MF :: Volume #11

#1062: Electric Crystal hit a sound to refer to

Two black Swift Thunder Lightning, have arrived at the underground garage in Wanda Plaza. 两辆黑色疾雷闪电,一直开到了万达广场的地下车库。 Regardless of which day Wanda Plaza is the feeling of sea of people, but Monster Industrial goes into action, wants to take noisily calmly is very simple. 万达广场无论哪天来都是人山人海的感觉,但巨兽工业出马,想要闹中取个静还是非常简单的。 Square Person-in-Charge in the elevator mouth, isolates two berth specially, the vehicles stop, the bodyguards of eight black western-styled clothes black sunglasses all get out. 广场负责人在电梯口,特意隔离出两个车位,车辆停稳,八名黑西装黑墨镜的保镖全部下车。 They stand like the javelin, resolute indifferent. 他们站如标枪,刚毅冷漠。 The nearby has the customer who stops or boards to leave to see this, looks to be dumbfounded directly, they thought that which heavyweight celebrity the market has not invited to conduct the activity today. 附近有停车或者上车离开的顾客看见这幕,直接看傻了眼,他们心想商场今天没有邀请哪位重量级明星过来搞活动啊。 The elevator is cancelled temporarily exterior pressed to stop, Electric Crystal both hands insert in the pocket, is very away from the bodyguard human wall the slit, with the sightseeing elevator glass, is observing the human live. 电梯被临时取消了外部按停,电晶双手插在兜里,酷酷地隔着保镖人墙的缝隙,和观光电梯玻璃,观察着人类生活。 Some person of glances to the bodyguard wall, gathered round a form that wears the white windproof coat. 有人惊鸿一瞥到保镖墙里,被围着一位穿白色风衣的身影。 They hurry excitedly pulls out cell phone one to strike with force, the mouth was shouting the name of which celebrity celebrity does not know. 他们赶紧激动的掏出手机一阵猛拍,嘴里喊着不知哪位明星大腕的名字。 Electric Crystal only then one meter six heights, was considered female celebrity naturally. 电晶只有一米六身高,也理所当然被认为成了女明星 zé zé human really quite superficial.” Electric Crystal also pulls out cell phone from the pocket, making the front monster(s) bodyguard help it pat several. 啧啧人类真的好肤浅啊。”电晶也从兜里掏出手机,让前面的怪兽保镖帮它拍几张。 It must send the friend circle. 它要发朋友圈。 The elevator direct link cinema city entrance, the Electric Crystal big ostentation, naturally causes a young male and female scream that one group of waiting enter the stadium. 电梯直达影城门口,电晶偌大的排场,自然又引起一帮等待入场的年轻男女们一阵尖叫。 Is good because of the crowds very sanely has not revolved to sign, because first does not know that who is, and on eight bodyguard faces wrote all over the living person not to enter. 好在人群们很理智的没有围绕上来要签名,因为一来不知道里面是谁,二来八名保镖脸上写满了生人勿进。 Bang, the front door of great curtain hall was closed, outside leaves behind two bodyguard hands. “砰”地一声,巨幕厅的大门被关上了,外面留下两名保镖把手。 The monitoring in great curtain hall has closed, a Electric Crystal person sits in the position that most comes, calmly waits for the movie to start. 巨幕厅内的监控已经关闭,电晶一个人坐在最居中的位置,静静等待电影开始。 Electric Crystal discovered oneself were infatuated with watching the movie recently, particularly science fiction piece. 电晶发现自己最近迷上了看电影,尤其是科幻片。 The nearly ten years of Hollywood science fiction big pieces, were basically turned by Electric Crystal. 近十年的好莱坞科幻大片,基本被电晶翻了一遍。 Naturally this is not Electric Crystal becomes ignores a proper occupation, the electronic technology knowledge that in fact at present human masters, it has studied what very much difficultly again. 当然这并不是电晶变得不务正业,事实上目前人类所掌握的电子科技知识,它已经很难再从中学习到什么。 It needs the creativity now, needs the imagination. 它现在需要创意,需要想象力。 These creativities not only need use on the product, the most important thing is Virtual reality This project, needs the science fiction imagination to fill vastly. 