MF :: Volume #12

#1131: 1108: Does not cooperate is an opponent

Ye Qing speech tone not solemn, but presents big shot, listened to the stock not to allow to reject the flavor. 叶青说话的语气并不严肃,但在座大佬们,都听出了股不容拒绝味道。 After that two jokes, this group of big shot the strength to Monster Industrial also had the one layer brand-new cognition a moment ago. 经过刚才那两个笑话,这帮大佬们对巨兽工业的实力又有了一层全新认知。 But 可是 The copyright of soap opera takes not to have the issue, how regardless of the customer(s) community of holographic eyeglasses, they to only gain steadily does not compensate. 电视剧的版权拿出去没问题,无论全息眼镜的用户群体如何,他们只会稳赚不赔。 The movie copyright is different, that is their plant roots. 电影版权不一样,那是他们的根子。 How a film and television Company status, always only looked that they can lay out how much fire the movies. 一家影视公司地位如何,从来只看他们能拍出多少部大火的电影。 If can shoot to be approved by western countries, then took international film of one pile of prizes, that status was steadier. 要是能拍出来被欧美国家认可,然后拿了一堆奖的国际电影,那地位更稳了。 Chief Ye, but also please understand.” Namei Cinema helmsman Wei Zhixiang is greeting with a smile the explanation, besides pirating and worry of customer(s) community, we also has other worries.” 叶总,还请您理解一下。”纳美影业掌舵人韦志祥陪笑着解释,“除了盗版和用户群体方面的担忧,我们还有其它顾虑。” two videos made me not shock by, but Chief Ye, you also understand that the shooting level of our China movie, from international first-class, very long path must walk.” “刚才的两部视频让我震撼不以,可叶总,您也明白我们华夏电影的拍摄水平,距离国际一流,还有很长道路要走。” We favor the shooting metropolis plot movie at present, with ancient costume action film.” “我们目前更倾向于拍摄都市剧情电影,和古装动作电影。” These two themes, I think that moves to the holographic eyeglasses, cannot display too big picture advantage.” “这两个题材,我个人认为搬到全息眼镜上,并不能发挥太大的画面优势。” Wei Zhixiang somewhat lowers the sound saying: I felt, that side Hollywood science fiction masterpiece, is more suitable to move to the holographic eyeglasses.” 韦志祥有些压低声音道:“我觉得,好莱坞那边的科幻巨作,才更适合搬到全息眼镜上。” You look at first two months of screening Avenger alliance three, this was one used the IMAX 3D camera shooting science fiction masterpiece completely. This type of camera can achieve 1.9 : 1 entire picture form, the light shadow color not only can the return to original state be real, but can also bring a broader field of vision to the audience, with immension special effect.” “您瞧前两个月上映的复仇者联盟三,这就是一部完全使用了IMAX3D摄影机拍摄科幻巨作。这种摄影机可以达到1.9:1的全画幅格式,光影色彩不仅更能还原真实,还能给观众带来更宽广的视野,和沉浸感特效。” This type on world the resolution highest image catches device now, is Hollywood is used for the shooting science fiction masterpiece not two magic weapons.” “这种当今世界上分辨率最高的图像捕获设备,是好莱坞用来拍摄科幻巨作不二法宝。” However we?” Wei Zhixiang somewhat self-ridiculed, pats is false 3D, this home can pat the good directors to be few. Everyone takes stage Sony F55 even high-level device, takes the stage domestic-made camera, dares to call the successful piece director.” “而我们呢?”韦志祥有些自嘲,“拍的都是伪3D,就这国内能拍好的导演都屈指可数。大家拿着台索尼F55就算高级设备,拿着台国产摄影机,就敢称大片导演。” Domestic movie, places on the holographic eyeglasses to screen, fully cannot manifest the picture advantage.” “国产影片,放在全息眼镜上上映,完全体现不出画面优势啊。” This reason is compelling. 这条理由还算充分。 In fact, the present Hollywood blockbuster in the worldwide market, has entered one to show device gradually unable to follow the technical bottleneck of movie source development. 事实上,如今的好莱坞大片在全球市场上,已经进入一个放映设备逐渐跟不上片源发展的技术瓶颈。 They have the movie with IMAX 3D camera shooting time-consumingly with effort, but takes a broad view at worldwide, how many family/home IMAX great curtain theaters can also some, present the top grade special effect picture quality for their perfect? 他们费时费力地用IMAX3D摄影机拍摄出电影,可是放眼全球,又能有多少家IMAX巨幕影院,供他们完美呈现出顶级特效画质? The IMAX great curtain, the home only has more than 100. IMAX巨幕,国内只有一百多块。 