MF :: Volume #11

#1059: 1036: It will cause a stir in world

king Yanyu types extremely quickly. 王严语打字极快。 Respectable Mr. Ye Qing: 尊敬的叶青先生: Hello, I am Primordial Spirit tester king Yanyu of Pengcheng Meader Hospital. 您好,我是鹏城米德医院的元神手测试员王严语。 Takes the liberty to contact with you , because I in using the Primordial Spirit process, stumbled upon a very interestingly matter. 冒昧联系您,是因为我在使用元神手过程中,偶然发现了一件很有意思地事情。 I had pondered carefully a matter, and conveyed my mentality to you. 我仔细思考过件事,并把我的思路转达给您。 I believe, can in operation programming of Primordial Spirit, join in view of the operation optimization of cell phone pattern specially. 我个人认为,可以在元神手的操作程序中,专门加入针对手机模式的操作优化。 For example Little Mi cell phone that I use now, I use Primordial Spirit to operate in its process, discovered that Primordial Spirit wants to click on the screen position accurately, must beforehand in mind, the split screen nine, or 12 positions, each units place buys for use the numerical symbols to replace. 例如我现在用的小米手机,我用元神手操作它过程中,发现元神手想要准确点击屏幕位置,就要事先在脑海中,把屏幕分割成九块、或十二块位置,每个位置用数字编号代替。 Through the practice of practice makes perfect, I have been able to achieve the subconsciousness to want now to click on some region, where Primordial Spirit can move as one desires click on. 通过熟能生巧的练习,我现在已经能做到下意识想点击某个区域,元神手就能随心而动点击哪里。 But if in system of Primordial Spirit, has tacitly approved, my Little Mi cell phone split screen 12? 但如果在元神手的系统中,已经默认,把我这部小米手机屏幕分割成十二块呢? This is very good to achieve, only need induct the Little Mi cell phone screen size information. 这很好做到,只需导入小米手机屏幕尺寸信息。 If to further APP optimization of customer(s) use, but can also collect cell phone APP various key information. 如果进一步对用户使用的APP优化,还可以收集手机APP的各种按键信息。 Different cell phone, there are different screen sizes. 不同手机,有不同的屏幕尺寸。 But collection these data are simple. 但收集这些数据非常简单。 For example when the customer(s) point opens King of Glory this game, Primordial Spirit APP in customer(s) cell phone, will adjust the King of Glory pattern Primordial Spirit automatically. Primordial Spirit according to the customer(s) cell phone model, makes the different screen positions to operate again. 比如当用户点开王者荣耀这个游戏时,用户手机内的元神手APP,就会自动把元神手调整到王者荣耀模式。元神手再根据用户手机型号,做出不同的屏幕位置操作。 Which skill customer(s) wants to release, the intention moves, Primordial Spirit can click on this skill immediately accurate. 用户想释放哪个技能,心念一动,元神手就能立刻准确无误地点击该技能。 If customer(s) is looking at the video, he wants to enter quickly, similarly can also the intention move. 如果用户是在看视频,他想快进,同样也可以心念一动。 Likewise, this pattern, can expand to the real life on some common product device. 同理,这个模式,也能扩展到现实生活中一些常见的产品设备上。 ...... …… Ye Qing receives this when letters that are 3000 characters, just holds the daily meeting in Company. 叶青收到这条长达三千字的来信时,刚好在公司开完日常会议。 „......” “……” Ye Qing reads this letter earnestly, immediately goes to the laboratory to find Electric Crystal. 叶青认真看完这封来信,立刻前往实验室找到了电晶 After Electric Crystal reads the letter/believes beats the breast and stamps the feet, visits it annoyingly at present that can connect the above Exceed Grade Server Cluster computer to be speechless a while. 电晶看完信后捶胸顿足,懊恼地看着它眼前那台,可以连通上方超级服务器集群的电脑好一阵子无语。 Originally the solution puzzles its for a long time issue plan, is so simple. 原来解决困扰它许久的问题方案,如此简单。 Electric Crystal is Legend(ary) monster(s) that has the obsession character, so long as is it participates in the design product, it would with achieving most perfect that matter the product full power. 电晶是个有强迫症性格的传奇怪兽,只要是它参与设计地产品,它总会用全力把产品做到最完美那层。 