MF :: Volume #12

#1127: 1104: How is a small box

A hair slightly had sparse, the face skin gloss ruddy middle-aged man walked. 一名头发略有稀疏,面部皮肤光泽红润的中年男人走了过来。 Chief Ye, your harnessing, lets the jobholders of our entire film and television circle, the feeling is honored utmost.” 叶总,您的驾到,让我们整个影视圈的从业人员,顿感荣幸之至啊。” This middle-aged man Ye Qing feels like to look familiar, as if has seen on the television, after recombination tonight's honored guest list, his status then takes shape. 这位中年男人叶青隐隐觉得眼熟,似乎在电视上见过,再结合今晚的嘉宾名单后,他的身份便呼之欲出。 He is Namei Cinema helmsman Wei Zhixiang, is dragon's head big shot of film and television circle. 他是纳美影业的掌舵人韦志祥,同时也是影视圈的龙头大佬 Wei Zhixiang shocks Ye Qing young simultaneously, Ye Qing also somewhat is surprised his young. 韦志祥震惊叶青年轻同时,叶青也有些惊讶他的年轻。 Because in the material said that this big shot already year about 60, may look that the appearances and 40 over middle-aged men are undifferentiated. The makings that in addition the years raise, let him with two, as if thousand from the art school selects the beautiful woman who ten thousand elect to stand, to obviously is not towering. 因为资料上说这位大佬已经年近六十,可看样貌和四十出头的中年男人并无差别。再加上岁月养出的气质,让他跟身边两位,仿佛从艺术学校里千挑万选出来的美女站在一起,到也不显突兀。 Auspicious uncle can find time to catch up while being busy, should be I am honored utmost is right.” When Ye Qing is smiling and he shakes hand , the vision looks at to that two beautiful woman who has the fine makeup to accommodate, slightly has the curious meaning. “祥叔能在百忙中抽空赶来,应该是我荣幸之至才对。”叶青微笑着和他握手时,也把目光望向了那两位有着精致妆容的美女,略有好奇之意。 Ye Qing clings to the beauty actually not, this grand social occasion, Wei Zhixiang leads two up-and-comers to come it to have the meaning of leading by the hand. 倒不是叶青贪恋美色,这种隆重社交场合,韦志祥带着两位新人过来本身就有提携之意。 The opposite party stand in the entrance greets with a smile, Ye Qing naturally must give the opposite party the face. 对方站在门口笑脸相迎,叶青自然也要给对方面子。 Really, Wei Zhixiang hurried to seize the chance to Ye Qing to introduce these two new promote actors playing role of pretty young woman. 果然,韦志祥赶紧趁机向叶青介绍起这两位新晋花旦。 One is this year's fire metropolis drama Moon/Month round flower blooms The leading lady, another just made a movie, has not screened with enough time, arts school graduate but who the colleague generally thinks the successful potential. 一位是今年大火都市爱情剧【月圆花开】的女主角,另一位是刚刚拍完一部电影,还未来得及上映,但圈内人士普遍认为有大红大紫潜力的艺校毕业生。 When Ye Qing and they shake hand, obviously can detect that their heartbeat accelerates again, the vision seems digesting. 叶青和她们握手时,明显能察觉到她们的心跳再加速,目光仿佛正在消化。 Afterward is tanle world executive wrinkles newly great, Boss Pan Dong of Glory film and television, Lehua media Boss, five state culture Boss. 随后是新丽世界老总皱新伟,荣耀影视的老板潘东,还有乐华传媒老板,五州文化老板 Then Tencent mango Wan Da, Ye Qing reluctant to part handshake in the past. 接着腾讯芒果萬达,叶青依依握手过去。 Ye Qing shakes hand, Yun Shi follows in behind while is showing the whites of the eyes secretly. 叶青一边握手,云诗跟在后头一边偷偷翻着白眼。 These film and television big shot arrive is normal, but these each film and television Company new promote actors playing role of pretty young woman, some were too rather warm. 这些影视大佬们到还算正常,可那些各个影视公司的新晋花旦们,未免有些太热情了点。 When they regard the Ye Qing's look to be gentle, looks to this Director-General Assistant, the look actually looks like the white bones essence to see Sun Wukong...... 她们看待叶青的眼神温柔无比,看向她这位总裁助理时,眼神却像白骨精看见了孙悟空…… zé zé 啧啧 The beauty sometimes is also a pardoned crime, Yun Shi thought like this. 