MP :: Volume #5 金鳞岂是池中物

#863: Seventh Imperial Prince, death!

„Does hindrance kill us? Depending on you?” “阻杀我们?就凭你?” Seventh Imperial Prince looks to disdain, in the heart raised vigilantly, actually passes on the sound said toward five Imperial Dynasty members secretly secretly behind, this boy has the strangeness, possibly has the ambush. Later listens to my instruction, finds the opportunity to break through.” 第七皇子面露不屑,心中却提起了警惕,暗地里却偷偷朝着身后五名皇朝成员传音道,“这小子有古怪,可能有埋伏。待会听我指令,找机会突围。” Depends on me.” Lin Huang very earnest nod. “就凭我。”林煌十分认真的点头。 Lin Xie, you perhaps, if with my same Nine Steps Long Life realm strength, I will really dread your several points. But you now are Three Steps Long Life realm, spoke to me, but was very easy dead.” Seventh Imperial Prince does not think that here only has Lin Huang one person, he suspected that Celestial Alliance others possibly ambush in the nearby. By the oneself six people of current conditions, it is estimated that also is really not the Celestial Alliance ten people of opponents. Enemy in dark, oneself in the bright, current condition is disadvantageous to oneself one group. 林邪,你若是和我一样的九步长生境战力,我或许真的会忌惮你几分。但你现在不过是个三步长生境,跟我这么说话,可是很容易夭折的。”第七皇子并不认为这里只有林煌一人,他怀疑天盟的其他人可能在附近埋伏。以自己六人目前的状态,估计还真不是天盟十人的对手。况且敌人在暗,自己在明,目前的状况对自己一行人非常不利。 Seventh Imperial Prince, I think that by your vision, has crossed has judged a person strength by the strength the level, has not thought that was I overestimates you.” Lin Huang threw a taunt. 第七皇子,我以为以你的眼界,已经过了以战力判断一个人实力的水准,没想到是我高估你了。”林煌扔出了一句嘲讽。 These words make Seventh Imperial Prince hear the corner of the eye to pull out, his some did not determine that continues to talk with Lin Huang, Lin Huang can also say any exasperating words. Immediately could not bear opens the mouth to lay cards on the table directly. 这句话让第七皇子听得眼角一抽,他都有些不确定跟林煌继续对话下去,林煌还能说出什么气人的话来。当即忍不住直接开口摊牌了。 Ok, do not develop, they shouted Tan Lang. Really thinks that we do not know your some people are ambushing?” “行了,别演了,把贪狼他们都喊出来吧。真以为我们不知道你们有人埋伏着呢?” At least makes the person who Celestial Alliance ambushes appear on outwardly, but can also see their position, can wait for an opportunity to look for the weak point to break through. 起码让天盟埋伏的人出现在明面上,还能看到他们站位,可以伺机找薄弱点进行突破。 Helpless Lin Huang spreads out both hands, this time comes, only then my, Tan Lang they are still busy hunting monster, they do not even know that you have come to the northwest region.” 林煌无奈摊开双手,“这次来的真的只有我一个,贪狼他们还在忙着狩猎怪物呢,他们甚至不知道你们已经来西北区域了。” Wizard letter/believes you.” Seventh Imperial Prince obviously assured Lin Huang has the ambush. “鬼才信你。”第七皇子明显已经笃定林煌这边有埋伏。 It seems like you had really suspected to my strength.” Lin Huang whole face helpless shaking the head, „, since is this, I slightly expose.” “看来你们是真的对我的实力有所怀疑。”林煌满脸无奈的摇头,“既然是这样,那我就小小展露一下吧。” The Lin Huang voice falls, the left hand moved slightly, hides more than 2000 Nine Steps Long Life realm parasitic puppet totals in pet space ring by shift. 林煌话音落下,左手微微一动,藏匿于宠物空间戒指里的两千多只九步长生境寄生傀儡全数被挪移了出来。 This pet space ring, is Lin Huang buys to pretend to be the Imperial Envoy status. Before has been emptying, had lots of parasitic puppets until recently Bloody, Lin Huang used it, installed all parasitic puppets. 这枚宠物空间戒指,是林煌买来冒充御使身份的。以前一直是空着的,直到最近血色有了大量寄生傀儡,林煌才将其用了起来,把所有寄生傀儡都装了进去。 