USA has 400 IMAX great curtains, is counted China, the worldwide IMAX great curtain is less than 800. 美国拥有四百块IMAX巨幕,算上华夏在内,全球的IMAX巨幕不到八百块。 worldwide less than 800 screen numbers, how also possibly to satisfy the Hollywood science fiction big piece the demand? 全球不到八百块的荧幕数量,又怎么可能满足好莱坞科幻大片的需求? The emergence of holographic eyeglasses, perfect solved this problem. 全息眼镜的出现,完美解决了这个问题。 So long as takes the holographic eyeglasses, everyone can have one only own Really IMAX great curtain theater. 只要带上全息眼镜,人人都能拥有一座只属于自己一个人的【真・IMAX巨幕影院】。 The domestic-made movie was fiercer, they absolutely do not have this aspect demand. 国产电影就更厉害了,它们完全没有这方面需求。 Let alone IMAX great curtain movie, false 3D movie domestic-made one year of few. 别说IMAX巨幕电影,就连伪3D电影国产一年都没有几部。 It looks like in this group of big shot, regardless of the image formation effect of holographic eyeglasses goes against heaven's will, they cannot lay out the qualified movie or white reckless. 在这帮大佬们看来,无论全息眼镜的成像效果多么逆天,他们拍不出合格的影片还是白瞎。 Without your joining, how I also to take the business case to convince others?” Ye Qing said with a smile to him said: Hollywood most suitable holographic eyeglasses to be truly good, but joining of Hollywood, absolutely does not have me to invite now you, persuaded you to join on own initiative like this with ease.” “没有你们的加入,我又如何拿商业案例去说服别人?”叶青笑道对他道:“好莱坞确实最适合全息眼镜不错,但好莱坞的加入,绝对没有现在我把你们邀请过来,主动劝说你们加入这样轻松。” Unsurprisingly, Hollywood wants to put in our virtual world the movie copyright, does not pay the immense price, has absolutely never the possibility.” “不出意外,好莱坞想把电影版权投放到我们的虚拟世界里,不付出巨大代价,决无可能。” „......” “……” Wei Zhixiang thought that Monster Industrial this was with the USA bar on, now he has no longer dared to suspect, Monster Industrial can the issue that paid attention to Hollywood. 韦志祥心想巨兽工业这是跟美国杠上了,如今他已经不再敢怀疑,巨兽工业会不会把好莱坞放在眼里的问题。 Apple and Boeing that Company even USA most is proud, complained incessantly in the Monster Industrial under foot, let alone only Hollywood, even if ten how? 美国最引以为傲的苹果公司波音公司,都在巨兽工业脚下叫苦连天,别说区区一个好莱坞,哪怕十个又如何? But now is not the issue of Hollywood, is their group of China movie practitioners, thinks that Monster Industrial divided the issue of their cake. 可现在不是好莱坞的问题,是他们这帮华夏电影从业者,认为巨兽工业分了他们蛋糕的问题。 Wei Zhixiang deeply inspires, actually beforehand excuse, but is some upholstery and excuses. 韦志祥深吸了口气,其实之前的说辞,不过是些铺垫和借口而已。 Below, is the core reason that they are not willing to comply with. 下面,才是他们死活不肯答应的核心原因。 Wei Zhixiang deeply inspires, said with the sound that everyone can hear: Chief Ye, our sighted people did not speak the code words. Me has an issue, supposed that we put in latest movie copyright virtual world. Then with fiery of holographic eyeglasses, the benefit of our line Lower House line can be violated?” 韦志祥深吸了一口气,用大家都可以听到的声音说道:“叶总,咱们明人不说暗话。我这边有个问题,假设我们把最新的电影版权投放到虚拟世界中。那随着全息眼镜的火爆,我们线下院线的利益会不会受到侵害?” Ye Qing receives the smiling face, sincere say/way: Meeting!” 叶青收起笑容,正色道:“会!” That such being the case, but also wants Chief Ye to forgive, we considered out of the self-interest, cannot take latest movie copyright.” Some Wei Zhixiang accidental/surprised Ye Qing how neat acknowledgments. “那既然如此,还希望叶总体谅体谅,我们出于自身利益考虑,不能把最新的电影版权拿出去。”韦志祥有些意外叶青会怎么干净利落的承认。 Chief Ye, we in these person of hands of sitting, grasp China to go near under 50% lines the theater.” 叶总,我们在坐的这些人手中,掌握着华夏接近50%的线下影院。” Remaining these, is the whole country allies our institute line, signs the box office to be divided into institute line alliance of agreement.” “剩下那些,也是全国各地加盟我们院线,签票房分成协议的院线加盟者。” We...... must and interests of these people to ourselves are responsible.” “我们……要对自己和这些人的利益负责。” As Wei Zhixiang buries everyone in most worry at heart says, the conference atmosphere also welcomed the most solemn quiet time. 随着韦志祥把大家埋藏在心里的最大一个顾虑说出来,会议气氛也迎来了最严肃沉静的时刻。 