MP :: Volume #6 毁灭与新生

#1076: 4 real estate

This has changed to scorched earth in the villa, almost all item changed to piles of carbon ashes, could not distinguish that the original appearance, the wall was twisted the shape by the pinnacle high temperature. 这一栋已经化作一片焦土的别墅里,几乎所有物品都化作了一堆堆碳灰,辨别不出原本的模样,就连墙壁都被极致的高温扭曲了形状。 At that time the temperature in room, obviously was over normal flame many times. 当时房间里的温度,明显超过正常的火焰很多倍。 Flame obviously creates artificially, combustion speed is extremely quick, almost will only put in order a house to burn down in just several minutes thoroughly. The fire prevention arrives at time, the house has become this.” “火焰明显是人为造成的,燃烧速度极快,几乎只在短短几分钟的时间里就将整栋房子彻底烧毁。消防到的时候,房子就已经成这样了。” Guan Zhong answered to Lin Huang. 管忠冲着林煌解释道。 Observed an internal situation in house, Lin Huang summoned Dao of the Witch Book again. 观察了一番房子的内部情况,林煌再次召唤出了巫道之书 Guan Zhong several people of also An Jing/peaceful, fell back on Lin Huang behind, visits him to display Dao of the Witch Rune. 管忠几人也都安静了下来,退到了林煌身后,看着他施展巫道符文 They do not know, this is the Dao of the Witch method of medieval era, only thinks that is some secret art that Lin Huang obtains. In Dao of the Witch Book as for Lin Huang hand, in their opinion is also only mysterious Divine Object. 他们并不知道,这是中古纪元的巫道手段,只以为是林煌获得的某种秘术。至于林煌手中的巫道之书,在他们看来也只是一件神秘的神物 Alliance Government is very clear, the Imperial Dynasty back has the background of Great World influence. Imperial Dynasty's Human Sovereign, what method has to have the possibility. Therefore Guan Zhong and Qian Rui had not thought that has anything to be strange. 联盟政府很清楚,皇朝背后有着大世界势力的背景。皇朝的人皇,有什么样的手段都是有可能的。所以管忠钱睿都没有觉得有什么奇怪的。 As for Huang Tufu, he sees Lin Huang to act, the known Lin Huang's strength, has been unalarmed by strange sights to his method. 至于皇荼夫,他见过林煌出手,知道的林煌的实力,对他的手段已经见怪不怪了。 Mirror Image Recollection Rune projects in the air, like before, condensed the picture quickly. 镜像回溯符文投射到虚空之中,像之前一样,很快凝聚出了画面。 The entire ruins villa, as if restored instantaneously completely. 整个废墟般的别墅,仿佛瞬间恢复了完好。 Ceiling, wall, ground neat such as new, various types of furniture have it all. 天花板,墙壁,地面都整洁如新,各种家具也都一应俱全。 I decided the initial time at 4 : 12 pm.” Four points that Lin Huang decides 12 happen to were yesterday's Zhuge Feifan steps into the transmission gate time. “我把初始时间定在了昨天下午四点十二分。”林煌定的四点十二正好是昨天诸葛非凡踏入传送门的时间。 But four people waited for two minutes, Zhuge Feifan not to appear. 但四人等了两分钟,诸葛非凡并没有出现。 It seems like he first has not returned to here.” Lin Huang turned head to look at Guan Zhong. “看来他第一时间没有回到这里。”林煌扭头看了一眼管忠 Guan Zhong as Zhuge Feifan disciple, should most know about his ordinary destination. 管忠作为诸葛非凡徒弟,应该对他平常的去处是最为了解的。 The Guan Zhong brow slightly wrinkle, he also has three real estate in First City. But as far as I know, he usually lives here, that several rarely go back.” 管忠眉头微皱,“他在第一城还有三处房产。但据我所知,他平时都是住这边的,那几处很少回去。” „His first transmission should not leave First City.” Qian Rui could not bear open the mouth, „, if were I rebels and flees, I after cleaning up office, first will go home to clean up the most important evidence. He does not have first to come back here, explanation most important evidence not here.” “他第一个传送地应该不会离开第一城。”