After all places in Kally's Small World, must first summon Kally each time, making her open Small World to put the puppet. 毕竟放在凯莉的小世界里,每次都必须先召唤出凯莉,让她开启小世界将傀儡放出来。 Now places in the pet space ring, not only saved one step, summoned also to conform to the oneself Imperial Envoy status directly. 现在放在宠物空间戒指里,不仅节省了一个步骤,直接召唤出来也更符合自己御使的身份。 Saw that more than 2000 Nine Steps Long Life realm monster emerge out of thin air suddenly, Imperial Dynasty one group of were directly ignorant. 看到两千多只九步长生境怪物突然凭空出现,皇朝一行人直接懵了。 Seventh Imperial Prince induces immediately, more than 2000 monster were also Three-time Variation, the complexion sees the extreme immediately difficultly. He also understood finally, a moment ago what Lin Huang said is real, he really only has a person, he does not need Celestial Alliance other helpers. 第七皇子更是在第一时间感应到,这两千多只怪物还都是三次变异,脸色顿时难看到了极点。他也终于明白了,林煌刚才说的是真的,他是真的只有一个人,他也根本不需要天盟的其他帮手。 You were surrounded by me.” Lin Huang smiled second time to say this lines. “你们被我包围了。”林煌微笑着第二次说出了这句台词。 Although Seventh Imperial Prince is haughty , is very clear anything is not possible, he can move out from Purple-Gold Emperor Palace realm Old Daoist some time ago, also because should instigate instigated. 第七皇子虽然狂傲,却也很清楚什么事情不可为,他不久前能够从紫金帝宫境老道手下全身而退,也正是因为该怂的时候怂了。 Sees present over a thousand pet beast army, he is very definite, this is should instigate. 看到眼前的上千只宠兽大军,他很确定,这是该怂的时候了。 Draws back!” “退!” Passes message to swing into other five people of ears together, Seventh Imperial Prince cannot attend to looking that several other people of anything responded, when the figure explodes immediately draws back, turns around toward coming direction Extreme Speed runs away. 一道传音荡入其余五人耳中,第七皇子也顾不得去看其余几人什么反应,身形立即爆退,转身朝着来时的方向极速遁去。 Other five people, chose the different directions to escape respectively insanely. 其余五人,也各自选了不同方向疯逃。 Except for Seventh Imperial Prince, remaining five people of strengths not necessarily in any individual compared at present parasitic puppet army. Life Energy has bottomed, including one to be not necessarily victorious by the present condition, let alone one crowd. 除了第七皇子,剩下五人实力都不一定比眼前的寄生傀儡大军里任何一只个体强。况且命能都已经见底,以现在的状态连一只都未必打得过,更别说一群了。 Facing such enemy, who does not run away who is silly! 面对这样的敌人,谁不逃谁傻! However these people of responses already were expected in Lin Huang and Bloody's. 不过这几人的反应早就在林煌血色的预料之中。 Lin Huang stands in same place, both hands insert in the pants pocket observe silently, was not worried that several people will run away. 林煌站在原地,双手插在裤兜里默默观战,一点都不担心几人会逃走。 Bloody starts to bustle about. 血色则开始忙碌起来。 Launches the inescapable net battle formation!” “展开天罗地网阵势!” With Bloody issuance of order, the parasitic puppets disperse fast, changed to a big net to surround six people in void. 随着血色命令下达,寄生傀儡们快速散开,在虚空中化作一张大网将六人包围了起来。 Battle Formation?!” In the Seventh Imperial Prince eye that was blocked dreads the color. 战阵?!”被拦回来的第七皇子眼中忌惮之色更甚。 In the heart somewhat is faintly clear, why Lin Huang can on Heavenly Ladder Tree such wantonly brushed points. If oneself has such monster corps, oneself can also take the Heavenly Ladder ranking with ease first. 心中隐隐有些明白,为什么林煌能够在天梯树上那样大肆的刷积分了。要是自己有着这样一只怪物军团,自己也能轻松拿下天梯排行榜的第一。 But he does not know oneself thinks fact is not the real fact, Lin Huang brushes points the time from the start does not have this only monster army, this only parasitic puppet army just established some time ago, formed by the present was less than one month. 