MF :: Volume #14

#1384: Manager/responsible you are not right

In the telephone, double Yan mountain mine Boss angrily wants file a complaint Colossus Type I to have the quality problem. 电话里,双鄢山矿场老板气冲冲要投诉巨神I型有质量问题。 Added that technician yellow Chen could not solve completely, you hurried to send two technicians to come again, but must take one set of Colossus Type I to contain the boom cylinder complete set boom fitting. 还说技术员黄辰根本解决不了,你们赶紧再派两名技术员来,还得带上一套巨神I型包含动臂油缸在内的全套动臂配件。 The staff of wiring can only give the double Yan mountain mine Boss popular science patiently, the maintenance part and maintenance of project Colossus Type I product. 接线的员工只能耐心给双鄢山矿场老板科普,巨神I型产品的保修部件和维护项目。 Contains the boom cylinder complete set boom fitting, obviously is not in these two service portfolios. 包含动臂油缸在内的全套动臂配件,显然不在这两个服务范围内。 Complete set boom fitting three tons multiple, value more than 80,000. 全套动臂配件三吨多重,价值八万多。 You operated do not work as to spoil, how possibly to give you to maintain free? 你们操作不当弄坏了,怎么可能给你免费保修? Double Yan mountain mine Boss played the rascal directly, telephone is shouting I, no matter, in any case his staff was because the boom damage of Colossus Type I was injured. 双鄢山矿场老板直接耍起了无赖,电话里嚷嚷着我不管,反正他的员工是因为巨神I型的动臂损坏受伤的。 Xiaozhou post-sale with the maintenance stands , if irresponsible, he wants file a complaint, toward branch and toward headquarters file a complaint. 潇州售后与维护站要是不负责,他就要投诉,往分部、往总部投诉 The staff can only comforts, while contacts with yellow Chen with a sense of urgency, inquiry situation. 工作人员只能一边安抚,一边抓紧联系黄辰,询问现场情况。 After yellow Chenzhi sent several greasy boom components, does not send, said that now is busy repairing, his both hands are the greasy dirt are not good to take a cell phone round of news. 黄辰只发了几张油乎乎的动臂零件后就不发了,说现在正忙着修理呢,他双手都是油污也不好拿手机发消息。 Here signal is not good, the fixed line can be unimpeded, cell phone always cannot hit. 这里信号又不好,只有固话能畅通,手机老打不出去。 Moreover the person in mine surrounds in side, he many did not say. 而且矿场的人就在旁边围观,他也不好多说。 But the issue is not big, mine Boss makes a fuss over a trifling matter is setting the example to look to the injured staff. 但问题不大,矿场老板小题大做是在做样子给受伤员工看呢。 It is estimated that in the evening he can the fault repairing, the site not need to send the staff like this to come again. 估计傍晚这样他就能把故障修复,站点不用再派员工过来。 The several colleagues of maintenance section relax, issue not greatly good. 维护部的几名同事松了口气,问题不大就好。 yellow Chen is the technician who in the stand is skilled in the Colossus Type I breakdown issue, he must unable to solve, in the stand sends the multi- technicians also to be again useless again. 黄辰是站里最精通巨神I型故障问题的技术员,他要解决不了,再站里派再多技术员也没用。 Originally after comforting double Yan mountain mine Boss, the problem solve, Manager/responsible Zheng Songli is not anxious. 本来安抚完双鄢山矿场老板后,问题解决,主管郑松立也不焦虑了。 May to the matter of afternoon, making Manager/responsible start anxiously. 可到了下午发生的事情,让主管又开始焦虑了。 They cannot contact the branch. 他们联络不上分部。 Between the Xiaozhou stand and branch are mainly in some businesses and work contact the communication, for example the Xiaozhou stand receives the product maintenance work, needs to replace the product spare part. 潇州站和分部之间主要是一些业务和工作上联络沟通,例如潇州站这边接到产品维护工作,需要更换产品零部件。 But the sale stands the merely municipal level site, keeps in stock the spare part to need to report the branch, making the branch transfer. 但销售站只是市级站点,很多库存零部件都需要上报分部,让分部划拨过来。 Some customer(s) also like subscribing the product in the product exhibition region that the maintenance stands, this also needs to transfer through the branch. 有些用户还喜欢在维护站的产品展区里订产品,这同样需要通过分部来划拨。 This transfers is the system automatic reduction, this business does not have the issue, in the site passes to the branch, branch system is also corresponding immediately. 这个划拨是系统自动处理的,这块业务没问题,站点上传到分部,分部系统也会立刻相应。 