MF :: Volume #13

#1286: 1363: operating system of indefinite form weapon

Chapter 1286 第1286章 1363: operating system of indefinite form weapon 1363:不定型武器的操作系统 Across the isolation gates of numerous hidden, Ye Qing rides the special-purpose elevator to come to the laboratory situated in Building subterranean hundred meters deep place. 穿过重重隐藏的隔离门,叶青乘坐专用电梯来到位于大厦地底百米深处的实验室中。 This laboratory assumes the inverted pyramid, is divided into high, middle, and low three layers. 这座实验室呈倒金字塔结构,分为上中下三层 Here energy independent supplies, and in the laboratory most bottom, in underground river a situated in rock layer, can provide the independent water supply and circulation radiation function for the laboratory. 这里的能源独立供给,并且在实验室最底部,还有一条位于岩石层中的暗河,可以为实验室提供独立的供水和循环散热功能。 Here is the scientific research place of Monster Industrial Building most core, is the most covert and safe region. 这里算是巨兽工业大厦最核心的科研场所,同时也是最隐蔽和安全的区域。 At present this laboratory, is Electric Crystal and Ye Qing's science and technology paradise. 目前这座实验室,算是电晶叶青的科技乐园。 Comes to the laboratory, transferred Ye Qing to discover that Electric Crystal is sitting in front of the ring-like screen, probably heavy net addiction patient type is studying what in with rapt attention. 来到实验室,转了一圈的叶青发现电晶正坐在环形屏幕面前,像是重度网瘾患者样在全神贯注地研究着什么。 Ye Qing shouted Electric Crystal two, make it get back one's composure. 叶青喊了电晶两声,才让它回过神。 Indefinite form weapon that you said?” Ye Qing deposited in the indefinite form metal research and development area to look at one a moment ago, discovers several hundred kilograms indefinite form metal that makes from Factory, but also the original design places in the preserve box. “你说的不定型武器呢?”叶青刚才去存放不定型金属的研发区里看了一眼,发现从工厂那边弄过来的数百千克不定型金属,还原样摆放在储藏盒中。 These several hundred kilograms indefinite form metal, are only the material and production cost, close to 500 million. 这数百千克不定型金属,光是材料和生产费用,就接近五亿。 If the foreign sales, 1.00001 billion kilograms price is not odd. 假如对外出售,十亿一千克都的价格都不算离谱。 Boss should not be anxious, isn't this designing its control system?” Electric Crystal points on the ring-like screen one pile of not being able to understand codes saying: After my 30 effort design, First-gen control system finalizes now finally.” 老板你别急啊,这不正在设计它的控制系统嘛?”电晶指着环形屏幕上一堆看不懂的代码道:“经过我三十努力设计,现在第一代控制系统终于定型了。” Is busy at quite a while you doing well system?” Ye Qing just also saw in the laboratory several Electronic Envoy of equipment, sits in front of the screen the convulsion type is typing on the keyboard. “忙半天你才弄好系统?”叶青刚刚还看见实验室里配备的几名电子使者,也坐在屏幕前抽风样敲打着键盘。 Even the main engine in laboratory is also calculating what in the full power. 甚至连实验室里的主机也在全功率计算着什么。 Electric Crystal with these most top grade technological strength, fiddles with for dozens hours, fiddles with control system? 电晶用这些最顶级的科技力量,捣鼓几十小时,就捣鼓一个控制系统 This is not control system in general sense.” “这不是一般意义上的控制系统。” Electric Crystal grasped the small fist, sound kēng qiāng is powerful. 电晶握了握小拳头,声音铿锵有力。 Boss, I first asked your question.” 老板,我先问你一个问题。” You think not to have, what control mode can our indefinite form weapons in in the sea through, control it to destroy the enemy ship?” “你想过没有,我们的不定型武器在海中要通过什么控制方式,去控制它摧毁敌船?” Was not you said that had full authority and responsibility?” Ye Qing shrugged, although Electric Crystal will often take the branch road in creativity, but in technical solution, actually no one can. Since the design idea already in the situation of finalizing, Electric Crystal said that is responsible for all technical solutions, Ye Qing naturally is glad idly. “不是你说全权负责嘛?”叶青摊了摊手,电晶虽然在创意方面不时会走歧路,但在技术解决方面,却无人能及。既然在设计思路已经定型的情况下,电晶说负责所有技术解决方案,叶青当然乐得清闲。 Now Electric Crystal asked that Ye Qing soon realizes here technological difficulty. 