MOE :: Volume #10

#8: New battle path

When Qianye returns to Heroic Spirit Hall, Carol waited in the cabin door place, asked: „Are all smooth?” 千夜返回英灵殿时,卡萝尔已在舱门处等候,问:“一切还顺利吗?” Naturally. Wolf King is not a fool, he knows how should do.” “当然。狼王不是傻瓜,他知道应该怎么做。” Hasn't drawn possibly him to us? My meaning refers, genuine ally.” “没有可能把他拉到我们这边吗?我的意思是指,真正的盟友。” Qianye shook the head, said: „It is not good. Until now, we do not clarify the Wolf King real objective, why even including him to appear in Neutral Ground does not make clear. In this case, forms an alliance rashly will have the enormous risk. At least now, I am untrustworthy he.” 千夜摇了摇头,说:“不行。直到现在,我们都弄不清楚狼王的真正目的,甚至连他为什么出现在中立之地都搞不清楚。在这种情况下,贸然结盟会有极大风险。至少现在,我还信不过他。” Carol shows a faint smile, said: „Do you that trust me? Also gives me part of jurisdiction opening of Heroic Spirit Hall?” 卡萝尔微微一笑,说:“那你怎么就那么信任我?还把英灵殿的一部分权限开放给我?” Qianye does not know how for a while should reply, makes excuses several, tries to get by under false pretences. The reason has certainly, the war of Floating Land, Carol protects Heroic Spirit Hall not to fear the casualties, fulfills responsibility to make contribution, after the ally of life and death naturally is the reliable ally. 千夜一时不知道该怎么回答,支吾几句,试图蒙混过关。理由当然有很多,浮陆之战,卡萝尔守护英灵殿不畏伤亡,尽责尽力,经过生死的战友自然是可靠盟友。 However Qianye were saying somewhat does not know afraid of where coming, to this time, he could not see the Carol regard again, that was really stupid. But Qianye is not willing to blow off this dense fog, rather this matter never will be exposed. 然而千夜自己说着都有几分不知从何而来的心虚,到了这个时候,他再看不出卡萝尔的心意,那就是真的蠢了。只不过千夜一直不愿意吹散这层迷雾,宁可这件事永远不被说穿。 In the Carol eye hidden has to lose flashes through, immediately cheers up, said: You are willing to trust us are good deed. Like this, we return to time Thunder Frost Temple first, I must assemble some manpower help again. I think, the guard team of temple at least can branch out two-thirds to come, to follow our motions.” 卡萝尔眼中隐有失落闪过,随即振作精神,说:“你肯信任我们是好事。这样吧,我们先回一次霜雷神殿,我要再多调集些人手帮忙。我想,神殿的亲卫队至少可以分出2来,跟随我们的行动。” Is good!” Qianye happy say/way. “再好不过!”千夜喜道。 The Thunder Frost Temple guard team, each one members are deacon, at least needs to be equal to Human race Warlord cultivation base can hold the post. This is a temple many years of accumulation, the essence of entire family, until now, Thunder Frost Temple guard team member also more than ten. Carol adjusts two-thirds, quite is Qianye increases 78 Warlord powerhouses. 霜雷神殿亲卫队,个个成员都是执事,至少需要有相当于人族战将修为方能担任。这是神殿多年的积累,整个家族的精华,直到现在,霜雷神殿亲卫队成员也不过十余名。卡萝尔调来2,也就相当于为千夜增加78名战将强者。 When Qianye walks toward the bow, passed by the artillery cabin, suddenly remembers the incident, put out a hand to pat the racket on nearby ballista, said: Removed this.” 千夜向舰首走去,路过炮舱时,忽然想起一事,伸手在旁边一门弩炮上拍了拍,说:“把这个撤了吧。” This ballista is more than ten meters, the great crossbow that above places is also Several Meters, the might is huge, understood at a glance that is the main artillery of cruiser level. However a Qianye racket, pats it conveniently shoots, moreover falls the hand place is bang bang the depressed sound, at all is not the metallic sound, seems like the wood/blockhead. 这门弩炮长达十余米,上面安放的巨弩也长达数米,威力巨大,一看就知道是巡洋舰级的主炮。