但他不知道自己以为的“事实”并不是真的事实,林煌积分的时候压根就没有这只怪物大军,这只寄生傀儡大军是不久前刚建立起来的,到现在才组建了不到一个月。 Surrounds six people, Bloody be relentless took under the One Step action. 将六人包围起来,血色毫不留情地展开了下一步行动。 Spider kills!” “蛛杀!” Is the spider kills, does not put to death. 是蛛杀,不是诛杀。 Sees only corps to branch out six squads, divides respectively six people, joins the squad to launch the monster quantity of attack is also getting more and more, looks like the spider in the spinning winding prey. 只见军团分出六支小队,将六人各自分割开来,加入小队展开攻击的怪物数量也越来越多,就像是蜘蛛在吐丝缠绕猎物。 Seventh Imperial Prince goes all out to break through, but under the monster squad formation change, does not have the means to work loose. 第七皇子拼命想要突围,但在怪物小队阵型的变化之下,始终没办法挣脱。 Another five people flew a kite unceasingly the attack by five monster squads, Life Energy exhaust, the Half Divine Tool armor returns within the body, was rumbled to kill the dregs. 另外五人更是被五支怪物小队不断放风筝攻击,一个个都命能耗尽,半神具盔甲退回体内,被轰杀成渣。 Short less than one minute, the Imperial Dynasty's six people only have Seventh Imperial Prince one person. 短短一分钟不到,皇朝的六人就只剩下第七皇子一人。 Although cannot see several other people of tactical situations, but Seventh Imperial Prince actually can also induce to several people of life aura clearly vanishes one after another, finally is only left over oneself. 虽然看不到其余几人的战况,但第七皇子却也能清晰感应到几人的生命气息一个接一个地消失,最终只剩下自己 He also obviously feels, after five people fall from the sky, these monster are welling up toward oneself. 他也明显感觉到,五人陨落之后,那些怪物都在朝着自己涌来。 More than 2000 monster are flying a kite by far, is launching the long-distance attack to him, his within the body remains also less than 1/3 Life Energy almost every second the by visible speed fast drop. 两千多只怪物都那么远远放着风筝,对他进行着远程攻击,他体内残留还不到三分之一的命能几乎每秒钟都在以肉眼可见的速度快速下降。 Several times attempted to break through, was actually surrounded by Battle Formation, his attack in pet beast Battle Formation did not even have to injure. 数次尝试突破,却始终被战阵包围,他的攻击甚至连战阵里的一只宠兽都没有伤到。 Realizes oneself to be doomed, Seventh Imperial Prince flustered finally, Lin Xie, I admit defeat! You make them stop quickly! So long as you are willing to give my way out, my thing can give you.” 意识到自己在劫难逃,第七皇子终于慌了,“林邪,我认输!你快让他们住手!只要你肯放我一条生路,我身上的东西都可以给你。” He heard the Lin Huang's sound to transmit from beast group quickly lightly, admitted defeat? You think that this is the stage match?! As for your treasure, you died naturally all turned over to me.” 他很快听到了林煌的声音从兽群外淡淡传来,“认输?你以为这是擂台赛?!至于你身上的宝物,你死了自然全都归我。” Lin Xie, I am Imperial Dynasty's Imperial Prince. You killed me, Imperial Dynasty will certainly retaliate crazily your! So long as you are willing to put me to leave, I can guarantee, did not block our things to say absolutely you, did not disclose your real strength to anybody.” Seventh Imperial Prince is conducting final struggling as before, was anticipating Lin Huang can change an attitude. 林邪,我是皇朝的皇子。你杀了我,皇朝一定会疯狂报复你的!只要你肯放我离开,我敢保证,绝对不把你阻击我们这件事情说出去,也不对任何人透露你的真实实力。”第七皇子依旧进行着最后的挣扎,期待着林煌能够回心转意。 