Was that side the branch does not have the staff to reply problematically. 有问题地是分部那边没有员工应答了。 Between the site and branch in the content on work will also communicate, for example some materials reported that needs the branch that side staff to give the feedback that received. 站点和分部之间也会就工作上的内容进行沟通,例如一些材料上报,都需要分部那边员工给出收到的回馈。 Branch that side staff also retransmits the material files of some headquarters frequently, may starting from 3 : 00 pm, the branch staff to losing contact was the same. 分部那边员工也经常转发一些总部的资料文件,可从下午 3 点开始,分部员工跟失联了一样。 Reports the news through the intranet, makes the branch phone call not to respond. 无论是通过内部网络发消息,还是打分部电话都没有回应。 At first they also think that is the communications problem of Xiaozhou stand, finally consulted nearby several city sites, replied saying that quickly similarly is unable to contact the branch. 开始他们还认为是潇州站的通讯问题,结果咨询了附近几个城市站点,都很快回复说同样无法联络分部。 Branch that side outage? 分部那边大停电? Had to dig the machine to give the sovereign's decision branch nearby communication fiber optics? 还是有挖机把分部附近的通讯光缆给干断了? ...... 还是…… The strange atmosphere from having the staff has gotten back one's composure suddenly, said because, if cuts power or the fiber optics separates the reason, they through system from the branch ingredient, cannot get any response to start. 怪异气氛是从有员工恍然回过神,说如果因为停电或是光缆断开原因,那他们通过系统从分部调货,是得不到任何回应而开始的。 But now the system network is obviously normal, after submitting the application, system shows immediately passed. 但现在系统网络明明是正常的,提交申请后系统立刻显示通过了。 Starts to worry when the staff, non-stop inquiring the news. 就在员工们开始担忧,不停打探消息时。 Manager/responsible Zheng Songli started anxiously. 主管郑松立又又开始焦虑了。 He starts to keep telephoning, but also lets have the staff of acquaintance also to help the contact with the branch. 他开始不停打电话,还让和分部有熟人的员工也帮着联络。 Finally cannot contact completely, work telephone personal call. 结果全部联络不上,无论是工作电话还是私人电话。 This time, Manager/responsible Zheng Songli is incessantly anxious, but somewhat could not sit still. 这一次,主管郑松立不止焦虑,而是有些坐不住了。 He walks back and forth in the office, arrives at the staff office district once for a while, inquiry and in branch contact? 他在办公室里走来走去,又时不时来到员工办公区,询问是否和分部联络上了没? Knew after has not established the contact, Manager/responsible Zheng Songli sprouted unexpectedly must go to the branch to have a look at the situation the idea. 得知还未建立联络后,主管郑松立竟然萌生了要去分部看看情况的想法。 Originally there is nothing, because Manager/responsible the work reason must go to the branch to meet regularly. 本来这没什么,主管因为工作原因隔三差五就要去分部开会。 But this time Manager/responsible makes one help him prepare a shoulders package unexpectedly, listened to hand over the staff of package saying that Manager/responsible seems to be tidying up the personal belongings in office hurriedly, a going far feeling. 这次主管竟然让人帮他准备一个双肩包,听递包的员工说,主管似乎在匆忙收拾办公室里的个人物品,给人一种出远门的感觉。 That side branch unusual on let it be, how does Manager/responsible also follow to be unusual? 分部那边反常就算了,怎么主管也跟着反常起来? They have no right to interfere with the Manager/responsible behavior, can only press the doubts in the heart. 他们无权干涉主管的行为,只能把疑惑压在心底。 However tidies up the personal belonging in Manager/responsible, when continues wants departure in the office hesitant, that side the parking lot of site, suddenly transmitted the sound. 然而就在主管收拾完私人物品,继续在办公室里犹豫要不要出发时,站点的停车区那边,忽然传来了动静。 The staff parking lot behind the office building, can see all details of parking lot by the landing glass window clearly. 员工停车区就在办公楼后面,透过落地玻璃窗可以清楚看见停车场的所有细节。 The staff in site sees seven black Swift Thunder automobiles neatly and drives into the parking lot fast, the unmanned electronic railing of parking lot raises unexpectedly automatically, these Swift Thunder automobiles have not registered obviously outside license. 