美丽有时候也是种原罪啊,云诗这样心想。 Spent for nearly a half hour, Ye Qing had seen with these people finally., obtained name The weather is also happen to gloomy day after day, by banquet beginning time. 花费了近半小时,叶青总算和这些人见过了面,得到了名字。正好天色也日渐暗淡下来,到了晚宴开始时间。 This banquet is Ye Qing has participated in liveliest one...... 这场晚宴算是叶青参加过最热闹的一场…… Among lively banquet scene, everyone has the tacit understanding not to raise at the party to very much discuss what content later, imitates, if old friend unseen in several years. 觥筹交错之间,大家都很有默契地不提待会儿晚会上要谈什么内容,仿若多年未见的老朋友。 Waits for the liquor over three to patrol, various film and television Company big shot took advantage of opportunity their new promote actor playing role of pretty young woman calls to mount the stage, lets their show/unfolds talent and skill. 等酒过三巡,各家影视公司大佬们就顺势把自家的新晋花旦叫上台,让她们一展才艺。 Some people sang, some people of bullet hit piano accompaniments, some people raised the skirt to suspend with the music dance lightly. 有人唱歌,有人弹着钢琴伴奏,也有人提起裙摆随着音乐翩翩起舞。 Has to acknowledge, the talent and skill of these actors playing role of pretty young woman all are the A-List professional standards, even in art or technique of singing, sang the singer to express its ideal condition of song compared with some. In the light and joke sound, Ye Qing is somewhat infatuated, some feelings of being unable to put things clearly. 不得不承认,这些花旦们的才艺全都是一线的专业水准,甚至在唱功方面,比一些原唱歌手更能表达出歌曲的本身意境。在灯光和笑语声中,叶青有些陶醉,也有些说不清道不明的感慨。 ...... …… In the evening 7 0.4 ten, banquet finished happily. 晚上七点四十,晚宴愉快地结束。 the No. 6 building in people step hotel, prepares to enter the conference link of climax. 众人移步宾馆的六号楼,准备进入重头戏的会议环节。 No. 6 building is the western suburbs guesthouse, is used specially to convene with the foreign guests the place of important meeting. 六号楼是西郊迎宾馆,用来专门召开和外宾之间重要会议的地方。 Here is different from the general business conference place layout, here layout usually can only see in the news. An area astonishing hall, the corridor can print out the person's shadow translucent marble but actually, the top of the head is dozens meters high vault, on the wall fills the ideal condition scenery chart. 这里不同于一般商业会议场所布局,这里布局通常只能在新闻上看见。一座面积惊人的大厅,走廊是可以倒印出人影的半透明大理石,头顶是数十米高的穹顶,墙上是充满意境地山水图。 Opens the carving flower sandal wood front door, as if entered the palace. 推开雕花檀木大门,仿佛走进了宫殿。 The chair that pure wooden become surrounds in the hall, the vault draws the full auspicious clouds colored drawing on pottery, the corner is hanging with the fine palace lantern that the silk gauze hoodwinks. 一张张纯木制成的椅子在大厅里环绕一圈,穹顶绘满祥云彩绘,边角吊着用绢纱蒙起来的精美宫灯。 Steps 踩在地上,仿佛踩在云端之间。 Here rug is soft, clean. 这里的地毯柔软至极,也干净至极。 Walks with Ye Qing in that several big shot innermost feelings of same place exclaimed in surprise, the expression to is usual, behind these 23 film and television Company executive, some people could not have borne express various exclamation, is making remarks to here decoration. 叶青走在一起的那几位大佬们内心惊叹,表情到还算如常,后面那些二三线影视公司老总们,有些人已经忍不住发出各种惊叹,对着这里的装饰评头论足。 big shot that this group mingles among the film and television circle mostly are very fond of the curio, they of being able to judge the quality of goods recognizes quickly, in this meeting hall the rug is the pure wool, is placing the chair, builds with the chicken wing wood unexpectedly. Is hanging on palace lantern, is beautiful lifelike Jiangnan embroidery charts. 