MP :: Volume #6 毁灭与新生

#1082: Unexpected kidnapper

In An Jing/peaceful this scene, looks at clear by Lin Huang and Bloody. 安静家中发生的这一幕,被林煌血色看得一清二楚。 Saw that An Jing/peaceful was abducted by the shadow, Lin Huang brow slightly wrinkle. 看到安静被黑影掳走,林煌眉头微皱。 Never expected that the EA Organisation person acted quickly.” “没想到ea机关的人这么快就出手了。” Lin Huang assured is the hand that the EA Organisation person moves , because at present besides him and Huang Tufu, only then the EA Organisation person knows the An Jing/peaceful real status. 林煌之所以笃定是ea机关的人动的手,是因为目前除了他和皇荼夫之外,只有ea机关的人知道安静的真实身份。 I think that they will have scruples the bottom line, will not act immediately, the action is never so expected that resolute.” Opposite party the rapidness of action, truly a little comes as a surprise to Lin Huang's. “我原以为他们会顾忌底线,不会立即出手,没想到行动这么果决。”对方的行动之快,确实有点出乎林煌的预料。 Perhaps it is estimated that is worried to cause trouble late.” Bloody actually understood that the EA Organisation behavior, Alliance Government definitely hopes disclosed before the news that Zhuge Feifan rebels and flees catches him. The news that once he rebels and flees disclosed, perhaps top several dark influence will act, this was obtains the Alliance Government confidential information the golden opportunity.” “估计是担心迟恐生变吧。”血色却十分理解ea机关的行为,“联盟政府肯定是希望在诸葛非凡叛逃的消息透露出去之前就将他抓回来。一旦他叛逃的消息透露出去,恐怕顶尖的几个黑暗势力都会出手,这可是获得联盟政府机密信息的绝佳机会。” Also right, was I underestimates the Zhuge Feifan value.” Lin Huang nods, helpless then quite said, „the present was more troublesome, even An Jing/peaceful lost.” “也对,是我低估诸葛非凡的价值了。”林煌点了点头,然后颇为无奈道,“现在更麻烦了,连安静都丢了。” I had expected that this situation, therefore kept a localization seed in An Jing/peaceful within the body.” Bloody said with a smile. “我早就预料到了这种情况,所以在安静体内留了一颗定位种子。”血色笑道。 „Won't seed be discovered?” “种子不会被发现吗?” Will not be discovered, but a seed that has the positioning function, does not have any fluctuation of energy. So long as does not conduct the detailed investigation of microscopic rank by Divine Intent, is impossible to discover that because of that seed, only then size of cell level.” The parasitic method that Bloody has now has several hundred types, some make people virtually impossible to guard against radically. “不会被发现的,只是一颗具备定位功能的种子,没有任何能量波动。只要不以神念进行微观级别的详细探查,是不可能发现的,因为那颗种子只有细胞级的大小。”血色如今掌握的寄生手段已经有数百种,有些根本让人防不胜防。 Knew that An Jing/peaceful had been located, Lin Huang relaxes finally, that fellow who abducts An Jing/peaceful, where now went to?” 得知安静已经被定位,林煌总算松了口气,“那个掳走安静的家伙,现在去哪里了?” He went toward the south, not with transmission gate, but has been staying the high-speed flight condition, is obviously directing Zhuge Feifan to appear.” “他往南面去了,没有用传送门,而是一直保持着高速飞行状态,明显是在引诸葛非凡出现。” „The south......” Lin Huang projected the Emperor Heart Ring map, south was Hopeless Situation Cliff, again toward south was Six Stars restricted area Hell Valley. It seems like wants to make war in Hell Valley.” “南面……”林煌投影出了帝心戒的地图,“南面是绝境崖,再往南是六星禁地地狱谷。看来是想在地狱谷开战了。” From First City more than 1000 kilometers, slightly was a little near. However Hopeless Situation Cliff this topography, can ease the impact that many First City are under. Abducted An Jing/peaceful that fellow to choose such a place specially.” Bloody reads the map to nod. “距离第一城才一千多公里,稍微有点近了。不过绝境崖这个地势,能缓解不少第一城受到的冲击。掳走安静那家伙应该是特意选了这么一个地方。”血色看着地图点了点头。 Now Bloody cannot see the special details, can only induce to the localization seed is moving unceasingly, Lin Huang has not pursued immediately, but according to controlling one's temper, when the opposite party stops. 