现在电晶问了,叶青很快意识到这里的技术难题。 Because that is. 因为那是在海里。 According to properly speaking controls a model of weapon, naturally passes the electromagnetic wave. 按照道理说控制一款武器,当然是通过电磁波。 Including the existing human weapon is also so, the airplane contacts through the electromagnetic wave in the sky, after missile launching, must guide the control through the electromagnetic wave. 包括现有的人类武器也是如此,飞机在天空通过电磁波来联络,导弹发射之后要通过电磁波来引导控制。 If in sea water...... 那如果在海水里…… The electromagnetic wave in in the sea according to the critical exponential law weaken, the decay speed simply under the white snow compared with sunny day is quick. 电磁波在海中是按指数规律衰减的,衰减速度简直比艳阳下的白雪还快。 If uses the shortwave, its communication distance including one meter not to have, by sea water absorption completely. 如果使用短波,它的通讯距离连一米都没有,就被海水吸收殆尽。 Even the high efficiency long wave, the penetration range is about hundred meters. 即使是大功率长波,穿透距离也不过百米。 Therefore underwater is unable to conduct the electromagnetic wave communication, this is the sea water characteristics decision, even Monster Industrial is still helpless. 所以水下根本无法进行电磁波通讯,这是海水特性决定的,即使巨兽工业也无能为力。 Torpedo majority by wire-guided, submarine, if launches a torpedo, will also tow to entrain one in the torpedo behind and fish line equally slender optical fiber wire. But tape length, can reach several hundred km. 鱼雷大部分是靠线导,潜艇如果发射出去一颗鱼雷,在鱼雷身后还会拖拽着一根和鱼线一样纤细的光纤导线。而导线长度,可达数百公里。 This wire proportion and water are the same, can the zero gravity float in the water, by the wire transmission data, the torpedo can revise the target location flexibly, and anti-jamming ability is extremely strong. 这种导线比重和水相同,可以无重力悬浮在水中,透过导线传输数据,鱼雷可以灵活修正目标位置,并且抗干扰能力极强。 We cannot use the wire-guided.” Electric Crystal overruled this control mode. “我们不能用线导。”电晶否决了这种控制方式。 ordinary torpedo contact goal self-destruction, with shock-wave target damage. But our weapons are depend on themselves to cut the characteristics, the thermal energy characteristics sabotage the goal.” 普通鱼雷接触目标就会自毁,用冲击波杀伤目标。但我们的武器是靠自身切割特性,还有热能特性去破坏目标。” Torpedo self-destruction only needs the flash, our weapons could sustained attack target ships several minutes, even more than ten minutes, and drills into the goal hull.” “鱼雷自毁只需一瞬间,我们的武器可能要持续攻击目标船只几分钟,甚至十多分钟时间,并且钻入目标船体内部。” If with the wire-guided, that sneaks in the hull flash, the wire will be damaged the place to cut off by the hull.” “如果用线导,那钻进船体一瞬间,导线就会被船体破损处割断了。” Underwater can also through the sound wave messaging.” Ye Qing thinks, but oneself overrule quickly, „not good ~ sound wave transmission speed is too slow, I remember that the underwater sound wave transmission speed is only 1.5 kilometers per second. Moreover the sound wave can only the simplex, data missing be serious. When the weapon starts to work, the mechanical noise of cutting, will definitely have covered the communication sound wave.” “水下还可以通过声波传输信息。”叶青想了想,不过自己很快又否决,“不行声波传输速度太慢,我记得水下声波传输速度只有一点五千米每秒。另外声波只能单向通讯,数据丢失严重。等武器开始工作时,切割的机械杂音,肯定会盖过通讯声波。” Therefore I designed intelligent control system.” “所以我设计了一款智能控制系统。” Electric Crystal both hands struck several on the keyboard, in the ring-like screen these dazzling codes, turned into a transparent spheroid. 电晶双手在键盘上敲打了几下,环形屏幕中那些让人眼花缭乱的代码,变成了一个透明球体。 Electric Crystal is pointing at the screen say/way: This is First-gen Artificial Intelligence operating system, I give a name to call to it Machairdus.” 电晶指着屏幕道:“这是第一代人工智能操作系统,我给它起名叫【剑齿虎】。” You meant, lets operating system from master control indefinite form metal, destroys hull?” “你的意思是说,让操作系统自主控制不定型金属,去破坏船体?” Right.” Electric Crystal hits a sound to refer, happily said: Machairdus system is I from Warder robot, on Swift Thunder automobile Driverless intelligence programming transplants to come. These two sets of programming, in the image recognition, have the specially fierce place with information recognition.” “对的。”