但是千夜随手一拍,就把它拍得一弹,而且落手处是砰砰的沉闷声音,根本不是金属声音,倒象是木头。 Several soldiers walk, catches up to lift, moved this huge ballista unexpectedly, drags toward the elevator. Their footsteps are lithe, does not think strenuous. After ballista was lifted, under the foundation reveals the wood grain unexpectedly. This so-called main artillery, is the model that the wood/blockhead carves. 几名战士走过来,发力一抬,竟然就把这门巨大弩炮搬了起来,拖往升降机。他们脚步轻盈,一点也不觉得吃力。弩炮被抬起后,底座下面竟是露出木纹。这门所谓主炮,原来是木头雕成的模型。 Now removes, but will be seen by Wolf King.” The Carol reminder said. “现在撤,可是会被狼王看到的。”卡萝尔提醒道。 Qianye said with a smile: Looks to him.” 千夜笑道:“就是给他看的。” Really cannot master you.” Carol shook the head, returned to oneself cabin without consulting anybody. “真是搞不懂你。”卡萝尔摇了摇头,径自回自己舱室去了。 But Qianye directs crew soldiers, withdraws the camouflage an all trades model, takes back the warehouse. 千夜则指挥舰员战士,将一门门模型撤去伪装,收归仓库。 In Far Ancient Totems Stronghold, Wolf King just sat down in study room, hears a rapid sound of footsteps, young shaman pushes the door to enter, said: Great Chief, you look at this attractively.” 远古图腾战堡中,狼王刚刚在书房坐下,就听见一阵急骤的脚步声,一名年轻祭祀推门而入,道:“大酋长,您最好看看这个。” Sees him to be anxious, Wolf King does not blame to be disrespectful, climbs up the castle main tower along with that shaman half step, looks upwardly. This moment Heroic Spirit Hall is increasing slowly, at the Wolf King eyesight, can see that on the board vice- artillery field emplacement all trades ballista is vanishing. Wolf King is intelligent, one wants to understand slightly what's the matter. 见他焦急,狼王也不怪罪失礼,随着那名祭祀快步爬上城堡主塔,向上望去。此刻英灵殿正在缓缓攀升,以狼王眼力,自是可以看到舷侧副炮炮位上一门门弩炮正在消失。狼王何等聪明,稍稍一想就明白了是怎么回事。 In an instant, most field emplacements become completely empty. originally arranges dense and numerous dozens size ballista, about half is the terrifying firepower of cruiser level, now on only the remaining cruise main artilleries, with five destroyer main artilleries, just odd change. 转眼之间,大多数炮位就变得空空如也。原本排得密密麻麻的数十门大小弩炮,近半是巡洋舰级的恐怖火力,现在就只剩下一门巡洋主炮,和五门驱逐舰主炮,连刚刚零头都不到。 In the ground can see that this Werewolf complexion is all pale, who has not known that was just played by Qianye? 地面上能看到这一幕的狼人们个个脸色铁青,谁还不知道刚刚被千夜耍了? That shaman clenches teeth to hate: Unexpectedly dares to deceive us! Great Chief, this matter cannot endure. No matter he just raised anything to request, so long as we went carrying South Green City, looked that he can also play any pattern!” 祭祀咬牙恨道:“居然敢骗我们!大酋长,这件事可不能忍。不管他刚刚提了什么要求,只要我们去把南青城给端了,看他还能玩什么花样!” Wolf King thinks, suddenly laughs in spite of trying not, said: Does not need to manage him, carries on with his cooperation as usual. Informs our respective regiment, starting today, anybody cannot touch South Green City. This!” 狼王想了想,忽然失笑,道:“不用管他,跟他的合作照常进行。通知我们所属军团,从今天起,任何人不许碰南青城。就这样吧!” Werewolf shaman is scared immediately, asked: Great Chief, you had seen a moment ago with one's own eyes, he has made anything!” 狼人祭祀顿时傻眼,问:“大酋长,您刚才可是亲眼看到了,他都做了些什么!” Wolf King superficial said/tunnel: I saw certainly, knows that is he looks to me. Therefore , to continue to cooperate.” 狼王轻描淡写地道:“我当然看到了,也知道那就是他给我看的。