钱睿也忍不住开口了,“如果是我叛逃,我在清理了办公室之后,第一时间会回到家里清理最重要的证据。他没有第一时间回来这里,说明最重要的证据不在这里。” Moreover, the order of cleaning up should is not unimportant from the importance, and is from near to far. Therefore, the place that his first transmits, should also in First City. Will not first go to other cities, then comes back.” “而且,清理的顺序应该是从重要到不重要,而且是从近到远。所以,他第一个传送到的地方,应该也在第一城。不会是先去其他城池,然后再回来。” According to this logic, he went to that side the apartment possibility to be enormous from the beginning.” Lin Huang nods. “这样说来,他一开始去公寓那边的可能性就极大了。”林煌点头。 Is uncertain. Also there is a possibility, he also has the real estate that other you do not know. So long as registers is not his oneself name, you cannot check.” Huang Tufu put forward the different views. “也不一定吧。也有可能,他还有其他你们不知道的房产呢。只要登记的不是他自己的名字,你们也查不到吧。”皇荼夫提出了不一样的看法。 The possibility that you said also has, but we can only first from having clue place now.” Guan Zhong had not denied the possibility that Huang Tufu said. “你说的这种可能性也有,但我们现在只能先从有线索的地方查起。”管忠没有否认皇荼夫所说的这种可能性。 Lin Huang will project to accelerate to ten times, probably to quick five o'clock time, in the living room a black transmission door appears suddenly. 林煌将投影加速到了十倍,大概到快五点钟的时候,客厅里一扇黑色传送门陡然出现。 After front door opening, a silhouette goes out, impressively is Zhuge Feifan. 大门开启之后,一道人影从中走出,赫然是诸葛非凡 Here suspends!” Qian Rui opens the mouth to shout suddenly. “在这里暂停一下!”钱睿突然开口喊道。 Before this transmission door obviously, that leaf was completely different. 这一扇传送门显然与之前那一扇完全不一样了。 Lin Huang framed the picture, Qian Rui walked up , various thin tunes of this door. 林煌定格了画面,钱睿走上前去,又将这一扇门的各种细节拍了下来。 When he pats, he then nods to Lin Huang. 等他拍完,他这才冲着林煌点了点头。 The projection picture that frames continues to past, will walk Zhuge Feifan that to transmit the gate to receive since the transmission gate, then arrived at the study room, turned on the drawer of desk, will start to pack the thing. 定格的投影画面继续流转,从传送门中走出来的诸葛非凡将传送门收起,然后走到了书房,打开了书桌的抽屉,开始收拾东西。 You have a look in the drawer to have what clue.” Lin Huang slowed down picture speed, making Guan Zhong they walk up to examine. “你们看看抽屉里有没有什么线索吧。”林煌放慢了画面速度,让管忠他们走上前去查看。 Zhuge Feifan takes out the thing fast, receives storage space, but under the Lin Huang's deceleration, the Guan Zhong two people looks at clear each article item. 诸葛非凡将东西快速取出,收入储物空间,但在林煌的减速下,管忠二人将一件件物品都看得一清二楚。 All takes out things in desk several drawer, Zhuge Feifan turns around to start to tidy up the book shelf, took in storage space all books and several ornaments completely. 将书桌几个抽屉里的东西全部取出,诸葛非凡又转身开始收拾书柜,将所有书籍和几件装饰品全部收进了储物空间 Tidies up the study room, Zhuge Feifan sets out to move toward the oneself bedroom, some sex toys in the nightstand took in storage space. Then turns around all clothes shoes to receive the closet shoes cabinet. 收拾完书房,诸葛非凡又起身走向自己的卧室,将床头柜里一些成人用品收进了储物空间。然后转身将衣柜鞋柜里所有的衣服鞋子收起。 An inspection, confirmed after oneself has no building, in his hand raised wisp of quiet blue flame. Under the finger fine motion, quiet blue flame toward project in all directions. 一番检查,确认自己没有什么一楼之后,他手中升起了一缕幽蓝色火焰。手指微动之下,一朵朵幽蓝色火焰朝着四面八方射出。 