如今血色也看不到具体情况,只能感应到定位种子在不断移动,林煌没有立即追击,而是按捺着性子,等对方停下来。 Approximately crossed for ten minutes, Bloody induced to stop to the localization Coordinate, sure enough stopped in two people was expected Hell Valley. 大约过了十来分钟,血色感应到定位坐标停了下来,果不其然停在了两人预料之中的地狱谷 Lin Huang set out to go out, sounded the next door Huang Tufu door. 林煌起身出门,敲响了隔壁皇荼夫的房门。 „Does Sir Human Sovereign, what matter have?” 人皇大人,有什么事吗?” Some Huang Tufu surprise open the door. 皇荼夫有些诧异地开了门。 „Does to rub string together not? while convenient.” “撸串去不?顺便喝点。” Good!” Hears to eat, Huang Tufu complied without hesitation. “好啊!”听到有吃的,皇荼夫毫不犹豫就答应了下来。 Two people come out from the hotel, then a discovery downstairs business street as before liveliness. 两人从酒店出来,便发现楼下的商业街依旧一片热闹。 Huang Tufu cannot bear voice the opinions: Is First City, 12 : 00 am business street is so worthily lively, our Human Sovereign City business street 10 : 00 pm people do not have so many.” 皇荼夫忍不住发出感叹:“不愧是第一城,凌晨12点商业街还这么热闹,我们人皇城的商业街晚上 10 点人都没这么多。” You compare with Human Sovereign City with First City, isn't oneself does not look happily?” Lin Huang smiles, I remember that I have online looked at the appraisal, front has the family/home to bake pretty good, goes to that home.” “你拿第一城人皇城比,不是自己找不痛快吗?”林煌笑了笑,“我记得我在网上看过评价,前面有家烧烤挺不错,就去那家吧。” Lin Huang said, then oneself crushed into the crowd. 林煌说完,便自己挤进了人群。 Huang Tufu hastily with. 皇荼夫连忙跟了上去。 Has not waited for Huang Tufu to follow, he took away the Yellow-Gold mask on the oneself face, turned into another appearance instantaneously. Meanwhile, in the hand also the crumb Doppelgänger Card, condensed oneself doppelgänger. 没等皇荼夫跟上,他将黄金面具扣在了自己脸上,瞬间变成了另外一副模样。与此同时,手中也捏碎了一张分身卡,凝聚出了自己分身 The next second, the main body sneaked in the crowd to slide out of the line of sight of Huang Tufu. 下一秒,本尊钻进人群脱离了皇荼夫的视线。 Walks unhurriedly from the business street, Lin Huang looked for an open area to summon the transmission gate, took a step to stride. 不慌不忙地从商业街走出来,林煌找了一处空地召唤出了传送门,迈步跨入其中。 Next flickers, steps forward from the transmission gate, he already outside a Zhuge Feifan villa. 下一瞬,从传送门中跨出,他已经是在诸葛非凡的一栋别墅外了。 This villa, situated in First City southern suburbs, is over a thousand kilometers from Alliance Government. Also before is Lin Huang , when investigates the Zhuge Feifan dwelling locates. 这一栋别墅,位于第一城南郊,距离联盟政府已经有上千公里。也是林煌之前来调查诸葛非凡住处时定位的。 Successfully slid out of the line of sight of EA Organisation, 成功脱离了ea机关的视线, Lin Huang the crumb Transfiguration Card, changed to the Thunderclap appearance, the both wings shake, speeds away to go toward the south. Spent the 5-6 minute, Lin Huang then to cross First City south Hopeless Situation Cliff probably, entered Six Stars restricted area Hell Valley. 林煌又捏碎了一张变身卡,化作雷霆的模样,双翅一震,朝着南方疾驰而去。花了大概五六分钟,林煌便越过了第一城南面的绝境崖,进入了六星禁地地狱谷 An Jing/peaceful also in same place?” 安静还在原地吗?” Also in same place, from our present position probably about 280 kilometers, arrived toward east in the direction of cliff wall.” “还在原地,距离我们现在的位置大概280公里左右,沿着崖壁的方向一路往东就到了。” We were away from were so near, without hearing the sound of fight, Zhuge Feifan hasn't swallowed the bait?” Lin Huang is sending greetings inquired that Bloody this issue, an intense fight fluctuates direction Extreme Speed that said from Bloody to transmit suddenly. “我们都距离这么近了,还是没听到战斗的动静,难道诸葛非凡没上钩?”林煌正传音询问血色这个问题,一股强烈的战斗波动陡然从血色所说的方向极速传来。 Is away from several hundred kilometers distance, in addition has the standard of layer upon layer cliff to keep off, Divine Energy dissipates to here time has remained not many. But the energy surges the strong winds that curls up, actually the hurricane transited, stuck a Lin Huang face. 