He knows immediately, oneself was also hot. 看了一下点击次数,已经超过了3亿。他顿时知道,自己又火了。 If before putting does, the first evildoer/monstrous talent reputation uses on whom, will surely cause much disputes. 如果放做以前,第一个妖孽这个名头用在谁身上,肯定会引发大量争议。 But this one time, used on Lin Huang's, the major social networking sites and at the forum actually did not have many sounds of opposition. 但这一次,用在了林煌的身上,各大社交网站和论坛上竟然没有多少反对的声音。 From 1st District to 12th District, so long as is the aristocratic family juniors or the big influence members, many know existence of Monstrous Talent Alliance, knows that what kind of organization this is. 第一区第十二区,只要是世家子弟或者大势力成员,多数都知道妖孽联盟的存在,也知道这是一个怎样的组织。 Besides three Core District, other nine safe district, even if the aristocratic family juniors and big influence Core Member, has the qualifications to be selected in Monstrous Talent Alliance also less than 1%. Even in oneself in the talent youngster of some safe district fame, many are the strength is not enough to be selected in Monstrous Talent Alliance. Therefore, is selected in Monstrous Talent Alliance, even if only becomes an ordinary member, itself has proven your strength. 除三个核心区之外,其他九个安全区哪怕是世家子弟和大势力核心成员,有资格入选妖孽联盟的还不足百分之一。即便是一些在自己所在安全区有些名气的天才少年,多数都是实力不足以入选妖孽联盟的。所以,入选妖孽联盟,哪怕只成为一名普通成员,本身就已经证明了你的实力。 As for Lin Xie this waistcoat that Lin Huang uses, from joining Monstrous Talent Alliance starts, in Monstrous Talent Alliance is a celebrity. From the beginning because the strength is low, encounter excessively questioned many. As he constantly breaks the question, in Monstrous Talent Alliance most people believe to his strength. Even if some do not like his person, after he breaks through the Heavenly Ladder Tree 72 nd pass/test, has to acknowledge that he really has to go against heaven's will the strong strength. 至于林煌用的林邪这个马甲,从加入妖孽联盟开始,在妖孽联盟里就一直是一个名人。一开始由于战力低,遭遇过很多质疑。但是随着他不断打破质疑,妖孽联盟里多数人对他的实力都是信服的。哪怕一些不喜欢他的人,在他突破天梯树第七十二关之后,也不得不承认他是真的拥有逆天般强大的实力。 Various safe district have not joined Monstrous Talent Alliance some talent youngster, most of them also and circle of Monstrous Talent Alliance member has happened together. Basically had heard from the mouth of Monstrous Talent Alliance member Lin Xie something, will not naturally raise the question. 还有各安全区没有加入妖孽联盟的一些天才少年,他们多数也都和妖孽联盟成员的圈子有所交集。基本上都从妖孽联盟成员的嘴里听说过林邪的一些事情,自然也不会去提出质疑。 Sound that a few expressed the opposition, mostly was insufficiently knew about Lin Huang, even Monstrous Talent Alliance has not heard. The fellow who even has not known the immensity of heaven and earth extremely individually, clamored Heavenly Ladder Tree this checkpoint, oneself must be able on words, can easily pass through 100 passes/tests. 少数提出反对的声音,大多都是对林煌不够了解,甚至连妖孽联盟都没听说过的。甚至还有极个别不知天高地厚的家伙,叫嚣着天梯树这种关卡,自己要能上的话,能轻易闯过一百关。 In Monstrous Talent Alliance some people, cannot bear jump various popular science Heavenly Ladder Tree first 63 pass/test inspections finally the approximate content. That several fellows who clamored must rush to 100 to close, after seeing the inspection content, 妖孽联盟里一些人,也终于忍不住跳出来科普天梯树前六十三关各层考核的大致内容。那几名叫嚣着要闯一百关的家伙,看到考核内容之后, Deleted the placard to go into hiding automatically. Originally to Monstrous Talent Alliance not too understanding cultivator, the Heavenly Ladder Tree checkpoint inspection content that also disseminates through the network in knows probably what kind of evildoer/monstrous talent organization this is. 都自动删帖销声匿迹了。原本对妖孽联盟不太了解的修行者们,也通过网络上传播的天梯树关卡考核内容大概知道了这是怎样的一个妖孽组织。 Many people start to discuss, if oneself entered Heavenly Ladder Tree, can pass through many pass/test. 很多人都开始讨论,如果自己进了天梯树,能闯过多少关。 