The thing that at once, the window curtains, the bed, the book shelf, the furniture, the sofa, the tea table...... almost all can be lit, was lit instantaneously, starts the deflagration. 一时之间,窗帘,床,书柜,桌椅,沙发,茶几……几乎所有能被点燃的东西,都被瞬间点燃,开始快速燃烧起来。 Zhuge Feifan has not left immediately, but is other fire intensities spread, this summoned the transmission gate, steps in. 诸葛非凡没有立即离开,而是等火势蔓延开来,这才召唤出传送门,踏步其中。 But transmission gate that this one time he summoned, was another leaf. 而这一次他召唤出来的传送门,又是另外一扇。 Qian Rui walks up hastily, patted to get down the third transmission gate. 钱睿连忙走上前去,将第三个传送门拍了下了来。 Waits for Qian Rui to pat, Lin Huang resumed the revolution of picture again. 钱睿拍完,林煌再次恢复了画面的运转。 The transmission gate is closed slowly, then from same place vanishes thoroughly does not see. 传送门缓缓关闭,然后从原地彻底消失不见。 After Lin Huang the following picture will accelerate ten times, the quick entire villa fires scorched earth thoroughly. Later the fire prevention comes time, the fire in house has been out thoroughly. 林煌将接下来的画面加速十倍之后,很快整栋别墅彻底烧成一片焦土。之后消防来的时候,房子里的火已经彻底灭了。 Picture to here, does not need to continue, Lin Huang then removed the projection, two people looked toward Guan Zhong and Qian Rui. 画面到了这里,也没有必要继续下去了,林煌这才撤除了投影,朝着管忠钱睿两人看了过来。 What clue found?” “找到什么线索了吗?” In his desk drawer actually no useful thing, it is estimated that to prevent oneself does not omit anything carefully, therefore tidied up. The book and ornament in book shelf have nothing special, clothes and shoes not to mention.” Guan Zhong regarding the result of trip obviously is not very satisfied. “他书桌抽屉里其实没什么有用的东西,估计只是为了防止自己不小心遗漏什么,所以才收拾了一下。书柜里的书和装饰品也没什么特别的,衣服和鞋就更不用说了。”管忠对于此行的结果显然不是很满意。 He comes time and leaves, what used is two different transmission doors. I have issued the following person to investigate the detailed picture, looks to find any useful clue. In the time of Guan Zhong speech, Qian Rui has sent the picture, he obviously is that vigorous and resolute character. “他来的时候和离开的时候,用的是两扇不同的传送门。我已经把详细照片发给下面的人调查了,看能不能找出什么有用线索。就在管忠说话的工夫,钱睿已经将照片发出去了,他显然是那种雷厉风行的性格。 Can take a fresh look at one?” “要重新看一遍吗?” Does not use, goes to next directly.” Qian Rui shakes the head. “不用了,直接去下一处吧。”钱睿摇头。 Guan Zhong has not said anything, summoned the transmission gate, adjusted a Coordinate, the group steps in, vanished in one after another same place. 管忠也没说什么,召唤出传送门,调整了一番坐标,一行人陆续踏步其中,消失在了原地。 Zhuge Feifan second and third real estate, is a villa, is one by one luxurious. 诸葛非凡的第二处和第三处房产,都是别墅,一栋比一栋豪华。 But in these two villas, Zhuge Feifan went home to tidy up a clothing to burn the house on the direct firing as before. What only a little harvest is Qian Rui, he patted two leaves of different transmission great door. 但在这两栋别墅里,诸葛非凡依旧只是回家收拾了一下衣物就直接点火烧了房子。唯一有点收获的是钱睿,他又拍到了两扇不同的传送大门 Only was left over last, if this could not find any clue, we can only wait for the transmission gate data.” Lin Huang somewhat is also helpless, after all he can help also only then picture recollection. More, must depend on EA Organisation oneself. Watches the first round zui new chapter welcome to the female guest line--- Cell phone address: “只剩下最后一处了,如果这一处还是找不到任何线索的话,我们就只能等传送门数据了。”林煌也有些无奈,毕竟他能的帮助也只有画面回溯。更多的,还是要靠ea机关自己。观看首发zui新章节请到堂客行---手机地址:
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