Therefore Electric Crystal does not satisfy, only makes Primordial Spirit help inconvenient on customer(s) solution life. 所以电晶并不满足于,只让元神手帮助用户解决生活上的不便。 cell phone is people product, cell phone has been a part of the people daily life essentially, and becomes a very important part. 手机是人们最必不可少地产品,手机已经融入人们日常生活,并成为非常重要的一部分。 Electric Crystal hopes that Primordial Spirit customer(s), can same operate cell phone with the normal person. 电晶希望元神用户,能和正常人一样操作手机 But this hope, solving anomaly is troublesome. Electric Crystal collects the mass data , simulates with Exceed Grade Server repeatedly, tries to discover the most reasonable operational order assignment. 但这个希望,解决起来异常麻烦。电晶采集大量数据,又用超级服务器一遍又一遍模拟,试图找出最合理的操作指令分配。 However the current plan is still tedious, needs the customer(s) expenditure for a long time, can exercise the subconsciousness these instructions in mind. 然而目前的方案依旧繁琐,需要用户花费很长时间,才能把那些指令在脑海中锻炼成下意识。 Now was good, Pengcheng that side programming named king Yanyu, gave one directly plug-in unit solution. 现在好了,鹏城那边一位叫王严语的程序员,直接给出了一个“插件”解决方案。 Thinks that my solemn Legend(ary) monster(s), was instead harmed unexpectedly intelligently intelligently, solves the problem with so many high-tech methods, finally others want a small plug-in unit.” “想我堂堂一名传奇怪兽,竟然聪明反被聪明误,用那么多高科技手段去解决问题,结果人家只要一个小小的插件。” In the Electric Crystal two eyeballs is depressed, Boss, do you believe that if our Primordial Spirit operates programming is open-source, this programming can arrange a plug-in unit to come out.” 电晶两只眼球里全是郁闷,“老板,你信不信,如果我们元神手操作程序开源的,这位程序员自己就能编一个插件出来。” „Before possibly this programming, has made game external, can therefore think of this mentality quickly. Long ago the game quotation fiery time, many programming did in private external earns the extra income.” Ye Qing deep is so nods. “可能这位程序员以前做过游戏外挂,所以能很快想到这个思路。早些年游戏行情火爆时候,很多程序员都私下做外挂赚外快。”叶青深以为然地点点头。 Does not manage.” “不管了。” Electric Crystal wielded the translucent arm, white cat black cat, can catch the mouse is the good cat. This physics external solution really approves, after doing, Primordial Spirit compared with both hands of ordinary person will also want accurate flexible.” 电晶挥了挥半透明的手臂,“白猫黑猫,能抓到老鼠的就是好猫。这个物理‘外挂’解决方案实在太赞,做出来后,元神手一定会比普通人的双手还要精准灵活。” This king strict language......” “这个王严语……” Should enjoy.” “该赏。” Boss, or enjoys him 1 million, or digs Company him.” 老板,要不赏他一百万,或者把他挖来公司。” The Ye Qing restraining smiling face looked at Electric Crystal one, makes a move the natural latter to pretend to cough, that...... the bonus can deduct from my spending money.” 叶青收敛笑容看了电晶一眼,出手大方的后者假装咳嗽,“那个……奖金可以从我零花钱里扣掉。” Ye Qing satisfaction nods. 叶青满意点头。 This little while, Electric Crystal both hands have placed on the keyboard. 这会儿,电晶双手已经放在了键盘上。 It must translate this immediately external, and achieves the limit its effect. Let all Primordial Spirit customer(s), can like the normal person, play cell phone happily, plays the computer. 它要立刻来编译这款“外挂”,并把它的效果发挥到极限。让所有元神用户,都能像正常人一样愉快地,玩手机,玩电脑。 Just like Electric Crystal said that this external extremely simple. 正如电晶所说,这款外挂极其简单。 It only need collect the cell phone model in the market circulating, in APP software information then it will be alright with cell phone. 它只需收集市面上流通的手机型号,和手机内APP软件信息就行 These data do not need other search, that side Company Cell Phone Department to have the complete set material, moreover Electric Crystal also aimed at the unpopular the APP software to make the solution. 这些数据根本不用另外查找,公司手机部那边就有全套资料,另外电晶还针对冷门的APP软件做出了解决方案。 The APP information that in Primordial Spirit has not recorded, customer(s) before the operation, first oneself 0.1 records well. 