所以,继续合作。” shaman is puzzling, looks at the meaning of Wolf King, not only has not gotten angry, instead was fuller with the heart of Qianye compromise. He can only bring to have mind filled with doubts, the transmission orders, calculates at heart was handling matters to go to that side great shaman to walk immediately, consults, otherwise he will fear unable to sleep tonight. 祭祀百思不得其解,看狼王的意思非但没有发怒,反而与千夜妥协之心更足了。他只能带着满腹疑惑,传达命令去了,心里则盘算着办完事要立刻去大祭祀那边走一趟,请教一番,否则他恐怕今晚都会睡不着觉。 In South Green City busy. Regardless of Dark Fire the expansion of armaments prepares, is the big movement, every action and every movement is concerning countless person with high aspirations. 南青城内一片忙碌。暗火无论扩军还是备战,都是大动作,一举一动牵动着无数有心人的心。 South Green City a tall building top layer of having several, several people stand before the window, the bird's eye view on distant place Dark Fire military drill ground the mercenary soldier is drilling. 南青城一栋有数的高楼顶层,数人站在窗前,正俯瞰着远方暗火校场上佣兵操练。 Dark Fire originally constructs in South Green City, many facilities on direct exposure under the nose of other people. If military drill ground this place, is unimportant in the Song Zining eye, specially is not close. 暗火原本就建在南青城中,许多设施就直接暴露在旁人的眼皮底下。如校场这种地方,在宋子宁眼中并不重要,也没有特别封闭。 On military drill ground, more than 3000 recruits are divided into several teams, is drilling. military drill ground is not big, a several thousand people of moved to and fro, had the crowded feeling. One side of military drill ground, over a thousand recruits have completed the preliminary training, is registering to receive the equipment and weapon. 校场上,大约3000余新兵分成数队,正在操练。校场并不算大,几千人一摆,就有了拥挤感觉。在校场一侧,还有上千名新兵已经完成了初步训练,正在登记领取装备和武器。 The top layer is preparing several powerful telescopes, immediately before two old people gather the eye respectively a telescope. The telescope field of vision is clear, can see clearly the weaponry model model that the recruits receive. 顶层备着几个高倍望远镜,当下两名老人各把眼睛凑到一个望远镜前。望远镜视野清晰,都能够看清楚新兵们领取的武器装备式样型号。 The Origin Force field of vision is certainly good, but Origin Force scans to be easy to cause the opposite party powerhouse to pay attention, therefore most of the time, various types of tool instruments in the peaceful environment comes to be easy-to-use and safe. From this also obvious, how watching for is careful. 原力视野当然好,可原力扫描容易引起对方强者注意,所以大多数时候,在和平环境中还是各种工具器械来得好用、安全。由此也可见,窥伺者如何小心谨慎。 Two old people looked at for quite a while, looks at one mutually, puts down the telescope, leading the people to go downstairs, sits well in an airtight conference room, gate guanhao, obviously relaxed carefully. Sits in the old humanity of below head: Brother Liu, how do you see?” 两个老人看了半天,互望一眼,就放下望远镜,带着众人下楼,在一间密不透风的会议室内坐定,仔细把门关好,才明显松了口气。坐在下首的一位老人道:“刘兄,您怎么看?” Comes between that old man both eyes to narrow the eyes, hesitates for a long time, side say/way: Dark Fire provides to the recruit is the quite common weapon, can be the high-quality goods reluctantly, but knows on the old man, has missed one with the standard equipment of empire main force regiment. Some Neutral Ground big points mercenary corps, cannot need these to equip. The sentence is not of pleasant to hear, 50,000 recruits who Dark Fire recruits are joined to such equipment, the expenditure also quite in empire main force division.” 居中那位老者双眼微眯,沉吟许久,方道:“暗火给新兵配备都是比较常见的武器,勉强能算是精品,但就老夫所知,与帝国主力军团的标准装备还是差了一线。中立之地一些大点的佣兵团,也不是用不起这些装备。