I do not kill you, Imperial Dynasty same will retaliate me, do not forget in my hand to have five Imperial Dynasty's human lives. Killed you on the contrary, Imperial Dynasty did not find me easily. Because no one believes, my Three Steps Long Life realm, can kill Imperial Dynasty's Holy Son. Also, your guarantee is not worth a red cent to me, in my opinion, only then the deceased person can the best conservative secret.” “我不杀你,皇朝一样会报复我,别忘了我手里已经有五条皇朝的人命了。反倒是杀了你,皇朝更不容易找到我。因为没人会认为,我一名三步长生境,能杀了皇朝的圣子。还有,你的这番保证对我而言一文不值,在我看来,只有死人才能最好的保守秘密。” „Is Lin Xie, what hiding behind monster? You want to kill me, has to plant your oneself to come!” Confirmed Lin Huang is impossible to let off oneself, Seventh Imperial Prince falls into demented, starts to try last possibility to compel Lin Huang to come. 林邪,躲在怪物背后算什么?你想杀我,有种你自己来啊!”确认了林煌不可能放过自己,第七皇子陷入癫狂,开始尝试最后一种可能林煌现身。 Really was retarded method of goading somebody into action......” Lin Huang listened, helpless shook the head, then issued the final instruction to Bloody, got rid of him!” “真是弱智的激将法……”林煌听了无奈摇头,然后冲着血色下达了最后的指令,“干掉他!” Congealment fights the body!” “凝结战体!” Bloody orders, more than 2000 monster congeal a huge human form to fight the body fast. 血色又是一声令下,两千多只怪物快速凝结成一个巨大的人形战体。 Lin Huang sees this war body, gawked slightly, because fights the appearance of body really to have eight points of similar to oneself, in the hand only missed a blade. 林煌看到这个战体,微微愣了一下,因为战体的模样竟然与自己有八分相似,手中只差一把刀了。 Sees only on that high kilometer war body right fist to grip tightly, the body drew an arch, then the vertebra caught up suddenly, the heavy blows wielded loudly toward Seventh Imperial Prince. 只见那高上千米的战体右拳紧握,身体拉成了一张弓状,然后脊椎猛然发力,重拳朝着第七皇子轰然挥出。 A fist that this bang kills the Scarlet-Gold Emperor Palace powerhouse sufficiently carries the potential of wind and thunder, had the surrounding area over a hundred kilometers air turbulent current, printed ruthlessly in the chest of Seventh Imperial Prince. 这这足以轰杀赤金帝宫强者的一拳携着风雷之势,带起了方圆上百公里的空气激流,狠狠地印在了第七皇子的胸膛。 The Seventh Imperial Prince body throws to fly directly, cracked-up more than ten mountains ruthlessly. 第七皇子身体直接抛飞出去,狠狠撞碎了十余座大山。 The Half-God armor of body surface is also suffering the attack shrank into within the body instantaneously, the chest cavity entire caved , the internal organs total smashing, the whole body was high and low almost does not have a bone to be complete, even the skull was shattered. 体表的半神铠甲也在遭受攻击的瞬间缩入体内,胸腔整个塌陷了下去,内脏全数粉碎,浑身是上下几乎没有一块骨头完好,连头骨都被震裂。 This is Bloody to parasite, avoided specially the attack to his head. 这还是血色为了寄生,特意避开了对他头颅的攻击。 This strikes, actually disappears less than the vitalities of 1/10 Seventh Imperial Prince within the body surplus Life Energy as before thoroughly. 这一击,却依旧将剩余命能不足十分之一的第七皇子体内的生机彻底泯灭。 Let Bloody conduct the parasitic to Imperial Dynasty several people , conducted one to tidy up to the battlefield, Lin Huang parasitic puppet army will then take back the pet space ring. 血色皇朝几人进行了寄生,又对战场进行了一番收拾,林煌这才将寄生傀儡大军收回宠物空间戒指。 Then summoned Daemon, Lin Huang issued again with the previous similar instruction. 然后召唤出了恶魔,林煌再次下达了与上次类似的指令。 Processes the battlefield, this multipurpose several meteorites.” “处理一下战场,这次多用几颗陨石。” Looks that more than ten meteorites drop from the clouds, the combat zone will pound piece of ruins thoroughly, inspected a confirmation not to leave any trace, Lin Huang then brings Bloody to return to Enlightened City secretly. 看着十余颗陨石从天而降,将战斗区域彻底砸成一片废墟,检查一番确认没有留下任何痕迹,林煌这才带着血色偷偷回到了开明城
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