MF :: Volume #12

#1129: 1106: Having the difference can discuss carefully

Also imagined oneself a moment ago becomes in the universe nihility Spiritual God Wei Zhixiang, this little while does not have the end Warship group frightening fine body hair straight vertical stroke. 刚才还把自己想象成宇宙中虚无神灵的韦志祥,这会儿已经被没有尽头般的战舰群给吓的寒毛直竖。 He hurries to take off the eyeglasses, is gasping for breath in gulps. 他慌忙摘下眼镜,大口大口喘着气。 Sees in the hall the radiant light, he responded, originally this was false 看见大厅内璀璨灯光,他才反应过来,原来这都是假的啊 Wei Zhixiang relaxes secretly, had not shouted fortunately a moment ago, the side does lose face otherwise. 韦志祥心里暗暗松了口气,还好刚才没有喊出来,否侧丢人丢大了。 His subconsciousness wants to have a look at person to gaze at itself the smelly appearance, turns the head, actually discovered that Monster Industrial that young Director-General, is looking at itself in the faint smile. 他下意识想看看身旁的人有没有注视到自己出糗模样,一转头,却发现巨兽工业那位年轻总裁,正在似笑非笑地看着自己。 Changes to another side again afraid, actually saw one to let his unexpected picture. 再把头心虚地转到另一边,却看见了一幕让他猝不及防的画面。 That group of film and television circle big shot, were startled with the demon sat on the chair, or looked fierce, the mouth opened to a big way, whole face did not believe that rotated to move the turret the head. 那帮影视圈大佬们,一个个都跟魔怔了般坐在椅子上,或是龇牙咧嘴,或是嘴巴张到最大,或是满脸的不置信,把脑袋转动成了移动炮塔。 Hiss......” “嘶……” I flew the outer space, hā hā!” “我飞上了太空,哈哈!” International space station?” “国际空间站呢?” Meteor shower, this is really the meteor shower.” “流星雨,这真的是流星雨。” These Warship are quite scary.” “啊这些战舰好吓人。” Wei Zhixiang discovered that this group of big shot, with these new promote actors playing role of pretty young woman, have indulged in the virtual world image completely. 韦志祥发现这帮大佬,和那些新晋花旦们,已经完全沉溺在了虚拟世界的影像中。 They as if forgot themselves to be where, forgot oneself sat in a dignified grand assembly hall, is conducting a represented entire film and television industry the important meeting. 他们似乎忘了自己身在何处,忘记了自己坐在一处庄严壮丽的会议厅内,正在进行一场代表了整个影视行业的重要会议。 If this were patted by reporters, they can definitely laugh at a all year. 如果这幕被记者们拍下来,他们肯定能被笑话一整年。 Naturally 当然 Although the member status of this time conference is one by one astonishing, but has no brave reporter, coming nearby Hotel to report this matter. 这次会议的成员身份虽然一个比一个惊人,不过却没有哪个胆大记者,来酒店附近报道此事。 First the time is too short, sends out them to collect in the western suburbs guesthouse from the invitation, day of time, most reporters have not obtained the news. 一来时间太短,从邀请函发出到他们在西郊迎宾馆里汇集,才一天时间,大部分记者们连消息都没得到。 And regardless of Monster Industrial, is big shot in that group of film and television circle, does not hope that the this time conference was known by the media. 二来无论巨兽工业,还是那帮影视圈里的大佬们,都不希望这次会议被媒体知晓。 „Does auspicious uncle, how you feel the image formation effect of this model of holographic eyeglasses?” Where sees Wei Zhixiang look to look randomly, Ye Qing smiles hē hē watched him. “祥叔,您觉得这款全息眼镜的成像效果如何?”看见韦志祥在哪儿眼神乱瞄,叶青呵呵的看住了他。 Wei Zhixiang has not spoken, but face one red. 韦志祥没有说话,但老脸一红。 Does not know that said what good Wei Zhixiang, takes the eyeglasses simply again, evades the Ye Qing vision. 不知说什么好的韦志祥,干脆再次带上眼镜,来逃避叶青目光。 The demonstration video of holographic eyeglasses altogether is divided two, first is 【The war of alien race Sometimes is of long one point of 30 second of promotion fragment, second the game publicity video of being that side Tencent Games provides. Inside is the real person shooting movement scene, the shooting equipment provides by Monster Industrial completely, customer(s) takes the holographic eyeglasses, cannot distinguish clearly at present is the illusion or the reality. 