这些创意不仅仅要用在产品上,最重要的是【虚拟现实】这个项目,需要浩瀚地科幻想象力去填补。 The Avengers Superhero series, is the interstellar theme, can become a part of virtual reality. 无论是复联超级英雄系列,还是星际题材,都可以成为虚拟现实的一部分。 Virtual reality project, Monster Industrial has no industry experience to use for reference. 虚拟现实这个项目,巨兽工业已经没有任何行业经验可以借鉴。 This is the future project, can use for reference also only then the derivative work of human imagination. 这是未来项目,能借鉴的也只有人类想象力的衍生作品。 This is also the first time that Electric Crystal sat in the movie theater watches the movie, high-definition that before it online looked. But in the network has a powerful sound to tell it, watches the science fiction big piece , if not look at IMAX to the movie theater, that is equal to looking white/in vain. 这也是电晶第一次坐在电影院里看电影,之前它都在网上找的高清。但网络上有一股强大的声音在告诉它,看科幻大片如果不到电影院看IMAX,那等于白看。 Because of IMAX, is the ultimate experience of movie. 因为IMAX,才是电影的终极体验。 Now Electric Crystal came, at present that outraces the great curtain beyond field of vision observation range, shone familiar Marvel beginning special effect. 现在电晶来了,眼前那张超越视野观察范围之外的巨幕,也亮起了熟悉地漫威开场特效。 Electric Crystal has the study mentality to come to see, the IMAX picture quality will not make Electric Crystal feel too novel. 电晶是带着学习心态来看的,IMAX画质并不会让电晶觉得太新奇。 Dream Monitor is first. 梦幻显示器才是第一。 However looks, Electric Crystal substituted oneself, on the face the expression becomes colorful. 但是看着看着,电晶把自己代入了进去,脸上表情变得精彩纷呈。 It thought that the protagonist extinguished the tyrant to be cool, his lilac flesh, with the tall and strong body, simply was the best protagonist pattern plate. 它觉得主角灭霸帅呆了,他那一身浅紫色肌肤,和魁梧的身躯,简直就是最佳主角模版。 Unlimited glove Divine Tool entrains to without friend, shakes hand can the enemy steamroll in the under foot. 无限手套这个神器更是拽到没朋友,握个手就能把敌人碾压在脚下。 Extinguishes the superpower of tyrant ebony throat also to make Electric Crystal envy, saw that the ebony throat grasps the spaceship time Doctor Strange neatly. Electric Crystal cannot bear is thinking, if also admits itself in the movie scene, weak stealth ability that then it masters, perhaps including working as a cannon fodder is unqualified. 灭霸手下乌木喉的超能力也让电晶羡慕不已,看到乌木喉不费吹灰之力就把奇异博士抓上飞船时候。电晶忍不住在想,如果把自己也放进电影场景中,那它自己掌握的鸡肋隐身能力,恐怕连当个炮灰都不合格。 However is this top combat general who has a steamroll ticket Superhero ability, actually by Spiderman one laughable to make the blood boil idea, killed to the instantaneous second. 然而就是这位拥有碾压一票超级英雄能力的头号战将,却被蜘蛛侠一个可笑到令人发指的想法,给瞬间秒杀了。 Saw that the ebony throat was damaged the place to attract from the spaceship to the outer space, Electric Crystal strikes with force the arm rest, the ear raises up old tall, the knee of air/Qi is belching smoke, „didn't the brain of damn it this director and screenwriter have is?” 看到乌木喉被从飞船破损处吸到外太空,电晶猛拍扶手,耳朵竖起老高,气的膝盖都在冒烟,“我靠这导演和编剧的脑子没了是不是?” Brain is remnant, the ebony throat psychic force powerful enough to can crush Building obviously with ease, actually couldn't the vacuum suction even resist?” “脑残吧,乌木喉精神力明明强大到可以轻松粉碎一栋大厦,却连真空吸力都对抗不了?” Good, I, even if this iron-covered person sneak attacks successfully. After that ebony throat was attracted to the outer space, can't draw again oneself?” “好吧,我就算这个铁皮人偷袭成功。那乌木喉被吸到太空后,不能把自己再拉回去?” „Did matter of life and death situation, live several hundred years of ebony throats to be able unable to respond?” “都生死攸关情况了,活了几百年的乌木喉能反应不过来?” Electric Crystal gets more mad, wishes one could to crash in the screen with Iron Man and Spiderman, is reasonable. 