I am Nine Steps Long Life realm, but I estimated that oneself are most in Heavenly Ladder Tree can also rush to more than 30 passes/tests. Has to acknowledge, these can rush to the 63 rd pass/test, is really the big shot( ó ﹏ ò??)” “我是九步长生境,但我估计自己天梯树最多也就能闯到三十多关。不得不承认,那些能闯到第六十三关的,真的是大佬(ó﹏ò??)” I am Seven Steps Long Life realm, but I estimated that my 29 th pass/test should/must did not cross. Does this checkpoint difficulty really make one tremble??????????????” “我是七步长生境,但我估计我连第29关应该都过不了。这关卡难度真的让人瑟瑟发抖??????????????” Six Steps Long Life realm, it is estimated that 23 closed/pass cannot pass. But heard that in Monstrous Talent Alliance somewhat with my same strength, can rush to more than 50 closes( ;?????? д????')” 六步长生境,估计23关就过不去了。但听说妖孽联盟里有些和我一样战力的,能闯到五十多关(;??????Д????`)” Three Steps Long Life realm, but I estimated that my oneself 4 th pass/test the worm checkpoint cannot pass continually. Sorry, I am weak chicken o( 三步长生境,但我估计我自己连第四关的蠕虫关卡都过不去。对不起,我是个弱鸡o( …… …… …… …… ...... …… Lin Huang looks at Emperor Heart Net, watched the major social networking sites and forums one by one, discovered that all discussion topics are almost oneself. 林煌看完帝心网,又挨个看了看各大社交网站和论坛,发现所有的讨论话题几乎都是自己 He only selected some hot spot highest posts to look, time in a flash to around 9 : 00 am. 他只挑热点最高的一些帖子看了看,时间一晃就到了上午 9 点多。 Switches off the black market forum time, is morning 9 0:08, Lin Huang looked at time, this selected the communication page, dialed the Mr. Fu's number. 关掉黑市论坛的时候,已经是上午九点零八分了,林煌看了一眼时间,这才点开了通讯页面,拨通了傅先生的号码。 The video communication requested that only crossed for less than three seconds, is put through. 视频通讯请求只过了三秒钟不到,就被接通。 Mr. Fu puts on a black coat that is similar to the Chinese-style clothing, above is printing the pale blue pattern, quite a little feeling of underworld gang big shot. 傅先生穿着一件类似于唐装的黑色上衣,上面印着淡蓝色的花纹,颇有点黑道大佬的感觉。 disciple, heard that Heavenly Ladder Tree did go through customs by you?” Mr. Fu asked with a smile. 徒弟,听说天梯树被你通关了?”傅先生笑着问道。 Un, entry.” Lin Huang nods, probably is saying an insignificant matter. “嗯,通关了。”林煌点了点头,像是在说一件微不足道的事情。 He thinks after Mr. Fu curious Heavenly Ladder Tree will go through customs, oneself obtained what advantage, but Mr. Fu has not inquired about this issue. 他原以为傅先生会好奇天梯树通关之后,自己得到了什么好处,但傅先生却没有询问这种问题。 But continues to smile saying that worthily is my disciple, the New Era first evildoer/monstrous talent reputation, you deserve!” 而是继续笑眯眯道,“不愧是我徒弟,新纪元第一妖孽这个名头,你当之无愧!” Such not minced matter praise, although the Lin Huang facial skin is thick, unavoidably somewhat is embarrassed. 被这样毫不掩饰的夸奖,林煌脸皮虽厚,却也难免有些不好意思。 Can entry Heavenly Ladder Tree, all your -round strength should under Half-God, what then not to plan?” Mr. Fu also asked. “能通关天梯树,你的综合实力应该不在半神之下了,接下来有什么打算呢?”傅先生又问道。 I prepare to close up, breaks through Emperor Palace realm! After promoting Emperor Palace realm, spends some time disposal switching hands head something, later goes to Great World! Then, before the Gravel World catastrophe arrives hurries back!” “我准备闭关,一口气突破到帝宫境!晋升帝宫境之后,花一些时间处理掉手头上一些事情,之后就前往大世界!然后,在砂砾世界浩劫降临之前赶回来!” The Mr. Fu hear, fell into the long time silence, crossed opened the mouth long time again, „, if had not found the means of solution catastrophe, kept Great World......” 傅先生听完,陷入了半晌的沉默,过了良久才再度开口,“如果没有找到解决浩劫的办法,就留在大世界吧……” Latter half a word do not come back to bring death, Mr. Fu opens mouth, has not said that he feared that this half a word words play the counter-effect. 后半句“别回来送死”,傅先生张了张嘴,没说出来,他怕这半句话起到反效果。 Will find the solution.” The Lin Huang vision is firm. “会找到解决办法的。”林煌目光坚定。 Since you are confident, that goes about something with a free hand!” Mr. Fu smilingly nods, later sincere supplemented one, „, if the real matter may not, do not demand.” “既然你有信心,那就放手去做吧!”傅先生笑眯眯地点头,随后又正色补充了一句,“如果真的事不可为,不要强求。”
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