全息眼镜的展示视频一共分两段,第一段是【异族的战争】中,时长一分三十秒的宣传片片段,第二段是腾讯游戏那边提供的游戏宣传视频。里面是真人拍摄的运动场景,拍摄器材完全由巨兽工业提供,用户带上全息眼镜,根本分不清眼前是幻觉还是真实。 What are the holographic eyeglasses? 全息眼镜是什么? The holographic eyeglasses are use the resolution to reach as high as the 16 K retina level monitor, takes the holographic eyeglasses, people like entering another world. 全息眼镜是采用分辨率高达16K的视网膜级显示器,带上全息眼镜,人们就像走进了另一个世界 It outraced the traditional 3D monitor, the VR monitor, can make customer(s) experience reality world to have the three-dimensional picture feeling that truly, with depth sense of distance. 它超越了传统3D显示器,VR显示器,可以真正让用户们体验到现实世界才有的立体画面感,和纵深距离感。 This group of big shot are the experts of being able to judge the quality of goods, when they take off that moment of eyeglasses, they look the vision of eyeglasses again to the hand, is different. 这帮大佬们都是识货的行家,当他们摘下眼镜的那一刻,他们再次看向手中眼镜的目光,已然不同。 Chief Ye, I understand now finally you said epoch-making these three character true meanings.” 叶总,我现在终于明白了您说的‘划时代’这三个字真正含义。” Wei Zhixiang shakes the suo suo to install the holographic eyeglasses in the box, his facial color somewhat becomes flushed, previously I thought you in exaggerating, that monitor that you finger/refer, possibly Upgraded Version of merely VR monitor.” 韦志祥抖抖索索地把全息眼镜装在盒子中,他的面色有些涨红,“先前我觉得您在夸张,您指的那种显示器,可能只是VR显示器的升级版。” Now I understood, this is to make the VR technology enter the Next-gen edition of garbage heap thoroughly.” “现在我明白了,这是让VR技术彻底进入垃圾堆的下一代版本。” Ye Qing looks to also immerses, in the holographic eyeglasses shock people in the image technology, opens the mouth saying: Science and technology is used to break through, starts from Avatar, the figure film and television formally enters the 3D time, by the VR time, put forward the concept of virtual reality, in several years.” 叶青望向还沉浸在全息眼镜震撼成像技术中的众人,开口道:“科技是用来突破的,从阿凡达开始,数字影视正式进入3D时代,到VR时代,提出了虚拟现实的概念,也不过短短几年时间。” Our Monster Industrial, merely with the technological strength, ‚’ this concept became the true reality virtual reality.” “我们巨兽工业,也只是用科技力量,把‘虚拟现实’这个概念变成了真正的现实。” This is also I invites everyone to come here reason.” “这也正是我邀请大家来到这里的原因。” Our Monster Industrial had the epoch-making image technology, now wants to invite the everyone film and television resources creators, provides high-quality film and television copyright for us.” “我们巨兽工业有了划时代的成像技术,现在想邀请各位影视资源创造者们,为我们提供更多优质的影视版权。” Such remarks, some halls of noise are peaceful immediately. 此话一出,原本有些喧闹的大厅立刻安静下来。 This group of film and television circle big shot were not discussing, but was simultaneously watches the vision sat that several top grade big shot near Ye Qing. 这帮影视圈大佬们不在讨论,而是齐齐把目光看住了坐在叶青附近的那几位顶级大佬 Fermented one in the afternoon, came finally. 酝酿了一下午,终于来了。 Wei Zhixiang and several other big shot exchanged the look, past a half minute, he said: Chief Ye, this is an offering mutual benefit and achieving common progress matter, more channels, can take to us more profits. „ „ Since the smartphone time, the proportion of network film and television copyright channel annually increases, now the film and television copyright selection and broadcast quantity of network has exceeded the traditional television program, becomes us besides the institute line, most important profit income.” 韦志祥和另外几位大佬交换了眼神,足足过去半分钟,他才开口说道:“叶总,这是一件互利互惠的事情,更多的渠道,能带给我们更多的利润。