电晶越想越气,恨不能冲进屏幕里跟钢铁侠蜘蛛侠,讲讲道理。 „Can the ordinary people lose the will in the vacuum environment under-bracing 15 seconds, ebony throat one second cannot support?” 普通人都能在真空环境下支撑十五秒才会丧失意志,乌木喉一秒撑不了?” „Lacking convection and conduction, the low temperature is impossible to freeze in ten seconds. When solemn ebony throat, with the Doctor Strange fight also revealed that the good physical quality, died under the intelligence quotient of director and screenwriter like this......” “缺乏对流和传导,低温也不可能在十秒内把人冻住。堂堂一个乌木喉,和奇异博士战斗时也显露出不俗的身体素质,就这样死在了导演和编剧的智商下……” Electric Crystal really must be been angry. 电晶真得被气坏了。 Is good in the behind plot, as the extinguishing tyrants of protagonist was the steamroll in the past, was not loathsome. 好在后面故事情节里,作为主角的灭霸都是一路碾压过去,毫不拖泥带水。 When gains the soul gem, has not studied in any movie, the human nature that these not proper director wants to display strongly struggles, with puzzled lens of moral critique. 就连获取灵魂宝石时,也没有学任何电影里,那些不正经导演竭力想表现出的人性挣扎,和道德批判的纠结镜头。 Throws, wipes tears, arrives at Earth with the invincible stance lonely. 扔下去,擦干眼泪,孤独地以无敌姿态降临地球 What a pity 可惜 When the splendid movie also has to end. 再精彩的电影也有落幕之时。 After the movie ends, going out showing hall that Electric Crystal has not given full expression. 当电影落幕后,电晶意犹未尽的走出放映大厅。 Electric Crystal mind is still tasting the protagonist to extinguish the heroic bearing of tyrant, has not thought that it just went out also enjoyed a protagonist treatment. 电晶脑海还在回味主角灭霸的英姿,没想它刚出门就也享受了一把主角待遇。 The front door of screening hall was stopped up...... 放映厅的大门被堵住了…… Does not know that is who is passing on the Wan Da cinema city, coming top grade starlet to reserve all seats for a performance to look at the news of movie in a person. Who although cannot clarify this obviously is, but the videos of eight black clothes bodyguards, actually pass on everywhere are, having the nose has eyes. 不知是谁在传万达影城里,来了位顶级女星在一个人包场看电影的消息。虽然弄不清这位明显是谁,可八名黑衣保镖的视频,却传地到处都是,有鼻子有眼。 The customer who now so long as strolls in Wanda Plaza, almost one looked that joining in the fun gathers in the cinema city entrance, did not describe with the sea of people exaggeratingly. 现在只要是在万达广场里闲逛的顾客,几乎都一个看一个的凑热闹聚在影城门口,用人山人海来形容毫不夸张。 Electric Crystal hit a sound to refer to subconsciously. 电晶下意识打了个响指。 ...... …… Electric Crystal returned to Company finally smoothly. 电晶最终还是顺顺当当地返回了公司 Bodyguard team that eight Metal Specialist compose, let alone keeps off the people that watch the fun, even if keeps off Black Widow „,” eagle-eyedthis soy sauce Hero is stress-free, even if US team came still to fight more than ten rounds. 八名金属专家组成的保镖队伍,别说挡一挡看热闹的群众,就算挡一挡“寡姐“,”鹰眼”这种酱油英雄都毫无压力,哪怕美队来了也能大战十几回合。 Electric Crystal returns to the subterranean laboratory, the first matter followed a model, gives itself to design an unlimited glove. 电晶回到地底实验室,第一件事就是照葫芦画瓢,给自己设计了一只无限手套。 The glove prints with rigid Biological Fiber Material, sprays paint again, from between -meal snack pot, picks several color impure diamond crustifications again on. 手套用硬性生物纤维材料打印出来,再喷漆,再从零食罐里,捡几颗颜色不纯的钻石镶嵌在上。 „” “啪” Electric Crystal, is hitting a sound to refer to the mirror deliciously, then dials the Ye Qing telephone. 电晶美滋滋地,对着镜子打了个响指,接着拨通叶青电话。 