说句不好听的,暗火招募的50000新兵都配上这样的装备,花费也就相当于帝国一个主力师而已。” Another person meets saying: A number of equipment that couple days ago came are the true high-end, according to the Dark Fire insider, that batch of equipment are the having custom-made equipment of empire elite regiment. But the quantity are not many, it is said the purchase quantity only 2000 sets, ahead of time arrived at half.” 另一人接道:“前几天来的一批装备才是真正高端,据暗火内部人透露,那批装备都是帝国精英军团的定制装备。只不过数量不多,据说采购数量仅有2000套,先期到了一半。” The Liu old man thinks saying: In other words, that Qianye must form one to be similar to Red Scorpion and Broken Winged Angel elite regiment, other placed the standard of Neutral Ground first-class mercenary corps.” 刘姓老者思索道:“也就是说,那千夜要组建一支类似于红蝎折翼天使的精英军团,其余的就维持在中立之地一流佣兵团的水准。” Many people nod, said: Should be so.” 不少人点头,道:“应该就是如此了。” They observed some time, synthesizes various aspect information, guessed already ** did not leave ten. 他们已经观察了一段时间,综合各方面情报,猜测得已经**不离十。 A moment later, finally some people broke silent, how that I should and others? Visits him to dispatch troops to Yong Land, what doesn't do?” 片刻之后,终于有人打破了沉默,“那我等应该如何?难道就看着他出兵墉陆,什么也不做吗?” This issue, lets in the room a deathly stillness. For a long time, Liu old man side say/way of mediation: Now looks like, holds troops well perhaps.” 这个问题,让房间内一片死寂。许久之后,居中的刘姓老者方道:“如今看来,按兵不动或许也不错。” At that moment some people opposed: That he stands firm in Yong Land accidentally, the strength goes a step further, took him not to have the means?” 当下就有人反对:“那万一他在墉陆站稳脚跟,岂不是实力更进一步,更拿他没办法了?” The Liu old man sighed, slow say/way: Dark Fire expands, is matter that no one is willing to see. But now I and others really did not have any good means. Even to hit, hits, what also hits? Qianye this time goes to battle, will inevitably take elite and all fleets. What do we hit? After the surprise attack, only eliminated some ordinary mercenary soldiers, copies a commodity? You also saw, this mercenary soldier, the time can make up tens of thousands in January/one month.” 刘姓老者叹了口气,缓道:“暗火壮大,是谁都不愿意看到的事。可是现在我等实在没什么好办法。就算想打,怎么打,又打什么?千夜此次出战,势必会把精锐和所有舰队都带上。那我们打什么?突袭之后,就只消灭了一些普通佣兵,抄点物资吗?你们也看到了,这种佣兵,一月时间就能补个几万名。” Although the people already know that can be this conclusion, may at the last moment, probably acknowledge that is unwilling. They have not thought, Qianye will build Elite Army of small scale with the most resources, but the large unit is maintaining the standard of Neutral Ground mercenary soldier. 众人虽然早就知道会是这个结论,可事到临头,要承认还是心有不甘。他们没想到,千夜会用绝大部分资源来打造一支小规模的精英部队,而大部队还是维持着中立之地佣兵的水准。 A person smiles bitterly saying: Is so, the planning for action cancels.” 一人苦笑道:“即是如此,行动计划还是取消吧。” Laborious arrangement in January/one month, how can say that cancels cancels?” “辛苦筹备一月,怎么能说取消就取消?” Does not cancel can also be what kind, Qianye dares to begin in nobody, he walked Dark Fire also not to have the value. At that time entire South Green City most valuable is the firm workshop, “不取消还能怎样,千夜在没人敢动手,他走了暗火又没了价值。那时整个南青城最值钱的就是商行工坊, Have we from copied ourselves? ” 我们自已抄自己吗?” „Doesn't Ningyuan Heavy Industry have several workshops here?” 宁远重工不是还有好几座工坊在这里?” These workshops are the production simple parts, as well as raw material processing. Assembles the workshop of engine truly also in the empire. That batch of components in their hands are only valuable, in our hands are pile of scrap iron.” “那些工坊都是生产简单部件,以及原材料加工的。