““从智能手机时代开始,网络影视版权渠道的占比就逐年增加,如今网络的影视版权点播量已经超越传统电视节目,成为我们除了院线之外,最重要的盈利收入。” „ The cooperation in film and television copyright, we welcome certainly. “影视版权方面的合作,我们当然欢迎。 The people echo, said that Monster Industrial has such display technology, arrives there film and television copyright on the shelf, their copyright income will definitely rise high successively. 众人附和,说巨兽工业有这样的显示技术,把影视版权上架到那里,他们版权收入肯定会节节高升。 Ye Qing actually shakes the head, said: everyone, in soap opera copyright, I thinks happiness that very we can cooperate.” 叶青却摇了摇头,说道:“各位,在电视剧版权方面,我认为我们会合作的很愉快。” At present soap opera copyright develops is very mature, various video platforms or the satellite TV, oneself pat either, either bids the qualifications of patting exclusive screens.” “电视剧版权目前发展的已经很成熟,各家视频平台或卫视,要么自己拍,要么去投标拍得独家上映的资格。” I want to discuss that is institute line copyright.” “我想谈地,是院线版权方面。” I want to invite everyone, can latest institute line movie, put in our platforms to screen synchronously.” “我想邀请各位,可以把最新的院线电影,放到我们的平台上同步上映。” This platform, can call it for virtual world.” “这个平台,可以称呼它为虚拟世界。” Wei Zhixiang and people not too big unexpected expression, „can Chief Ye, first give us five minutes of internal discussion time?” 韦志祥和众人并无太大的意外表情,“叶总,能先给我们五分钟的内部讨论时间嘛?” Naturally.” Ye Qing nods. “当然。”叶青点点头。 ...... …… Without that two can forget to be where, cannot determine that at present sees the video demonstration of is true or false. 如果没有那两条可以让人忘记身在何处,不敢确定眼前所见是真是假的视频展示。 This group of people do not come five minutes of internal discussion time. 这帮人根本不会要来五分钟的内部讨论时间。 Because did not need to discuss again, in the afternoon they had discussed for quite a while. 因为根本不用再讨论了,下午他们已经讨论了半天。 Waits for Ye Qing to lead other Company members to leave the hall, Wei Zhixiang and several other big shot hurry to clash person to beckon. 叶青带着公司其他成员离开大厅,韦志祥和另外几位大佬赶紧冲身边的人招了招手。 They stand on the rug halls, is serious. 他们站到大厅中间的地毯上,一个个面色凝重。 everyone 各位 Your what opinions? ” Namei Cinema helmsman Wei Zhixiang lowers the sound, perhaps that type of holographic eyeglasses really can detonate a big thunder, it brings on the eye, simply with bringing the ordinary eyeglasses has no difference. If Monster Industrial really can put in the market it, I think that may dress the electronic device time to approach.” 你们什么意见?”纳美影业的掌舵人韦志祥压低声音,“那种全息眼镜恐怕真的可以引爆一道大雷,它带在眼睛上,简直和带着普通眼镜没什么区别。巨兽工业如果真能把它投放到市场,我认为可穿戴电子设备的时代就会来临。” At present the information are not many, I first retain the view.” Boss Pan Dong of Glory film and television is also discretely low voice, I acknowledged I just in almost excited shouted, this type of holographic eyeglasses compared with these nonsense VR Q1000 times.” “目前情报不多,我先保留看法。”荣耀影视的老板潘东同样小声谨慎,“我承认我刚在差点激动的喊出来,这种全息眼镜比那些狗屁VR强1000倍。” Issue is, the Monster Industrial light researched and developed the hardware, was useful?” “问题是,巨兽工业光研发出了硬件,有什么用?” „The situation of VR eyeglasses I did not say that everyone understands, the coming out time was just held the space, now its can the popular rate, how many be higher than compared with the DVD player?” “VR眼镜的情况我不说大家都明白,刚出来时候被捧到了天上,现在它的普及率呢,比DVD播放器又能高出多少?” „The extensive resource like cell phone computer, the good display technology has not been useless.” “没有像手机电脑一样的丰富资源,再好的显示技术也是白搭。” First did not discuss the popular rate issue.” Namei Cinema helmsman Wei Zhixiang beckons with the hand, in the people to the circle said: „The present is Monster Industrial, wants our online to screen the copyright issue that synchronously.” “先不谈普及率问题。”