这帮混迹影视圈的大佬们大多酷爱文玩,识货的他们很快就认出来,这座会议大厅里地毯是纯羊绒,摆着的椅子,竟然都是用鸡翅木打造。挂着的宫灯上,娟秀着一幅幅栩栩如生的江南刺绣图。 These new promote actors playing role of pretty young woman could not have borne pull out cell phone to photograph. 那些新晋花旦们已经忍不住掏出手机在拍照了。 With elegant, with palatial described grandly this hall is not overrated. 用雍容华贵,和巍峨壮丽来形容这座大厅也不为过。 The venue of so high specification, let alone they have seen, listens not to hear in the circle. This lets them when the excitement, somewhat feels inferior. They walk with that in the forefront, with the young Director-General status that film and television circle big shot talked and laughed merrily, the disparity greatly was too too big. 如此高规格的会议场所,别说他们见过,在圈子里听都没听说过。这让她们在激动之余,又不禁有些自卑。她们跟那位走在最前端,和一位位影视圈大佬谈笑风生的年轻总裁身份,差距太大太大。 They do not know, conducts the party of this specification to spend how much money one time. 她们不知道,举办一次这种规格的晚会要花多少钱。 They only know, has again the multi- money, no means are located in the party place the western suburbs guesthouse. 她们只知道,有再多钱,也没办法把晚会场所设在西郊迎宾馆里。 The Ye Qing mood is good, after all when previous time moves into here, oneself live alone small building, inside repairs here is more exaggerating. After greeting the people are sitting down, Ye Qing to the seat by decorates the white honeysuckle flower modeling the microphone to clear throat. 叶青心情还好,毕竟上次入驻这里时,自己就独住一栋小楼,里面装修比这里还夸张。招呼着众人坐下后,叶青冲着座椅旁装饰成银花造型的话筒清了清嗓子。 everyone should not be constrained, although here environment official a point.” 各位不要拘束,这里环境虽然正式了一点。” „The topic that but under us must talk about, may not have solemn that.” “但我们下面要聊的话题,可没那么严肃。” I think that everyone will be very definitely curious, Monster Industrial welcome come to here everyone suddenly, actually wants to discuss anything.” “我想大家肯定会很好奇,巨兽工业突然把大家请到这里来,到底是想谈些什么。” We following, whychatted to this ‚.” “那我们接下来,就对这个‘为什么’来聊一聊。” At this time that side the side gate goes out of one team of service personnel who one after another wear the white embroidery cheongsam, their hands are mid-level scented tea that is sending out the curling haze. 此时侧门那边鱼贯走出一队身穿白色刺绣旗袍的服务人员,她们手中端着一盏盏散发着袅袅烟气的香茗。 everyone big shot received the scented tea at the same time, simultaneously nods to the Ye Qing smile, reveals the just right curiosity. 各位大佬接过香茗的同时,也齐齐叶青微笑点头,露出恰到好处的好奇心。 Chief Ye, Monster Industrial is our China scientific and technical circles most sparkles a pearl.” 叶总,巨兽工业是我们华夏科技界最闪耀地一颗明珠。” „It seems like that our film and television circle and technical circle are two parallel lines, but actually these two lines not parallel, their middle has many convergence points.” “看似我们影视圈与科技圈是两条平行线,但其实这两条线并不平行,它们中间有很多的交汇点。” Sits says in Ye Qing left hand rimland Namei Cinema helmsman Wei Zhixiang, our Film and television, cannot leave the camera technique and special effect technology of scientific and technical circles, with showing technology. Also only then the promotion of these science and technology, our film and television circle can welcome a more magnificent development.” 坐在叶青左手边地纳美影业掌舵人韦志祥接过话茬,“我们影视界,离不开科技界的摄影技术、特效技术,和放映技术。也只有这些科技的提升,我们影视圈才能迎来更辉煌的发展。” Our Film and television, actually hopes can with Monster Industrial, conduct various cooperation in technical and business.” “我们影视界,其实非常希望能和巨兽工业,进行科技和业务上的各种合作。” The people nod again, an atmosphere harmony. 众人再次点头,气氛一片和谐。 Ye Qing just wants to continue to speak, at this time the big carving flower sandal wood front door was pushed. 