电晶打个响指,得意道:“剑齿虎系统是我从守望者机器人,还有疾雷汽车无人驾驶智能程序上移植而来的。这两套程序,在图像识别,和信息识别方面有特别厉害的地方。” Over the two days I mainly increased this set of programming attack instruction, the optimized learning capability, this can through massive trainings, enhance its combat capability.” “这两天我主要增加这套程序的攻击指令,优化学习能力,这样就能通过大量训练,来提高它的‘战斗能力’。” Has Artificial Intelligence of learning capability is not rare. 拥有学习能力的人工智能并不罕见。 For example first two years, in Chinese chess invincible Alpha Dog, are representative in Artificial Intelligence programming. 比如前两年,在围棋界战无不胜的阿尔法狗,就是人工智能程序里的代表 This programming possible initial period is not astonishing, even when the performance order, will also turn the next many absurd mistakes. 这种程序可能初期并不惊人,甚至还会在执行命令时,翻下诸多愚蠢可笑的错误。 So long as gives it creates one appropriately battlefield, it can through the training simulation of huge volume, gradually enhance oneself skilled. 但只要给它创造一个合适的“战场”,它就能通过海量的训练模拟,来逐渐提高自己的熟练度。 It trains the speed, depends on the Server operating speed. 它训练速度,取决于服务器运算速度。 For example the present already no longer and Alpha Dog of human to fighting Chinese chess, has progressed the thorough desperate chess skill altitude at the geometrical speed. 譬如如今已经不再和人类对战围棋的阿尔法狗,已经以几何速度进步到了彻底让人绝望的棋艺高度。 Naturally ~ 当然 Alpha Dog can powerful to that situation, be because the rule of Chinese chess is fixed. 阿尔法狗可以强大到那种地步,是因为围棋的规则是固定的。 In the fast changing battlefield situation, saber-toothed tiger Artificial Intelligence that Electric Crystal must make, is more complex than ten times Alpha Dog. 在瞬息万变的战场情况下,电晶要做的剑齿虎人工智能,比阿尔法狗复杂十倍。 Cites a very simple example, if saber-toothed tiger Artificial Intelligence system met the crew on enemy ship, what to do it should? 举个很简单例子,如果剑齿虎人工智能系统遇到了敌船上的船员,它该怎么办? The crew was full of the innumerable uncertainty, if system of saber-toothed tiger is not very intelligent, even the crew can play some tricks casually, is stranded it on the ship. 船员充满了无数种不确定性,如果剑齿虎的系统不够聪明,甚至船员可以随便玩一些伎俩,就把它困在船上。 Boss, I collected lots of military vessel structural information from the Internet, and we also active duty Burke-class Destroyer can study, now these information had been enrolled in the simulation battlefield by me.” 老板,我从互联网上搜集了大量的军舰结构信息,并且我们还有一艘现役的伯克级驱逐舰可以研究,现在这些信息已经被我编入了模拟战场里。” We want in the battlefield, conducts huge volume to train then it will be alright to the saber-toothed tiger.” “我们只要在战场里,对剑齿虎进行海量训练就行。” Ye Qing nods, becomes anticipates. 叶青点点头,变得非常期待起来。 Electric Crystal this resolving idea does not have the issue, since is unable to solve the communications problem, that makes weapon display. 电晶这个解决思路没问题,既然无法解决通讯问题,那就让武器自己发挥。 Has the weapon of independent thinking ability, can avoid all electromagnetic interference methods. 拥有独立思考能力的武器,就可以避免一切电磁干扰手段。 Moreover Ye Qing also thought of a protector. 另外叶青还想到了一个保险装置。 The weapon that they study must install the fission blade, can join a destructive mechanism in the fission blade, if the saber-toothed tiger were stranded, and withdraws hopelessly, but can also start the destructive mechanism to turn into one oneself dirty bomb. 他们研究的武器要安装裂变刀,可以在裂变刀里加入一个自毁装置,如果剑齿虎被困并且脱身无望,还可以启动自毁装置把自己变成一颗“脏弹”。 Simulation battlefield has programming completed?” “模拟战场程序已经做好了?” Is Boss.” Electric Crystal said excitedly: When informed you just to complete, now we can conduct the first field training.” “是的老板。”电晶兴奋道:“在通知你的时候才刚刚完成,现在我们就能进行第一场战斗训练。” ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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