everyone big shot watched Ye Qing not silently, waits for the final result arrival. 各位大佬们一言不发地看住了叶青,等待最终的结果到来。 This world not forever friendship, only then forever benefit. 这个世界没有永远的友谊,只有永远地利益。 Between countries so, between Company and Company, are so. 国与国如此,公司公司之间,更是如此。 Monster Industrial is powerful, impossible depending on few words, lets them the laborious layout more than ten years of nation institute lines, spitting. 巨兽工业再强大,也不可能凭三言两语,就让他们把辛辛苦苦布局十几年的全国院线,给吐出来。 Said that is difficult to be obedient, Spielberg makes the movie also to compensate the qualification. 说句难听话,斯皮尔伯格拍电影还赔过本钱呢。 Because spends the immense movie failure, investing Company tosses about almost the example of bankruptcy there are numerous similar cases. 因为一部耗资巨大电影失败,把投资公司折腾几近破产的例子不知凡几。 But they, so long as in the hand is gripping the line Lower House line, this laying eggs golden rooster, will never lack the qualification that starts over from the beginning. 可他们只要手里攥着线下院线,这条下蛋金鸡,就永远不缺从头再来的本钱。 Who does not know that the China movie box office is like the sesame seed pole, year by year fiery? 谁不知道华夏电影票房就跟芝麻杆一样,一年比一年火爆 At the beginning of this year, the first quarter China movie box office gross income, surpasses USA impressively, stood above the World First throne for the first time. 今年年初,第一季度的华夏电影票房总收入,赫然超过美国,首次站在了世界第一的宝座之上。 At this time, making them begin to harm the line Lower House line the benefit. 这时候,让他们自己动手去损害线下院线的利益。 With wanting them assigned/life, there is what difference? 和要了他们命,又有何区别? About this, our Company when putting forward this plan, has given careful consideration.” Ye Qing lifted from the chair the back, later sets out. “关于这点,我们公司在提出这个方案时,就慎重考虑过。”叶青把后背从椅子上抬了起来,随后起身。 We cooperate, must be fastidious about ‚’ two characters win-win.” “我们合作,总要讲究‘双赢’二字。” I naturally do not hope that because of our reasons, causing the everyone benefit to suffer loss.” “我当然不希望因为我们的原因,导致各位的利益受到损失。” But, along with a new technical rise, the old thing association/will was eliminated. Like the past videocorder, with the 90's earthshaking VCD.” “可是,伴随着一项新的技术崛起,旧的东西总会被淘汰掉。就像当年的录像机,和九十年代叱咤风云的VCD。” When our holographic eyeglasses such as Illusory Crystal cell phone, popularizes to overwhelming majority consumer hands in the time.” “当我们的全息眼镜如幻晶手机般,普及到绝大部分消费者手中时候。” You who do not cooperate, will become our competitor, becomes by the object who we eliminate.” “不合作的你们,就会成为我们竞争对手,成为被我们淘汰的对象。” Eliminates us?” “淘汰我们?” Some people reveal do not believe the facial expression obviously, leaf...... always, we should not have the conflict in business.” 有人露出明显不信神情,“叶……总,我们应该没有业务上的冲突吧。” His subtext is, do you eliminate us with what? 他的潜台词是,你拿什么淘汰我们? Ye Qing arrives among the lines of sight of people, vision like electricity, „, just like the auspicious uncle said a moment ago, he thinks Hollywood these science fiction masterpieces, more suitable to screen on the holographic eyeglasses.” 叶青走到众人的视线中间,目光如电,“正如刚才祥叔所说,他认为好莱坞那些科幻巨作,更适合在全息眼镜上上映。” „, Hollywood does not have the institute line layout in China.” “那么,好莱坞在华夏并没有院线布局。” When our holographic eyeglasses popularize, and through the technology proved when our video encoding technology is impregnable.” “当我们全息眼镜普及开来,并通过技术来证明我们的视频编码技术牢不可破时。” I want to ask everyone, if we put out with your same box office sharing benefit price, even is lower, robs was the Hollywood blockbuster time of your institute line.” “我想问各位,如果我们拿出和你们一样的票房分润价格,甚至更低,来抢走原本属于你们院线的好莱坞大片时候。” We, but also there is, a conflict in business?” “我们,还有没有、业务上的冲突?” „......” “……” Static! 静! They such as were struck by lightning, on the face was suddenly on white several points. 他们如遭雷击,脸上更是忽然白上了几分。 This young Director-General said one, fearful tentative plan that they have not considered. 这位年轻总裁说出了一项,他们并未考虑到的可怕设想。 They move to the movie copyright the holographic eyeglasses, the line Lower House line will sustain a loss. 