叶青正想继续发言,这时高大的雕花檀木大门被人推了开来。 In the hall many people throw to carefully examine the vision to that side, which rash unexpected visitor they curious are, disturbed them. 大厅里不少人向那边投去审视目光,他们好奇是哪位莽撞的不速之客,打扰了他们。 Especially those new promote actor playing role of pretty young woman, look branch branch. 尤其是那些新晋花旦,一个个眼神岔岔。 Sees the person, hurrying that the new promote actors playing role of pretty young woman frightened received the look, because came the person is well-known domestic science fiction Movie Director Ding Yin. 看见来人,新晋花旦们吓的赶紧把眼神收了回来,因为来人是国内著名的科幻导演丁引 Was sorry that” Movie Director Ding passing through the gate makes a fist on both hands, non-stop compensating to smile to everyone to ask for mercy, comes late one step, that side the theater had the matter to delay, but also asked Brother everyone to take on.” “抱歉抱歉”丁导演一进门就双手握拳,冲大家不停赔笑告罪,“来晚一步,戏场那边有事耽搁了,还请各位哥哥们担待。” The people beckon with the hand hastily, in the circle who does not know near that Movie Director Ding and Chief Ye walk? 众人连忙摆手,圈子里谁不知道丁导演叶总走的近? Delayed the theater of matter continually , helping Monster Industrial prepare. 连耽误了事情的戏场,都是帮巨兽工业准备的。 All right, is about to sit.” Ye Qing beckons to him, waits for Movie Director Ding to take a seat , to continue saying: Said that also blames our Monster Industrial being rash, when inviting everyone, has not kept enough traveling schedule to arrange to everyone.” “没事,快过来坐。”叶青冲他招了招手,等丁导演落座,继续说道:“说起来也怪我们巨兽工业莽撞,在邀请大家时,都没有留出足够的行程给大家安排。” Here, I must first to everyone say that sorry.” “在这里,我要先向大家说一声对不起。” The people swing the rattle-drum, said that doesn't delay. 众人一个个把头摇成拨浪鼓,说不耽搁不耽搁。 Asked everyone to come towering, because of our Monster Industrial, prepares tomorrow on a release model of epoch-making brand-new product.” “如此突兀地请大家过来,是因为我们巨兽工业,准备在明天就推出一款具有划时代意义的全新产品。” Yun Shi, making people send the product.” 云诗,让人把产品发一下。” Yes.” Stands nods in Ye Qing behind Yun Shi, quick these wear the service personnel of cheongsam to go to return, in their this time holds one, slightly is smaller than the oval-shape packing box the cell phone box. “是。”站在叶青身后的云诗点点头,很快那些身着旗袍的服务人员去而复返,她们这次手里都捧着一个,比手机盒略小一些的椭圆形包装盒。 In the pure white packing box prints the Monster Industrial logo, the packing box is tracing on anomaly Comfort, as if started a good soft jade. 纯白的包装盒上印着巨兽工业徽标,包装盒摸到手上异常舒适,仿佛入手了一块上好软玉。 cough cough 咳咳 The people in the research packing box time, Ye Qing smile, asked that side several pretty woman to receive cell phone, our products have not gone on the market, therefore please everyone do not photograph.” 众人在研究包装盒时候,叶青笑了笑,“请那边几位漂亮的女士把手机收一收,我们的产品还未上市,所以还请大家不要拍照。” The mentioned by name several female students rise to blush to receive cell phone, then these big shot over the face doubt. 被点名的几位女生涨红着脸收起手机,那些大佬们则满面狐疑。 Because according to previously Namei Cinema helmsman Wei Zhixiang disclosed straight tip that Monster Industrial researches and develops a picture quality very fierce monitor, they want to move to this type of monitor the newest film and television, called the same place everyone. 因为根据先前纳美影业掌舵人韦志祥透露出的内幕消息,巨兽工业是研发出了一种画质非常厉害的显示器,他们想把最新的影视搬到这种显示器上,才把大家召集到一起。 How to start indeed is a small box? 怎么入手的确是一个小盒子? Somewhat looks like the glass case. 有些像眼镜盒。 Opens looks, is really the eyeglasses...... 打开一看,真是眼镜……
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