纳美影业掌舵人韦志祥摆摆手,冲圈子里众人道:“现在是巨兽工业,要我们线上同步上映的版权问题。” Film and television film and television, the movie is the true plant root.” “影视影视,电影才是真正的根子。” The Boss opens the mouth of Lehua media, I do not think feasible, we give the plant root, hot had pirating inevitably, will injure to our line under the interests of theater. It is not hot, did we paste the reputation to make publicity to the opposite party in vain?” 乐华传媒的老板开口,“我认为不可行,我们把根子给出去,火了必然有盗版,更会伤害到我们线下影院的利益。不火,我们岂不是白白贴了名声给对方做宣传?” I also think that at present cannot make the decision, this was too sudden, at least gives us several years, observes appraisal of this eyeglasses in customer(s) to be good.” “我也认为目前不能做决定,这太突然了,起码给我们几年时间,观察这款眼镜在用户手里的评价才行。” Five minutes quick in the past. 五分钟时间很快过去。 When Ye Qing brings the Company personnel are opening the front door again, this group of big shot have returned to the seat. 叶青带着公司人员再次推开大门时,这帮大佬们已经回归自己座位。 Ye Qing sits in later, first drank one cup of tea. 叶青坐在之后,先喝了一杯茶。 If previously a hope did not report, then after inviting them experiences the image technology of holographic eyeglasses, Ye Qing can also have 1-2 points of hope somewhat. 如果说先前一点希望也不报,那在邀请他们体验完全息眼镜的成像技术之后,叶青多多少少还能抱着1-2的希望。 After all if they are not the blind people, can definitely see the potential of holographic eyeglasses. 毕竟他们如果不是瞎子,就肯定能看出全息眼镜的潜力。 If everyone can come the shooting movie with 3D photography device, that 3D movie, invests into the holographic eyeglasses on even, should still bring subversive to watch movies the experience. 如果大家能用3D摄影设备拍摄电影,那即使是3D电影,投入到全息眼镜上,也会带来颠覆性观影体验。 This will stimulate the audience unprecedented curiosity inevitably, so long as shooting is not the dog deng, some people will be convinced. 这势必会激发观众们前所未有好奇心,只要拍摄地不是狗屎,都会有人买账。 Grips the teacup, Ye Qing deeply inspires, asked slowly: everyone seniors, discussion how?” 握住茶杯,叶青深吸了口气,缓缓问道:“各位前辈们,讨论的如何?” Namei Cinema and two helmsmen of Glory film and television watched Ye Qing, their vision is somewhat complex, after the moment, two people open the mouth together. 纳美影业荣耀影视的两位掌舵人看住了叶青,他们目光有些复杂,片刻后两人一起开口。 Chief Ye.” 叶总。” We think that...... this matter we are unable to comply.” “我们认为……这件事情我们无法答应。” Ye Qing is shaking the hand of teacup one tightly, although before this answer, had the preparation. 叶青握着茶杯的手一紧,这个答案虽然之前有了心理准备。 But representative that 1-2 points of hope is also disillusioned. 可也代表着那1-2的希望破灭。 Un such important cooperation, a discussion, will definitely not make us reach the consensus, the difference we can discuss slowly.” “嗯如此重要的合作,肯定不会一次会谈,就让我们取得共识,分歧我们可以慢慢谈。” Ye Qing shows the smile, about the holographic eyeglasses introduced, will immediately have the staff to present the introduction handbook to everyone. In the handbook described the future plan of our Company to holographic eyeglasses in detail, with the technical superiority of this model of eyeglasses. It not only can be used to watch the film and television resources, it can achieve the function that cell phone and computer all can achieve.” 叶青露出微笑,“关于全息眼镜的更多介绍,马上就会有工作人员给大家呈上介绍手册。手册上详细描述了我们公司全息眼镜的未来规划,和这款眼镜的技术优势。它不仅仅可以用来观看影视资源,它可以做到手机和电脑一切可以做到的功能。” Chief Ye, our worries from many aspects.” 叶总,我们的顾虑来自多个方面。” First naturally is the piracy problem of film and television resources.” beautiful movie industry captain Wei Zhixiang, the vision transferred to on the palace lantern halls, I think that Chief Ye should understand pirating to our benefit violations, a VCD genuine small dish piece sold 20 for the 30 Yuan long ago. But pirating of avenue, only sells four to five.” “第一当然是影视资源的盗版问题。”