Ye Qing comes to the laboratory, the left hand of Electric Crystal correct use unlimited glove is supporting the chin, makes beyond the patrolling day ponder shape. 叶青来到实验室,电晶正用无限手套的左手撑着下巴,做神游天外的沉思状。 Boss, I have a plan.” 老板,我有一个计划。” What...... plan?” Ye Qing sees the unlimited glove that on Electric Crystal that only confuses falsehood with the truth, without the reason somewhat feels nervous at heart. “什么……计划?”叶青看见电晶手上那只以假乱真的无限手套,没来由心里有些发慌。 „Do we also make a movie?” “我们也拍一部电影吧?” Electric Crystal turns upwards the corners of the mouth, shows the self-confident smile, we shoot one also to want the splendid several times of movies compared with Avengers 3.” 电晶翘起嘴角,露出自信微笑,“我们拍一部比复联三还要精彩几倍的电影。” This movie, our not Upper House line, not on web platform.” “这部电影,我们不上院线,也不上网络平台。” We place in the holographic eyeglasses, watches to the audience.” “我们放在全息眼镜里,给观众们观看。” With a movie of reputation bursting, allowing the audience to understand the unequalled visual effect of holographic eyeglasses?” Ye Qing frowns, ponders this plan feasibility rapidly. “用一部口碑爆棚的电影,让观众们了解到全息眼镜的无与伦比视觉效果?”叶青皱起了眉头,迅速思考这个计划可行性。 Right!” “对!” The Electric Crystal language fast explained fast plan, holographic eyeglasses regardless of our how publicity, is very difficult to make the consumer realize its place of great strength. After all the existing publicity channel, must present through the ordinary flat-panel display.” 电晶语速飞快地解释起自己计划,“全息眼镜无论我们如何宣传,也很难让消费者体会到它的强大之处。毕竟现有宣传渠道,全都要通过普通的平板显示器来呈现。” Consumer cannot personally experience the holographic eyeglasses, that eyeglasses soaring price, will make a large part of consumers be at waiting and seeing the condition.” “消费者不能亲身体验全息眼镜,那眼镜高昂的价格,就会让很大一部分消费者处于观望状态。” We made a movie to be different, we can rent the holographic eyeglasses to the movie theater line, when broadcast device. The audience entered the movie theater, takes the holographic eyeglasses, enjoys one has never had marvelous travel.” “我们拍一场电影就不同了,我们可以把全息眼镜租借给电影院线当播放设备。观众们进了电影院,带上全息眼镜,享受一场从未有过的奇妙之旅。” This plan also has other advantage.” “这个计划还有另外好处。” Ye Qing sat, listens respectfully carefully. 叶青坐了下来,仔细聆听。 Boss, haven't our virtual realities worried the content very much?” 老板,我们的虚拟现实不是一直很愁内容嘛?” Waits for movies after fighting wolf 2 same become the phenomenon level explodes the funds, I think to have many Film Director, will consider that shooting, suits at the movie that on the holographic eyeglasses broadcasts.” “等我们的电影和战狼二一样成为现象级爆款后,我想会有非常多的电影导演们,会考虑拍摄一部,适合在全息眼镜上播放的电影。” Broadcasts on the holographic eyeglasses, has not needed to be worried about any piracy problem.” “在全息眼镜上播放,还不用担心任何盗版问题。” Depending on this, can make the domestic directors crazy. When the time comes a big ticket holographic movie comes out, audience radically no other choice.” “光凭这点,就能让国内的导演们为之疯狂。到时候一大票全息电影出来,观众们根本别无选择。” Boss, you said that this is the perfect plan of answering multiple purpose?” 老板,你说这是不是一举多得的完美计划?” I agreed.” Ye Qing hit a sound to refer, praised: We are very happen to ripe with famous science fiction Movie Director Ding Yin, can invite him to help our shooting.” “我同意。”叶青打了个响指,赞道:“正好我们跟著名科幻导演丁引很熟,可以邀请他过来帮我们拍摄。” Electric Crystal actually shakes the head immediately. 电晶却立刻摇头。 Boss, does not want the human director, I think that are the director.” 老板,不要人类导演,我想自己当导演。” „......” The Ye Qing's look is accidental/surprised. “……”叶青的眼神非常意外。
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