真正组装发动机的工坊还在帝国境内。那批零件只在他们手里才有价值,在我们手中不过是一堆废铁。” Discussed here, the conclusion was very clear. The Liu old man said: Plan cancels. Everybody is also more careful, usually in do not show any something that gives one away.” 讨论到这里,结论已经很清楚了。刘姓老者道:“计划取消。各位也小心一些,平日里别露出什么马脚。” A person of not being convinced said/tunnel: „The gear of our workshop production may also be the Airship key component, several models only then we can produce. Does Dark Fire also dare to offend us to be inadequate?” 一人不服气地道:“我们工坊生产的齿轮可也是浮空艇关键部件,有几种型号就只有我们能够生产。暗火还敢得罪我们不成?” Without their orders, whom the gear that we did produce sold to go?” These words, have asked the price with no intention of buying former's arrogance. “没有他们的订单,我们生产的齿轮卖给谁去?”这一句话,就打落了前者的气焰。 The conference parts on bad terms, people and others left elegantly. 会议不欢而散,一众人等郁郁离开。 Several days later, Qianye has completed preparation of entire Dark Fire finally, the huge transportation fleet has loaded 12,000 mercenary soldiers, slowly the lift-off, converged to group in the outer space and convoy fleet, prepares to drive to Yong Land. 数日之后,千夜终于完成了整个暗火的备战,庞大的运输船队装载了12000佣兵,徐徐升空,在外空与护航舰队汇合编组,准备驶往墉陆 When the big fleet has not completed grouping, several high-speed Airship advanced depart, goes to the Yong Land contact local area to aid. 在大舰队还没有完成编组之时,数艘高速浮空艇就已先行出发,前往墉陆联络当地接应。 Afterward some Heroic Spirit Hall and battlecruiser and speed quick Airship together, have carried Dark Fire sharpest two thousand soldiers, in advance starts. The speed slow transport ship and obsolete warship together, is loading 10,000 ordinary mercenary soldiers, slowly hurries along. 随后英灵殿战巡及部分速度较快的浮空艇一起,载了暗火最精锐的两千战士,先行启程。速度慢的运输船则和老旧战舰一道,装载着10000普通佣兵,慢慢赶路。 In the Qianye plan, these 10,000 mercenary soldiers are keep the peace and occupy the domain, has been possible to do to early also the safe. 千夜规划中,这10000佣兵就是去维持治安和占地盘的,到早了也无事可干。 In Heroic Spirit Hall, Qianye was confirming the Elite Army list repeatedly. In these 2000 people have originally Dark Fire elite, has the veteran of White City survival, has Gaohu Person top mercenaries soldiers, there is Song Zining the talented person who selects from the Ningyuan Heavy Industry guard team, several Thunder Frost Temple guard. 英灵殿内,千夜正在反复确认精英部队名单。这2000人中有原本暗火的精锐,有白城幸存的老兵,有高胡人的顶级雇佣军战士,也有宋子宁宁远重工亲卫队中选拔出来的人才,还有几名霜雷神殿亲卫 The constitution of this army is complex, but wants to form one to be able with the elite regiment that Red Scorpion and Broken Winged Angel compare favorably with , can only so, light depend on Dark Fire to accumulate, does not absorb the words of exterior elite, perhaps including 50% population unable to collect, is not the soldiers growth time needed. 这支部队的构成可谓复杂,不过想要组建一支能够与红蝎折翼天使相媲美的精英军团,也只能如此,光靠暗火自己积累,不吸收外部精英的话,恐怕连一半人数都凑不齐,还不算战士成长所花费的时间。 Qianye read several list, almost quickly can carry. However he thinks suddenly an issue, was busy at being so long, has probably not given the name to this corps. 千夜已经把名单看了好几遍,几乎都快能背下来了。不过他忽然想到一个问题,忙了这么久,好象还没有给这支战队起名字。 The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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