元神手内未记录的APP信息,用户在操作前,先自己点一遍记录下来就好。 Electric Crystal both hands wave remnant shades on the keyboard, without second day, Electric Crystal external advanced in this set Primordial Spirit programming in the afternoon. In the Pengcheng two testers, only need select the software update on control wrist watch screen lightly. 电晶双手在键盘上舞动出一道道残影,没等第二天,当天下午电晶就把这套“外挂”加进元神程序中。远在鹏城的两位测试员,只需轻点控制腕表屏幕上的软件更新。 This point, young tester Su Yuhang, is practicing the skill release of King of Glory with Primordial Spirit with clenched jaws. 这个点,小测试员苏宇航正在咬牙切齿地,用元神手练习王者荣耀的技能释放。 Su Yuhang did not have the means to achieve this with Primordial Spirit, was king Yanyu taught him the operating procedure. 原本苏宇航自己没办法用元神手做到这点,是王严语教了他操作方法。 But another tester king strict language , is eating chicken with Primordial Spirit with clenched jaws. 而另一位测试员王严语,正咬牙切齿地,用元神手“吃鸡”。 Eating chicken game that this named seeks livehood certainly, the left hand operation complexity, be higher than two to three times compared with King of Glory. 这款名为绝地求生的吃鸡游戏,左手操作复杂程度,要比王者荣耀高出两到三倍。 king Yanyu had not played this game, this causes his many games, falls to the ground soon turns into the box. 王严语原先也没玩过这种游戏,这就导致他好多局,落地不久变成盒。 king Yanyu gave itself to have Little elder sister do not kill me game name. 王严语给自己起了个【小姐姐别杀我】的游戏名。 The Su astronavigation and electronic wrist watches in king strict the language two people wrist/skill, vibrated at the same time. 苏宇航和王严语两人手腕上的电子腕表,在同一时刻震动了起来。 You have new programming to renew! 【您有新的程序可以更新! This renewal, will join in view of the operation optimization of cell phone...... 】 本次更新,将加入针对手机的操作优化……】 At this moment, king strict the language whole face discards cell phone excitedly, grasps a face ignorant Su astronavigation, the shaking dice type non-stop swinging. 这一刻,王严语满脸激动地扔掉手机,抱住一脸懵懂的苏宇航,摇骰子样不停摇摆。 Monster Industrial accepted his suggestion, and made the patch package at the maximum speed. 巨兽工业采纳了他的建议,并以最快速度做出了补丁包。 Nothing joyful, can compared with obtaining the idol approval, comes high. 没有什么喜悦,能比获得偶像认同,来得更高。 Now in Monster Industrial that young Director-General, is king Yanyu the idol. 现在巨兽工业里那位年轻总裁,就是王严语偶像。 One after hour, king Yanyu registered a trumpet, and changes to the name Can move must die. 一个小时后,王严语重新注册了个小号,并把名称改为【会动的都得死】。 After one hour, Su Yuhang has obtained the seventh winning streak. 一个小时后,苏宇航已经取得第七次连胜。 He discovered that this group of vegetable/dish chicken too vegetables/dishes, were really just like to the line murder take something out of the pocket. 他发现这帮菜鸡实在太菜了,对线杀人好比探囊取物。 ...... …… A week later, Second-gen Primordial Spirit finalizes officially, is in the mass production stage. 一星期后,第二代元神手正式定型,进入量产阶段。 This mass production, merely mass production ultralight metal skeleton, with the machine part of biological motor fiber. Because each customer(s) skin color is various, the stump residual limb end conditions are not same, the semblance that matter bionics skin needs to customize. 这个量产,只是量产了超轻金属骨骼,和仿生运动纤维的机械部分。因为每位用户的肤色各不相同,残肢末端情况也不相同,外表那层仿生皮肤需要量身定做。 Ye Qing stands by the production line of Primordial Spirit, shows the gratified smiling face. 叶青站在元神手的生产线旁,露出欣慰笑容。 Monster Industrial researched and developed most perfect edition finally. 巨兽工业终于研发出了最完美版本。 Primordial Spirit, will certainly cause a stir in world. 元神手,必将轰动世界 Then, hē hē...... 那么,呵呵…… In view of the Primordial Spirit coverall that the normal person is tailor, had the advertisement the expense to save continually. 针对正常人量身打造的元神套装,连打广告的费用都省了。
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