美影业掌舵人韦志祥,目光移到了大厅中间的宫灯上,“我想叶总应该了解盗版对我们的利益侵害,早些年VCD一张正版碟片卖二十三十元。可是满大街的盗版,一张只卖四块到五块。” At that time we did the movie, do not want to make money on the small dish piece in the inland, can only sell to a Southeast Asia back and forth itself the copyright.” “那时候我们搞电影,在内地根本就不要想在碟片上赚钱,只能把版权卖给东南亚来回一点本。” Afterward had/left DVD, my goodness, the price is invariable, on a small dish piece can integrate ten 20 section movies.” “后来出了DVD,好家伙,价格不变,一张碟片上能集成十部二十部电影。” Now is fiercer, is completely free, online searches for big.” “现在更厉害了,完全免费,网上一搜一大把。” Ye Qing is sharp-eyed, takes up nearby holographic eyeglasses, pirates this, I can pledge to everyone, any piracy operator, will not have the technology to steal the high-definition copyright resources from here.” 叶青目光锐利,拿起旁边的全息眼镜,“盗版这点,我可以向各位承诺,任何盗版商,都不会有技术从我们这里窃取到高清版权资源。” Everyone can have a look at the holographic eyeglasses in hand, its lens are not a plane, the edge also has the shade gradient.” “大家可以看看手中的全息眼镜,它的镜片并不是平面,边缘也带有遮光坡度。” „The picture that if with the camera to holographic eyeglasses shooting, that shooting is coming out, only compared with the picture of shooting 3D movie in the theater must indecently.” “如果用摄影机对着全息眼镜拍摄,那拍摄出来的画面,只会比在影院里拍摄3D电影的画面还要不堪入目。” These piracy operators can duplicate directly, they only need to analyze the copyright the original address, can download the high-definition resources to own Server on directly.” Tanle world executive wrinkles great to reply newly: Film and television copyright wants an internet, must transmit in the customer(s) hand the resources, customer(s) can complete to watch.” “那些盗版商可以直接复制,他们只需要解析出版权的原地址,就能直接把高清资源下载到自己的服务器上。”新丽世界老总皱新伟回答道:“影视版权只要一上网,就必须把资源传递到用户手中,用户才能完成观看。” „But once accesses the net, what video encoding technology has, is these piracy operators cannot decode?” “可一旦上网,有什么视频编码技术,是那些盗版商不能破解的?” Domestic foreigner so many video platforms, they in going all out of encrypts the video resources. But they are even used together to gain, the livelihood advertisement, could not protect, customer(s) wants to shield shields.” “国内国外那么多的视频平台,他们都在拼了命的加密自己视频资源。可他们甚至连用来盈利,赖以生存的广告,都保护不了,用户想屏蔽就屏蔽。” Tanle world executive wrinkles the new great this time tone to be somewhat excited, presents has Person-in-Charge of several video platforms, I think that this aspect they have certainly profound understanding.” 新丽世界老总皱新伟此时语气有些激动,“在座就有几家视频平台的负责人,我想这方面他们一定深有体会。” The Person-in-Charge forced smile of mango television nods, said that many pirating film and television websites, the resources broadcast address, received their video Official Website simply directly. 芒果电视的负责人苦笑点头,说有好多盗版影视网站,干脆就直接把资源播放地址,接到了他们视频官网 customer(s) opens the video at their website point, what coming out is their Official Website provides the high-definition genuine resources, the advertisement that may put is actually they pirates website, hateful, has no alternative. 用户在他们网站点开视频,出来的是他们官网提供地高清正版资源,可放的广告却是他们盗版网站自己地,可恨至极,却有无可奈何。 Then Chief Ye, you thought that a Monster Industrial new release brand-new video format, how long, the online will have spread the decoding plan?” “那么叶总,您觉得巨兽工业推出一种全新的视频格式,过多久,网上就会流传出解码方案?” Ye Qing looked to tanle world wrinkle newly great, wrinkled Boss, you should ask like this.” 叶青看向了新丽世界的皱新伟,“皱老板,您应该这样问。” Asked our Monster Industrial, had pays attention to these piracy operators?” “问我们巨兽工业,有没有把那些盗版商放在眼里?” No.” “没有。” In our eyes, does not have any opponent.” “我们的眼里,不存在任何对手。”
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