站点里的员工看见七辆黑色疾雷汽车整齐而快速地驶入停车区,停车区的无人电子围栏竟然自动升起,这些疾雷汽车明明都是没有登记过的外地牌照啊。 Outside license? 外地牌照? These seven black Swift Thunder automobiles of Jiangnan Province licenses, in the staff to Xiaozhou stand bring a difference to feel. 这七辆江南省牌照的黑色疾雷汽车,给潇州站里的员工们带来一丝异样感觉。 Some staff hurry to run the inquiry motorcade purpose in coming, finally only then the vehicle doors of two car(riage)s open. 有员工赶紧跑下去询问车队来意,结果只有两辆车的车门打开。 Situated in the forefront vehicle door, situated in the middle, the automobile body obviously grew a section of Swift Thunder automobile compared with the normal Swift Thunder automobile. 一辆是位于最前面的车门,一辆是位于中间,车身明显比正常疾雷汽车长了一截的疾雷汽车。 In first walks two facial features solemn, wears the man of work clothes. 第一辆里走下来两名面容严肃,身穿工装的男人。 Middle that walks one to imitate, if cartoon beautiful female student, she has the noticeable silver-gray fluffy short hair, is rippling the youth twinkle ray under the sunlight. 中间那辆走下来一位仿若漫画般的美丽女生,她有着让人瞩目的银灰色蓬松短发,在阳光下荡漾着青春闪烁光芒。 Wife? 老婆? Several staff of running over gawked the god, their first response is this beautiful female student quite looks familiar. 跑过来的几名员工都愣了愣神,他们第一反应是这位美丽女生好眼熟。 After crossing for several seconds, they responded, this was Yun Shi. 过了几秒后他们反应过来,这是云诗 Even the primary-level workers, are not strange to headquarters several high-level images. 即使是基层工作人员,对总部几位高层形象也并不陌生。 After all the conference call material from headquarters, will frequently present these high-level forms. 毕竟来自总部的视频会议资料里,经常会出现这些高层身影。 But beautiful silver-gray hair, seems like them is younger than on young Director-General Assistant Yun Shi, does not pass on responsibilities to become in many young male staff hearts to fantasize happily. 银灰色秀发,年龄看起来比他们还小上几岁的总裁助理云诗,当仁不让成为了众多年轻男员工们心中最美好地幻想。 The middle-aged man who wore the Legal Department work tickets printed with number of workpoints goes forward, asked that these stand the staff who is in a daze same place, Zheng Songli Manager/responsible where?” 一名佩戴了法务部工牌的中年男人上前,问这几位站在原地发呆的员工,“郑松立主管在哪里?” In...... Manager/responsible office in building.” “在……在楼上主管办公室。” Invited to lead us to pass.” “请带我们过去。” Good... good.” Several staff nod blurry, their thoughts had turned into the chaos, is unable the independent thinking. “好…好。”几名员工迷迷糊糊的点头,他们的思维已经变成了混沌,无法独立思考。 The group are just about to walk toward the office building that side, finally some people are sharp-eyed, seeing the distant place to have at the back of shoulders package of forms , the edge from office building flashes past. 一行人正要往办公楼那边走,结果有人眼尖,看见远处有个背着双肩包的身影,从办公大楼的边缘一闪而过。 That person is Manager/responsible.” The staff of being sharp-eyed points at the distant place saying: „In the afternoon we cannot contact the branch, Manager/responsible some are not right.” “那人就是主管。”眼尖的员工指着远处道:“下午我们联络不上分部时,主管就有些不对劲。” Some time ago, Manager/responsible still tidied up the personal belonging in the office, as if had the plan of going out.” “不久前,主管还在办公室里收拾私人物品,似乎有出门的打算。” The voice also declines, stands that young man side Legal Department headquarters staff, rushes over suddenly. 话音还没落,站在法务部总部工作人员身旁的那位年轻男子,就骤然冲了过去。 In the site how many staff had a scare, has the young man who this wears the security section work sign practiced the dash difficultly inadequately? 站点里几名员工被吓了一跳,这位佩戴安保部工作牌的年轻男人难不成练过短跑? After two minutes, this young man came back. 两分钟后,这位年轻男人回来了。 Together comes also has Manager/responsible, merely usually in belt/bring dignified Manager/responsible at this time has become distressed incomparable. 一同前来的还有主管,只是平日里面带威严的主管此时已经变得狼狈无比。 He seemed to be just fallen down on the ground, in the clothes and pants moistened the one layer ash, the holographic eyeglasses also fell, the quail type was being gripped the collar likely. 他似乎刚被人扑倒在地上过,衣服上和裤子上沾了一层灰,全息眼镜也掉了,像个鹌鹑样被人攥着衣领。
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