隔着数百公里的距离,再加上有山崖的层层格挡,神能逸散到这里的时候已经所剩不多。但能量激荡卷起的狂风,却飓风过境,糊了林煌一脸。 The Lin Huang both wings shake, the figure lifted off rapidly, avoided the washout of this wave of strong winds. 林煌双翅一震,身形急速升空,避开了这一波狂风的冲刷。 Fight complementary waves also being insufficient of False God Grade makes him be injured, he chooses to give way to traffic, but to avoid Zhuge Feifan they detects exceptionally. 虚神级别的战斗余波还不足以让他受伤,他选择避让,只是为了避免诸葛非凡他们察觉到异常。 Used less than one minute to bridge over more than 200 kilometers distances, Lin Huang saw the two people in fight finally from afar. 用了不到一分钟跨过二百余公里的距离,林煌终于远远看到了战斗中的两人。 He does not have to continue to approach again, but descended at the back of a cliff. Two False God naturally noticed his appearance, but when only he was accidentally the stupid bird that rushed in the war, without concerned. 他没有再继续靠近,而是降落在了一片山崖背面。两名虚神自然注意到了他的出现,但只当他是一只无意中闯进战局的蠢鸟,没有在意 Lin Huang cancels the head to look at two's fight. Was different from former Long Life realm the time, present he received the Transfiguration Card effect, the combat capability improvement Yellow-Gold Emperor Palace realm, a strength endured compared with False God, has been able to catch in the fight two False God movements. 林煌勾着脑袋看着二者的战斗。不同于之前长生境的时候,现在的他受到变身卡效果,战力提升到了黄金帝宫境,一身实力堪比虚神,已经能够捕捉到战斗中两名虚神的动作了。 Void, two forms just like black white two Thunderclap Flicker. 虚空中,两道身影宛若一黑一白两道雷霆闪烁 The entire restricted area, all monster are trembling, some were scared thoroughly, flees does not know. 整个禁地,所有怪物都在瑟瑟发抖,有的被彻底吓破了胆,连逃离都不知道。 The central area that two people fight, the flames of collisions shine suddenly, outshines the trim nighttime sky. 两人战斗的中心区域,一道道碰撞的火光乍然亮起,照亮整片夜空。 The surrounding flowers and plants trees had been changed to the carbon ash by the high temperature completely, with the wind dissipation. The cliff also large expanse of disruption avalanche in all directions, the ground is caves in gulfs and gullies, the difference has not only changed to piece of bottomless Abyss. 周围的花草树木早就全部被高温化作碳灰,随风消散。四面八方的山崖也成片地碎裂崩塌,地面更是塌陷出一道道深坑和沟壑,只差没有化作一片无底深渊了。 About dozens kilometers Lin Huang, the mountain also as if encounter fierce earthquake large expanse of falls down. Lin Huang took advantage of opportunity to pretend to be damaged, drilled into the stone pestle of falling down, continued to observe by the slit secretly. 数十公里开外的林煌这边,山体也仿佛遭遇剧烈地震般成片倾塌。林煌顺势假装受创,钻入了倾塌的石碓,偷偷透过缝隙继续观战。 He looked some little time, who without seeing clearly with that person of Zhuge Feifan to war is, but his doubts understand quickly. 他看了好一会,都没看清跟诸葛非凡对战的那人到底是谁,但他的疑惑很快得解。 Void, makes the Lin Huang quite familiar sound clear away together suddenly. 虚空中,一道让林煌颇为熟悉的声音陡然涤荡开来。 Teacher, along with me goes back, I help certainly you strive to deal with leniently.” 老师,随我回去吧,我一定帮你争取从轻发落。” Guan Zhong, you disappoint me. I had taught you are innumerable, treating any enemy should not be softhearted. My present status is your enemy, is not your Teacher. If you have not killed my consciousness now, you die here!” 管忠,你让我很失望。我教导过你无数次,对待任何敌人都不要心慈手软。我现在的身份是你的敌人,不是你的老师。如果你现在都没有杀死我的觉悟,那你就死在这里吧!” Hears two's dialogue, the Lin Huang whole face surprise. 听到二者的对话,林煌满脸诧异。 Holds under duress An Jing/peaceful unexpectedly is Guan Zhong!” “挟持安静的竟然是管忠!” Please remember this book first round domain name: Wind and cloud novel reading network cell phone version reading website: 请记住本书首发域名:风云小说阅读网手机版阅读网址:
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