他们把电影版权搬到全息眼镜上,线下院线会蒙受损失。 May not have sorrow of institute line Hollywood not to need to manage these Ah! 可没有院线之忧的好莱坞不用管这些啊! When the time comes Hollywood looked the Monster Industrial holographic eyeglasses picture quality effect so goes against heaven's will, perhaps does not have Monster Industrial to invite, they will also walk in mostly coyly, the driving request joins. 到时候好莱坞一看巨兽工业全息眼镜画质效果如此逆天,恐怕没有巨兽工业邀请,他们多半也会扭扭捏捏找上门,主动要求加入。 The good soldier to match the spear/gun, that help/gang laborious the director who the IMAX great curtain movie tosses about, who meets choice to make the screening side of their movie, as if bright swayed at present. 好兵配好枪,那帮辛辛苦苦把IMAX巨幕电影折腾出来的导演,会选择谁来做他们电影的上映方,似乎已经明摆在眼前。 Without the China Models institute line of Hollywood blockbuster, which will have to change? 没了好莱坞大片的华夏实体院线,会发生哪些改变? A literary view is, without Hollywood, under China line theater eternal like endless night. 文艺一点说法是,没有好莱坞,华夏线下影院万古如长夜。 The uncouthly view is, under the China line the theater will turn disfigures one's face the young girl. 粗鲁一点说法是,华夏线下影院会变成毁容少女。 This time, presents big shot to start to consider, rejected the consequence after Monster Industrial. 这一次,在座大佬们不得不开始考虑,拒绝了巨兽工业后的后果。 The commercial competition is always bloody brutal, once there is a business conflict, does not cooperate is an opponent. 商业竞争从来都是血腥残酷的,一旦有了业务冲突,不合作就是对手。 Naturally, I do not hope that this matter happened.” “当然,我不希望这种事情发生。” Ye Qing waves to everyone, „, therefore to express our sincerity, when with the everyone cooperation, we are willing to put out more box offices to share benefit, makes up everyone.” 叶青冲大家挥了挥手,“所以为了表示我们的诚意,在与各位合作时,我们愿意拿出更多的票房分润,来弥补大家。” You and box office of alliance institute line signing shares benefit, generally is 5.50%, the institute line temporarily stops 5.5. Places here, we can only take 40%.” “你们和加盟院线签订的票房分润,一般是五点50%,院线截留五点五。放在我们这里,我们可以只拿40%。” Is grasping Namei Cinema helmsman Wei Zhixiang of most institute line, spoke hastily, „, but the nation had to go near 50% institute lines, was our.” 手下掌握着最多院线的纳美影业掌舵人韦志祥,连忙发言,“可是全国有接近50%院线,是我们自己的啊。” His subtext is, the national this about 50% institute lines they can produce and market by oneself, sharing benefit of 10 cents does not give, all enters the belt-bag. 他的潜台词是,全国这近50%的院线他们可以自产自销,一毛钱的分润都不给,全进自己腰包。 everyone, Rome is not one day completes.” 各位,罗马不是一天建成的。” Similarly our holographic eyeglasses, will not popularize to China each consumer hand in overnight.” “同样我们全息眼镜,也不会一夜之间普及到华夏每个消费者手中。” In the future, you have the new movie copyright to screen. Naturally is the line Lower House line, screens with online virtual world synchronously.” “在未来,你们有新的电影版权上映。当然是线下院线,和线上的虚拟世界同步上映。” Does not have customer(s) of holographic eyeglasses, will run to go to the institute line to watch as before.” “没有全息眼镜的用户,依旧会跑去院线观看。” Said here, Ye Qing, these had customer(s) of holographic eyeglasses, likely they or disliked troublesome, or had to that movie interest is not too big, originally did not plan that ran toward the institute line.” 说道这里,叶青顿了顿,“那些拥有全息眼镜的用户,很可能他们或是嫌麻烦,或是对那部电影兴趣有不是太大,本来不打算往院线里跑一趟。” Actually because of the holographic eyeglasses, provided and cell phone looks at the video equally convenient watching movies way, transforms extra watching movies customer(s) them.” “却因为全息眼镜,提供了和手机看视频一样便捷的观影方式,把他们转化成额外的观影用户。” everyone 各位 That day when under the line the theater declines, is everyone in the virtual reality projection room, a day of standing firm.” “当线下影院没落的那天,也是各位在虚拟现实放映室里,站稳脚跟的一天。” „, You possibly because under the line the decline of theater, loses the extra profit.” “这其中,你们可能会因为线下影院的没落,损失额外的利润。” But this is the situation.” “但这是大势。” You could not prevent.” “你们阻挡不了。”
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